Barnet UNISON Press Release: 31 January 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Big Society Bites back!

Yesterday over a 1,000 people took to the streets of Barnet in protest against cuts to public services in Barnet.

The march through Thatcher’s former constituency to the Arts Depot (also under threat from cuts to funding) was organised by Barnet UNISON, Trades Council and Barnet Alliance for Public Services.

The turnout provided a clear message to local politicians that the community is at last waking up to the reality of what the ‘Cuts, Cuts Cuts’ agenda means to them and their families.

John Burgess, Branch Secretary said:

“The Coalition’s Big Society is being turned on its head. Their vision of dumping responsibility back onto the community is being rejected by local residents and staff. The Councils stealth taxes (i.e. increased charges for services) and the cuts to care services for vulnerable adults forcing carers to take on more are simply not acceptable. We are being told that frontline services would not be affected, yet the Budget seeks cuts to mental health services, youth services, school crossing patrols, children’s centres, learning difficulties provision, care packages and much more.”

The march finished at the Arts Depot and protestors entered a packed auditorium to hear speakers talk about the impact of the Cuts.

Tariq Ali castigated the adherence by all parties to the idea of the market as a solution to all problems.

Frances O’Grady, deputy general secretary of the Trades Union Council (TUC) gave a rousing speech “We can see Barnet is a window on Cameron’s Britain. This is the way he wants all of Britain to go. “Never mind easyJet this is Ryanair public services. Not necessarily cheap but definitely nasty.”

Other speakers included Linda Perks UNISON Regional Secretary, who condemned the “idiotic easycouncil model which this council are grimly determined to foist on us: three years old and still having millions of pounds of our money spent on it, with not a single penny made in any savings!”

Robert Johnson, of Barnet Voice gave a powerful speech about what he saw as a massive cut to mental health services he claimed a his group, a grass-roots mental health organisation, faced a 33 % drop in funding and an “uncertain future” helping people in the borough.

Resident Susan Dunning, who attended the march said: “We had people here angry about the cuts to so many different services across the borough including mental health care, youth services and park maintenance “So many children’s centres which have just been opened are now due to be closed. “People on crutches, in wheelchairs, with prams turned up to join the march.”

Rock Against the Cuts (RAC)

This was the launch of RAC  with The Foundations’ headlining also on the bill was Boz Boorer, the False Dots, The Hamptons and 13 Riots. The audience really appreciated the performances, plans are already underway for a bigger fund raising event a number of known artists have declared their willingness to support the event.

 What next

On 15th March 2011, for a discussion with Prof. Dexter Whitfield, Director of the European Services Strategy Unit, author of One Barnet Critique – the analysis of the One Barnet Framework. The meeting will seek to find out what the real cost of the cuts will be to the Barnet residents.

Meeting starts at 19:00 in the Greek Cypriot Community Centre, 2 Britannia Road, London N12 9RU.


Contact: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or email:





·         You can view pictures of the march here on Flickr and here 

·         To view Video clip click here


Rock Against The Cuts – The Foundations/Boz Boorer to headline Official Launch in Barnet

A growing alliance of musicians is launching Rock Against the Cuts at the  Arts Depot threatened by closure in Finchley on Sunday Jan 30th at 1pm. This is a direct response to Barnet Council’s plans to close the only major venue in the London Borough of Barnet (London’s second biggest Borough).


60’s superstars The Foundations have reformed to lead the line up. Also playing is Boz Boorer, who has played guitar with Morrissey for the last decade as well as having worked with The Polecats and Adam Ant. Recently signed Indie band 13 Riots will be performing an acoustic set and up and coming London band the Hamptons will represent the student band scene. Local stalwarts The False Dots will be making a special appearance with Connie A, who has just returned from a tour of the USA and Africa working with Emmanuel Jal.


As well as the music, there will also be speeches from groups affected by the cuts, lead by veteran campaigner Tariq Ali and Frances O’Grady Deputy General Secretary TUC.


The event is preceded by a march (gather outside Finchley Central Tube station at 11.30 am) organised by local Trades Unions & Barnet Alliance for Public Services, who have organised the whole event.

