Barnet Council “Bring ‘em back, all of them!” #Capita

Press Release:  29 June 2018.

Today Barnet Council have published a financial report detailing three options for the two #Capita contracts in Barnet

The options are as follows:

  1. Maintain the status quo in relation to the CSG and DRS contracts;
  2. Re-shape the contracts to better align service delivery to the council and Capita’s strengths and priorities, within the context of the existing contractual structure; and
  3. Bring the partnership to an end, and either bring services back in house or re-procure them.

The senior officers preferred option is Option 2 the Council.

They have identified the following services to be brought back into Council control


  • Finance and Accounting (excluding transactional services provided from the Darlington shared service centre)
  • Estates (Property Services, Building Services and Facilities Management)
  • Strategic HR
  • Safety, Health and Welfare
  • Insight
  • Social Care Direct


  • Regeneration Commissioning (including commissioning the Brent Cross programme)
  • Highways
  • Economic Skills and Development
  • Cemetery and Crematorium
  • Strategic Planning

“I could say we, told you so, and we did. However the Council is in a financially critical situation and now is not the time to for rhetoric. it is time to start rebuilding our Council. I welcome the report going to Policy and Resources Committee on Thursday 19 July 2018. However, Barnet UNISON will be supporting option 3 with qualifications. We support bringing the partnership to an end, and beginning the process of bringing services back in house. It is simply not feasible to contain to peddle the Commissioning Council model. Pragmatism driven by the financial crisis has to mean that the Council needs to include in their business case a major restructuring of senior management across the Council including the Barnet Group. The Commissioning restructure 2012 is not fit for purpose. The Council need to look at how services best fit including those within the Barnet Group. There must not be a silo approach to insourcing. John Burgess, Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON


  1. Two Capita contracts with Barnet Council are:

Customer and Support Group (CSG)

  1. Regional Enterprise Ltd (Re)

Footnote: On 26 June 2017 Capita share price was 705.50 now six months later the share price closed today at 202.09 which represents a 72% drop in their share price over a six month period.

On Wednesday 31 January, 2018 the Capita share price opened up at 347 and closed at 182.50 which represents a 47.53% fall in share price.


Damning report into EasyCouncil, Outsourcing including forward by John McDonnell

Below are three short video messages from Dexter Whitfield on his report.

Dexter Whitfield on campaigning against outsourcing

Dexter Whitfield on outsourcing failures

Dexter Whitfield on true costs of Barnet easyCouncil



#FundingCrisis at Barnet Council

1. Background

Some of us have been working in Barnet Council a long long time so it’s hard to believe that almost 6 years ago Barnet Council announced the ‘Barnet Graph of Doom’

they even made a video

A lot has happened in that time.

The Council looked to mass outsourcing as an option and by late 2014 had plans for outsourcing almost all of the Council, just like Northamptonshire County Council.

Barnet Council pulled back from further outsourcing but Northamptonshire County Council ploughed ahead and the rest as they say is history……..

“Northamptonshire in early February became the first council to issue the first section 114 notice of its kind in 20 years, barring new spending on all but statutory services.”

Some of us anoraks do keep an eye on the Council and I plead guilty to being one of those anoraks.

The financial viability of the Council has a direct impact on Barnet UNISON members working for the Council and the contractors delivering services for the residents of Barnet.

The “Barnet Graph of Doom” has always been in my thoughts as we approach the end of this decade. My concern about the doomsday scenario was not helped with the lack of any serious media coverage during the last local government elections. Funding from central government continues to diminish yet demand for services is increasing. The idea that business rates will help offset the loss of government funding is in my view both pure fantasy and dangerous. Anyone venturing outside the Westminster bubble will see the relentless decline of high streets and the economy. Not a week goes by without hearing that another retailer is going bust and often these are based in the big malls not the high streets. Austerity is draining the life force not just out of public services, but our communities and local businesses. After all if you have no money, you can’t spend it.

What Financial Crisis?

On Monday 11 June 2018, at the Policy and Resources Committee a very serious financial crisis is being brought to councillors.

