“Already over worked and underpaid, would you work for free?

It’s hard to believe but Barnet UNISON has discovered that in some cases some of our members working in Barnet Academies are losing as much as 2, 3, or 4 weeks’ pay a year.

Barnet UNISON opposed the formation of Academies as we understood this was a backdoor privatisation of schools. At the time the branch was waging a long term campaign against the mass outsourcing One Barnet Programme which, amongst other things, brought #Capita to Barnet.

As secondary schools converted to academies they were very careful to present the privatisation of their School as different to that of other Council services. Familiar statements were made to staff that nothing would change, no one would notice any changes……

Unfortunately it appears that things have changed and not for the good.

Our schools staff members are often on part time and term time contracts. They often work a lot more hours than they get paid for. Goodwill is given because our members are committed to helping the pupils experience a good education.


  • Our members must pay bills.
  • Our members need to feed their families just like anyone else.
  • Our members can definitely NOT afford to be working for FREE.

This is why Barnet UNISON has written to all of our members working across the Barnet Academies to urgently complete the paperwork about their pay and send it back to the Barnet UNISON office in the business reply envelope provided.

If you have not received any paperwork from Barnet UNISON please contact the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

You can download the form we need back from our members by clicking the link below.

Barnet Schools Newsletter Autumn 2019 Final

Press Release: Capita Out, Capita Out, Capita Out Out, Out!

For immediate release: Capita Out, Capita Out, Capita Out Out, Out

Grant Thornton was commissioned by the London Borough of Barnet (the Council) to provide support in its response to the discovery of an alleged fraud.

On Friday 21 September 2018 Barnet Council published the Grant Thornton (GT) review https://www.barnet.gov.uk/citizen-home/council-and-democracy/finance-and-funding/Financial-controls.html

The GT review looked the two Capita contracts below.

Contract 1: The London Borough of Barnet and Capita (BRDS) Limited relating to the provision of Development and Regulatory Services signed 5th August 2013 “DRS”

Contract 2: New Support and Customer Services (NSCSO) Partnering Agreement between the London Borough of Barnet and Capita Business Services Limited. “CSG” contract commenced September 1st 2013.

The combined worth of both contracts over a 10 year period £424 million.

GT review reported:

“The individual is believed to have committed a fraud to a detected value of £2,063,972 by directing CPO payments to personal bank accounts.”

“Our view of both contracts has identified a number of significant weaknesses which may have resulted in contractual breaches. We have identified and reported what we believe are fundamental weaknesses in budgetary control and financial accounting.”

“We note both the DRS contract and the CSG contract detail consequences for the Service Provider of Persistent Breach”.

“Lack of effective review of controls over financial ledgers.

“The monthly and annual budgetary control process provided by CSG Finance for capital projects in Re lack sufficient rigour to challenge unusual transactions and journal entries.”

“Significant financial control weaknesses”

“Poor accounting controls

“Weakened scrutiny over regeneration scheme KPIs”


The GT review goes on to develop five broad themes and referred as control ‘Pillars’. GT had this to say about their ‘Five Pillars’

“In our view, if any one of these controls Pillars was functioning effectively at any point during the period (July 2016 to December 2017) on question it should not have bene possible for the individual to perpetrate the fraud…”

John McDonnell Shadow Chancellor said: “The Grant Thornton (GT) review of the two Capita contracts in Barnet provides yet more evidence of the folly of privatisation of public services. When I read “significant financial control weaknesses…“poor accounting controls” in the GT review it summed up what I have been saying about the current Tory government. They have failed our economy by rewarding their friends in big business, leaving our communities and public services to suffer at the hands their brutal austerity policies. I want to send a personal message of solidarity from the Labour Party Conference to Barnet UNISON and the residents who have fought side by side against a right wing mass outsourcing ideology. I fully support your campaign to #KickOutCapita from Barnet and bring services back in-house.”

