30 January massive success

What the papers say?

Hendon Times stories and pictures

“Hundreds of residents and activists march through Finchley in protests at planned cuts”

HUNDREDS of angry protesters have taken to the streets of Finchley in a mass rally against planned cuts to local and national services.

Around 600 people joined a protest march organised by Barnet Alliance for Public Services (BAPS) from Finchley Central Tube station to the artsdepot, which faces losing its grant form Barnet Council.

Read full article click here

“Leading TUC member and Tariq Ali address crowds at arts depot in North Finchley”

IMPASSIONED speeches from a leading Trade Unionist and left-wing thinker Tariq Ali have received a rapturous welcome at a rally against planned cuts in Barnet.

Hundreds of people have packed into the auditorium at artsdepot, North Finchley, to hear music from 60s favourites The Foundations and local bands, as well as the speakers.

Today’s events have been organised by the Barnet Alliance for Public Services to raise awareness for organisations and groups facing funding cuts.

Frances O’Grady, deputy secretary general of the Trades Union Council (TUC) described Barnet as the “test bed for privatisation” .

Read full article click here

“Barnet Voice leader tells rally cuts will make service provision ‘dog eat dog’”

Robert Johnson, of Barnet Voice, made the comments while speaking to a rally of people upset with plans to cut public sector services in Barnet at the artsdepot this afternoon.

He told the assembly his group, a grass-roots mental health organisation, faced a 33 per cent drop in funding and an “uncertain future” helping people in the borough.

Read article click here

Rock Against The Cuts – The Foundations/Boz Boorer to headline Official Launch in Barnet

A growing alliance of musicians is launching Rock Against the Cuts at the  Arts Depot threatened by closure in Finchley on Sunday Jan 30th at 1pm. This is a direct response to Barnet Council’s plans to close the only major venue in the London Borough of Barnet (London’s second biggest Borough).


60’s superstars The Foundations have reformed to lead the line up. Also playing is Boz Boorer, who has played guitar with Morrissey for the last decade as well as having worked with The Polecats and Adam Ant. Recently signed Indie band 13 Riots will be performing an acoustic set and up and coming London band the Hamptons will represent the student band scene. Local stalwarts The False Dots will be making a special appearance with Connie A, who has just returned from a tour of the USA and Africa working with Emmanuel Jal.


As well as the music, there will also be speeches from groups affected by the cuts, lead by veteran campaigner Tariq Ali and Frances O’Grady Deputy General Secretary TUC.


The event is preceded by a march (gather outside Finchley Central Tube station at 11.30 am) organised by local Trades Unions & Barnet Alliance for Public Services, who have organised the whole event.

Sheltered Warden Round Two

Over a year ago Barnet Council had their decision to remove on site sheltered wardens overturned in a Judicial Review.

In this years Budget Proposals the Council are proposing to remove the on site shelterd wardens

BBC covered the story on Insideout on BBC1 this evening to view click here

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