To view the details click on the links to the three reports below

Business Planning report here

Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) report here

Title Contract variations and extensions

A jargon free analysis has been provided by Barnet Blogger Mr Reasonable has already provided his views on what he has read in the above reports which you can view here.

2. Back to the Business Planning report

The report has a lot of worrying news as it appears that the final prediction of the Barnet “graph of doom” may have arrived a lot earlier than had been predicted.

As a result of the seriousness of the content of the report Barnet UNISON has already met with the Chief Executive and the section 151 officer at which we were able to raise our concerns.

Our first concern is the “in year saving of 9.5 million that has just suddenly appeared from nowhere.

By that I mean, when the latest Council Budget was approved on Tuesday 6 March 2018, there was no forecast for any need for any more budget cuts.

See MTFS here

(source: )

Yet in the MTFS for Policy and Resources Monday 11 June 2018 it reveals:

“Budget Gap after savings £13.493 million

Barnet Council have taken £4million from reserves to reduce the Budget Gap to £9.453 million.

(Source: )

It’s important to understand what this means.

For 2018/19 Barnet Council has already, consulted and made plans to make £8.989 in cuts.

The latest MTFS is now urgently requiring the Council to find a further £9.453 million which would mean a total of £18.442 million in service cuts.

This is a #FundingCrisis.

Barnet UNISON has asked where the £9.453 million cuts for this year will be made.

However, the situation gets worse.

In the MTFS in March 2018, Barnet Councillors agreed a budget that stated that for the period 2019/20 they would need to find an extra £5.965 million of cuts on top of the already £12.174 million of cuts planned for 2019/20.

That would mean £18.139 million of cuts for 2019/2020 would be made to services.

However the MTFS for June 2018 reveals that the £5.965 budget gap has now increased to £22.997 million of cuts.

The Council plans to provide £3.720 from reserves meaning the revised extra cut needed for 2019/20 is £19.277 million.

This means the revised figure for the total amount of cuts required for 2019/2020 has increased from £18.139 million to £31.451 million.

Sadly it get worse.

For 2020/21 the MTFS is projecting a £34.334 million cut

For 2021/22 the MTFS is projecting a £41.994 million cut

“The updated MTFS shows an anticipated budget gap of £42m to 2021/22. High level calculations estimate this to be £62m when extended out to 2024/2025.”

(source: paragraph 1.1.8 Business Planning 2018-24, 11 June, 2018)

3. Communication

We have been advised that news of the #FundingCrisis is being cascaded down to the workforce.


4. What can the Council do?

Whilst the bigger issue of government funding needs to be addressed outside Barnet, Barnet UNISON has views on some of the choices that the Council needs to consider in order to prevent any further cuts to frontline services in the short term.

Our suggestions are based on a number of factors

The latest Council spend.

We have looked at what the Council has spent for the period April 2017 to March 2018 which includes spend to the contractors. The Barnet Council data was downloaded from their website here:

From this data we have collated a table of the Top 20 spend (see table)

Barnet UNISON savings proposals

  1. Non-essential locums/consultants.

It is an established fact that the agency/consultancy spend spiralled out of control after 2011 as the outsourcing began. The culture of dependency on consultancy is draining much needed money from frontline services.  An urgent review of all non-essential locum posts must be completed as a matter of urgency.

  1. Contractors

Barnet Council must begin process of terminating of outsourced contracts over a phased period of time. It is unsustainable to see in-house budgets squeezed whilst outsourced services are making money from the public purse.

  • Capita CSG
  • Re
  • Mott MacDonald,
  • ISS
  • NSL


  1. Bring Barnet Group back into the Council

The Council is in a financial crisis which is not getting better any time soon. Frontline services which help and support the most vulnerable are going to be at risk.

The Housing Service needs to be brought back under Council control. The decision makers need to decide whether there is financial and moral justification to continue to finance senior management structures both within and outside the Council, for example, there is a Chief Executive post in Barnet Homes and Barnet Council, to have both is not sustainable or defensible under the current economic climate. It is our view that by returning Housing Services back into the Council there would need to be a review of the senior management structure which would inevitably lead to some serious savings thus avoiding the need to make cuts to frontline services.

