Joint Trade Union Emergency Cost of Living Crisis Pay claim.


National Pay Bargaining has failed to deliver meaningful improvements in pay for many of our members. Our members have endured a decade of pay freezes and below average pay awards which has seen our members lose on average 27.5% from the value of their pay since 2010.

Whilst we wait for the national pay negotiations to reach an outcome our members are facing the fastest fall in living standards since the 1950s. Inflation is forecast to peak at over 10% this year, the sharp rise in the cost of living is hitting our members hard. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has warned economic conditions are now unlikely to return to pre-Covid levels until at least 2024.

The UK’s biggest supermarket chain, Tesco, predicts food price inflation will soon hit 5%. The cost of many supermarket staples has increased far more than this already – the average price of pasta increased 41% last year and tinned tomatoes went up 29%.

Within these figures, some costs are rising at an unprecedented rate, such as gas bills at 28.8%, petrol and oil at 21.4%, and electricity bills at 19.2%.

What is of concern for our members is that the support measures offered by the government are not enough.

The Joint Trade Unions welcome the “Cost-of-Living approach: Debt and Financial Vulnerabilities workstream” report going to Policy & Resources Committee on 8 June 2022. ( )

In particular we agree with Recommendation 3 which states notes the urgency of the cost-of-living challenges facing residents”. Some of our lowest paid members live and work in the London Borough of Barnet.

As Trade Unions we recognise that we need to act in the interests of our membership in these unprecedented times which is why we have tabled three proposals to address some of the concerns raised on a daily basis by our members.


  1. Travel to Work payment

The cost of fuel is driving up prices both for car users and for those using public transport.


In terms of public transport costs between 2009 – 21 Bus & coach fares have gone up 88% and Rail fares have gone up 55%.


Petrol and diesel costs are at a historic high. Filling up a tank costs £17 more than just one year ago, but HMRC mileage rates have not been updated since 2011/12.


There are staff, keyworkers, who have no choice but to travel to work. They are not able to work from home. Throughout the COVID pandemic they have had to keep travelling to work and incurring their travel costs at a time when many other workers have saved money because they were able to work from home.


Joint Trade Unions  is asking for a Travel to Work payment to be paid each month.


  1. Home Working payment

The COVID Pandemic forced home working on many employers. We now have a hybrid pattern of working where staff are still working from home with occasional days at the office.


Energy prices rose even more sharply from April 2022, when the price cap received an enormous lift and the average bill increased from £1,277 to approximately £2,000 a year.


In terms of some escalating costs which we believe impact on the Home worker, between 2009 – 21 House prices have risen by 53% and Electricity bills by 65%.

The Emergency Cost of Living Crisis has changed things dramatically. The energy bill hikes are putting many of our members under financial insecurity especially in light of further energy bill increases in the Autumn.


It is only fair that the employer should contribute to energy costs for those staff working from home.


Joint Trade Unions is asking for a Home Working payment to be paid each month.


  1. COVID Recognition Payment

Last year the trade unions requested a COVID Recognition payment as a sign of goodwill and recognition that many of the frontline workers had continued to deliver services right through the Pandemic and when the vaccine was not available. Our request was turned down. As previously stated in our Cost-of-Living Crisis proposal many of our lowest paid are under serious financial pressure and they want a payment in recognition of what they did during the height of the COVID pandemic.


Joint Trade Unions is asking that Barnet Council makes a one-off COVID-19 recognition payment.


Joint Trade Unions = Barnet UNISON, GMB, NEU. 


Payroll issues, Accident reporting, PPE for our depot members

Payroll issues

The Cost Of Living Crisis is getting worse. We want to make sure all our members are getting paid correctly.


Accidents at Work.

Unfortunately, accidents happen at work. It is REALLY important that our members report the accidents. Your supervisor must take details from you and record the incident on the Councils Accident/Injury system.

If you are injured whilst carrying out your job this is called industrial injury. This means that if you are off sick you don’t need to worry about your pay running out.

If you are having a problem reporting your accident, please contact your UNISON rep immediately.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Your employer must provide this to you by law. If you need new PPE speak to your supervisor. If you are experiencing problems obtaining PPE please contact your UNISON rep.

PPE is there to protect you.

To view our flyer click on the link below.

2021.09.22 depot flyer


UNISON’s Service Group Elections Begin!

Barnet UNISON falls in the Local Government Service Group and from 28th April all our members will be invited to vote for the London Delegates to this Service Group. This service group decides the policies and campaigns (including pay) we want in relation to our employers: Councils and the outsourced services of these Councils.

National Pay Award 2021/22: Are you owed back pay?

Barnet Council paid all their existing staff their backdated pay (1.75% National Pay Award for 2021/22 in March 2022.

What happens to Barnet Council staff who have left employment?

If you worked for Barnet Council and left during the period between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 you may be owed back pay.

What should I do?

