Open letter to all Barnet Councillors

Dear Councillors

Please find enclosed two reports which have been commissioned by Barnet UNISON in response to the 166 page business case tabled for Cabinet Resources Committee on Monday 28 March 2011.

In these difficult times when finances are tight we recognise the importance of making best use of tax payers money at all times and the responsibility that councillors have to bear. It was with this in mind that we commissioned a Finance expert to compliment our broader analysis of the business case.

Barnet UNISON takes seriously the proposals outlined in the officer report and the implications for services and our members. I hope you find time to read both reports as they outline significant risks to the council if the business case goes forward in its current format.

I recognise that reading documents of this kind are not always easy online which is why I have ensured hard copies are on their way to you now If any of you would like to discuss the content of these reports I would be only too happy to find time to do so at your convenience.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary. Standing up for staff and public services Barnet Alliance for Public Services March for public services on 26 March 2011.

Join us on the TUC demo in London. Go to for more information and to register your interest.

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Key strategic and operational risks to the business case

The DRS business case does not assess strategic operational risks such as the potential risk of:

M Financial savings are lower than planned

M Income generation well below targets

M Unanticipated additional costs

M Failure to make required level of investment

M Value for money not achieved or significantly reduced

M Failure to achieve radical transformation of services (“Unless a radically new way of delivering these key services is found it is likely that they will continue to face service reductions in terms of the functions they can offer to our community” (page A7)

M Failure to increase service user satisfaction

M Contract renegotiation or termination

M Inadequate governance arrangements

M Staffing disputes following new working systems, job losses, cuts in terms and conditions.

M “The business case fails to identify the operational risks of outsourcing DRS services, including the governance, financial and service delivery risks.”

M “It also fails to assess the potential knock-on effect on the local economy of significant changes in employment policies, local supply chains and the local environment in Barnet.”

M “There is clearly a risk that user charges will be increased in order to achieve the income generation targets.”

M “The Council should immediately exclude Cemeteries and Crematoria from the scope of the procurement and return to the 2010 options appraisal findings.”

M The Business Case does not assess the future demand for services.


To view Dexters full report click here

Key financial risks to easycouncil business case

We asked our Financial expert Adrian Waite a number of questions.

1. “Have all relevant financial information has been included and considered ?”

Answer: “I do not consider that it is included in the reports that are available to me although more information may be available in sources that are not available to me.”

2. “Is all presented financial information is accurate, complete, supported and reliable?”

Answer: “I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information that has been provided. However, I do not think that all the conclusions that have been reached are adequately supported with complete information.”

3. “Are all assumptions applied to financial data, analysis, assessment and presented information is reliably supported and properly sourced?”

Answer:“I do not believe that all assumptions applied to financial data, analysis and assessment is reliably supported and properly sourced in the reports that are available to me.”

4. “Has relevant or critical financial information has been omitted?”

Answer: “It is difficult to prove a negative (in this case that information exists that has not been reported) but I do not consider that conclusions are adequately supported with data in the reports that are available to me.”

5. “Is the financial analysis in the model is robust, adequate and reliable

Answer: “I do not consider that the financial analysis is sufficiently robust. “The Council has not complied with the requirements of HM Treasury Green Book in the preparation of this Business Case.”

To view his full report click here

Barnet UNISON produced two reports slamming easyCouncil business case

Barnet UNISON have commissioned two reports to critque the easyCouncil business case for Development & Regulatory Services (DRS) by handing them over to a large private sector  multinational company. The first group of council services to be given the ‘easyCouncil’ treatment are Cemeteries, planning, Highways, Land charges, Registrars, Environmental health, Building control, trading standards.

Professor Dexter Whitfield (European Services Strategy Unit, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Adelaide, with over 35 years experience of planning, researching and analysing local authority policy documents in Britain and overseas. 

His report can be read here

Adrian Waite (Independent Consultancy Services) was commissioned by Barnet UNISON to examine the financial aspects of the business case. Adrian is a highly experienced and respected local government finance expert. He has held a number of senior roles in local authorities including Director of Finance and s151 Officer and is a fully qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

His report can be read here

Barnet UNISON Press Release: “Deal or no Deal? – UNISON’s reports slam easycouncil business case!”

On Monday 28 March 2011 Barnet Council Cabinet Resources Committee are being asked to agree the business case to privatise Development & Regulatory Services (DRS) by handing them over to a large private sector  multinational company. The first group of council services to be given the ‘easyCouncil’ treatment are Cemeteries, planning, Highways, Land charges, Registrars, Environmental health, Building control, trading standards.