  1. Commissioning Service (client side)

The implications of our previous options would mean the Commissioning service would cease to exist – this would lead to a significant budget saving. The current revenue budget for this service is approximately £7 million a year.


The cuts to Council funding are part of the austerity anti public services agenda which are ultimately a deliberate attack on local democracy.

Councils are the heartbeat of our communities. They are a vital part of the public service infrastructure that exists to support and promote wellbeing in our communities.

The damage resulting from Austerity policies is becoming clearer every day whether it is the increase in homelessness, closure of shops in the high streets, increase in begging, increase in fly tips, longer waiting times in the GP or hospitals.

In the absence of a “Magic Money Tree”, something needs to change here in Barnet.

The Council needs to hold up its hands, and step away from the previous ideology that has dominated decision making over the last decade.

In our view, with the #FinancialCrisis now in black and white, decisions must now be made on what to fund or not.

We believe the options provided above will provide a “breathing space” for frontline services.

Our proposals will not be enough in the medium to long term. That can only be addressed by national government.

In the absence of any sign that the Government are going to reverse the cuts to Councils, it must be time that that all Councils join the Trade Unions, workforce and residents and march on Parliament to demand proper funding for our communities.

“We Want To Get It Right This Time, Don’t We?” Barnet UNISON Family Services report


  1. Extend formal staff consultation by at least 1 month
  2. Request for an update of progress and developments following the consultation to come to this Committee prior to it going to General Purpose Committee (formerly GFC) and bring to this Committee hard data regarding the changes proposed here.
  3. Ensure the trade unions and staff are fully engaged with all aspects of the restructure including any changes to role profiles and that the trade unions are formally involved in the job evaluation process.
  4. Engage staff fully in the development and design of the new services before the consultation of the restructure takes place. Amongst other concerns there are significant Health and Safety considerations for staff and the public regarding the changing usage of some of the premises mentioned in this report.

To view full report click on link Barnet UNISON Response to Children, Young People and Family Hubs 0-19 FBC 2018

Barnet Council: “Listen to Street Scene workforce”

Barnet UNISON: Response to Street Scene Operational Changes 2018-19

Barnet UNISON Recommendations:

To ensure the successful implementation of the reorganisation of the recycling and refuse services Barnet UNISON seeks the support of the Environment Committee to implement the following:

  1. Street Scene workforce and Barnet UNISON must have a direct involvement/engagement in any proposed changes to the service.
  2.  One central depot for the whole workforce.
  3. No cuts to frontline workforce: A recognition that by increasing the size of the population of the borough ultimately means the workforce and fleet must grow.
  4. Pay: An immediate and timely investigation into the systemic pay roll issues for Street Scene workforce is conducted in order to restore the trust, confidence and morale of the workforce.
  5. A programme for the replacement of ageing fleet to commence.

To view full report click link 2018.06.01 UNISON Response FINAL




Hey Barnet, don’t cut front line services, the savings are here

Barnet UNISON advises Barnet Tories of savings which will not impact on frontline services and residents.

One of my biggest disappointments during the local government elections has been the complete lack of any discussions with the electorate about the end of local government in 2020.

By that I mean the direct assault on local government funding that was unleashed in 2011 and is set to continue up to 2020. After this there will no longer be enough money for social care never mind all the other council services such as waste and recycling, highways, libraries street cleansing, to name but a few.

It is important to note this is not something only being propagated by Trade Unions; the Leaders in Local Government have been banging on about the growing crisis as each year more austerity brutal budgets are passed and implemented across all public services.

In the absence of a “magical money tree” budget decisions are going to have to be made which will hit “frontline or not frontline services.”

Our offer here will not address the “2020 Armageddon” but it could buy some time for vital public services.

1. Delete all non-essential locum posts

Delete all non-essential locum posts in the Council which could generate several million pound savings immediately.