Barnet UNISON members should send an email to this address: requesting their backdated pay. Please copy in Barnet UNISON at and let us know if there are any issues

Have you retired and taking your Pension?

For those who have recently retired it is important that you mention in your email that you are in receipt of your Pension as this payment needs to be added to your Pension pot.

What about school staff?

If you worked in a school and have recently retired or left employment period between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 you may be owed back pay.

You need to urgently contact your school request your backdated pay.

Please copy in Barnet UNISON at and let us know if there are any issues

What about TUPED staff?

If you have been TUPED to another employer e.g. Capita, BELS, NSL, ISS and have recently retired or left employment period between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 you may be owed back pay.

You need to urgently contact your employer and request your backdated pay.

Please copy in Barnet UNISON at and let us know if there are any issues



Cost of Living Crisis meeting 26 April 2022















Emergency Cost of Living facts

Don’t let anyone tell you there is no money

  • UK Big Six energy firms made more than £1bn in profit
  • £40bn profits for BP and Shell
  • Petrol and diesel prices are the highest ever and it’s likely to get higher
  • The worst financial squeeze in 60 years, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
  • Food prices rising
  • Food banks usage increasing
  • Rent rises, council tax increases, mortgages rising, water bills increasing.

All of this and yet

  • MPs are getting a £2,200 pay rise when most of our members are only getting 1.75%
  • The Government gave £37 billion for the Covid Test and Trace.
  • The Government were handing out million-pound contracts to their mates during the pandemic
  • Finally, the Government worked from home whilst many of our frontline members had to go into work without a vaccine in order to keep public services running.
  • And let’s not forget the wine and cheese parties they were having when all of our members were risking their lives keeping public services running on poverty wages.

National Pay Bargaining

Negotiations have started for the National Pay campaign. More news on the campaign will be shared with members.

BUT Barnet UNISON believes we can’t wait, we need to act now.

But we need a Barnet UNISON Cost of Living Crisis Pay claim now.

Barnet UNISON will shortly be starting negotiations with the employer on some changes to Unified Reward Terms and Conditions. It is important that members attend our UNISON meetings on the negotiations.

The next Barnet UNISON Cost of Living Crisis meeting is taking place on Tuesday 26 April 6- 7 pm.

Please see details below for joining the meeting.

Meeting ID: 857 4603 5877

Passcode: 801 103

How to support Ukraine

UNISON is working with the international trade union movement to mobilise support for those affected by the war in Ukraine – and branches and members can help too

No one can fail to be moved by the scenes of terrified civilians taking shelter underground or of the hundreds of thousands of women and children desperately trying to cross the border to safety, to an uncertain future as a refugee.

UNISON immediately condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine last week and has called for Russian troops to withdraw to allow meaningful peace talks to go ahead.

The union has reached out in solidarity to public service unions in Ukraine whose members are on the frontline trying to save lives as civilian casualties rise. Workers and ordinary people in both Ukraine and Russia are the victims of this war, not the perpetrators.

It has today agreed to donate £10,000 to an appeal by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

It is also talking to our European and international union federations, EPSU and PSI, about how we can practically support those unions and Ukrainian public service workers.

Europe is facing a major refugee crisis. As most European countries have opened their borders to refugees from Ukraine, the UK’s own government is shamefully still putting up significant administrative barriers to prevent refugees arriving in the UK.

And it is not just Ukrainians who are trying to get out. Thousands of migrant workers and students from around the world are caught up in the chaos and there have been disturbing reports of racial discrimination against them by border guards, which UNISON condemns.

How you can help

UNISON branches and members have been asking how they can help. The ITUC has launched an appeal to support the Ukrainian trade union movement and ordinary workers in Ukraine.

Click on link below to find out more

UNISON Official Ballot is on for “ASSIST” Workers to take Strike Action


UNISON is balloting the ASSIST workers this week the result of the ballot will be announced 16 March.

  • ASSIST provides this vital support to some 5,000 residents in Barnet and in Brent.
  • For the lack of £160,000 a year the service is on notice that it is to be outsourced. UNISON has agreed to back these workers and will ballot all of them for official strike action.
  • The Assist service, amongst other things, provides and maintains equipment to 5,000 mainly elderly residents of Barnet.

The most common of these items is the “lifeline” equipment which a resident would use if they fell. The resident would pull a cord or press a button on a pendant alarm which activates in the call centre and a decision is taken about whether someone from ASSIST needs to contact emergency services, a relative or go out themselves to emergencies. This support often makes the difference between someone being able to continue living at home or having to go into residential care.

During the Covid Pandemic the ASSIST service was rightly described as the “4th Emergency Service” by senior managers in The Barnet Group.

