Capita Update to Council staff working in NSCSO & DRS services

Dear Colleagues

I attended all the meetings with staff and Capita over the last two days. It was clear from the presentation and the questions that there is a great deal of concern about the future for all staff.

Please find enclosed flyer here for what is the beginning of a series of UNISON NSCSO & DRS meetings.

I am attending weekly meetings with Capita and our local UNISON reps. It is critical that all our members across NSCSO & DRS attend these briefings.

Here are a few of key issues being raised by members

·         Redundancy Pay

·         What happens after the 12 months protection to terms & conditions.

·         Notice period

·         Future employment

·         Home working

·         Relocation packages

·         Future restructures/redundancies

Every Friday our branch will include an update on our discussions with Capita in the ENEWS please make time to read it.

I look forward to seeing you at the first meeting on Tuesday 15 January at 12 noon in the Oak Room, Building 4.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


2013 a new year but an old campaign which just keeps going…


Just came out of a shower and the world seems different. I have been told that Capita is taking over Council services and I have a meeting with Capita on Monday.

It appears that on Aprils Fools Day (1 April 2013) the Council hand over the keys to Capita. The staff list drops from approx 510 to 458 on 1 April with a further 210 jobs to go in the first 12 months!

Next week (7 January) we are meeting Capita will check out if this is really true?

Are they really moving jobs out of our community and scattering them to the four winds?



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