UK Pensioner risks amputation if she demonstrates at Tory Headquarter to save Wardens on 22nd March

Pensioner Betty Martin, the Co chair of the UK Pensioners Strategy Committee is determined to join the demonstration on Monday 22nd March to save the UK’s Resident Sheltered Housing Wardens.  The demonstration starts at 12.00pm in Parliament Square and continues at 1.00pm outside Tory Headquarters, 30 Milbank where a letter will be handed in for the attention of David Cameron.  The message is (Are you going to change the law to protect Resident Sheltered Housing Wardens?  We need to know now, so we can advise the five hundred thousand tenants of sheltered housing and their supporters who to vote for.) 

After the demonstration a delegation of sheltered housing tenants will hand in similar letters at the Liberal Democrat Headquarters for Nick Clegg, and 10 Downing for the Prime Minister.

For more click here

Our AGM.

A big thank you for all of you who took part and for setting a challenging action plan for the branch to complete in the next 12 months.

To view the action plan click here

Barnet College marches on 10 Downing St!

On Friday 26th March delegates from Barnet UNISON branch will attend the London Region Local Government AGM.  The branch executive passed the following motion and submitted it to the AGM. Branch delegates are going to speak to the motion and look to build a regionwide response to the massive attacks to the FE sector

Join Barnet College UNISON members along with other members working in FE & HE in London on Saturday 20th March

Click here for details

Catering services…Da Vinci Code?

I was re-reading the Transact Report again……and noticed the following comments on school catering…….which said “most local authorities do not provide an in-house school catering service”

Now as someone who has always asked questions…..I really need to see some evidence for statements like this. In July 2009 the Trade Unions submitted a report to Future Shape Cabinet Committee with a number of questions in particular about the Transact Group. 

I have to say trying to find out what the group was actually doing and who was doing the doing has felt like being in a Dan Brown novel!

However, 11 months after asking for the Transact report it finally appeared in my in box…….I took a deep breath and opened the report……..had I finally got my hands on the Future Shape Da Vinci Code?……would  I finally understand the mysteries of easyCouncil? ….would I hear a choir of angels singing in my ear…………?

No….this is what I saw?

Does this report, justify the local press story or this interview with Vanessa Feltz on BBC London earlier this week.

You tell me.

Defend – your Pension Scheme

We all know we are going to have to defend our scheme so let’s start now

UNISON is supporting a nation-wide coalition of organisations to begin an unprecedented mobilisation of pension fund members and the public to petition their pension funds in support of oil sands resolutions due to be voted on at the BP and Shell AGMs this Spring. The UNISON staff pension fund has co-filed resolutions to the Shell and BP AGM’s.

Your pension fund will hold shares in BP and Shell on your behalf. We are asking you to help mobilise the power of your pension fund – it’s your money!

For LGPS members add your voice click on the link–

put the name of your employer in the search box – follow instructions and it will send an automated email to your fund administrator. It only takes two clicks of a mouse from your computer! 

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