5 things you can do to support Barnet Mental Health social worker strikers

What can supporters do?


  1. Visit our picket lines all week commencing 5-9 February

between 8- 10 am see details on our web site here https://rb.gy/bwlesx

  1. Please sign Barnet UNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions. https://action.unison.org.uk/page/135744/action/1 Let us know when he replies.
  2. Please write by email or by letter to:

John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council John.Hooton@Barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW

Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council Cllr.B.Rawlings@barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.


  1. Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


  1. Make a donation to the Barnet UNISON Industrial Action Fund. Email the office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk for details.

7 things you can do to support Barnet Mental Health social worker strikers

What can supporters do?

  1. Visit our picket lines all week commencing 15-19 January between 8- 12.30 pm see details on our web site here


  1. Please sign Barnet UNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions. https://action.unison.org.uk/page/135744/action/1

  1. Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


  1. Request for your name to be added to the Barnet UNISON Mental Health Social Worker Strike Solidarity Wall https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2023/11/28/barnet-unison-mental-health-social-worker-strike-solidarity-wall/ by sending an email to contactus@barnetunison.org.uk requesting for your solidarity message to be added to the Solidarity Wall.


  1. If you are on social media, you can help by liking/sharing or commenting on our many posts. Here are our social media sites.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/barnet_unison

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarnetUNISON

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barnetunison/

  1. Please write by email or by letter to:

John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council John.Hooton@Barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW

Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council Cllr.B.Rawlings@barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.


  1. Make a donation to the Barnet UNISON Industrial Action Fund. Email the office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk for details.


Please let the branch know what you can do in solidarity for our Barnet UNISON strikers.


Barnet UNISON.


London Living Wage and The Barnet Group

The lowest paid group of workers in The Barnet Group are the workers who will go through the whole of 2023 without an increase in pay. This is thanks to a decision by The Barnet Group to pay the London Living Wage increase in May 2024. Barnet Council could end this terrible state of affairs by agreeing to make payments to The Barnet Group which would enable the London Living Wage to be paid immediately. However, between two employers which can afford 2 Chief Executives, duplicate staffing of directors and support services, they have decided to withhold this money to balance the books.

It’s good to know Barnet Council is continuing a well-trodden path of making the poorest pay the most for a crisis.
Barnet UNISON is meeting with members over the next couple of weeks to hear the views of our members. If you want to be involved in a meeting and don’t know where to go, please write to contactus@barnetunison.org.uk.

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