Hollywood comes to Barnet?

Following the successful barnet Independence Day strike action, it appears Hollywood want to make a blockbuster about the One Barnet Programme

They are now camped in the grounds of Council offices

take a look here

Barnet Council seek to impose a lock out of its members!

Dear Members,

I wanted to write to you all and try to provide some clarification and reassurance regarding the very fierce conversation that has been taking place between UNISON and the Council. 

I recognise that you have been bombarded with a mass of communications that will have been very confusing throughout what has been a very fast moving week.

This morning UNISON members have all received a letter from the Council threatening staff that if they take strike action tomorrow they will be deducted a full day’s pay regardless whether they work until 1pm. Furthermore I am hearing that staff are being told that there will be managers on the gates of NLBP to check staff in. If staff do not sign a register stating they will not be taking half day strike action they will be sent home.


The Council is trying to impose what used to be called a ‘Lock out!’

As a UNISON member it was agreed by all that you would take half a day and therefore lose half a day’s pay. That is what most reasonable employers would have deducted under these circumstances. However the Councils actions are neither proportionate and reasonable.

The lateness at which the Council have given this letter demonstrates they fear that UNISON members will all walk out tomorrow.

I can confirm UNISON will make up the cost of any financial loss up until 1pm on Tuesday 13 September.


Messages of support are flooding in from the community and other trade unions.


As a Barnet resident and public sector employee I wanted to send a quick email to express my support for you and your members and the proposed “Barnet Independence Day” action on Tuesday. As someone who has experienced being outsourced but who was then fortunate enough to get back into the public sector, my experience tells me that it would be inconceivable for a contractor to take over delivery on the scale intended by the London Borough of Barnet without there being both a degradation of services and in the terms of conditions for staff who are transferred; this is how private companies make their profit from such contracts.

Hopefully your campaign will open a few more Barnet residents eyes to what is going on and more importantly, to what we might end up with in Barnet in terms of a service from our local authority. I wish you and Barnet Unison all the best and will try and join you at the Town Hall for at least part of the rally on Tuesday evening.”


I have recently had a message of support from the PCS union. They recently won a battle with their employer who was seeking to transfer their jobs out of the country. Members all voted to take strike action and they won. To read the full article click here

We anticipate members will be angry and confused and have booked the Oak Room, Building 4, 12 – 2pm

Tomorrow is your chance to make your voice heard loud and clear.


Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.



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Press Release: 400 UNISON members to take strike action on Barnet Independence Day 13 Sept

6 September 2011




On Tuesday 13 September up to 400 UNISON members working across the following services will be taking strike action


Trading Standards & Licensing, Land Charges, Planning & Development, Building Control & Structures, Environmental Health, Highways Strategy, Highways Network Management, Highways Traffic & Development, Highways Transport & Regeneration, Strategic Planning & Regeneration, Cemeteries & Crematoria; Parking Services, Revs & Bens,


The Trades Dispute concerns the identity of the employer. Barnet Council is promoting the One Barnet programme which is just a ‘remix version’ of the ‘contracting out’ ideology from the 1980’s. There are already several contracts out for consultation with the private sector. The value of the contracts (fast approaching almost £2 billion) has already attracted the big Private sector FAT CATS.


Up to 70% of the council workforce could be transferred to the Private sector in little more than 16 months time.


Dave Prentis general secretary message to Barnet UNISON.

“To the 400 UNISON members taking strike action: UNISON members across the country are standing shoulder to shoulder with you as you challenge this council – a council that refuses to listen to its workforce, a council that refuses to listen to logic or sense, a council now embarking on a reckless gamble


“Last week our union commissioned a report on the impact of outsourcing on the council’s pension scheme. The report gave a damning assessment of the serious financial risks to the pension scheme as a direct result of One Barnet programme.


Heather Wakefield UNISON’s head of local government,

‘The widescale privatisation at the heart of One Barnet should be placed under the severest scrutiny by Government, Barnet’s scrutiny committee and the people of Barnet themselves. The council’s failure to ensure procurement procedures and the obvious detrimental impact on the Local Government Pension Scheme of privatisation of local services are just two good reasons for challenging the path that Barnet has chosen. The third is the waste of public money involved in the procurement process through payments to consultants, procurement costs and payments to shareholders – money which should be invested in local people and local services.’


John Burgess Barnet UNISON Branch Secretary said

“The Council need to recognise that ‘political dogma’ also known as One Barnet programme cannot be allowed to continue to expose residents, services and staff to a high risk strategy and expect them to pick up the bill.