Professor Dexter Whitfield who recently published a joint review entitled “’Future Shape’ ‘easyCouncil‘, ‘One Barnet’= Failure” with Barnet UNISON on both Capita contracts had this to say

“The Grant Thornton audit reveals very serious flaws and inadequate operational practice in both the Capita regeneration and back office services contracts. The fact that it took a fraud case to reveal the full nature and scope of these flaws is a damming indictment of Capita and Barnet Councils contract management and monitoring. Furthermore, implementation of the remedial action plan may address the current inadequacies but gives little reassurance that there are no other serious flaws that remain to be exposed. The audit provides further significant evidence for the Council’s review of both contracts and a decision to terminate the Capita contracts and return to in-house provision as a matter of urgency.”

John Burgess, Barnet UNISON Branch Secretary:

“I am shocked but not surprised at the content of the GT review of both Capita contracts. Barnet UNISON predicted that service quality would suffer once the services were privatised however there is little comfort in saying “we told you so” for the hundreds of local jobs in Barnet that were lost as a direct result of Capita winning the contracts. What is surprising, is that it took a fraud, to deliver the forensic scrutiny we have long demanded. Over the past five years frontline in-house services have endured vicious cuts whilst the two Capita contracts have drained badly needed public money, in order to satisfy the needs of Capita shareholders who put profit before quality services to residents. When Capita issued a dramatic profit warning on 31 January 2018, why did the Council not begin discussions to bring services back in-house. It seems clear from the GT review that even at an early stage there were serious endemic financial and budgetary issues. The Council is currently preparing a review of both Capita contracts. It is my view that in light of the GT review, it is untenable that the Council could even consider allowing Capita to run any of their services again. The relationship between the Council and Capita is in my opinion irreversibly broken, it’s over, and now is the time to end it, no expensive divorce bill, Barnet Councils services, and residents have tolerated enough of the mass privatisation ideology. Never mind #Brexit it’s time for #Capzit”.


Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk

1.“’Future Shape’ ‘easyCouncil’, ‘One Barnet’ = Failure https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Barnet-UNISON-Capita-report-2018.pdf

2. External Auditors explains Capita Pensions failure


3. How can Barnet Council even think of allowing Capita to run our IT services after this?


4. “Terminate Capita Contracts and Redesign the Council”


5. Is this the end of Capita in Barnet – Grant Thornton’s report is a devastating critique of Capita’s dismal performance.


6. Damning report slams Capita and financial management at Barnet Council


7. Project Rose: the devastating report Barnet Tories didn’t want you to read


“Terminate Capita Contracts and Redesign the Council”

Barnet UNISON Report to Barnet Council Policy and Resources Committee, Thursday 19 July 2018.

“Terminate Capita Contracts and Redesign the Council”

Redesign the Council

We urge the Council to radically redesign the way services and functions are carried out which should include:

1. Integrated services

Abolish commissioning and replace it with the integration of client and provider functions to work in combined teams. Improved frontline intelligence and skills will improve the planning and delivery of services. The return of CSG back office and Regeneration services in-house, together with the Housing Service and Your Choice Barnet as a result of the abolition of the arms-length The Barnet Group, provides an opportunity to create genuine coordinated and integrated services and functions. This will also provide the potential to fundamentally improve the integration of services and capability of the Council to meet residents needs and improve the local economy.

2. Rebuild the council’s in-house capability and capacity

The Council urgently needs to refocus on rebuilding in-house capability and capacity combined with a drastic reduction in use of consultants and agency staff, both of which are very costly and lead to a spiralling loss of capability. A commitment to public provision, training and career development will be vital in attracting staff. The entirely predictable consequences of the mass outsourcing strategy are reflected in the £24m cost of management consultants and One Barnet programme costs and the £20m spent in 2016-17 alone on interim and agency staff.

3. Service planning with staff and service user participation

A new transformation strategy should be centred on Public Service innovation and improvement Plans, prepared with community and staff involvement and reviewed every four years. The Plans will contribute to the design and digitisation of council services to meet the needs and aspirations of Barnet residents and the local economy.  They will ensure that services are effective and efficient and cost a tiny fraction of the budget spent on consultants and the One Barnet programme.

