Message to Barnet UNISON Library workers – John Burgess

recruiting on a picket line

recruiting on a picket line

To Barnet UNISON Library workers

I wanted to provide you with an update following a meeting with management on Monday 12th September 2016.

Firstly I requested an urgent meeting with the Chief Executive so I can raise my concerns about the proposals and present again another option that negates the need to implement this destruction of the Barnet Library service.  I am due to meet him on Monday 26 September at 10 am. I will report back on this meeting later that week.

I have also requested an urgent meeting with the Leader of the Council. I believe that the proposed destruction of the Library Service is unnecessary and can be avoided.

In our union meeting last week I mentioned that I had seen the agency/consultancy paid by Barnet Council. Below is the agency/consultancy spend for the past four years and at a time when the size of the council workforce is shrinking year on year with outsourcing and redundancies.

  • 2012/13 £12,526,943
  • 2013/14 £13,775,546
  • 2014/15 £15,538,090
  • 2015/16 £17,907,052

In 2015/16 the agency spend increased to £17,907,052

In the first quarter of this financial year the Council has already paid out £6.9 million which, if it continues could see the Council break £20 million on agency/consultants.

In my view the Councils agency/consultancy costs are out of control and as you can all see it is increasing year on year.

The contractors providing agency workers and consultants will charge a commission to the Council. Looking at the figures over the last four years the commission paid to contractors would easily pay the Library savings.

The Council may respond that they are able to stop this escalation and are putting in systems and controls on spend. Well I’m afraid they said that before. Last autumn a resident John Dix asked a question about agency spend and he was told “agency levels should fall by 15% by the end of 2015/16.” (read full response here)

As you can see the spend for 2015/16 was £17,907,052

My offer on the negotiating table is quite simple.

Drop the current proposal and work with staff, residents on building and developing all of the Libraries in Barnet including plans to develop further in response to the rapid growth in the local population.

The savings required by the Library service will be generated by tackling the out of control agency/consultancy spend.

Last week two messages of support were given by Jeremy Corbyn

You can view the message from Jeremy here

and John here

Strike action

Hugh Jordan will be back week commencing 26 September and a message will be going out in relation to the next strike action we discussed last week in the event the Council continue with their planned destruction.

Barnet UNISON Petition for Library workers

Please sign, get family and friends to sign

5th November demo

Be ready to join this national demonstration you can leave comments on facebook link here

Links to Library destruction

‘It is not a transformation, it is a destruction’ – Barnet’s UNISON branch call to save library jobs

A Library without staff what could possibly go wrong?

Austerity for whom – in Barnet Council?

Barnet UNISON: Further Response to the Library Restructure Staff Consultation

Social Media

You can follow @Barnet_Unison on Twitter

Barnet UNISON Face Book here


John Burgess

Branch Secretary




Austerity for whom – in Barnet Council?



Thanks to Barnet Blogger Mr Reasonable for tracking all Barnet Council payments over £500. The data is produced every quarter on the Council web site. All Council must publish this data.

In 2012 Barnet Council employed 2784 staff and consultant spend was £7,732, 269

In 2016 Barnet Council employs 1633 staff and consultant spend was £17, 907,052

For the first quarter of this year Barnet Council has spent £6,926,170 if this is pattern continues the Council could break £20,000,000 on agency/consultancy spend.

On Monday 12 September all Barnet Library staff were brought together to be told that 46% of staff will be sacked.

They are being sacked because this was the only way Barnet Council says they can save £2.85 million

I want to be clear on where Barnet UNISON stand on this disgraceful attack on the Barnet Library service.

This is not a transformation this an expensive destruction of an excellent Library service that only this year received a 93% customer satisfaction rating.

It is simply not sustainable for any politician in Barnet Council to continue to promote Austerity in one of the richest boroughs in London. Furthermore the rapidly growing population of Barnet makes a mockery of the destructive decimation of the Barnet Library service. We need to talking about increasing the Library Service not cutting and making it less safe for children and less accessible for people with disabilities.

The answer is clear for anyone who want to see.

Barnet UNISON has historically challenged senior officers  in Barnet on their dependence on agency/consultancy, each year a new set of senior officers sit round the table and nod and agree that it needs addressing.

But take another look at the figures. They are increasing each year and at the same time the council work force is shrinking.

Then there are the ongoing redundancy payments Barnet Council is funding and remember this Barnet Council also funded the redundancy costs of the hundreds of jobs lost when Capita took over Council services in 2013 and moved jobs to Belfast, Blackburn, Carlisle etc.

Something is seriously wrong.

For the sake of all frontline services which includes social care and Libraries, Barnet Council need to drop the “outsourcing ideology” and tackle the agency/consultancy spend.

It’s not too late, drop the destructive plans for Barnet Library Service and let’s rebuild and support a frontline service that has the backing of Barnet residents.

Initial Response to Libraries Review Staff Consultation, 28th July 2016

Barnet UNISON response to Barnet Council sacking 46% of Library workers

What is going on down Barnet Council Mill Depot?