What we mean by ‘independence’

A recent article Greensquare Field – Planning to Outsource Planning posted on the local Barnet Eye Blog encapsulates conflict of interest’s issues:

“At the moment Barnet Council is in the middle of tendering to outsource a number of services, one of which is the planning service. In the running are a number of companies: Capita Symonds, Atkins, Jacobs and E C Harrison. The planning consultants who represent Higgins Homes plc, and have done through 2 planning applications, 2 planning appeals, a village green application and the draft LDF, work for Capita Symonds. If Capita win the tender, they will decide any future planning applications.”


As council services for Barnet as a place to live and work, our decisions must be 100% independent and free from any ‘conflict of interest’.


Barnet Alliance have recently published a newspaper their front page spells out the dangers of the One Barnet here

Barnet UNISON is asking for the One Barnet programme to be put on hold.


Contact: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


Useful Links


1. Outsourcing Planning – local blog



2. The potential impact of reduced active membership of the London borough of Barnet Pension Fund,’ (First Actuarial LLP)

To read summary click on link below



To read full report click on link below



3. Barnet Alliance newspaper ‘Our Barnet’





4. Life not so easy for council facing £1.5m outsource bill



5. The ‘shrinking by outsourcing’ models – implications for staff


6. Directors Cut for Barnet Independence Day



7. Obama direct message to striking UNISON members



Barnet UNISON submits report on risks to Pension Fund to Councillors

Dear Councillors

On 21 June 2011,  I wrote to the deputy chief executive in his role as section 151 officer expressing concern about the impact of the One Barnet programme on the future viability of the scheme. In those email exchanges I noted the following risk identified in the One Barnet Highlights report which went to Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee 21 June 2011.


Risk Number CP0010 : The negative affect on the Pension Fund due to loss of payees

CAUSE: Use of GAD over ABS and abolition of workforce code of practice

Consequences of risk: Potentially reduced pension fund thus raising the necessity to find finances from elsewhere

Mitigation Action

Meeting with Actuaries to greater understand the effect Meeting was held with the actuaries (Barnett Waddingham) to discuss the implications of the transfer of employees with either Admitted Body Status (ABS) or use of a Government Actuaries Department (GAD) Passport. Early discussions were held on the potential impact on both employee’s pensions and the affect on the Pension Fund. Key points discussed included the current Government consultation on the Fair Deal Policy: treatment of pensions on compulsory transfer of staff from the public sector, current trends by providers is to opt for ABS over GAD due to cost, the detail of ABS including the provision of a bond, related risks and open and closed schemes.


A paper will be going to the September Pensions Fund Committee on the position of the procurement Projects within the One Barnet Project, requesting approval for an ‘in principle’ decision on the corporate approach to managing the pension implications. Individual projects will still need to present their in individual specifications to the Pension Committee.


Whilst we have had a presentation (which was helpful) and some discussions about the proposals for staff being transferred out of the council, we have not had any detailed information with regards the impact of the mass outsourcing on the future viability of the scheme.


In absence of a response to our concerns UNISON commissioned First Actuarial LLP to produce a report.


I am now enclosing our report and a summary of the report to all members of the Pension Fund Committee.


Because of the seriousness of the issues raised by our report I am asking for a extraordinary Pension Fund Committee to be convened. I am able to confirm that our actuary is willing and able to address the Pension Fund Committee once we reach an agreement about the date of the meeting. I do need to make members of the Pension Fund Committee aware that UNISON identified this as a serious risk three years ago. It is unfortunate it has taken the Council until this late stage to recognise that is indeed the case.


I understand that Barnett Waddingham have produced a report modelling the impact of outsourcing I am formally requesting a copy of this report.


I welcome member’s comments and questions, I will endeavour to respond to them in due course. I will be attending the Pension Fund Committee as the union observer tomorrow.


Best wishes

John Burgess

Interim Branch Secretary.



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UNISON produce actuarial report on risks to Barnet Council Pension Scheme

In wake of concerns about the Barnet Councils One Barnet mass outsourcing policy, UNISON commissioned a report on the ‘Potential impact of reduced active membership of the London borough of Barnet Pension Fund’


The report makes scary reading for residents, staff and councillors:


“The net cash flow position of the Fund could reduce from around £22.9 million (positive) in 2010 to between £16.9 million (positive) and £25.0 million (negative) in 2012. Opt outs as low as 40% could result in a move from the Fund being cash positive to cash negative.