4. Early development and intervention

Rigorous, comprehensive and consistent monitoring and scrutiny of services will not only directly contribute to innovation and improvement, but will also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of service provision. It has an important role in identifying situations where services and users require early support which prevents

longer term negative consequences and costs.

5. Value inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes

All four are an integral part of the quality of public services and thus must be taken into account in policy and decision making. Furthermore they are an important part of determining the impact of Council policies on the local economy. 

6. Social, economic, equality and environmental impact assessment

Austerity policies have imposed severe financial constraints on local authorities which have reinforced the dominance of ‘cost savings’ and on procurement, competition and market forces. There is significant evidence that savings are rarely achieved when a full public audit is undertaken. Furthermore, ignoring or marginalising the social, economic, equality and environmental impacts of public policies increases inequalities, poverty and imposes larger longer-term costs. It is essential that public policy decisions in Barnet are subject to a full impact assessment that is publicly available at the start of public participation.

7. Improved democratic accountability, participation and transparency

The above proposals require more open accountable and participative democratic processes not just to evidence ‘community consultation’ but to demonstrate that views and proposals have been fully taken into account and any negative impacts mitigated.

8. Joint working with other public sector organisations

Joint working and, in some cases, pooling of budgets is vital where Council services are part of a wider and more comprehensive system such as regeneration and social care.

View full report here Terminate Capita Redesign Council

“Damning report into EasyCouncil outsourcing including a forward by John McDonnell”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: “Damming report into EasyCouncil outsourcing including a forward by John McDonnell”

You can read Barnet UNISON’s comprehensive report into outsourcing online here


Professor Dexter Whitfield’s report charts the origins of easyCouncil from its birth under the Leadership of Mike Freer MP right through to the present. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of the dangers of outsourcing.


“The One Barnet programme has cost at least a staggering £23.66m to date, a substantial part of which was paid to management consultants engaged to legitimize Barnet Council’s outsourcing strategy.”

“Barnet Council uses agency staff on an industrial scale, spending nearly £20m in 2016-17 alone on a contract with Comensura Limited (Impellam Group plc).”

“It is equally likely that the cost of commissioning has soared because the Council miscalculated the costs of contract management and monitoring.”


“Council has drastically reduced staffing hours in Barnet Libraries by 70.4%”

Family Services

“Critical OFSTED reviews in April and May 2017 concluded that Barnet’s services for children were ‘inadequate’ in all reported categories and graded ‘requires improvement’.”

“The Commissioner concluded that “…services have deteriorated significantly over the last five years” and identified flaws in the management of children’s services and the commissioning model.”

Social Care

“The Disability and Learning Service was transferred to the LATC but projected budget surpluses in the first year turned into significant losses leading to a £1m bailout from the LATC.”

“Barnet Council’s LATC created TBG Flex Limited to exploit deregulation and the LATC and Barnet workforce by the imposition of inferior terms and conditions on new permanent and temporary staff.”

“Barnet is a vitally important lesson that every outsourcing proposal should be challenged from the start, if necessary through the options appraisal, business case and procurement process, whilst promoting alternative policies, workplace organising, building community support and taking selective industrial action.” Dexter Whitfield, Director, European Services Strategy Unit and Adjunct Associate Professor, Australian Industrial Transformation Institute, Flinders University, Adelaide.

I want to salute the tenacity and resolve of Barnet UNISON who have fought a decade-long heroic struggle against outsourcing by the London Borough of Barnet. The ‘Future Shape’, ‘easyCouncil’ and ‘One Barnet’ programme is effectively dead as a result of Barnet UNISON. The last four services subjected to the alternative delivery model assessment all remained in-house. Under a Labour Government the default position for the delivery of public services will no longer be outsourcing. A Labour Government will place our trust in the public sector to deliver public services.” John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor, Labour Party.