UNISON write to Leader of Barnet Council

6 December 2010


Dear Lynne


RE: Budget Consultation 2011-12

I have been reflecting on what happened at the end of last week. As you know on Friday Council staff attended Budget a number of briefings and 818 of them received protective redundancy notices, something I have not seen in 16 years of working in Barnet Council.

I noted your comment at the last Cabinet when you said you had not come into politics to have make cuts to services but that we are in unprecedented times.

The consultation process has begun and I will be submitting more detailed response with the other Trade Unions in due course but I think that as we are living in extraordinary times I wish to give you some initial comments.


If there was one current feeling I would like to report from staff it would be confusion. The confusion is not that they don’t recognise that we are in difficult financial times, but at the approach the Council is adopting in response to responding to this problem and why they are not being engaged in the process. It is a theme that the Joint Trade Unions have documented in over 20 reports over the last two years.


In times when every income source is precious to the council, staff working in services that generate income are angry and shocked that the Council would want to share that income with another organisation.


I would like to draw your attention to two significant income generating services albeit there are others.



A decision has been made to privatise this service but no evidence has been offered by management to support the decisions being made. UNISON submitted a detailed report to which, to date, we have no response. I have bullet pointed below some of the key issues:

·         “Did you know that many pcn.s are contested by vehicle owners and are eventually resolved through an adjudication process. Last year Westminster was next to bottom in winning adjudications (21%) i.e. 4 out of 5 drivers that contest their parking ticket in Westminster get off without paying anything.

·         In 2008/09, that council’s private sector process provider (Vertex) did not contest 14,000 appeals which equates to approximately a loss of £1.12m.

·         Why is Westminster being quoted particularly by senior officers, as the example to follow?”

·         “Did you know in the last year across London private sector parking enforcement companies performed 29% worse than in-house operations,

·         How does the decision to appoint and external provider to deliver parking control in Barnet benefit our community?”

  • The only significant change in the Barnet Parking Team over the past two years is that the Council chose to release the senior managers who had delivered a parking account surplus of £6m. Under current management arrangements this is forecasted to be at least £3m. less in the current year.

All of the above is evidence based and understood by staff working in Parking, which is why they do not understand the rationale for privatisation.

Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium

Almost two years ago the Council was on the verge of privatising this service. UNISON submitted a critique and the recommendation was changed, senior officers were tasked to carry out a full Options Appraisal. One of the key drivers was the urgent need for new Cremators. The Options Appraisal was completed in July 2010 and the overwhelming best Value for Money option was the in-house proposal. The urgent work which needed to start has still not taken place and this service has now been added to the Future Shape DRS bundle.


You may be aware that four Funeral Directors signed our staff petition which we submitted to Cabinet. I am aware that they are frustrated that the plans for the new Cremators has not been progressed and as a consequence and there is a growing and significant risk that the Funeral Directors could easily take their business elsewhere.


In these extraordinary times how can it be acceptable that we could lose significant income as result of failing to implement the outcome of the Options Appraisal?


Frontline Services

I have mentioned two services that generate income which supplements funding for frontline services. I do so because I was shocked to read that we are proposing to delete 4.5 mental health social work posts (Home Treatment Team) and the one social worker in the soon to be closed Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU). These are frontline of services, and despite the best efforts of the Director of Adult Services to mitigate the risks, they will almost certainly have a detrimental impact on service users. I could identify make similar concerns about the cuts across Children’s Services where we are seeing closures of children centres and youth services.


I would wish for you and your Cabinet colleagues to think again about how the One Barnet programme is being taken forward and to look to a “different relationship with staff and the trade unions & citizens” one in which all are equal stakeholders in future development of Council services. The Trade Unions submitted a report to Cabinet entitled “The Wrong Transformation” our recommendations presented a different and more inclusive approach to the financial challenges we face.


I am happy to meet up to provide clarification on any issues or concerns you may have with my feedback. I would be grateful for a speedy response, especially to the particular issues raised in this letter.

Yours sincerely

John Burgess

Branch Secretary


CC: Barnet UNISON members




Barnet want to sell off Hendon Cemetery!