“It will be impossible to complete the work in my allotted time as a consequence of having to drive all the way to and from Harrow depot. What this could mean is an increased likelihood of Waste & Recycling left uncollected. Whoever thought selling our depot without finding another suitable depot within the borough, clearly knows nothing about Waste & Recycling services. It will be a disaster for residents and a nightmare for the staff and at what cost to the council tax payer?”

(Street Scene worker)

On Tuesday 26 July 2016, Mill Hill depot staff visited Harrow Council depot as part of the plan to split the location of Barnet Council Street Scene services.

What are Street Scene services?

  • Waste & Recycling
  • Transport – Accessible transport for children and adults
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Street Cleansing
  • Highways

Over the past several months our local reps and the UNISON branch office have been bombarded by members complaining about the re-location proposals for Street Scene services. » Read more

Barnet UNISON Unified Pay Update 1: 5 July 2016.

Unison strike NLBP 02 web ready

By now all of our members should have received a letter from HR about their individual circumstances.

If you have not received your letter please alert your line manager and contact:

Unified Reward helpline on 0330 606 4444 (option 1) or email or

We have already started to receive contact from some of our members about the content of the letters.

Our office is collating the names and details and requesting that members provide copies of all communication they have had so far and any documents that they send.


We have heard some disturbing reports that staff with concerns are being told that if UNISON cannot attend a meeting in relation to their concerns they should still attend that meeting. Firstly we do not recognise this advice as HR is fully supportive of UNISON being part of the process and that includes the most important part: looking after your interests. If you are given a date, you simply need to contact the branch and we will liaise with HR to agree a new date.

Deadlines for Appeals

We understand that members are concerned about meeting deadlines. We have spoken to HR and these deadlines are going to have to be extended as we need to ensure there is adequate time to process everyone’s request.

What are some of the issues being raised?

It is really important we quickly establish what the issues are for you:

  • Grading dispute.

This where a member or a number of members believe the new grade does not reflect the work they do. In this case it is important that you register your right of Appeal and contact the UNISON office.

  • Other Payments

There are reports coming in where members are reporting that they are losing money because of changes to their other payments (not basic pay). This is not part of an appeal process but does need to be addressed as part of Unified pay. We have already alerted HR about these emerging issues. Therefore we need members to follow the same process and contact the branch with all the relevant details.

How will it all start?

As part of the process agreed with HR, there is an informal process which is in place to see if there is a way to resolve the issues without going through a formal appeal hearing. This means that the first meeting will be with you, your UNISON rep, your line manager and HR. For this meeting everyone will need to have all the relevant information in advance of the meeting. Therefore before this meeting takes place you need to meet with your UNISON rep to go through your case and be ready for the informal meeting.

3 things you need to do

  1. Ring the UNISON office on 0208359 2088 or email
  2. Provide a copy of your letter with a brief explanation of your concerns together with a copy of your completed appeal form.
  3. Provide a recent copy of your payslip.


Barnet UNISON Conference delegate met Jeremy Corbyn

Corbyn and Branch (2)

Barnet UNISON delegates had the chance this week to catch up with our old friend and long-time supporter Jeremy Corbyn.

Jeremy has long championed our fight against mass privatisation here in Barnet alongside Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.

It was good to witness the overwhelming support for Jeremy as he addressed conference this year. Many of the things he stands for are what our members want to hear. 

We want to hear a Labour Leader be unequivocal about supporting workers’ rights and migrants. He has been unequivocal in speaking out against racism. He is wholly opposed to the ideological obsession with privatisation and for the protection of the NHS, education, real jobs and housing workers can afford to live in. 

Today the Prime Minister has issued his resignation and for the next four months the Conservative Party will be busy selecting a new leader.

Predictably, the media is already looking for Labour MPs who are calling for Jeremy to resign and this morning on the news a reference was made to a letter signed by over 50 MP’s asking Jeremy to consider his position. 

Our Barnet Unison delegation want to send a message to Jeremy:

“You have given solidarity and support for our members, your message brings hope instead of the despair promoted by Austerity Fundamentalists. Barnet UNISON is fully behind you and asks any potential challengers to reconsider and instead let’s focus our energies by promoting a positive message of how Labour will deliver more housing, jobs, confront racism and deliver an end to austerity.”

Solidarity Message from Barnet Trades Union Council


To our brothers and sisters in Barnet UNISON – your fight against the privatisation and decimation of Public Services by the ideologically driven Tories in our Borough is an inspiration to the Trade Union movement.

Libraries are a beacon of any civilised society, providing a safe environment where generations of our community have benefited from this vital social service, helping to bridge the gap between the haves and the have nots. 

Libraries are spaces where people of all ages and all backgrounds can practice lifelong learning, something that the Tories in our Borough well understand and find distasteful.

We stand with you in your fight against this attack on our community.

In Solidarity,

Barnet Trades Union Council


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