What Grade am I on ?

The table below shows the impact of the National Pay offer on each of the Barnet Council Grades

To help our members work out what the National Pay offer means to their grade we have put together a list of Job titles and Grades. Please see below.

If you need any support or assistance on this matter please contact the Barnet UNISON office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk or ring 0208 359 2088



Why we must fight for a Pay rise and not a Pay cut.

Barnet UNISON reps at our Branch Executive meeting agreed that Barnet UNISON would make a recommendation to our members to reject the Employers offer.

Below are some of the reasons why we have taken this position.

  • Local Government Pay has fallen by 27.5% since 2010 because of 12 years of Tory Austerity Pay Cuts.
  • The latest offer is another Pay cut not a Pay rise.
  • The Tories Austerity Policy is to make us all poorer.

Politicians claim there is no magic money tree

  • Shell made record profits of nearly £10bn between April and June
  • BT Group announced profits £400 million in the first quarter of this year.
  • BT made “1.3 billion and gave £750 million to shareholders.
  • British Gas owner Centrica profits increased fivefold by 411% to £1.3 billion as our energy bills continue to soar.
  • BT CEO Philip Jansen earned a total of £3,460,000 up 32% from the £2,628,000 he received in 2021.
  • Railways made £5 billion in profit last year.

What Tory Austerity Policies are doing to us.

  • UK households face annual energy bills of £3,850, this has tripled since the start of 2022.
  • Household energy bills £500 a month.
  • 5.8 million people in England, Scotland and Wales, both in and out of work – 40% of universal credit claimants are workers.
  • 5 million people in the UK lived in food poverty between 2019 – 2020.
  • Workers are turning to food banks because they don’t have enough money.
  • Foodbanks are running out of food because they can’t cope with the demand.
  • School support staff are missing meals in order they can feed their own children at home.

What can we do?

Barnet UNISON members are going to carry out a National Pay survey. It is important that every single member completes the survey and posts it back. First, we need over 50% of members to vote in the survey. Second, we want most of those voting to Vote Reject.  “UK inflation could reach 15% by start of 2023, experts say” Every month inflation rises makes this offer worse for more of our members.

Barnet UNISON will issue the National Pay survey on Thursday 1 September until 5pm, Friday 16 September.

Members will receive an email with a link to the survey. Those with no access to email will receive a hard copy survey.


Your Pay: The Tories Austerity Robbery

This information is for all Barnet Council staff who are on Unified Reward Terms and Conditions.

To find out how much money that you have lost because of the Tories Austerity Robbery you need to know which Grade you are on.

If you don’t know what grade you are on, please contact your line manager. If you are experiencing problems finding out this information, please leave a message on the UNISON voicemail on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

Grade A: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5%. What that means for a Grade A worker is that instead of earning £22,575 a year you should be on £28,783 which means the Tories have robbed you of £6,208

Grade B: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a Grade B worker is that instead of earning £23,400 a year you should be on £29,835 which means the Tories have robbed you of £6,435

Grade C: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a Grade C worker is that instead of earning £24,243 a year you should be on £30,910 which means the Tories have robbed you of £6,667

Grade D: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a is that for a Grade D worker instead of earning £25,128 a year you should be on £32,038 which means the Tories have robbed you of £6,910

Grade E: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a Grade E worker is that instead of earning £26,508 a year you should be on £33,798 which means the Tories have robbed you of £7,290

Grade F: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a Grade F worker is that instead of earning £29,502 a year you should be on £37,615 which means the Tories have robbed you of £8,113

Grade G: The Tories have held back your pay by 27.5% what that means for a Grade G worker is that instead of earning £32,988 a year you should be on £42,060 which means the Tories have robbed you of £9,072

If you have any questions or queries, please leave a voicemail on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


Cost of Living Crisis Claim Update 6 July 6-7 pm

UNISON NEC members, Unison Central, London UK

Guest Speaker: Andrea Egan UNISON President

Wednesday 6 July 6- 7pm

To join click on link below


Meeting ID: 811 8612 5559

Passcode: 850826


National Pay Claim lodged with employers: It’s £2,000 or RPI*


UNISON calls for a substantial pay rise of £2K or RPI for all local government & school workers

UNISON, GMB and Unite lodged a pay claim for all council and school workers employed on NJC pay in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on Monday 6 June.  The claim calls for a substantial increase of either £2,000 or RPI (whichever is greater) on all spinal column points, from 1 April 2022.

The full claim has been submitted to the Employers’ Side of the NJC.

Click on the link below to read the NJC pay campaign bulleting with more information about the pay claim and how your branch can get involved in campaigning for a decent pay rise.



Click on the link below to visit UNISON’s NJC pay campaign webpage ‘We need more’. This webpage will be updated with lots of campaign resources.


*RPI = Retail Price Index


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