“For anyone looking to organise a campaign against outsourcing, must and should read this report. It provides a valuable insight into the challenges our branch and our community have had to face over the past decade. The amount of money spent on consultants to deliver this political ideology is heart-breaking when considering cuts to frontline services that have been imposed. This was money that could and should have been spent on our social care services and our library services. This report provides a stark warning of the consequences of rejecting in-house services in favour of outsourcing. Everything I feared would happen has happened, the sooner a managed plan to bring services back in-house is put in place the better.” John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.

Dexter Whitfield on campaigning against outsourcing

https://youtu.be/zDt8VKKQ-Vs #Capita

Dexter Whitfield on outsourcing failures

https://youtu.be/IiD17Pt7OwY #Capita

Dexter Whitfield on true costs of Barnet easyCouncil

https://youtu.be/V0SytYCj1HA #Capita

Read full report here Barnet UNISON Capita report 2018


Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess, Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


1. Mr easyCouncil defends his local government model


2. Your Choice Barnet (YCB) “The real deal”


3. ‘It is not a transformation, it is a destruction’ – Barnet’s UNISON branch call to save library jobs


4. Barnet UNISON Library Review


5. Barnet UNISON report on the results of our Family Services Survey, 2018.


6. One Barnet explained animation


7. Ten steps to learn more about One Barnet


8. All links to Barnet UNISON reports on outsourcing over the past decade




Why we are on strike on 8 July

Why are we on strike?

Six years ago Barnet Council introduced a policy known as Future Shape which morphed into ‘easyCouncil’*.This imposed a series of tariffs on residents wishing to access a range of services. A basic service would be offered to residents at a fixed price, but ‘fast track’ services might be available if you paid extra.

This approach was quickly abandoned by the consultant driven One Barnet Programme, which led to the following Council Services being outsourced/privatised in the space of three years:

1. Social Care for Adults with disabilities to Your Choice Barnet

2. Housing Options to Barnet Homes

3. Parking Services to NSL

4. Revenues & Benefits, IT, HR & Payroll, Pensions, Health & Safety, Finance, Estates, Property Services, Procurement, Projects all now part of Capita CSG

5. Environmental Health, Planning, Building Control, Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Highways, Trading Standards & Licensing all now Capita RE

6. Legal Services

7. Registrars & Nationality Services


9. Music Trust

10. Public Health

11. Mortuary Services.

Over the past three years our members have seen hundreds of colleagues transferred to other employers. This has often meant redundancy as the new employer has moved jobs out of the borough and Greater London to places as far afield as Belfast, Carlisle, Coventry, Southampton and Darlington.

Now we are in the final phase for what remains of Council services.

Barnet has branded this final phase as the ‘Commissioning Council’.

Very few people know what Commissioning really means, but if you work for the Council we all know it means that we will no longer be working for the Council.

On 3 March 2015 Barnet Council agreed its next Five Commissioning Plans all of which are looking at ‘Alternative Delivery Models’, jargon for working for a different employer.

The Council Services now at risk of outsourcing are:

1. Early Years – 13 Children’s Centres

2. Library Services

3. Adults & Communities services

4. Street Scene Services e.g. Waste & Recycling, Street Cleansing, Parks and Transport

5. Education & Skills and School Meals services.

Speaking to the Council

Over the past six years Barnet UNISON has made numerous, well-documented attempts to speak to the Council. Our voice, however, has been drowned out by expensive consultants who appear to have been running the Council for all this time.

We exhausted the internal procedures to try and avoid having to register a dispute. We finally declared a formal dispute with the Council on 4 December 2014.

Despite this on 12 January 2015 Barnet Council made a decision to put Education & Skills and School Meals services out for sale.

Three big multinational contractors are now bidding to win a contract valued at almost £1bn.

We are still waiting for the Council to return to the negotiating table but time is marching on.

Our members want to work for the Council, they want to be directly accountable to the residents of Barnet.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will have to place the shareholders’ legal demands before local residents’ needs.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which  uses zero hours contracts.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will not pay the London Living Wage as a basic minimum.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which won’t allow their colleagues to belong to their Pension Scheme, and

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will take jobs out of the borough.