2. Re-negotiate the current agency contract with Capita.

Re-negotiate the current agency contract with Capita that removes the requirement to pay gain share.

3. Bring Barnet Group back in-house

Look at Barnet Group structure. It is our view that Barnet Group is not fit for purpose – there are too many senior management posts, starting at the top with a chief executive earning around 150k. In the current austerity climate and looming financial Armageddon the financial case for it to continue simply does not stack up.

Services in Barnet Group need to be brought back in-house.

4. Agency/Consultancy spend.

It is matter of fact that this budget has increased from

£7,732,269 million in 2010/11 to £17,980,842 million for 2017/18. #

A thorough audit of spend needs to be conducted in order to reduce the reliance on agency/consultants.

5. Capita contracts – bring them back in-house

It is a matter of fact that Capita has received £335.12 million in payments from Barnet Council. This represents an overpayment of £123.88 million. Due to commercial confidentiality there is no way to assess that this overpayment represents “value for money”.

Barnet UNISON notes that two internal audit reports found significant issues with the Capita contract such as the Pensions administration and Finance. These serious concerns were not identified in the two recent Capita reviews carried out by the client side service. It is our view that Council commences discussions to bring back services in house.

We note in a recent CIPFA article identified:

“Contracts reduce financial flexibility at a time when budget makers need to be fleet of foot: councils and other public bodies can’t afford to be locked into long term, unvarying contractual schemes. The old doctrine of risk transfer now sounds like deceit: the state retains ‘last resort’ responsibility and the reliability of contractors cannot be guaranteed.” 

6. End the Commissioning Service and commence a senior management restructure

The Commissioning service (client side) revenue budget has grown substantially since the mass outsourcing began and is now approximately £35 million a year.

By bringing services in-house the commissioning service becomes obsolete. It would then follow the need for a senior management restructure which would offer up more savings which could be used for frontline services.

In conclusion it is important to re-state that the above proposals would not address the doomsday scenario for local government funding post 2020. The above proposals are an alternative to more cuts being handed out to already fragile frontline services. Any further attempts to cut and or outsource frontline will have a detrimental financial and mental health impact on the workforce and services.

If there is choice to cut frontline services and jobs or cut senior management and non-essential locums then there is only one choice.

Protect frontline services.

John Burgess

Branch Secretary



Why ‘insourcing’ should always be considered, by: David Walker & John Tizard. 26 Apr 18

Year End Supplier Payments – Where All The Money Is Going

Lord Porter: The government must address the growing funding gap facing local services


Global giant ISS restricts rights of former Barnet Council catering workers

Dear Barnet UNISON catering members,

This week Barnet UNISON registered a ‘failure to agree’ over the imposition by ISS of a number of their policies on our members working in the catering service.

It is important that you understand why Barnet UNISON is objecting to this proposal.

The current Barnet Council Disciplinary policy states:

“at all stages of the procedure the employee will have the right to be accompanied by a recognised trade union representative or a Barnet work colleague.”


However, in the ISS Disciplinary Policy it states that:

“Only at the formal disciplinary hearing stage of the procedure will the employee have the statutory right to be accompanied or represented by a:

  • Trade union representative;
  • Recognised staff group representative; or
  • Work colleague.”


What does this mean for you?

It means that if you are asked to attend an investigation meeting, ISS would refuse to allow your Barnet UNISON rep to attend this meeting with you.

In our view, this is an attack on your right to trade union representation at all stages of the disciplinary procedure.

This ISS decision is our ‘line in the sand’ which is why we have registered a ‘failure to agree.’

This decision by ISS is one of the reasons why Barnet UNISON strongly opposes outsourcing, because we can see that workers in the private sector have inferior Terms and Conditions to those of the Council.


If you are asked to attend a disciplinary investigation, please contact the Barnet UNISON office immediately on 0208 359 2088 or email

In the meantime we will keep you informed of any changes.

John Burgess,

Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.





Birmingham City Council CIO Peter Bishop on bringing IT back in-house. Reposted by Barnet UNISON

Birmingham City Council CIO Peter Bishop on bringing IT back in-house. Reposted by Barnet UNISON

The council is winding up a controversial contract with Capita.