“Last Autumn we had the debacle of 74 care workers being given redundancy due to the closure of Apthorp Care Centre and now this! This service is so cheap to run and so valuable to thousands of residents of Barnet – it beggars belief that once again the lives of key workers are being thrown up in the air as soon as the crisis is over. We want Barnet Council and The Barnet Group which are essentially one and the same thing, to do the right thing and find a way forward which benefits residents and keeps a valued service in Barnet.” (Helen Davies, Branch Chair Barnet UNISON.)

“Keyworkers who were rightly praised by their managers are now rewarded for their hard work with outsourcing. At a time when Barnet Council are bringing services back in-house from Capita how can this valued service not been treated the same. If Human Resources, Finance, Recruitment, are needed back in-house why isn’t the ASSIST service being given the same treatment? I call upon Barnet Council to take back this service in-house and provide peace of mind for the 5,000 residents and the inspirational ASSIST workers who care so much about the service they provide.” (John Burgess Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON).

“The Assist workers have the full backing of Greater London UNISON for your dispute. You provide a vital service which enables vulnerable people to stay in their homes safe in the knowledge someone will respond quickly in an emergency. It’s a no brainer that your service benefits and supports the work of social care and the NHS. We want you to win and will support you all the way.” (Tracey Dalling Regional Secretary Greater London UNISON.)


Note to Editors: Contact details: Helen Davies Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:


  1. For more details on the ASSIST service and Barnet UNISON response click on our link below Barnet UNISON Response to Barnet Homes ASSIST Proposal

Mandatory Vaccines

Is the clue in the title: Manda “Tory” vaccines?

Health and Social Care settings are about to face devastating numbers of staff being sacked from those areas of work as mandatory COVID vaccines are introduced. 3rd February is the last day to have the first dose if you want to be covered by the time it becomes law.

Lobbying by our union, UNISON, and other organisations is going on apace in order to stop or delay this introduction. UNISON has always encouraged members to get vaccinated but has insisted this is a personal choice and is wholly opposed to it being made mandatory. Vaccination as a condition of deployment (VCOD) for health and care workers (England) Frequently Asked Questions | health news | News | UNISON National

As many as 73,000 staff nationwide will be lost from frontline services. The loss of staff on this scale will inevitably pose a serious public health risk in itself.

In the last month Barnet UNISON has been trying to work out with Adults Social Care and Family Services who may be affected by the measure and who is not. Our position with the employer is that the guidance should be interpreted as generously as possible to keep colleagues at work and on the frontline.

What we can see now is that CQC regulated areas of activity are the ones which are affected. If you work in a setting where CQC inspections do not take place, but your employer is saying you must have the vaccine we need to know now. We therefore expect all workers in Family Services to also be exempt from the regulation. Please let us know immediately if this is not the case.

The current information would also strongly suggest that those colleagues in Adult Social Care carrying out assessments under the Care Act (provided they do not have to go in and out of a health care setting, care home etc.) are also exempt. We will update you further.

In the meantime, please do lobby your MP and participate in the National Day of Action for the NHS February 26th. Events – SOS NHS

Mental Health Support

Whether you have been working throughout the pandemic, working from home, self-isolating or experiencing something else, Barnet UNISON understands the impact this may be having on your or a colleague’s mental health.

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. Below are details about websites and organisations to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

If you need support right now, please consider contacting 111 (NHS); 999 if you are experiencing a crisis; your local crisis mental health team; or speak to someone you trust. Please know there are people who will listen to you and support you.

Able Futures
Able Futures can help you manage your mental health at work so you can enjoy more good days. If eligible they provide you with nine months advice and guidance from a mental health specialist who can help you learn coping mechanisms, build resilience, access therapy or work with your employer to make adjustments to help your mental health at work.

Call Able Futures free on 0800 321 3137 from 8am to 10.30pm, Monday to Friday or apply online.

Nafsiyat is an intercultural therapy centre, committed to providing effective and accessible psychotherapy and counselling services to people from diverse religious, cultural and ethnic communities in London.


They currently offer intercultural therapy to people living in the London boroughs of Camden, Islington, Enfield and Haringey. This therapy is short-term only, but available at no charge.

To access this therapy, you need either to be referred to us them, for example by your GP, or you can apply to refer yourself.

NHS Every Mind Matters
Visit the NHS Every Mind Matters website:

When life is tough, Samaritans are here to listen at any time of the day or night. You can talk to them about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how difficult.
Call free on 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website

Shout 85258
Shout offers confidential 24/7 crisis text support for times when you need immediate assistance.
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 or visit Shout Crisis Text Line

Crisis support for young people
If you are under 35 and feel that life is not worth living any more, call Papyrus’s HopelineUK from 9am to 10pm weekdays and 2pm to 10pm on weekends.
Call HopelineUK on 0800 068 41 41
Text 07786 209697
Visit the Papyrus website

CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason.
Call 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)
Free, anonymous webchat with trained staff
Visit the CALM website

Hub of Hope
No matter what you’re going through, you should not have to do it alone. The Hub of Hope is a national database that brings together local mental health services.
Find support near you now


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