Connaught workers – Out- in- Out- In!

Last week Connaught workers were sacked by a conference call. This was as a result of news last week that Connaught plc and its subsidiary, Connaught Partnerships Limited, which comprises its Social Housing Division were going into administration.

On Tuesday 14 September staff attended a meeting with Barnet Homes and Lovells partnerships a subsidiary of Morgan Sindall. The good news was that they did have a job and all their terms and conditions would be transferred over. They were told that they had been sent redundancy notices in error.

·         Members left the meeting happy they had a job.

6pm last night Connaught members at the lobby saw an email from KPMG saying that they had not been transferred and they were redundant.

You can imagine how much distress this caused our members. Emails, phone calls were made last night to find out what was going on.

Late. late last night I emailed KPMG demanding to know what is going on.

This morning I spoke to KPMG. They explained that they had not been informed that Barnet Connaught staff were to be transferred to Lovells Partnership hence the redundancy notices were sent.

I asked KPMG if they receive official notification from Lovells Partnership that Barnet staff were to be TUPE transferred, would they rescind the redundancy notice and support the TUPE transfer?

They said yes.

I have now been in direct contact with Barnet Homes and Lovell Partnerships and they have already sent information to KPMG.

I understand that Lovells Partnership are in the process of sending a communication to staff informing them they are being TUPE transferred and they are going to be paid.

I expect our members will still not believe the news until they have something in writing, but who could blame them after the week they have had!

I am sure all Barnet UNISON members (not Connaught workers) are probably shaking their heads in disbelief and will want me to pass on their best wishes to the Connaught workers.

£17 F***ing million…..sums up privatisation for you!

Incredible but true if you click on this link you can read this question going to the Full Council.

How could they justify trying to take £17 million from Barnet Council! I am not surprised, but when will councillors wake up to understand the risks to the public purse!

Read the Question below:

Question 47 Councillor Barry Rawlings
What is the latest update on the Catalyst arbitration?

Answer by Councillor Daniel Thomas
The Council received the final partial arbitral award on 26 July 2010. The value of the award to Catalyst is not yet finalised, but a range of £5m to £6m is anticipated, against a claim of between £12-17m.

A detailed report will be considered by Cabinet Resources Committee on 19 October on the implications of the outcome of the arbitration process.

The Council is seeking to enter into a renegotiation of this contract which was created by the previous Labour/Liberal Democrat administration. The renegotiation will be led by the Deputy Chief Executive and Acting Director of Adult Social Services, to manage on-going financial and service delivery risks.

So a new contract means the Council will be looking at a number of Options. One of which will include bringing back what is left of the service in-house.

Barnet UNISON will be launching a campaign to return the service back in-house.

Interesting timing as I saw this article about Fremantle who are the partners with Catalyst.


Barnet Connaught workers sacked by Conference call!

This morning I spoke to an angry and tearful Barnet UNISON rep for the former council workers contracted out to Connaught’s.

Late last night staff were sacked by Conference call. They are shocked angry and don’t know what this means.

UNISON is seeking urgent talks with Chief Executive Barnet Homes.

This is yet further proof of what working in the private sector means…..Future Shape….

John Burgess Branch Secretary of Barnet UNISON condemned the action and is calling on Barnet Homes and Barnet Council to do the right thing and take back these loyal workers.




BP Oil disaster & the Barnet Council Future Shape programme

What have the BP and Barnet Councils Future Shape Programme (otherwise known as easyCouncil) have in common?

They both rely on contractors to deliver services and both have experienced problems with contractors recently e.g. Barnet Council with Catalyst and Connaught  and BP with Haliburton and Transocean,

 What is interesting reading the report on what happened is the loss of control when you rely on contractors and sub-contractors to deliver services. It is stark warning to any public service organisation of just what can happen when you outsource services. When things go wrong it will land on your doorstep, and more often than not, the contractor walks away.

But this is not new, which is why it is surprising Barnet Council are fast tracking the Future Shape programme, a programme which is relying on contractors to deliver services and make massive savings. The haste that the programme is moving suggests we are not learning our lessons.

But it’s not as if we have not seen more serious consequences closer to home. Just recently we have had a report into the Potters Bar inquest which took eight years and no criminal prosecutions. Jarvis (contractor) disappeared, like contractors seem to do when thinks go wrong…Metronet anyone?

The Future Shape programme has been re-branded as ‘OneBarnet’. Does anyone remember when the Post Office changed their name to Consignia? I wonder which consultant came up with that bright idea? How much did that cost the Royal Mail or more accurately the public purse!

Anyway, I don’t know why they want to re-brand Future Shape to ‘One Barnet’. You only have to look at the Future Shape Programme to see ‘whichBarnet’ would be a more accurate description. The Programme is actively looking to several private sector companies to deliver services to Barnet residents.


Lobby Barnet Council Meeting 14 September

Barnet UNISON in conjunction with Barnet Trades Council and local residents are lobbying the Full Council meeting.


For the last few months there has been ongoing expression of outrage about the decision of the previous Full Council meeting in July to award some councillors with massive pay rises at a time when residents and staff were being told that services would be cut or stopped.


The Leader of the Council has announced that this decision will be overturned.

To view flyer click here


Connaught appoint KPMG as Administrators

There has been a lot of speculation and concern for our members working for Connaughts.

Today staff received news that Connaught have appointed partners from KPMG as administrators of Connaught plc.

Today I wrote to the Chief Executive of Barnet Homes requesting “on behalf of our members in Connaught that Barnet Homes takes urgent action to bring back the service in-house thus ending speculation and uncertainty both for staff and council tenants.”


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