Poem for Apthorp

We received this poem some weeks ago. Many residents in Barnet were troubled by the Apthorp Care Centre closure. Following the news of the 5 deaths they are demanding a public enquiry. One resident wrote and sent us this poem:


On our doorsteps we clapped for the heroes

as the virus was killing us off

we hailed common folk’s resistance to blows

though the country was led by a toff;

now in Barnet his lackeys are sacking

the workers we stood to applaud

as there’s always some lift in attacking

the low-paid we can barely afford;

872 pence an hour

such fortunes the shirkers were paid

too much for lovers of power

whose memories are rapid to fade;

they say they shall have to close Apthorp

and dozens of jobs will be lost

such chutzpah would make a dead horse gawp

but for them there is only one cost;

their creed is that people serve money

ours is the other way round;

should we wait for the sweet Easter bunny

till some kindness on earth can be found?

Hold hands, stand together, stay solid

“We’re free people, not wage slaves,” say loud,

while they are obtuse, mean and stolid

we’ll fight till we win, strong, unbowed.

Alan Dent NEU member

Where’s my ballot paper?

Phone lines now open: 0800 0857 857 to request a replacement ballot paper
Have a look at what your pay will mean next year if you accept the 1.75% or do not vote in the ballot:
UNISON have produced a pay calculator:


The calculator asks you to enter your salary, and then shows:

1. What your new salary would be if the 1.75% offer were implemented,
2. How much of a loss of money this would be (after considering inflation).

Vote now if you haven’t already done so!

NJC Strike Ballot Member FAQs | UNISON National

93 care workers sacked during a national shortage of care workers

What does it say about our society when 93 care workers are sacked and barely a mention is made in the media or by politicians?

This week consultation closed on the decision to sack 93 care workers.

Barnet UNISON has submitted our report into the shocking sacking of 93 care workers in what has been a shameful consultation.

To understand our anger and sadness at what has happened I encourage readers to read our report which is online here  or Barnet UNISON Response to Apthorp Consultation 22.10.21 FINAL


“Throughout the negotiation it emerged that the decision to vacate Apthorp had been taken by Barnet Council with no consultation with any other stakeholder other than Your Choice Barnet (YCB). The rationale for this has been stated over and over but the information underpinning this decision has been withheld. This has limited the trade union engagement to one of simply negotiating the redundancies rather than avoiding them. Consequently we have unanswered questions and we dispute the view that this discussion is not relevant to the trade unions.

The decisions around Apthorp directly affect the staff who are trade union members. Furthermore there is the potential for a significant knock-on effect in terms of the budget. As a result Barnet UNISON has been denied the opportunity to consider alternatives which may have ended up being less costly both on a financial and a humane level than the only option presented.” (An extract from the report)


What is deeply troubling is that this happened in the week of the CQC report “The State of Care”


Some of the headlines in the report are below.

  • “The Care Quality Commission (CQC) says health and care staff are “exhausted and depleted” and working under intense levels of pressure.
  • Urgent action is needed to stop a “tsunami of unmet need” rippling across essential services this winter, the care regulator has warned.
  • Desperately needed social care staff are quitting their jobs to work in the tourism and hospitality sector because they are ‘burnt out’, the sector has warned.
  • Exhausted staff are leaving the key worker roles to fill shortages in other sectors, as pubs and restaurants struggle to find enough staff.



“We have Covid infection levels increasing daily, an overworked and under resourced NHS staff, a deliberate lack of action/leadership by this government and lack of leadership from the political opposition in Parliament and a negligent national media, it looks like we are sleep walking into a health and social care crisis of biblical proportions. We will continue to do what we always do for Barnet UNISON members which is providing public support and standing side by side with them whatever is happening to them.”

(John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.)




Background to the Save Apthorp campaign 

1.Update: 93 Covid heroes face the sack


2. Barnet UNISON request the right to speak on behalf of 93 Covid Heroes


3. What happened to the 11 Barnet Council Care Homes and day centres in 1999?


4. What is going on, just who owns Apthorp care home?


5. Update on Apthorp consultation: Save Apthorp


6. Join our We Are Barnet Save Apthorp lobby in person and online


7. A Tale of Two Priorities


8. Is Apthorp care setting closing or not?


9.Going, going gone, sold to…….what is going on at Apthorp?





Strike ballot on Pay is coming……….

Read message from UNISON below

Dear John,


Over the last few weeks you should have been contacted by UNISON to ask if you wanted to accept or reject the local government employers’ offer of a 1.75% pay rise, for council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Yesterday we received the results and 79% of those who voted, voted to reject the offer.