Incredibly this income generating service has been included in the privatisation of Development & Public Health Services despite the fact that a full Options Appraisal which included staff and Trade Unions clearly demonstrated the in-house service was by far the best value for money option.

I was involved in this Options Appraisal, interestingly this is the only Options Appraisal the Trade Unions (TU’s) & staff have been involved in. All the other Future Shape projects have been shut down in terms of TU & staff involvement. This is a service that generates income to the Council. In these times it is vital that any income produced should be directed back into front line services, literally every pound earned is precious.

So why is the Council prepared to give away this income with the private sector whilst at the same makes decisions to cuts services and jobs?

I can still remember the Westminster Cemeteries fiasco as I used to work for Westminster Council. I was chasing after the Leader of the Council Shirley Porter along with the BBC Panorama camera crew as she was entering the Town hall.

For those unfamiliar with the Westminster story:

“The decision to sell three cemeteries for five pence each was taken when the council was led by Dame Shirley Porter, the Tesco heiress, during the 1980s. She was later surcharged by the District Auditor for her part in the “homes for votes scandal”, in which council property was sold off in the hope of importing Tory voters to marginal wards.

Westminster bought back the graves at Mill Hill, Hanwell and East Finchley cemeteries in June 1992 at an estimated cost of £4 million. However, the owners kept all the unused land.”

You can read the full article here

Barnet claim £100 million saving

One Barnet Framework report going to Cabinet on 29 November claims that the OneWhichBarnet Programme will deliver over a 100 million in savings.

I have seen the headlines in the local press here and the response from the opposition here . I was asked by the local press for a comment and several hours later when I had finished!

Seriously it is very easy for politicians to make statements and claims about their policies it is another to deliver.

The EasyCouncil sound bite seemed to work for a while; it courted national media attention, but inevitably the details of what it all really means has now come to light. The innovative policy easy Council which had policy anoraks excited can now see it is not delivering anything innovative. Commissioning Council is nothing new. Adult Social Services took this approach many years ago and it doesn’t work. For staff has led to a dramatic erosion of terms & conditions e.g. UNISON Head of Local Government Heather Wakefield quoted in a meeting I attended that 85% of Home Care across the UK has been privatised. Furthermore the terms and conditions since leaving the Council had significantly deteriorated to the point that all the gains for Equal Pay for women workers have been eradicated by the Commissioning Model. I haven’t even started about training and development, security of employment for care workers. It is nothing less than shameful how care workers have been treated. Yet all our members, their friends & family will at some stage come across the services of a care worker.

So for those reading this who wonder why we are campaigning so hard for our members, this is why, we do not ‘buy into the commissioning model for council services.’

The Trade Unions have and continue to promote an alternative model, a model which trusts in the skill and expertise of its workforce and the innovation and experience of its residents.

The Trade Unions believe that savings could be delivered quicker and cheaper than the Commissioning Model which is why we wanted to learn from the Newcastle model for delivering savings and improving services.

Back to £100 million pound saving!

My first reaction is that the figures have been made up…plucked out of the ether. Why would I say that? For the past two and half years I have had to listen consultants wax lyrical about how they will be able to ‘save the council money’, whilst at the same time they keep racking up the bill to the Council for their services!

What have the Council saved for all this advice which in my reckoning must be over £4 million if you include officer and consultants time in the last two years?”

The above report states that the Council will have to commit a further £9.2 million to recover over £10 million in the next three years!

Programme Risks

The paragraph 4.3 of the covering report omits the following risks:

  • Programme objectives not achieved cost effectively over time if the sufficient flexibility in a controlled manner is not built in to reflect changes in environment, client needs, technology during the life of the contract.
  • Savings not achieved in the absence of adequate, effective and independent scrutiny.
  • Programme delivery not on time or within budget in the absence of adequate expertise (Para 7.1) and capacity (Para 6.3).

Finally there is not mention of the assumptions and boundaries applied when preparing these savings/estimates. Further specific questions include :

  • Were interdependencies identified?
  • Were savings from interdependencies identified?
  • Have the savings estimated excluded double counting these interdependency savings?

