Who are the English Defence League?

On Sunday I attended a demonstration outside a Mosque near Harrow Civic Centre. The reason, to oppose plans by the English Defence League (EDL) to intimidate Muslims going to the Mosque.

Who are the EDL?

Well, in my opinion they are a ‘football hooligan’ unofficial arm of the BNP. It would not surprise me to learn that those in the EDL are also in the BNP.

The BNP have decided that they need to look address their image in order to appeal to voters, so this sort of thuggery would be bad for votes. So we have the EDL.

The turn out from across London on a very, very cold Sunday afternoon was fantastic and a big thanks needs to go out to those organisers.

Whilst the turn out was good, what was worrying was the official response I have been hearing to the EDL is to stay at home if they target your place of worship in order to avoid any incident.

I think this is a dangerous strategy which appears to allow these thugs to dictate when and where citizens can go to worship. I thought to myself, what if they had targeted St Paul’s Cathedral, would the advice to the congregation been to stay at home? I would suggest not, so why should Muslims in Harrow feel they need to hide away. We need to send a message to all faith groups that they have our support and should have the right to attend their places of worship without fear of intimidation.

As a Trade Union it is important that we are rooted in our communities and understand our members represent a broad cross section of faiths.

How to deal with EDL, BNP?

It would be foolish to think that by calling then Nazi’s (some of them were Seig Heiling today)

They are much more sophisticated and have recognised that mainstream politicians have lost the confidence of the electorate.

We need to address the issues that the likes of the BNP try to monopolise with sound bite outbursts.  

Today I saw them use the Israeli flag it is obvious they are trying to divide communities. It was good to see a Leader from the Jewish Community stand up and condemn them for using the Israeli flag and promote inter faith cooperation.

I think today was a warning to all our communities of what is to come in the run up to the national and local elections.

Nick Griffin is standing in Barking & Dagenham and I believe this will be signal the start of a London wide campaign to elect as many candidates as possible across London 

We need to organise quickly across trade unions, faith groups and local& national politicians.  

Unfortunately I don’t think this will be the last time I will be attending one of these rallies on next time I hope some of Barnet UNISON members may want to join me?

Public Sector cuts – Hypocrisy bordering on criminal!

£1.5 Billion in bonuses for bankers who wouldn’t have jobs if it wasn’t for public money. BUT it doesn’t stop there. Barely hours after news that Banks were going to be taxed when news is released that they are already making plans to avoid paying it!


It get’s better…….

MP’s expenses

You have to read it to believe it!


Remember Monty Pythons “Life Of Brian”?

“Always look on the bright side of life……???

£36 Billion in cuts in Public Services  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8406670.stm

Public sector pay rises capped at 1%


Dave Prentis, general secretary of public sector union UNISON said: “I am not going to sign up to this. I know how our Members feel – they feel angry and betrayed. It is just not on to make nurses, social workers, dinner ladies, cleaners and hospital porters pay the price for the folly of the bankers.

For details of his full response click here



A Sad day – Welfare Rights Unit

Sad day

I was sad to hear the news that our members in the Welfare Rights Unit were given their redundancy letter last Friday. I have known some members of the team for over 10 years and have been involved with them in a number of restructures and cuts over that period of time.

The Unit was identified as a cut in this year’s budget. UNISON (with the help of our members) fought a long and hard campaign to try and keep this small but much needed service.  We submitted countless reports to Council Committees clearly demonstrating that this is a unique and specialist service.

However, Cabinet Committee did not agree, and so the service finally comes to an end early 2010. 

I want to thank the members of staff in the Unit for all their work. They have shown great professionalism to maintain a level of service when they themselves have been facing an uncertain future for almost a year. It is shame that staff of such a high calibre are leaving the Council.

I want to thank all the social workers and staff for their messages of support for the Unit. I hope those of you who have used the Unit have clear plans in place as to how you are going to support services users and their families.

Farewell Welfare Rights Unit we will miss you 

Sheltered Housing is there another Option?

Barnet Homes employ 18 people within the Sheltered Housing service both in the schemes and in Barnet House. If the judicial review is not successful then these members of staff will either be TUPE’d to whoever gets the bid for this provision or they will be made redundant.

Barnet Homes is currently cutting its workforce and year on year staff will be being made redundant. Because of this there are no positions available for redeployment. These members of staff represent a large number of our workforce.

Other providers of Sheltered Housing schemes are already looking at employing their own staff by funding allocated from Housing Benefit. This option is not available to Barnet Homes but as they already have a contract with LBB this service could be added to this and could be extended to include not only the schemes now covered but residents living in their own and private rented properties.

Barnet Homes currently manages a small bock of flats for Homes for Islington and has set up new business to Barnet residents not living in council property. This is run by Assist, our Lifeline Service.

If Barnet Homes do not have to bid for this service it will save unnecessary tendering and redundancy costs for our staff that will otherwise have to be met by LBB. This is not against procurement rules because Barnet Homes is owned by the council and they are the only shareholder.

Quality and Accountability

Staff have the expertise for the job, they are used to working with vulnerable people and working with our partners such as social services and housing.

They have the extra capacity to provide a good service. Barnet Homes has Councillors and residents on their Board it has to be more accountable because it is owned by LBB and has to report directly to them.

Workers know the area well and we are based in Barnet.


There will be a saving of the tendering costs and the costs of redundancy for the Sheltered Housing staff which will have to be provided by LBB. Most of the Sheltered Housing staff have worked for LBB and Barnet Homes for many years and costs for redundancy will be high. There will not be costs for setting up a SLA as this service can be added to the contract already in existence between Barnet Homes and LBB.

Sheltered Housing residents are revolting

As part of our working with the community I can report that residents are marching on

30th November

For details click here 

7 December

A HISTORIC RALLY on behalf of Sheltered Housing residents who face warden cuts


Monday 7th of December at 3PM,

and march from there to 10 DOWNING STREET to hand in a NATIONAL PETITION at 4 PM.

It is a non-partisan event: members of ALL major political parties have been invited to join us in putting aside party divisions and thinking instead of the needs of Sheltered Housing residents throughout the country!

For more details go to their web site



Barnet Council attempt to undermine Redundancy Appeals process

The Joint Trade Unions have called an emergency meeting with our Employers following news that the Council are seeking to undermine the Appeals process.

The meeting must be convened within 10 days. In the meanwhile talks are being planned to try and reach a resolution.

For details click here

Budget Cuts!

It is important to note that there is a good chance large numbers of staff are going to be facing possible redundancies in the new year. It is unacceptable that the right to contest the redundancy is not undermined.

We will keep our members updated on negotiations.

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