Today, the committee you elect to make key decisions on members’ behalf, decided that we should move to ballot members to ask if you are willing to take industrial action. You can read more about the decision on our campaign site:


The strength of feeling amongst the members that voted is resounding – 79%! This is not surprising considering what an inadequate, unfair offer it is. Over the last 18 months you have gone above and beyond to keep vital services going, often risking your own safety to do so. Yet, you were offered a real terms pay cut (considering inflation has been above 3% for some time now), and the value of local government pay has fallen by 25% since 2010.

I do not want us to underestimate the task we have on our hands – we need absolutely every member to vote in the upcoming ballot.


We hope you will receive your ballot papers in November or early December.


But I wanted to get in touch to let you know what is happening. I will be in touch soon to let you know what you need to do.


In the meantime, make sure you tell your colleagues. And if they’re not a member of UNISON, that means they won’t be able to vote, so make sure you tell them to join and have their say!


Non-members can join here



Thank you for your dedication over the last 18 months.


Your union is proud of you and we’re fighting to get you what we know you deserve.


Best wishes,


Jon Richards


Assistant general secretary for bargaining and negotiation



Abortion Rights UK March London 2 October

A few weeks ago, one of the most restrictive anti-choice laws in the US came into effect in Texas, SB8. It bans all abortions beyond 6 weeks gestation, a point at which most people don’t even know they are pregnant. Anyone involved in the process, from a doctor to a taxi driver or friend can be fined up to $10,000 if a member of the public sues them. The Supreme Court declined to intervene, meaning that the Roe Vs Wade ruling that legalised a woman’s right to choose in the US is now massively undermined.

 A woman’s right to control her body has always been a trade union issue – in fact the biggest protest ever to defend this was organised by the TUC. On 2 October, there will be protests in every state of the US, and Abortion Rights UK has called solidarity marches here. In London, it is assembling at 12 noon in Trafalgar Square and marching to the US Embassy. We would like to encourage branches to circulate this information to their members and, for those who feel able, to join the march with your branch UNISON banner.



A round up of the Apthorp dismissal of 93 care workers

We have been contacted by supporters for information into why 93 care workers are facing the sack on 31 October 2021.

Below are links to posts we have produced since we first heard the shocking news.

This a collection of all online articles about Save Apthorp campaign

1.Update: 93 Covid heroes face the sack


2. Barnet UNISON request the right to speak on behalf of 93 Covid Heroes


3. What happened to the 11 Barnet Council Care Homes and day centres in 1999?


4. What is going on, just who owns Apthorp care home?


5. Update on Apthorp consultation: Save Apthorp


6. Join our We Are Barnet Save Apthorp lobby in person and online


7. A Tale of Two Priorities


8. Is Apthorp care setting closing or not?


9.Going, going gone, sold to…….what is going on at Apthorp?



A Tale of Two Priorities

Capita have received a staggering £555 million from Barnet Council whilst 93 #CovidHeroes care workers have been given their redundancy notice due to a decision made by Barnet Council

Big thanks to @ReasonableNB for keeping tally of the #Capita payments

“Just what we pay Capita – How they billed £555 million to one council”


This is truly shocking our #WeAreBarnet #keyworkers just don’t understand why money can be found for Capita but not for the residents of #Apthorp



Update on Apthorp consultation: Save Apthorp


Redundancy Consultations

If you do not consult employees in a redundancy situation, any redundancies you make will almost certainly be unfair and you could be taken to an employment tribunal. Source Making staff redundant: Redundancy consultations – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Up to now the Barnet Group have not provided answers to questions posed – tomorrow we will be 14 days into a ‘Consultation’ period of 45 days where 93 Care workers have been placed ‘At Risk’ of Redundancy at Apthorp Lodge – Covid heroes every one of them!

So far, the information requested by UNISON from the Barnet Group and NOT provided is:

  1. A Consultation Document
  2. A list of Vacancies in YCB and Barnet Homes
  3. A list of Agency staff usage in YCB
  4. Whether colleagues in The Barnet Group will be offered Voluntary Redundancy in the hope of freeing up posts for those wishing to redeploy.
  5. A ‘script’ for the 121’s
  6. Staff ‘At Risk’ have not been provide with the Fremantle managing change policy.
  7. Who is funding the redundancy process?
  8. An answer as to who decided to break with ‘custom and practice’ in the Barnet Group of informing recognised Trade Unions of impending restructures and giving accompanying Consultation documents before the start of consultation.
  9. ‘Hard copies’ of all documentation in relation to this consultation will need to be provided and distributed to staff – No answer
  10. Staff have requested that 121’s take place face to face for all parties concerned in the consultation – No answer

The 121’s with staff are scheduled to begin on Monday the 6th of September at 9.15am.