That’s why 87% of our members working for the Council voted ‘Yes’ to taking strike action.

John Burgess

Branch Secretary



*easyCouncil is back: at a recent Full Council meeting on 14 April Conservative Councillors decided to adopt an easyCouncil approach to Planning Services. If you have the money you can fast track your request! 

IMPORTANT: TUPE outsourcing update

IMPORTANT: TUPE outsourcing update

Dear Colleagues

In response to requests for an update on the TUPE Commitments negotiations.

On 3 March 2015, in response to a counter proposal from Barnet Council, the trade unions requested an urgent meeting to try to reach an agreement; we are still waiting for a new date to try and reach an agreement with the Council.

In the interim please take some time to look at the 13 outstanding TUPE commitments which are not contained in the counter proposal from Barnet Council.

1. No staff on the contract will earn less than the London Living Wage.

2. No staff on the contract to be employed on zero hours contracts.

3. The new employer gives an undertaking not to offshore work and not to transfer jobs out of the Borough.

4. Any sub-contractor commissioned to run any of the services included in the contract will be required to adopt the same TUPE Transfer Commitments.

5. A guarantee that TUPE will last for the length of contract (the regulations do not specify a time period). This is essential to protect conditions of service, existing redundancy payments and early retirement provisions.

6. New starters will be on the same terms and conditions and the company will not operate a two-tier workforce.

7. New staff must have the option of remaining within or joining the Local Government Pension Scheme or Teachers’ Pension Scheme as appropriate.

8. Nationally agreed local government pay awards will be implemented in full unless otherwise agreed with the recognised trade unions, and for teachers they will adopt each annual School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (or Soulbury pay scales for those paid on this Soulbury) unless otherwise agreed with the recognised trade unions.

9. The job evaluation scheme in use at the point of transfer will be applied for the duration of the contract.

10. The current trade union recognition and facilities agreement must be maintained, unless changed by joint agreement, for the duration of the contract. This should cover new staff who must have equal opportunity to join a recognised trade union.

11. There will be no restrictions on the employment status of branch trade union officers in the representation of their members.

12. The new employer will be required to make a contribution (as set out in the Trade Union Facility Time Charging Mechanism in the One Barnet contracts) to the Council’s Corporate facility time budget and/or the schools’ traded service for TU facilities time to ensure transferred employees continue to receive support from trade union branches.

13. The Council must allocate adequate resources to fully and effectively monitor the employment and health & safety policies and practices of the contractor as an integral part of the performance management and reporting process.


The Trade Unions submitted 18 TUPE commitments and only 5 have been included in the counter proposal.

UNISON wants to ensure maximum protection and representation for any members who are transferred to another employer.

“We told you so!” UNISON response to Care Quality Commission (CQC) poor ratings

Barnet UNISON Press Release:  10 March 2015  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: “We told you so!” UNISON response to Care Quality Commission (CQC) poor ratings for Care settings in Barnet

“The service was not safe as we found that people using the service were exposed to significant risk to their safety.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

UNISON is dismayed at the inadequate ratings for Supported Living provided by Your Choice Barnet (YCB).

BUT, we had predicted that this would happen.

In a report on 31 May 2013 Barnet UNISON raised safeguarding risks as a result of a restructure which resulted in over one third of the existing staff leaving supported Living as Support Workers and being replaced with even lower paid Assistant Support Workers. Assistant Support worker roles are paid at approximately 33 % less that of a Support Worker role. We added that the current proposal undermined the need for qualified, professional, skilled staff to work in areas of care, the consequences of which would be dangerous for service users and also for staff.

How right we were and the CQC report provides evidence here:

· “One relative commented, “None of the cuts have led to improved care, all work has to be done in a hurry.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

· “Relatives told us of the effect that a changing work force had on people. One relative said, “My relative lost their key worker, it was very upsetting for them.” Another said, “When a worker leaves my relative feels it like the loss of a family member.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

· “However, we met and saw staff that were knowledgeable, enthusiastic and engaged with people, we noted these were all permanent staff.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

The restructures of staff in 2013 and 2014 were as a direct result of serious financial failings of the outsourced one Barnet project called YCB. Even a 1million bailout was not sufficient and led to YCB imposing a 9.5% pay cut on staff from 1 April 2014.