Birmingham City Council CIO Peter Bishop was handed a big task when he joined the local authority body in June 2017.

Europe’s largest council was winding up a controversial contract with much-maligned outsourcing giant Capita, and Bishop was put in charge of bringing IT services back in-house.

“My focus has been dominated by the negotiations that are involved with that,” explains Bishop, who serves as the council’s Assistant Director for Information Technology and Digital Services as well as its CIO.

“It’s a £45 million per annum contract. You can’t walk away from that without carefully considering all your options, and we’re not walking away, we’re just setting a very clear stall that we are going to migrate and become the systems and services integrator that Capita are at the moment.

“It means that I’ve got to redesign everything that we do, because [the contract’s] the best part of 12-years-old and your internal capacity and capability needs to be completely rethought to cope with that alone, let alone deliver any of the other stuff.”

Capita is currently responsible for all the procurement, management and support for IT services.

Now the council will take control of all of that, with the aim of simplifying operations and saving money from a deal that’s been derided for its cost.

The changes will be implemented over the course of three years. Year one will focus on preparing and designing the new model, year two on delivering it, and year three on stabilising as the Capita contract finally comes to an end.

Bringing the work done by Capita back under the council’s control will make a major contribution to the £43 million in IT cost base savings that Bishop’s been asked to m

“We’re applying the principles of simplify, standardise and share across everything we do in the IT services,” says Bishop.

“Every set of services that we buy are going to be looked at in terms of can we test the market and different service delivery options, and can we take advantage of technology that comes with those new service models.”

IT strategy

The Capita transition programme is part of a strategy signed off in 2016 that aims to simplify the council’s IT setup and put technology and information at the centre of its operating model

Other components include using data to support council staff and drive better services for citizens, improving information risk management and increasing workforce agility, productivity and collaboration.

The strategy also aims to improve how staff use employee and financial information and implement new service models that harness the power of digital in health and social care.

“There’s a plethora of stuff that’s in there. Things like how we can tackle homelessness through better joining up of data across the council, which is a great use case for our information management strategy.”

Innovation at the council

The council will be rolling out a number of new digital services to its citizens, including a new digital platform for local residents and businesses called the Brum Account.

The Jadu Continuum Platform provides users with 24/7 access to council services such as waste management. They can track requests in real time on the new services as they’re gradually added to the platform.

“It potentially covers anything and everything the council does,” says Bishop. “We’re focusing on the high volume transactions around waste, revenues, housing, repairs, and they’re starting with the high volume stuff because that drives most of the customer contact.

“It really gets people to think about how they deliver customer journeys. It also helps me with one of my other significant programmes of change, which is re-engineering the IT service model.

“For a council of our size, that’s very extensive. We need to reduce the proliferation of assets and data and technology that supports the business, which we can’t afford. The Brum Account is a great example of how you can uncover areas of technology which aren’t really adding any value, like multiple systems that are doing the same thing.”

Vendor strategy

Bishop takes a best-of-breed of approach to his vendor strategy, so the council can find the right product, reduce any duplications, and move from the private cloud into a hybrid public-private cloud.

He’s also creating an enterprise architecture approach to the solutions the council needs so it can take a strategic advantage of its investments.

“The important bit for me is that innovation needs to drive more value at the back end. We’re doing a European Union funded project around keeping people independent for longer by providing them with wearable devices tracking how much exercise they’re doing and we’re just using a local provider for that.

“If we could integrate that into our adult social care model to effectively prescribe a wearable Fitbit-type device to keep you energised for longer, then that’s the kind of thing we will work on.”

Birmingham’s digital future

Bishop joined the Birmingham City Council in June 2017, after two years as director of commercial and change at Worcestershire County Council.

He’s now swapped a two-tier conservative shire that’s politically stable with a limited political remit for a unitary body that is responsible for all the local government needs of more than one million people.

