‘A one public sector approach’- The Borg?

Second aim outlined in the Cabinet Future Shape report (July 2009)

Apologies to those of you who are not Sci Fi fans. The Borg are known to take over other species through forced assimilation. Those of you who have been on the Chief Executives Road Show will have seen one of the slides which refers to the Borg.

‘One public sector’ the second of three aims outlined in the Cabinet Future Shape report. This aim has its origins in what is called Total Place .

Total Place’, is “an ambitious and challenging programme that, in bringing together elements of central government and local agencies within a place, aims to achieve three things:

1. To create service transformations that can improve the experience of local residents and deliver better value

2. To deliver early efficiencies to validate the work

3. To develop a body of knowledge about how more effective cross agency working delivers the above”

In ‘plain english’ terms it means looking at total public sector spend across an authority. To see if money can be spent more effectively to achieve better outcomes.

Total Place reared its head in Sir Michael Bichard’s work on the Operational Efficiency Programme (February 2009) which looked at the scope for efficiency savings in the public sector.

The question is how much will the other public sector bodies ‘buy in’ to this approach to delivering better outcomes for Barnet residents. Will they voluntarily sign up to the ‘one public sector approach’ or will we need the Borg?

Are you a Barnet Resident?

“Do you belong to a Faith Group/Community Group/School/Resident Associations?”

READ on:London CITIZENS is a powerful grassroots charity working with local people for local people. Our goal is social, economic and environmental justice. We meet that goal by training people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds to take action together for change. Our dynamic campaigns have secured many victories for the people of London. Beginning our journey twelve years ago as TELCO, our membership today includes over one hundred civil society organisations across the city.” 

Barnet UNISON is part of a North London Citizens Steering group. We are looking to complete the circle (i.e. we have a East, South & West London Citizens).

If you belong to a FAITH group/School and would want to know more about London Citizens contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

Barnet UNISON – Round up of the Council meetings this week

Monday 8 June Cabinet Committee

On Monday there was a fantastic turn out for the Cabinet Committee meeting. Over 300 residents largely residents or relatives of people using the Sheltered Housing Service turned up to protest then listen to the debate concerning their future.

Media were there in numbers, local press BBC London, LBC radio and a Panorama film crew!

I agree with the Deputy Chief Executive who in this week’s First team said “……public question time took up the first half hour of the meeting. Strong passions were firmly articulated.”

As Max Boyce used to say ….I was there! But I don’t think that it is fair to describe what is happening with this campaign as simply residents opposed to change. I have long memory and can remember Councillors being rushed into decisions about our residential and day care services for older people against UNISON advice. The same arguments about progress and no change is not an option were used to undermine UNISON’s report to the Council. Needless to say UNISON was right to urge caution, we are currently being taken to court by the Provider who took over our council services. Furthermore we have a ludicrous situation two tier standard, with some Barnet residents in the former council residential homes still living in what was described back in 1999 as unsuitable and other residents in the new homes, all on the same contract. How clever is that?

Back to Sheltered Housing, it is clear residents are scared and are not convinced that this cut will lead to a better service. A lot of work is needed to address these concerns.

Don’t take my word you can listen to the residents yourself



Tuesday 9 June Ad Hoc Scrutiny Committee

This is a cross party committee specifically to look at what happened to the Councils investment in Icelandic banks. The purpose of this meeting was to select a firm of consultants to carry out an investigation.

The consultants have to carry out a review guided by the Terms of Reference agreed at the Annual General Meeting to view click here

A robust discussion was had. There was cross party consensus for the need for transparency. They are working to a tight timescale as the finished report needs to make the council meeting on 14 July 2009 (one for your diaries!)

And the winning consultancy firm issssssssssss!


Thursday 11 June General Functions Committee

For those of you who don’t know. This is the staffing committee. If there is a restructure it has to go in front of councillors here. If your restructure goes there it does not mean the end of consultation. Councillors want to know early if there are going to be any redundancies, so a restructure may have to report back to this committee.

I always advise staff if their jobs are going to this committee they should attend to witness the discussion.

Last night our members working in Registrars came to the meeting to witness a discussion on their restructure. They were clearly disappointed as there was no discussion/questions about their restructure. However they were pleased to hear agreement for an extension to the consultation. After the meeting my colleague Maggi Myland and I gave a de-briefing to our members on how committee works and the consultation process, which they all felt was useful.

Barnet Community Campaign organise lobby with Local residents

This evening approximately 100 Barnet residents took up their democratic right to protest against the budget proposal to delete the sheltered housing service.

Feelings are strong on this issue. In a time when ‘apathy rules’ it is good to see that people feel able to take up this issue. It was a major effort for most of the residents who turned up with walking sticks, zimmer frames, wheelchairs. Service users, relatives and friends have made an extraordinary effort to save the service.

Consultation has taken place. I hope the views have been taken on board. I don’t think anyone would disagree that we should be ensuring the vulnerable are fully supported.

We won’t know until Cabinet meet on 8 June what the decision is, I am sure there will be a lobby of the meeting and residents will want to sit in to hear the decision.

At a time when public confidence in politicians both local and national is at an all time low… it would be a significant sign to the electorate that sometimes the voices of the community are heard and solutions found.

Here are some pictures of the lobby


Barnet UNISON supporting members in Schools

Nursery Nurses
Negotiations on re-grading for Nursery Nurses are still ongoing. We are awaiting confirmation of the offer before conducting a consultation ballot of our members.

