More On Mandatory Vaccines

Colleagues from Adult Health and Social Care are also affected by this new legislation as anyone attending care homes as part of their work will also have to be vaccinated against COVID. We are having constructive and positive discussions with the Senior Management Team to avoid colleagues being dismissed. However, our members are rightly concerned at the potential for divisions to open up in teams around this question.

Additional key questions are: how will the employer keep the information as to who is vaccinated and who is not, and how/when will this be shared with staff and with UNISON. This is all new territory for us and not one we wanted to be in, so all questions and suggestions are welcome with the aim of doing our utmost to protect everyone from harm at work.

UNISON has now published its guidance just this week – please read here

Your Union Needs You! – How to Win £20

Recruit a member and win £20! The more members we have in our union and our branch, the more weight we carry with the employer. It’s that simple. We negotiate ALL the terms and conditions of your employment with the main Council employers and being a member of the union means you contribute directly to what we negotiate. We consult regularly with our membership via online surveys, meetings and we can be contacted by phone on 020 8359 2088 or by email at

Over the last year we have grown in membership but there is much more to do. Many of you will be in teams where you hardly know any new members. Why not drop them a line or a phone call and ask them if they would like to join the union?

For every member who joins because you spoke to them about it, we will give you £20. This will be paid after the first subscription has been received from the new member. What you do with the £20 is up to you. You can even split it with the new member.


Branch officers and staff are excluded from the scheme, this is directed specifically at our rank and file members and activists.

The form you will need to complete is simple to do and you can get this by contacting the branch office. To order your recruitment bundle contact the branch office on 020 8359 2088 or email

Have Your Say On Pay!


“Despite their courage and sacrifice throughout COVID-19, council and school workers have been offered 1.75%. With inflation at 3.9%, that’s a real terms pay cut. UNISON is launching a consultation and strongly recommend members vote to reject such an unfair offer.” – UNISON

This ballot will begin later in August. Check we have your correct details for your ballot:

      • Most importantly is your name spelt correctly?
      • Is your address correct?
      • Is your job title correct?
      • Do we have the correct employer?
      • Do we have the correct department?

Read more about this campaign here

Contacting the Branch

If you have any questions or need any support please contact the Branch Office

Or you can call 020 8359 2088, if we are unable to answer the telephone please leave a message speaking slowly and clearly please include your name, telephone number, membership number and a brief message about the assistance you require. We will respond as soon as we can.

Alternatively you can contact UNISON Direct Call Centre by telephone 

08000 857 857 Monday – Friday 6am – Midnight, Saturday 9am – 4pm

or make an online enquiry by clicking the following link

To Join UNISON click the following link

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good

The Good News is that with the support of our Bin workers, Barnet Council has agreed to restore National Green Book Weekend and Bank Holiday rates of pay which will mean large numbers of our lowest paid members will be earning more money.

The Bad

In February 2021 Barnet UNISON submitted a proposal for a COVID thank you payment for all frontline workers, care workers, school staff, depot workers.

The Bad news is that this proposal was rejected.

Details of our proposal is here.

and the Ugly.

On Friday 11 June 2021 Barnet UNISON enters into negotiations with The Barnet Group and Barnet Council about the serious inequalities in the workplace that are bad for the health and well being of our members and their families.


Breaking News: London Living Wage a good start but we want more for our members.

The Barnet Group has just announced that as from 1st April it wants to pay the London Living Wage to all its staff as the 250 staff who TUPE transferred from Fremantle two years ago were on lower rates of pay. More than 100 are still on the legal minimum wage only. The London Living Wage is a good start but it is also long overdue.

“Sometimes we do 14 hour shifts and the overtime is what we do in the afternoon/ evening. We do this to make up the money. Then we’re back on shift the next morning.” (A Barnet Group care worker).

Even before the transfer was completed Barnet UNISON made it clear to management that we would need these workers to be moved onto the London Living Wage as soon as possible. We did not envisage it would take 2 years to achieve this goal. A lot has changed. These workers have risked their lives and the lives of their own families by working through the pandemic. They have grieved over the excessive death rates of those they care for. None of this was part of what they had signed up for when they became care workers.

“You see these chair people – I bet they have never gone round someone’s home and done a repair themselves; or given someone a bed bath or held someone’s hand while they were dying…But they get all the money!”

(A Barnet Group care worker).

In order to part fund this rise in pay the same staff will have to give up their weekend and bank holiday enhancements. Overall this still leaves them with a significant increase in pay (yes that’s how miserable their pay was before!) but as a trade union we will never accept that colleagues working nights, weekends and bank holidays are just working normal days like the rest of us. Night shift work is known to be a health hazard. Those working weekends and bank holidays should receive additional compensation for sacrificing some of their family life or time with friends. Otherwise we end up in the kind of society we have now where employers show little regard for workers’ down time.