The city has its challenges, but it’s developing into a major tech hub, with a large and affordable talent pool, local tech networks including Silicon Canal and Innovation Birmingham, good transport links, and 18 universities within an hour’s drive of the city.

It will also be the host of the 2022 Commonwealth Games, which Bishop will use to build digital services and infrastructure that will have a long-term legacy.

“We want more than just a great games,” he says. “We want something that adds value back to the communities that are here. That’s why we’re thinking about how Openreach can put fibre to the premise, how we can deliver 5G in those key corridor areas that support games but don’t then become a permanent arrangement, and extending public Wi-Fi.”

His more immediate objectives include building a team that can deliver his digital strategy, implement some of the big procurement work to support the transition from Capita.

Bishop believes that he’s come to the UK’s second biggest city at just the right time, and that technology will help it have a bright future.

“Birmingham’s got great potential,” he says. “I think it might have lost its way for a bit, but it’s really getting it back together, and part of my role is to really drive that to help all my colleagues across the council and the citizens of Birmingham to get all the value they expect out of the money they give us.”


Fire safety issues in Barnet Libraries

Over the last year Barnet UNISON have been very concerned about Fire Safety in Barnet Libraries.

This arose because the Council were slow in providing Fires Risk Assessments (FRAs) for Libraries and in complying with the actions resulting from these assessments.

During 2017 Library buildings were altered as part of the Library Program. This included internal structural changes and the installation of technology to permit unstaffed opening hours. These changes meant that the building’s Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) needed reviewing and replacing.

In addition a new Library, Finchley Church End was opened in September 2017 which also required a Fire Risk Assessment

UNISON began asked the Council for these Fire Risk Assessment prior to library staff returning to each site and before the Libraries opened to the public.

However the Council only produced these FRA weeks and months after library staff and the public were admitted to the Libraries.

Examples include;

1. North Finchley Library reopened to the public on the 12th June 2017

The FRA issued on the 24th August 2017


2. Golders Green Library reopened to the public on the 3rd July 2017                                  The FRA issued on 10th August 20.17


3. Osidge Library reopened to the public on the 26th June 2017

The FRA issued on the 16th August 2017

The FRAs when they were produced identified a number of actions for the Council to carry out. The majority of these were described as a

  • “…..a potential contravention of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, or a high risk to Health & Safety from fire”

The deadline for complying with most of these actions was three months from the issue of the FRA.​​

A few of the issues are listed below:

  • Replacing Fire Doors at some with doors with the required level of fire Resistance
  • Fire Refuge Area communication system not working at a number of sites
  • The Emergency Lighting untested at a number of sites
  • No record of the five yearly structural inspection of the external fire escapes at a number of libraries
  • Incomplete Fire Safety signage missing at a number of sites
  • Smoke seals needed for doors at a number of libraries
  • Insufficient numbers of fire extinguisher at one site
  • Fire extinguisher incorrectly mounted at a number of sites
  • Fire door not closing correctly at one library
  • Basement area at one library requiring upgrading to required level of fire resistance
  • Width of staff exit at one site below recommendations
  • Confirmation needed that there is fire separation in the roof void between the library and the commercial use area at one site

Barnet UNISON have been inspecting Libraries to see if the FRA actions have been carried out. In most cases these have not been completed. UNISON have raised this at a number of escalating meetings to the highest level and in our inspection reports.

But no real evidence was presented to Barnet UNISON by the Council that most of the issues had been resolved. Barnet UNISON informed the Council on a number of the occasions that if this continued we would be compelled to contact the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to report our concerns.

Despite this the Council failed to meaningfully respond and with regret Barnet UNISON reported our concerns to the Health and Safety Executive.

The Council have since then provided UNISON with a plan of works to act upon the FRAs but while this is welcome. These action should have been completed months ago.

The Council inaction has in UNISON view being largely caused by various Council/Capita management teams’ failure to take responsibility to have the Fire Risk Assessment in place in good time and to respond in sufficient time to resolve the problems identified in these assessments.