The contract could be worth up to £180 million to the successful private sector organisation.


Professor Dexter Whitfield (European Services Strategy Unit, Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Adelaide, with over 35 years experience of planning, researching and analysing local authority policy documents in Britain and overseas) was commissioned by Barnet UNISON three years ago to provide consultancy support for the Easycouncil/Future Shape/One Barnet programme you can view his reports here.


Dexter Whitfield said this about the DRS business case:

·         “The DRS Business Case has a superficial appearance of authenticity but is fundamentally not fit for purpose and elected members have a duty to decide it is non-compliant.”

·          “There is clearly a high risk that user charges will be increased in order to achieve the income generation targets.”


Adrian Waite (Independent Consultancy Services) was commissioned by Barnet UNISON to examine the financial aspects of the business case. Adrian is a highly experienced and respected local government finance expert. He has held a number of senior roles in local authorities including Director of Finance and s151 Officer and is a fully qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.


Adrian Waite said this about the DRS business case

“During the thirty years that I have worked in local government finance as a local government officer and management consultant, including some time as Finance Director of a Borough Council, I have seen and written many business cases, business plans and options appraisals.”


“This business case is remarkable for the apparent lack of robust evidence to support its main conclusions that £28million of savings and increased income is achievable and that this can only be delivered through outsourcing.”


Barnet UNISON has submitted the two reports to all Barnet councillors including the 6 members of Cabinet Resources Committee.

To view reports click here and here

We are recommending the following:


  1. The Council should recognise that significant additional work is required before the Business case can be approved.
  2. The formal procurement process should not be commenced until Cabinet Resources Committee has approved a revised DRS Business Case.
  3. The Council’s template and methodology for preparing Business Cases should be revised to ensure it is compliant with best practice.
  4. Carry out an equality analysis under the Equality Act 2010 as part of a broader cost benefit analysis of the economic, sustainability and environmental impacts of the DRS proposals.
  5. Gateway Reviews should be implemented in all major procurement processes as a matter of urgency.
  6. The Council should immediately exclude Cemeteries and Crematoria from the scope of the procurement and return to the 2010 options appraisal findings.


Contact: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or email:




Barnet Easy Council gained notoriety in 2009 when they launched the budget airline model for public services. In 2010 the model was criticised in a report by the external auditors as having failed to draw up a proper business plan. The business case produced by Barnet easyCouncil supports the policy direction promoted by Prime Minister which seeks to break state provision (in this case privatise council services) and offer the Voluntary & Private Sector to run public services. 


1. Dexter Whitfield is Director of European Services Strategy Unit (continuing the work of the Centre for Public Services founded in 1973) and is Adjunct Associate Professor, Australian Institute for Social Research, University of Adelaide.  He has carried out extensive research and policy analysis of regional/city economies and public sector provision, jobs and employment strategies, impact assessment and evaluation, marketisation and privatisation, modernisation and public management (

He has undertaken commissioned work for a wide range of public sector organisations, local authorities and agencies and worked extensively with trade unions in the UK at branch, regional and national levels, and internationally. He has advised many tenants and community organisations on housing, planning and regeneration policies.


He was one of the founding members of Community Action Magazine (1972-1995) and Public Service Action (1983-1998). He has published many articles in journals and delivered papers and advised public bodies and trade unions in Europe, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


Contact details: Mobile +44 (0) 777 6370884, Tel +353 (0) 66 7130225 Email:


2. Adrian Waite since 1998 Adrian has been Managing Director of ‘Adrian Waite (Independent Consultancy Services) Limited’. Between 1981 and 1998 he worked in local government to Chief Officer level.


Adrian is a management consultant and trainer with an exceptional range of experience of value to a wide client base. He has a very extensive track record in all areas of public sector work. He has a first class honours degree in Geography. He is a fully qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy; an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Housing; an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Public Sector Management and a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership & Management.


As Managing Director of Adrian Waite (Independent Consultancy Services) Ltd, Adrian has provided advice and support to an extensive array of public sector clients in areas such as: Local Authority Finance, Housing Finance, Housing Stock Options Appraisals, Housing Stock Transfers, Housing Inspection, New Build, Self-Financing, Independent Tenants Advice, Housing Association Finance, Economic Development, Business Planning, Management issues, Design and Delivery of Training Programmes and Efficiency, Value for Money and Procurement.