The Fund had a deficit (i.e. the difference between the assets and the liabilities) of £190 million as at 31 March 2010, which was partly as a result of the wiping out of around £27 million of the Fund’s assets following the collapse of the Icelandic bank. The Council is currently paying around £10.7 million a year to clear this deficit


The combined impact of the lower assets and higher liabilities will increase the deficit and could almost double the Council’s deficit contributions to £19.7 million a year from 2013. This is ultimately a cost to the taxpayer.


“A significant shift in outsourcing policy by Barnet Council set against a backdrop of mass opt-outs expected as a result of Government’s proposals to increase member contributions in the LGPS from April 2012, could lead to a significantly reduced active membership of the Fund.”


On Thursday 1 September, Agenda Item 9 Pension Fund Committee are informed they have £7 million less than they thought they had


“The overall effect of the adjustments listed below is to decrease Fund assets by £7.0m (Agenda 9)


On 22 June 2011 Pension Fund Committee were informed Barnet Homes had not noticed the Bond for Connaught’s Plc had lapsed. The consequence is an unplanned £1.492 million bill to Barnet council taxpayers

To view summary click here

To view Full report click here


Up date on strike breaking action at Barnet Council

Dear Colleagues

It has come to our attention that the Councils attempts to break the action short of strike have been escalated. The Council is seeking staff in Revs & Bens to break the strike by coming in to work overtime this Saturday. Any staff working overtime are being asked to sign this statement


“Overtime Proforma

In agreeing to work overtime on Saturday 13 August 2011, I understand that this means I am giving notice that I no longer intend to participate in the industrial action outlined in the notification of my Trade Union to (Unison) to LBB on 9 June 2011 and which started on 16 June 2011. 


For the sake of clarity this means I will agree to work overtime and amend my hours of attendance (subject to any personal commitments) as I did prior to the current period of industrial action, and I will agree to attend meetings and/or undertake work related to the One Barnet project.”


This crass attempt to undermine the actions of our members in Revs & Bens is unacceptable and more evidence as to why members across all the balloted services have called for strike action in September.


We are organising pickets lines for this Saturday, if you can help please contact the UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


Help to build to build for strike action on Barnet Independence Day 13 September.


Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


Standing up for staff and public services

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Branch Secretary writes to all Barnet Councillors about ££££.75Billion contract

Dear Councillors

Please find Barnet UNISON response to the New Support and Customer Services Organisation Business Case going to Cabinet Resources Committee on Wednesday 29 June

For those of you who prefer to read hard copies I have arranged for the report to be posted to you.

In all my time as Branch Secretary of Barnet UNISON I have endeavoured to seek engagement with councillors and officers in a non partisan manner it is unfortunate that our reports (and we have submitted over 30 such reports) are still being perceived as simply part of anti-outsourcing agenda, Whilst I can understand that view, I think for those who have read our reports they will find they are quite balanced and reflect the views of our growing membership.

It is now three years since the council embarked on the Future Shape programme and in that time it has changed direction a number of times; at least that is my view. In that time I have been assured by councillors and senior officers that mistakes of the past both local and national in relation to procurement and contract monitoring will not be repeated I have to report that they have become empty words.

It was not amusing or comfortable sitting in the Audit Committee two weeks ago and all the subsequent publicity that has brought to the Council. But I can only reflect that if the Council had been serious in its intentions to engage with UNISON two years ago when we submitted a 100 page draft corporate procurement policy you may never have heard the words ‘Metpro’.

In the hope that perhaps you may understand the level of concern we have over the One Barnet projects I would like to bring you attention to the now infamous Southwest One strategic partnership in Somerset which has been beset by controversy since the project was signed off by the then Lib Dem council. Since the contract was signed off there has been a change and it now a Conservative administration. The contract continue to be subject to criticism that it has not delivered anywhere near the savings first predicted; it is my understanding they have spent £58 million to make £6 million in savings. Following a Freedom of Information inquiry the Council decided to go public about the review they have carried out.

I would ask you to view this BBC southwest interview with the Ken Maddock Leader Somerset County Council it is only 2 mins long.


It is clear to anyone watching this short clip that he is uncomfortable with the contract and is aware that it will cost an ‘awful lot of money to get out of the contract with IBM’. The idea that council has the expertise and skills to take on the big law firms like IBM, Capita SERCO and the rest is a very high risk strategy.

I know Somerset very well and have been following this story for several years. They had consultants that sold the savings concept, but where are they now?

As previously, please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss aspects of our report.

To view report click here

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.

Standing up for staff and public services

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