Barnet UNISON do not believe these failures have been due to library staff on site, who have reported these problems according to Council  procedures and to their Trade Union , and who have themselves been put at risk by the Council.

Barnet UNISON will continue in our campaign to make Barnet Libraries safe for our members, all Library staff and the public.

To this end we call on the Council to:

  • Ensure that libraries and other Council buildings have up to date FRAs in place before staff and the public are admitted
  • Act speedily and effectively to comply with Fire Risk Assessments
  • Review the management of Fire Safety arrangements and monitoring within the Council
  • Work with UNISON and other concerned parties in addressing the risks and hazards in identified in Fire Risk Assessments.

Please note: The following services are provided by #Capita:

  • Estates
  • Health and Safety
  • Project Management

***UPDATED Barnet residents don’t blame our members working for Street Cleansing

Last week Barnet UNISON members working in Street Cleansing we called to a meeting and informed of a massive cut to overtime.The news came out of the blue, our members some who have been working for Barnet for decades were both angry and bewildered by this decision.Staff were told there was no longer a budget to cover the service and told that they shouldn’t rely on overtime payments. This did not go down well with the workforce who are the lowest paid in the Council and desperately rely on the overtime payments over the weekend.

This news follows quickly on from the recent 19% cut in the number of staff charged to keep the streets of Barnet clean just before Christmas last year.

In order to explain the cut and its impact on Barnet, Street Cleansing service for Saturday and Sundays which goes from Oakleigh Road depot.

Please note the figures below are for just one side of the borough. The other half of the service goes out from Harrow Depot (we won’t go why we have a depot outside Barnet in this post).

8 hours Finchley Central

8 hours North Finchley

8 Hours East Finchley

4 Hours East & New Barnet

4 hours Friern Barnet/Colney Hatch

4 Hours Whetstone

4 Hours Greenhill/ Mays Lane

8 Hours High Barnet

4 Temple Fortune

8 Golders Green

8 Cricklewood

8 Edgware

4 Mill Hill

8 Watling

4 Hendon Central

4 West Hendon

4 Brent Street

8 Hours response team x 2 = 16 hours

This makes that 92 hours for the whole of the borough.

The new service which started last weekend is a one 7.5 ton vehicle with one driver and one loader (16 hours) to cover all the above areas in Barnet.

This is a reduction of 78 hours per day.

Barnet UNISON has unsuccessfully attempted to try to restore the service for Barnet residents. We have sought clarification as to whether normal service will resume from 1 April 2018, we are still waiting. Our members were reporting increases in fly tipping before the workforce was cut, but still the Council implemented the cut. This massive cut to street cleansing at the weekends is going to have a dramatic impact on our borough.

Meanwhile we hear the Council have enough money to pay “eye watering” payments to Capita and seem to have very little control over agency/consultancy spend.

Barnet Supplier Payments – yet another reason why we need to start planning for change

But what do we know.




Contingency plans in the event of the failure of one of its providers of significant outsourced services.

“On 30th January 2018, Full Council passed a motion on public services and outsourcing, to be considered by the Policy and Resources Committee. Given the timeline of meeting dates, it was agreed that this item be considered at the February meeting of the Performance and Contract Management Committee.

This report provides Members with an outline of the council’s contingency planning arrangements, in the event of the failure of one of its providers of significant outsourced services. The council has a business continuity planning framework, which applies to all services, including outsourced services. In respect of provider failure, the relevant contracts set out the key provisions that would enable the council to ensure continuity of service provision, in particular through the exercise of step in rights.”

Details below

Barnet UNISON notes:

“1.7 The indicators include key accounting ratios that measure liquidity and indebtedness. In respect of Capita, the council reviewed its performance against the ratios on two occasions in the last year, as part of the process for considering pre-payment against the CSG and RE contracts. The ratios have been reviewed again, following the publication of its trading statement on 31st January 2018, and Capita have confirmed that they are far from reaching the relevant thresholds.”

Barnet UNISON is calling upon its members, residents to attend the Performance and Contract Management Committee, Tuesday 27th February, 2018 7.00 pm. Hendon Town Hall.

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