Previously as Strategic Director, Copeland Borough Council, he was a Member of the Strategic Management Team. He led on strategic issues including: Compulsory Competitive Tendering and Best Value, Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking, Investors in People, Communications and Information Technology Strategies, the Private Finance Initiative, Lobbying for additional Standard Spending Assessment, and Single Regeneration Budget. In addition he managed Financial, Legal, Personnel Services, Committee Administration, Contracts and Projects Management, Building services, Leisure Management, and Environmental Services, including Grounds Maintenance and Street Cleansing.


Adrian was accountable for Financial Administration under Section 151 of the Local Government Act as Finance Director, Copeland Borough Council. He managed the Finance Department, including Corporate Finance, Financial Support, Audit, and Revenues Benefits and Exchequer.


‘AWICS’ is an ethical management consultancy, providing support principally to those who provide public services.

We offer ‘Independence, Integrity and Value’.

For more information about ‘AWICS’ please visit our websites at

Contatc details:’AWICS’, Appleby Business Centre, Bridge Street, Appleby in Westmorland, Cumbria. CA16 6QH. Tel: 017683-52165 or 52347. Mobile: 07502-142658. Fax: 017683-54005

Privatisation of Social Care – What would you do?

Speaking from experience nothing is more painful than seeing your own mother having to go into a care home. The feelings of guilt and fear are intense. Leaving strangers to look after your mother is very scary. This happened to me two weeks ago after a nightmare 12 months I had to witness my mother move into a care home.

I am a social worker so I have been on the other side, supporting service users and their families, but nothing prepares you for when it happens to someone close to you.

“Why am I talking about this?”

There are many reasons. We are living in an age on the brink. We have seen the ‘Fall and Rise of the Financial Empire’, bankers are back to their old ways paying out bonuses, the Coalition attempts to control their excesses have proved to be empty rhetoric. If I am honest at the moment I am sceptical that Labour would be any better (prove me wrong!).

We are on the brink of the dismantling of the Welfare State, something that was built at a time when we were in a far worse state than we are in now. Then we had politicians under pressure from citizens for a better future for their children. This was a time when public services began to develop and grow.

Now we are facing the destruction of public services, by that the opening up of privatisation of all public services. The Private sector companies increasing those based outside of the UK are chomping at the bit to take on lucrative contracts. Profits will be made out of public services.

There are many who see this as progressive, modernising but many more know and understand the private sector is in it for the profits first and their exploitation of public sector management is now legendary. How many more times must we hear about project overspends, poor procurement, councils trapped in partnerships with the private sector that don’t deliver the savings promised. This is public money, this YOUR money.

Earlier this week we heard that already £79 billion of public money is tied up in contracts with the private sector. There is no scrutiny or oversight of these arrangements, the audit trail is stopped by the words ‘commercial confidentiality’.

I have a view, ‘if the private sector want to deliver public services then they have to open their books for public scrutiny, if not take a hike!’

The bankers took £1,3 trillion of public money and have shown to be unrepentant, the coalitions governments privatisation plans of the public money is presenting the private sector with unrestricted, unregulated access to £billions of public money.

In Barnet, recently we have seen a catastrophic failure of the commissioning model for older peoples services that has cost the tax payer and exposed residents, services users and staff to exposure to Legionella bacteria.

Read on.

Background information to the privatisation of former Council care homes.

Barnet Council, 23 October 2000 approved the selection of Ealing Family Housing Association (now part of the Catalyst Group) to take a transfer of the majority of the Council’s elderly persons residential care homes and day centres on the basis that these would be replaced with modern purpose built facilities and achieve an ongoing revenue saving for the Council from the commencement of the contract.

Cabinet Resources Committee, 3 September 2007 noted the disagreement with Catalyst in respect of its Deficit Claim and also agreed that the dispute with Catalyst in respect of the Perryfields/Claremont Road and Merrivale/Child Guidance Centre sites swaps agreements, and the Project and Abortive Costs claims arising there from, be referred to arbitration and/or independent expert as appropriate.

Fast forward to Cabinet Resources Commitee 2 March 2011.

The Council lost the case at the Arbitration Court.

The cost of the claim and associated costs has been significant and can be summarised as follows:

Final Award to Catalyst (incl interest and costs) £8.674m

Council’s final estimated legal costs £2.000m

Outstanding issues (land swaps) £0.110m

Total cost £10.784m

Legal costs paid in previous years (£1.660m)

Provision for deficits since April 2007 £0.046m

Provision Required £9.170m

The total cost has been offset slightly by net income from Catalyst of £532,000 in respect of overbillings and the Single Status agreement which was agreed early in the Arbitration process by both parties legal teams. Hence, the resultant cost to the Council has been £10.252m.