If you are in need of support, advice and representation please contact the branch at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk or ring 0208 359 2088


Coach Escorts Update on cuts to pay

Dear Members

We understand that some coach escorts have been sent letters stating that they are having their hours cut.

UNISON has called a meeting with BELS to discuss what is going on.

After the meeting we will be organising one to one meetings with our members and BELS to go through your case.

If you want a one to one meeting please contact the Barnet UNISON office on contactus@barnetunison.org.uk or leave a message on our voicemail on 0208 3599 2088


Update: 93 Covid heroes face the sack

Monday 23 August 2021

Care staff working at Apthorp residential and day care service were told last Friday 20 August 2021 that Barnet Council had made the decision to close Apthorp.

There are approximately 93 care staff working at this location.

Apthorp provides services for vulnerable older people.

Apthorp was originally owned by Barnet Council until it was sold off with 10 other Council residential homes and day services to Catalyst Housing who contracted Fremantle Trust to take over the Council care workforce.

The current Apthorp buildings were part of a deal which meant Catalyst Housing were given all 11 real estate locations to develop for themselves and in return they would provide modern state of the art residential and day care services on four of the sites.

Only three were built.

What were the staff been told?

In a letter from their employer it states:

“the Council and Your Choice Barnet have taken the decision to vacate Apthorp Care Home by 31 October 2021. You will be aware that we have been carrying out some fire safety works in the building. Whilst all emergency works have been carried out, further surveys have taken place which highlight that significant levels of repairs are needed. The scope of works required in Apthorp Care Centre are extensive and would be extremely disruptive to residents of the home.”

At the meeting some staff responded to this devastating news by claiming that moving vulnerable residents from Apthorp to another home at this time will result in blood on someone’s hands because some of the residents won’t react well to the move.

There is documented evidence of the serious and sometimes fatal risks when moving vulnerable and elderly residents out of their homes. What is worrying about this plan is that Barnet Council are attempting to fast track the move of residents in less than two months which does not provide ample time to prepare and support vulnerable residents.

“Two decades to run down a service, wasted millions of public monies and now 93 Covid heroes are to be sacked.  

The world is upside down, seriously it is less than 12 months since our members were trying to care for vulnerable residents struggling to deal with Covid. There was no vaccine back then and the lack of PPE was an issue for members who were risking their own lives and those of their own family every day they went into work.

I won’t forget the fear in the voices of care workers as Covid was letting rip across Care homes. I can never begin to understand the terror our members were going through every day and all for the magnificent sum of £8.72 per hour! So here we are now August 2021 and our members have been told their workplace is closing, through no fault of their own.

Barnet UNISON will be supporting every single one of our members at this time we will also be seeking to find out who made this decision and why, this is not over. Keep watching this space…….”

(John Burgess Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON).

“The workers at the care home and day centre will have their lives thrown up in the air some few months after banners at the care home proclaimed them as heroes for how they dealt with the pandemic. There has been absolutely NO engagement with staff, residents, their families or the trade unions at any point to consider how Apthorp could be made viable. The cornerstone of activism for people with disabilities – nothing about us without us – has been utterly and completely ignored.

The elderly and the workforce are ignored and presumably they are just furniture to be moved around as The Great and The Good see fit. They are not worthy of any consideration. They have received no apology for this shocking turn of affairs.”

(Helen Davies Branch Chair Barnet UNISON.)

“We know the Care workers are ‘fit for purpose’ – they worked through the most unprecedented times in living history giving care to the most vulnerable in our community – in many cases end of life care to the clients they obviously love while putting themselves and their loved ones in danger to deliver care for their patients.

Their reward? The Barnet Group have announced their plan to make 93 Covid Heroes redundant. To sack the very workers that a few months ago were described as ‘Heroes’ because the company they work for obviously didn’t complete any meaningful due diligence when transferring staff and buildings from Fremantle, begs the question as to who should be facing redundancy.” (Patrick Hunter Barnet UNISON Convenor Barnet Homes.)

“The planned closure of the Apthorpe care home is the latest Adult Care policy decision that will have a major impact on service users, job losses for care workers and another policy decision that will ultimately cost council taxpayers dearly.

It marks 22 years of knee-jerk decison-making by Barnet Council which havve been devoid of economic and social impact analysis and cost benefit analysis since Barnet’s care homes were privatised to a Catalyst/Fremantle ‘partnership’.

Some partnership when eleven homes left the Council and only three return twenty years later. So what has happened to the land of the other eight homes?”

(Dexter Whitfield, Director, European Services Strategy Unit)


Note to Editors: Contact details: Helen Davies Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email: Helen.Davies@barnetunison.org.uk

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