Future Shape Project – now you see me now you don’t!

The Development & Public Health Services Future Shape Project formerly known as the Regulatory Services Bundle was published online here

Open the PDf and scroll down to page 20. Click on the table entitled Options Scoring Matrix. Copy and paste into a word document and ‘Hey Presto’ you can see the scoring.

I have never seen this sort of thing before, is it deliberate or is it a mistake and why should the details be secret?

The Trade Unions will be producing a report in response to the Options Appraisal which even from a cursory glance is full of contradictions assumptions without supporting evidence and quite insulting to staff. Just what were thinking when they wrote this “But it is also very clear that the services require a fresh injection of intellectual capital..”

Many of our members working in this area have let me know they have been hurt by this comment.

If I was a Barnet tax payer I would be pleased to see that almost all of these services are  high performing and low cost. It is difficult to see where the 25% cuts and the 20% profits for the private sector are going to come from……or is it?

Answers on a postcard.

My guess it has to be staffing or something more fundamental a cut back on what is provided.

It is not too late if you have any question on the content of this Options appraisal please send your comments to john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk

Barnet Alliance Meeting – What a start!

On a dark rainy September evening 30 people took the trouble to navigate their way through terrible traffic to attend the Barnet Alliance 4 Public Services first planning meeting in South Friern Library. After introductions the meeting discussed the idea of a public march and demonstration in leafy Barnet.


One 88 year old resident explained how last Saturday, she and her husband took a petition to save the local post office out in Muswell Hill and got over 100 signatures. It was fantastic to listen to staff and residents who are prepared to offer their own time to make the Alliance a success.


There was a common feeling that people are sick and tired of the constant talk of cuts, and want to fight back.


The meeting agreed that a number of activities, including organising community stalls in town centres across Barnet. There were a lot of exciting ideas as to how to capture the attention of residents and staff working in public services in Barnet.


All I can say is look out Barnet!


Barnet Alliance is up and running……..


Last night we had some great speakers all very different.

Shirley Franklin – Inspirational.

Shirley told the story of the Save the Whittington Hospital Coalition. Against the odds they began a campaign in the community which grew and grew. 17,000 signatures on a petition to save the A&E. Now that is a challenge.

But signing a petition is not what helped win. By taking the petition into the community they had to speak to residents, so when they needed the support of residents for the march. The residents were already ready and willing to support. As she said residents can’t help if they don’t know what is going on!

John Lister – Powerful

I have heard John speak on the NHS before and he has lost none of his fire and enthusiasm for the battle to defend the NHS. John spoke about the dangers of the White Paper which could see the end of the NHS by 2013 if communities don’t rise up to oppose these attacks. He exposed the waste of public money, the lack of accountability in the White Paper proposals.

Nick Grant – Fightback

Nick got straight to the point that everyone understands. Public Sector workers are under attack, we have to stand up to defend ourselves. Trade Unions need to build alliances with staff and residents. It is not just staff who will face the pain of these attacks, it is everyone using public services. The Academies is a classic example of what this government is trying to do. Academies are seeking to break up state education and despite claims to the contrary, this policy will see the return of the ‘have and have nots!”

Ken Loach – A vision!

Ken reminded the meeting about how the country collectively responded after the Second World War. The country was bankrupt with debts far higher than we face now. Back then we owned Gas, Water, Electricity, Coal, Steel, Transport (Railway, Buses). Yet in spite of the financial crisis, the government created the 8th Wonder of the World otherwise known as the NHS. What an achievement. What vision.

Ken made it clear this was defining point in our history. The Government were embarking on a clear strategy to demolish public services and it is our duty to respond.

Their vision for public services is not our vision.

Our vision is of the community coming together with the Trade Unions to protect public services. Our vision is one where we the community ‘are in it together.’

What next?

First task of the alliance planning meeting next week is to organise a public march across the borough.

If you want to help out, the meeting is being held here


Barnet Public meeting a “massive success”

Over 200 staff and residents came down to the public meeting.

This evening marked the begining of the Barnet Alliance for Public Services. It is an Alliance between trade union and the residents.

We heard four excellent speakers talk about the serious attacks staff and residents will be soon facing.

The mood of the meeting was overwhelmingly defiant and eager to take on the challenge.

The First Alliance meeting is next

Wednesday 29 September in South Friern Library at 6 pm.

More details on the evening will be posted later.

Future Shape Programme – Audit expose

Tuesday 21 September – Audit Committee report

Item 9 One Barnet: Review of Governance Arrangements

You can view the report online here


The First Recommendation reveals the Council

  • Does not have a business case for the One Barnet Programme.
  • Does not have any evidence of planned benefits or planned outcomes of the programme
  • Does not have an estimated cost of the programme
  • Does not have an overview of the overall timescales of the programme including key milestones
  • Does not have a high level risk profile 

The Future Shape Programme is over two years old we spent over £2.5 million to consultants in the first two phases and now we are looking to invest more money for another bunch of consultants.


In these times of Austerity we must stop handing over public money to consultants who do not deliver. If Consultants are not prepared to forego a large part of their fee on the understanding that it will only be paid if their recommendations deliver value for money to the Council; then we shouldn’t employ them.


I am tired/frustrated reading reports from consultants waxing lyrical about different models of delivery with little or no evidence to substantiate their claims. Furthermore I know they will be long gone when the organisation finds out it has been sold a pup!


Who pays…..?

It is the tax payer. Public services are funded by taxes we all pay and that included public sector workers.

After all, in Barnet we are all familiar with local examples of privatisation successes failures: Icelandic Banks, Connaught, Catalyst, Aerodrome Road, Meals at Home, Cleaning……


More to follow….

How can the Future Shape Programme where the stakes are so high not have all the recommendations set out in the Audit report in place before any decisions are made about the future of council services?

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