Branch Secretary writes to all Barnet Councillors about ££££.75Billion contract

Dear Councillors

Please find Barnet UNISON response to the New Support and Customer Services Organisation Business Case going to Cabinet Resources Committee on Wednesday 29 June

For those of you who prefer to read hard copies I have arranged for the report to be posted to you.

In all my time as Branch Secretary of Barnet UNISON I have endeavoured to seek engagement with councillors and officers in a non partisan manner it is unfortunate that our reports (and we have submitted over 30 such reports) are still being perceived as simply part of anti-outsourcing agenda, Whilst I can understand that view, I think for those who have read our reports they will find they are quite balanced and reflect the views of our growing membership.

It is now three years since the council embarked on the Future Shape programme and in that time it has changed direction a number of times; at least that is my view. In that time I have been assured by councillors and senior officers that mistakes of the past both local and national in relation to procurement and contract monitoring will not be repeated I have to report that they have become empty words.

It was not amusing or comfortable sitting in the Audit Committee two weeks ago and all the subsequent publicity that has brought to the Council. But I can only reflect that if the Council had been serious in its intentions to engage with UNISON two years ago when we submitted a 100 page draft corporate procurement policy you may never have heard the words ‘Metpro’.

In the hope that perhaps you may understand the level of concern we have over the One Barnet projects I would like to bring you attention to the now infamous Southwest One strategic partnership in Somerset which has been beset by controversy since the project was signed off by the then Lib Dem council. Since the contract was signed off there has been a change and it now a Conservative administration. The contract continue to be subject to criticism that it has not delivered anywhere near the savings first predicted; it is my understanding they have spent £58 million to make £6 million in savings. Following a Freedom of Information inquiry the Council decided to go public about the review they have carried out.

I would ask you to view this BBC southwest interview with the Ken Maddock Leader Somerset County Council it is only 2 mins long.

It is clear to anyone watching this short clip that he is uncomfortable with the contract and is aware that it will cost an ‘awful lot of money to get out of the contract with IBM’. The idea that council has the expertise and skills to take on the big law firms like IBM, Capita SERCO and the rest is a very high risk strategy.

I know Somerset very well and have been following this story for several years. They had consultants that sold the savings concept, but where are they now?

As previously, please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss aspects of our report.

To view report click here

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.

Standing up for staff and public services

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Key Risks ommitted from the Business case

The Council takes a narrow view of the function of the Business Case “…as the purpose of the business case is to identify the case to carry out procurement process, the risks associated with this process are highlighted” (Response to Trade Union comments, 31 May 2011). But the role of a Business Case is not simply justify commencement of procurement, it is also to establish a case for outsourcing the service. This is an important distinction. There is no in-house bid, so the Council has to look beyond a procurement process to determine whether the development of the options appraisal actually stacks up in the five ways described above.


The Council is not consistent because two of the six risks identified in the Business Case refer to the risk of central government changing savings targets or decreasing funding “…during the life of the contract” (page 36).


The Council is attempting to privatise risks by omitting from the business case. The risks summarised below are equally important as the six risks identified in the Business Case. If key risks are not disclosed and debated now, then the next stage will be the award of a contract when the risk register will be classified as ‘commercially confidential’. The final Business case may ultimately be disclosed through a Freedom of Information request, but by then the contract will have been signed and will be operational. These omissions would have been identified if the Council had adopted best practice in holding Gateway Reviews at important stages of the options appraisal and procurement process.


Key risks omitted by the Council

The following key procurement risks have omitted from the Business Case:

  • Higher transaction costs
  • Judicial Review if unequal treatment
  • Bidders withdraw/submit incomplete bids
  • Bidders submit higher priced bids than affordable

The Business Case identifies only one transition risk, others include :

  • TUPE transfer disputes
  • Loss of critical skills before or at transfer

The Business Case identifies only two key operational risks but there are more key risks that should be included:

  • Cost reductions not achieved
  • Service quality does not meet standards
  • High level service user complaints
  • Corporate policies not fully implemented
  • Sub-performance of subcontractor(s)
  • Transformation delay
  • Innovation limited
  • Technology or system failure
  • Change Control mechanism disputes
  • Data security breaches
  • Industrial relations/action disputes
  • Contractor seeks to renegotiate contract
  • Loss of knowhow/intellectual property
  • Disputes with contractor over impact of outsourcing other Council services

The Business Case fails to identify contract management risks such as:

  • Inadequate monitoring & reporting
  • Effectiveness of performance assessment regime
  • Lack of exit strategy

Financial Risks

  • Hidden costs emerge
  • Increased contract monitoring and management staff and costs
  • Larger budget reductions required
  • In Reduced revenue collection rates reduce income
  • Cost reductions not achieved

Democratic Governance Risk

  • Strategic & operational boards partnership management problems
  • Lack of oversight and scrutiny
  • Accountability & reporting failure

Employment Risk

  • Changes to terms and conditions
  • Increased level of job losses
  • Industrial relations disputes

  • Pensions