 “It might be the London Living Wage but it’s not the London Living standard, is it?”

(A Barnet Group care worker).

Helen Davies, UNISON Branch Chair says: “There is another aspect to the London Living Wage and it is this: The work done by the majority of the workforce is skilled work. It is done by a predominantly female workforce and yet their skills are being rewarded with what is the merely adequate minimum wage. They are being paid similarly to refuse loaders in the Council. There is no doubt if their jobs were evaluated against schemes run in the Council then the London Living Wage simply does not cut it.”


Note to Editors: Contact details: Helen Davies Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:


Barnet Care workers update: London Living Wage decision delayed due to General Election


Barnet Council: The London and the Barnet Living Wage story continues……..


Be afraid. Barnet London Living Wage campaign is……..


Sign Barnet care workers London Living Wage Petition


John McDonnell supports London Living Wage for our care workers


Barnet Care Workers deserve the London Living Wage




Key questions to ask your employer on ventilation in your workplace/classroom.

Dear Barnet UNISON members

In light of the Governments’ decision to reopen schools our branch want to make sure that we can provide as much support for all of our members who are going into work.

Good Ventilation is key to making a workplace/classroom safe.

I hope this briefing will provide useful for our members to be able to use for your workplace Risk Assessments which need to be updated. We have provided some questions you may want to submit to your employer.

Please let us know if you need help.


  • Covid Spread widely in school last term and contributed to the huge rise in overall community infection rate leading to increased restrictions and lockdown.
  • Government accepted this and closed schools to face to face teaching in January, apart from key workers’ and vulnerable children.
  • Early Years provision continued and so did the rate of infection in those age groups with many outbreaks in Nurseries and schools affecting children, staff and families.
  • New Covid variants which became common  in the Autumn are now known to be be more transmissible- maybe 30-70% more transmissible- and also more lethal.
  • It is imperative to reduce transmission of this airborne virus and measures taken last year in school need to be improved far more due to the new variants.

The Government SAGE EMG group reviewed the need for mitigations to reduce transmission of the new Covid variants and recommended that previous ventilation measures should be increased by 1.5 to 1.7 times.

Mitigations to reduce transmission of the new variant SARS-CoV-2 virus, 22 December 2020 (;:

Relevant para: 12. Transmission via the air is primarily mitigated by effective ventilation vi. This is most important in workplace and public settings where people interact, and is also important in the home, especially if there are visitors from outside the household, or someone within it has COVID-19. Where provision of adequate ventilation is difficult, the use of air cleaning devices may be a suitable alternative vii . Higher viral load associated with people who have the new variant could have significant implications for transmission via the air, as previous modelling suggests that viral load is a major determinant of airborne transmission risks. As a precautionary measure it is recommended that ventilation rates stated in previous EMG papersvi are adjusted accordingly to account for the increased risk (potentially 1.5-1.7 times higher). Application of ventilation controls is currently very variable between different settings, and it is essential to ensure that all public and workplace spaces include ventilation as part of their COVID secure risk assessment, and adopt appropriate measures to ensure it is effective (high confidence).

HSE references technical guidance from the building services professional body, CIBSE.

An October 2020 CIBSE update recommends a minimum of 10 litres per second per person of outside air in offices/classrooms and repeats the importance of avoiding recirculating air.

CIBSE Version 4 CIBSE – Emerging from Lockdown;

See Hazards Magazine Venting

  • Measuring CO2 levels is a rough proxy measurement of ventilation
  • Indoor air at 600 to 800 ppm carbon dioxide indicates a relatively well-ventilated room.
  • Over 1,500 ppm means very poor ventilation and action is needed.
  • A minimum of six air changes per hour is recommended.

Key questions on ventilation in your workplace/classroom to ask your employer.

1. What is the airflow level in the workplace/classroom when unoccupied and occupied?

2. What level of outdoor/fresh air per person per second does the ventilation system provide in each workspace/classroom? (Please note CIBSE recommends airflow of 10 litres per person per second of fresh/outdoor and the WHO recommends 6 Room Air changes per hour)

3. Is data provided from a proven competent expert?

4. What are you using to monitor safe airflow levels in each workplace/classroom? For example CO2 monitors can provide a rough proxy measurement of ventilation: 600 to 800 ppm carbon dioxide indicates a relatively well-ventilated room.

5. How regularly are you monitoring safe airflow levels in each workplace/classroom during the day before occupancy and during occupancy?

6. What is the plan of action if airflow levels are unsafe? 


You can contact the Barnet UNISON branch on 0208 359 2088 or email


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