Yes, is the answer for those members wondering what we are going to do next. Yes we will be submitting reports to Cabinet articulating our views on this report and I beleive a number of staff will be joining me at the meeting on Monday 29 November…get their early…I hear it coudl be ‘standing roon only!’

Barnet Council: Agency& Consultancy Costs

Every year the Council produces a Budget and each year redundancies are issued. One of the duties the Council has when considering making staff redundant is to make sure that they have looked at all spend before issuing redundancy notices. Over the last few years the Agency & Consultancy spend has become a major issue facing public sector bodies and central government. On 4 June this year Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said:

“Getting council business out in the open will revolutionise local government.  Local people should be able to hold politicians and public bodies to account over how their hard earned cash is being spent and decisions made on their behalf. They can only do that effectively if they have the information they need at their fingertips”

According to the Figures produced online it appears the Council spend on Consultants is

Total for Q2                                            £8,720,573.32

Total for Q1                                            £10,646,080.67

Total for Qs 1&2                                     £19,366,653.99

Extrapolation for the year                       £38,733,307.98

In relation to Agency spend the Council spent

Total for Quarter 2                                  £2,022,422.60

Total for Quarter 1                                  £2,132,180.86

Total for Quarters 1&2                            £4,154,603.46

Extrapolation for the year                        £8,309,206.92

The above spend is something the Trade Unions are taking up with the Council especially in light of number of jobs and services at risk identified in the Strategic Budget proposals.

Ex Barnet Manager delivers up to £1 million of savings!

Ex Barnet senior Manager Roger Jones now working for Ealing Council is in the process of bringing Highways Services back in-house. Multi national company Mouchel are currently providing the service but the contract comes to an end early next year.


The news that this service is returning in-house and can deliver savings of almost £1 million a year is clearly at odds with the anti in-house message staff are witnessing here in the Council.


Click here to read the Service Improvement Plan which went to Committee earlier this year.

Barnet Council Cabinet Report 20 October – Financial Armageddon

Budget Headline Figures

·         Original Budget £225,537,000

·         Saving in Year One £20,828,000

·         Saving in Year Two £13,215,000

·         Saving in Year Three £12,121,000

·         Total Savings £46,164,000

 “4.3 The Catalyst arbitration, reported to Cabinet Resources Committee on 19 October, resulted in an additional cost estimated at £7m, which has had a significant impact on the earmarked risk reserve which now stands at £11.4m. The outcome of Icelandic Bank litigation remains the single most important financial risk facing the Council. The latest position is that hearings in the Icelandic courts are not likely to take place before January 2011. Authorities affected are continuing to work with the Local Government Association to achieve the best possible outcome. Regular progress reports are provided to the Cabinet Resources Committee.”

The above is a quote from the Cabinet Report which you can read online here.

Staff briefings are underway across all Directorates. Some Directorate are taking a bigger hit than others, this is in part due to grant funding reductions.

First I think it is important to recognise that the budget process is starting a lot earlier than usual, in the past we have not seen any proposals until early January.

The report does not clearly identify individual posts but it is clear that in the worst case scenario 430 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) posts could be deleted by 31 March 2011.

At some stage the Council will start consultation with Barnet residents, now is our opportunity for staff and the Trade Unions to ‘get involved’ in the process.

A number of UNISON meetings are taking place. Please make time to attend.

Barnet Alliance Meeting – What a start!

On a dark rainy September evening 30 people took the trouble to navigate their way through terrible traffic to attend the Barnet Alliance 4 Public Services first planning meeting in South Friern Library. After introductions the meeting discussed the idea of a public march and demonstration in leafy Barnet.


One 88 year old resident explained how last Saturday, she and her husband took a petition to save the local post office out in Muswell Hill and got over 100 signatures. It was fantastic to listen to staff and residents who are prepared to offer their own time to make the Alliance a success.


There was a common feeling that people are sick and tired of the constant talk of cuts, and want to fight back.


The meeting agreed that a number of activities, including organising community stalls in town centres across Barnet. There were a lot of exciting ideas as to how to capture the attention of residents and staff working in public services in Barnet.


All I can say is look out Barnet!


Barnet Alliance is up and running……..


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