The CQC report fully supports concerns raised by our members about the risks to service users from the attacks on terms & conditions. This was always likely to be the case.

Barnet Council were aware of the report yet at no point were the findings publicly shared at any of the Scrutiny Committees.

“We contacted the commissioners of the service to obtain their views about the care provided in the service.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

“The ratings for this location were awarded in October 2014.” (CQC Report 3 March 2015)

CQC found the following breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.”

1. “This was a breach of Regulation 9 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulation 2010.”

2. “This was a breach of Regulation 10 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.”

3. “This was a breach of Regulation 13 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.”

4. “This was a breach of Regulation 14 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.”

5. “This was a breach of Regulation 18 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulation 2010.”

6. “This was a breach of Regulation 22 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulation 2010.”

7. “This was a breach of Regulation 23 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010.”

The service has failed to deliver the growth to sustain a high quality service and has clearly failed to provide a quality service for vulnerable adults in Barnet.

It is time to call an end to the outsourcing ideology and put the needs of service users and parents and carers first.

UNISON Branch Secretary John Burgess said:

“The driving motivation for our members in this dispute is their fears about what is happening to the quality of services. Low pay in the care sector does not deliver high quality services. This report gives a stark warning of the consequences of ongoing attacks on the pay of care workers. Therefore in light of the content of the CQC report we are calling on Adults & Safeguarding Committee to instruct Council officers to bring this service back in house in order to bring stability to the service and restore confidence of the services users, parents/carers that their children will receive a service to be proud of.”

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


In February 2012 Barnet Council transferred Learning Disability and Physical and Sensory Impairment services for adults to a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) called Your Choice Barnet (YCB). About 160 staff (145.6 Full Time Equivalents) in Adults services transferred to the LATC.

Following a restructure in 2013 and cuts to pay on shift allowances there are now only about 105 FTE working for YCB a 30% cut in staffing levels.


1. CQC Report Supported Living inspection report here http://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-112848964

2. CQC report with highlights by Barnet UNISON here http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/sites/default/files/Barnet%20Supported%20Living%20inspection%20report%202014%20UNISON.pdf

3. Winterbourne quote: “The complaints heard at both the first inquiry and this one testified not only to inadequate staffing levels, but poor leadership, recruitment and training. This led in turn to a declining professionalism and a tolerance of poor standards.” (Page 45, Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry February 2013 Executive summary).


4. UNISON response to Consultation Paper 31 May 2013


5. UNISON response to Task and Finish Report 25 November 2013


6. “I Found Myself Just Crying” – Your Choice Barnet


7. Why UNISON Your Choice Barnet Care Workers are taking strike action.


8. UNISON Your Choice Barnet Care Workers “9 Point Flyer


9. Support UNISON Your Choice Barnet Care Workers strike action video


10. The Capita £110million payment


11. Your Choice – in built pension burden creates artificial loss to justify pay cut http://lbbspending.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/nochoice.html

12. Sign Petition to Stop the ongoing destruction of services for adults with disabilities in Barnet


The Pension Deficit – Outsourcing

The Pension Deficit – Outsourcing

What is the total Pension Deficit?

2010 Valuation

The results of the valuation were as follows:

The London Borough of Barnet Pension Fund had a funding level of 76%, i.e. the assets amounted to 76% of the liability promises made as at that valuation date. This corresponded to a deficit of £189.6m at that time. It is important to note that the pension deficit affects all stakeholders in the LB Pension Fund, not just Barnet Council.

What is clear is that private contractors are being treated differently from YCB & Barnet Homes.

In order to explain here is a list of the One Barnet outsourcing projects. For each project there is a hyperlink to the relevant Pension Fund Committee report.