£10.252m, that’s right £10.252m of public money on a contract that was supposed to (rewind back to 2000) ‘achieve an ongoing revenue saving for the Council’

Under the Equalities section it says:

The referral of the deficit claim to arbitration has not affected the residential and day care services being provided to older people. The service is inclusive and provided to all older people eligible for residential care or requiring day care. There are specialist units for people who have dementia, people who have learning disabilities and a unit for Asian people. However, any substantive changes to the care home contract for the provision of day care and / or residential care will be subject to a full equalities impact assessment.

“What has happened since this report was published?”

Three weeks ago our members working in Fremantle Care homes were told there had been a Legionella outbreak in two of the care homes Apthorpe and Dellfield Court. Our members received minimal information. Our union wrote to Fremantle asking a number of questions to which we have yet to receive a reply.

Barnet UNISON issued a number of questions and a petition calling for an independent inquiry.

Our questions are as follows:

1. When and where in each of the affected homes did they discover Legionella bacteria?

2. Have any residents/service users, staff, or members of the public contracted Legionnaires disease to date?

3. Who is responsible for monitoring the safety of the water supply in these settings?

1.    Is it Barnet Council

2.    Is it Catalyst Housing?

3.    Is it Fremantle

4.    Is it another organisation?

4. When was the last time each setting was checked and who has the records?

5. Does Barnet Council include issues like Health & Safety in the contract monitoring process? If not why not? If yes when were these last reviewed?

6. Are risk assessments on health & safety carried out in all of the settings?

7. As part of the contract monitoring by Barnet Council are these risk assessments reviewed? If not why not? If yes when were they last reviewed?

8. As part of good safeguarding practice have other residential care homes provided by Catalyst and Fremantle been informed about the outbreak and if so have the checks been carried out in those settings?

9. How was this allowed to happen?

10. What was the cause of this outbreak and what controls have been put in place to secure the safety of the residents, staff and visitors?

11. Was a risk assessment carried out after the Legionella bacteria was discovered? If yes, what did it say and what control measure were put in place? If not why not?

12. Have the carer’s/relatives of residents and service users using these services been informed that a ‘service improvement notice’ has been issued?

Since we launched the Petition we have learnt that Catalyst Housing Group have been issued an ‘improvement notice’ this action taken by the council indicates there seriousness of the situation and reinforces the need for an independent public inquiry.

“What is an improvement notice?”

Section 21 HSWA1 states that, where an inspector is of the opinion that a person is contravening one or more of the relevant statutory provisions, or has contravened one or more of those provisions in circumstances that make it likely that the contravention will continue or be repeated, s/he may serve an improvement notice. The notice should:

  • state that s/he is of that opinion;
  • specify the provision(s) in question;
  • give particulars of the reasons why s/he is of that opinion;
  • require the person to remedy the contravention or the matters occasioning it; and
  • specify the period for compliance, which should be not less than 21 days from the date of service of the notice, being the period in which the recipient of the notice may lodge an appeal with the employment tribunal.

“Just what is going on in these homes?”

I have worked in social services for over 20 years and in my opinion older peoples services are always undervalued, it says something about our society when you hear in discussions about social care and health needs for older people the words “burden as in burden on the state”.

Most of us will reach old age and most of us will develop physical and mental conditions which will require services. When that happens believe me, you will want to have a conscientious well trained member of staff caring for you. You will want your home to be a safe place to live and feel secure in the knowledge that someone is looking out for you.

My question to anyone who is reading this is “What would you do if your mother, father, close friend was living in a care home where there had been an outbreak of legionella?”

·         Would you want to know if it was safe to stay in the home?

·         Would you want to know how this happened?

·         Would you want to know who was responsible?

·         Would you want an independent inquiry?

If you answer yes to any or all of these questions then please sign our petition here and send a message of support to

The ‘Return of the Consultant’ in easyCouncil

The ink is barely wet on the redundancy letters and members are contacting the branch to say that staff who have been made redundant are now back working as Consultants!

Unfortunately this is not a new phenomena in Barnet, over the years this has been almost an unofficial policy.

