Feedback from Tripartite meeting on Monday 28 January

1. G4S still no show

Week Four and still no sign of G4S in our weekly meetings. UNISON was told G4S are taking over the cash collection which is currently provided by the Finance Service. The delay and uncertainty for members is unacceptable. UNISON was informed there would be an update by the end of the week. Deadline has been and gone

2. Staff Handbook/Policies

We were told this would be made available to all NSCSO staff by Wednesday at the latest. Deadline has been and gone..***update it has now arrived. 30 consultation has begun.

3. Capita response to UNISON letter – waiting for a response

4. Barnet Council response to UNISON letter – response due in 10 days

5. “Will I be entitled to my redundancy payment if….”

This is the most frequent question I am, asked and quite frankly it is disappointing that the employment matrix which was shared with UNISON several weeks ago has still not been produced for staff.  It is critical for all staff working across NSCSO to be able to see what their employment options are after the transfer to Capita.

6. Capita Service Presentations

Capita provided presentation for IS/ICT services which they want to roll out for all 8 services transferring to Capita. This was in response to UNISON’s request for more detailed information about the staffing implications of the transfer. Contacgt the branch if this is not shared in your service.

7. “Less consultation – not a good idea”

On Monday the Council announced that they wanted these meetings to be fortnightly. UNISON objected and added that they wanted more meetings to discuss the growing number of concerns being raised by UNISON and our members. This is a TUPE transfer like no other. There are significant numbers of staff at risk of redundancy after transfer. UNISON is seeking to reduce the numbers of staff being made redundant. Reducing the meetings is not going to help this process.

UNISON reps will be turning up at the agreed time and expect to meet with Capita, LBB, Barnet Homes, G4S.

8. Embargoed Tripartite minutes

Members are quite rightly asking for mire details about the Tripartite meetings. I had asked that the minutes of these meetings be provided to staff on the intranet. Astonishingly the Council & Capita opposed this proposal. Last week, UNISON made a proposal that at each meeting the minutes would be agreed and if there were any items that needed to be embargoed they would be removed and the rest of the minutes circulated to staff. Unfortunately this reasonable request was not accepted. UNISON fully supports the transparency agenda and will report back on these meetings. We registered our disappointment about the use of embargoing of Tripartite minutes.

9. Capita Talent Connect

UNSION was informed that the above website which was providing employment opportunities would be ready this week. Deadline has been and gone

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