  1. Barnet Homes/Housing options 2012 15/03/2012 (not funded) paragraph 6.2
  2. Your Choice Barnet 2012 01/09/2011 not funded
  3. NSL Parking 2012 20/12/2011 fully funded paragraph 6.3
  4. CSG/NSCSO 2013 11/07/2013 not funded
  5. Re DRS 2013 09/09/2013 fully funded paragraph 6.4
  6. Harrow Legal 2013 13/06/2012 fully funded paragraph 9.7
  7. Brent Registrars 2014 18/03/2014 fully funded paragraph 6.2
  8. OCS CCTV 2014 18/03/2014 fully funded 7.2


To view full report please click here

UNISON respond to Council may be forced to outsource additional services, warns leader”

“Council may be forced to outsource additional services, warns leader”

(Barnet Press 3 October 2013)

“THE leader of Barnet Council says that the authority will continue to outsource and make funding cuts if the government continues to slash local authority budgets after the 2015 general election.” More here

On Tuesday 1 October  UNISON attended a meeting to discuss the One Barnet Programme. Some of our members may be aware that the programme was split into Wave One & Wave Two. The meeting formalised the closing of Wave One with the caveat that there would be a lessons learnt report produced with an opportunity for the trade unions to contribute. We were informed that Wave Two has already started which includes CCTV service, Registars Services, Mortuary Service all of which will no doubt be outsourced at some point in time.

The latest big project for Wave Two is the Education Service or what used be known as the Local Education Authority (LEA). This service has had some pretty vicious cuts in the past but has now been lumped together with all the services that have remained in Education in readiness for the One Barnet treatment.

I reported back to the meeting that staff already believe it is simply a matter of time before they are outsourced. Many workers in our Education service are already aware that Capita won the contract to deliver LEA services on behalf of Staffordshire County Council late last year. More recently Capita won another big contract in Swindon to deliver the following services: administrative support and reception-based duties on behalf of the Children’s Integrated Service Localities teams, which includes education welfare, youth engagement, health visiting support, targeted mental health services and educational psychology.

So, the news headline will not be a shock to anyone working for the Council. The Commissioning model does not tolerate in house service delivery. It doesn’t matter whether the service is high performing, low cost, value for money, the ‘die has been cast’ and outsourcing is the ‘only game in town’.

It is only right to point out Streetscene services have remained in-house. This weekend sees the return of the Recycling services from May Gurney. However a straw poll of members working down the deport would reveal that no one believes that this services will be still in-house once Mill Hill Depot is sold by December 2016

UNISON does not support ideological adherence to One Barnet outsourcing and will continue to support our members and public services in Barnet.


Secondment versus Joint Employment on Capita Symonds DRS contract

Secondment versus Joint Employment on Capita Symonds DRS contract

Over the past two weeks almost 50% of staff working in DRS have been attending what are referred to as ‘joint employment’ workshops. One of the critical proposals of the privatisation of DRS to Capita Symonds are joint employment contracts for the above staff. UNISON is currently carrying out an online survey of our members on this matter, but one consistent question is emerging i.e. “Why not use secondment?”

The responses to this question from staff are that the One Barnet contract is too long for a secondment (it is a 10 year contract with an option for a five years) and the Council has been advised that secondment is unlawful.

In response to this staff have referred to the privatisation of similar services to Capita Symonds earlier this year at North Tyneside Council (see here). This is a longer 15 year contract and secondment was chosen as the employment model for those staff carrying out enforcement.

Staff quite understandably are questioning this legal advice as they believe that joint employment is a much higher risk of challenge of their enforcement decisions by residents and or business than if they were still employed directly by Barnet Council via secondment. Furthermore they do not understand if it is unlawful to second staff to carry out enforcement in Barnet it must be unlawful to do the same in North Tyneside?

The UNSION and staff position on this matter was that we would support secondment as an employment option as we have done for other Barnet staff that are still on secondment beyond ten years  

It seems legal advice is very much under scrutiny at the moment.

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