I have raised this issue with councillors and senior officers. During this year’s Budget consultation Barnet UNISON raised it as in our Budget proposal which you can view here

Here is what we said about the use of consultants

“The issue of Consultancy and Agency spend has been repeatedly raised at previous Council Budget consultations. Over time promises have been made that this information would be provided. It is true that information is produced but it is the robustness and quality of the information that is of concern to the Trade Unions as it is to the local tax payer.

The issue which appears to challenge the Council is providing a definition of a consultant and an agency worker. Each year we have offered to put together a policy which we could jointly agree. It is important that during consultation the Employer seeks to provide easily understandable and accessible information to the Trade Unions in order to ensure all attempts have been made to mitigate making staff redundant.

The Council through its industrial relations machinery produces Agency figures, more often than not these are repeatedly inaccurate. The reasons behind the inaccuracy of the agency data have changed over time but the problem remains the same.

“How can an organisation afford not to know how many Agency workers they employ?”

Furthermore, since the publication of the Council spend over £500 we have requested confirmation about Agency & Consultancy spend in the understanding that there was likely to be a high number of redundancies this year.

We carried out an exercise whereby we extrapolated the Consultancy spend data based on figures released in August; the result of which the Council was looking to spend £38,733,307.98. We carried out the same exercise in relation to Agency workers and found the Council was looking to spend £8,309,206.92. These two figures when understanding that staffing spend takes up a large part of Council spend are not insubstantial figures.


The Council undertakes as a matter of urgency a review of all payments to staff not employed directly by the Council.

Furthermore we recommend that the Council refer to the HMRC Guidelines in particular the advice to be found here that explains that “It’s your responsibility to correctly determine the employment status of your workers – that is, whether they’re employed by you or self-employed. This depends on the terms and conditions of your working relationship with each worker.

It’s important to get your workers’ employment status right because it affects the way tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) are calculated for them. And it determines whether or not you have to operate PAYE (Pay As You Earn) on their earnings.”

Read full details here

Needless to say we did not get a response to our report. Feedback from members would be most welcome.

Britain’s Secret Fat Cats who profit at our expense

Unusually I found myself at home and able to watch the Dispatches programme on Channel Four ‘Britain’s Secret Fat Cats’

For those who missed the programme I strongly suggest you watch it on catch up TV here

The thing is that the Public know so little about what has gone on and the serious amount of public money going into the coffers of private sector companies. Whilst Town Halls have become the target of community groups and angry residents and trade unions as a result of massive cuts to budgets, private sector companies are revealing massive profits for shareholders all paid for from public money from ME AND YOU!

Whilst I maybe the last to fight the corner for senior officer pay rates, at least this is subject to public scrutiny. If these companies are allowed to take over the rest of public services the audit trail will disappear altogether.  

I am positive that 99.9% of UNISON members would be shocked, angry and disgusted about how public money can hived off for private sector companies at a time when public services and local communities are being decimated.

A thought which has often crossed my mind, is how much longer will the community continue to put with this nonsense?

Almost every person I speak to either officially and unofficially admit the private sector are in for themselves and whatever happens they never lose, they don’t take the consequences when it all goes wrong.

Worrying was the admission in the programme that ‘privatisation is one way street.’ The collapse of Connaught’s was covered in tonight’s programme (with regards Norwich) and all the things the Norwich councillor claimed, were allegedly taking place in Barnet. Last summer as rumours circulated about the future financial viability of Connaught’s, Barnet UNISON lobbied Barnet Homes asking for the service to be brought back in-house before service collapsed. Needless to say our request was not taken up. Connaught’s went bust, now we have Lovell’s and they are not even waiting 6 months before looking to attack member’s terms and conditions.

No wonder the big private sector companies are getting excited with the prospect of even more lucrative contracts where they make massive profits at no risk to themselves. I saw an article in the Daily Mail; please note I am not a reader of the Daily Mail

“They are private companies but they are also the creation of the Government’s drive to outsource services. The lion’s share of their turnover – and of their executives’ enormous pay packages – comes from the public purse. But there is little in the way of public accountability.

These outsourcers already account for £79 billion of state expenditure every year, a figure which is set to grow if the Government fulfils its pledge to put nearly all state-run services out to contract.

A White Paper on the subject is due soon and the companies with their foot already in the door are delighted.

Over the past few weeks big outsourcing companies have given extraordinarily upbeat assessments of their position.

Paul Pindar, the chief executive of Capita – which does everything from collecting TV licence fees to placing social workers – is gleeful about the prospect of a public-spending squeeze.”

Read more:

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