Cover arrangement in schools
Guidance is now out called ‘Rarely cover implementation process’ To view this online click here

Cover is probably one of the biggest issues for support staff. It always seems to be our members who are asked to take on extra duties and not receive the correct grade for the work. Your excellent work is recognised, it is just a shame when we want staff to be paid for this work the same old lines roll out ‘…cuts to the budget, posts will have to go…’

National Negotiating machinery
The negotiations addressing the possibilty of a School Support Staff Negotiating Body (SSNB). Before UNISON would agree to joining the SSNB all our members would have to be consulted. This could have massive repercussions for all our members working in Schools.
The latest newsletter can be read online here.

Barnet Community Campaign – Sheltered Housing

Today I took part in a local march to save the sheltered wardens service organised by Barnet Community Campaign. 

It is only when you are taking part in local democracy that you realise how fortunate that we are living in a country where it is still ok to express your opinions in public (although the recent G20 demonstrations and the actions of the police to some of the demonstrators have shown that we must not be complacent). Democracy in this country was something that was fought for a long time ago. Lives were lost for us to be able to enjoy these freedoms, which makes it all the more important that we scrutinise decisions made by politicians both locally in our town halls and the House of Commons.  

This morning I woke up to more tales of sleaze. None of the main political parties can claim their hands are clean. Every time another report comes out of town halls and parliament of politicians helping themselves it undermines our democratic process. There needs to be a big clear up if they are going to restore confidence in local democracy. 

Barnet Community Campaign gives hope to those of us who still cling to the believe of local democracy. Take a look at the pictures from the march. These are real people, people who decided they wanted to express their anger at the decision to remove sheltered housing services in Barnet. People find it incredible that services for those of the most vulnerable can be cut when the government spend billions of pounds propping up corrupt financial system. A system which encouraged greed, indeed glorified in the bonuses, almost rubbing our noses in it, whilst the rest of us had to cope.  

Now we are being told that someone must pay.

 “Guess what?” It will be US to pay. Yes council workers who seen hundreds of colleagues made redundant, no pay increases, increased workload, annual restructures and still delivered in Barnet we delivered nearly £60 million in savings and managed to improve services! 

BUT, it is not enough. Most people will not know that the predicted budget forecast for council finances for the next four years is going to be worse than anything we have seen in nearly 20 years. 

So, take a good look at the pictures




Support the campaign attend the lobby of the Council Cabinet Committee on 8 June


Trauma& Stroke Services for Barnet Residents

To all our Barnet UNISON members there is a consultation taking place. The consultation is on new trauma and stroke services for London. Barnet has the second highest incidents of strokes so it is really important that any planned stroke and trauma services need to be close by.

Most residents will not be aware there is a consultation going on. If you live in Barnet, one day you or a family or friend may needs these services click on the links below to take part in the consultation, please circulate the link.



Future Shape – Barnet residents we want to hear from you

You are probably aware that the Council is consulting on Future Shape. It is looking at a ‘new relationship between the council and its residents:’ (for reference click on this link http://www.idea.gov.uk/idk/aio/9524940 go to p.g 81 for full article).

Two quotes which stand out

“For Barnet, the real prize is in re-shaping public services across the borough, which is why we are looking at ambitious proposals for the future shape of the council itself.”

This is no ordinary consultation, this is about ALL public services (including NHS, Middlesex University, Barnet College, Police) in Barnet. Before the recession, public sector spending has always been subject of scrutiny and debate. Central government and local government arguing over whether sufficient funding has been allocated.  

The recession is here and whilst we wait to see if the G20 come up with any solutions…public services still need providing.  

One of the obvious savings would be to create a Barnet Public Services organisation which would make efficiencies of scale and may improve Barnet residents experiences of public services.  

 “There have been many voices encouraging us to jump to conclusions too fast over the last six months, which would result in either poorly thought through recommendations or insufficiently radical thinking.” 

This second quote is sober reminder not to rush into big decisions which could have serious ramifications for public services in Barnet. The Trade Unions concerns are that the current proposals need much more time if the Council & their partners want to avoid ‘poorly thought through recommendations..’ 

But what do residents think?

The Trade Unions with the critical support of Professor Dexter Whitfield will be tabling a report for the Future Shape Cabinet Committee on 8 June. Our members want to deliver better services to residents. If this consultation leads to real improvements for residents then it will have been a worthwhile exercise. We believe residents need to be given an opportunity to give their ideas/opinions for such radical proposals.  

If you have ideas on how public services across Barnet could be improved please email the Barnet UNISON branch at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

“It’s all gone quiet over there …it’s all gone quiet over there!”

Members have been asking what is going on with Future Shape. There has not been much on the intranet and the Trade Unions have not been consulting with their members.

Firstly we are not keeping anything from our members. Since the turn of the year we have had only two meetings with the Future Shape lead.

We support the intention for transparency throughout the process and have asked that those without access to the intranet be provided regular communication on developments. We will endeavour to keep members updated with news on progress of the groups and our input.  

Earlier this year we received a report on the Future Shape Groups

To view click here

Two weeks ago we received a report on the proposed outline for the Groups.

To view click here

& Group membership

To view click here

As you can see the Seven Groups have a considerable amount of work to get through before a Future Shape report has to be submitted to the 8 June Cabinet Committee. Each Group will meet at least four times over the next few months.

The Trade Unions were not allowed to be part of the Groups. In order to try and ensure we are able to take part in the consultation process we are arranging to meet with the Group Leaders before each meeting.

To date we have met with 5 of the 7 Group Lead and should have met with all of them by Wednesday this week.

Whilst we will try to keep updating our members on Future Shape you should try and keep checking the Council Future Shape intranet site for the latest news. Each Group will be uploading minutes of meetings and the work plans. If you have any questions of any of the Groups it is important that you ask them now.

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