UNISON response to Childrens Services SEN proposals

Update on Failure to Agree

The big news from the proposed restructures in Children’s Services is not just the redundancies, but the downgradings with increases in responsibility and workloads! Colleagues are not happy about this. Meetings are being set up with the respective senior management groups to try to reach an agreement on a way forward.

View the responses to the proposals here

UNISON responses to changes in Adult Social Care and Health Services

Update on Failure to Agree

The big news from the proposed restructures in Adults Services is not just the redundancies, but the downgradings with increases in responsibility and workloads! Colleagues are not happy about this. Meetings are being set up with the respective senior management groups to try to reach an agreement on a way forward. View the responses to the proposals here.

For those working in Adults Services, please attend the UNISON meeting 12.30pm Oak Room to discuss latest update and our position.


Why Barnet Trades Council is supporting the Barnet Spring March

The Trade Union movement is facing its biggest challenge in over 30 years. The Conservative Home blog, think-tank of the Tories, is celebrating the drop in overall union   membership as one of its major achievements.

We are all organising to halt the attacks on our members’ terms and conditions, to resist mass redundancies, and last but not least to oppose the relentless privatisation of public services.

If you want to demonstrate against the Tories, then where better to do it than in Barnet on March 23rd? Barnet has a Tory Council which is using mass privatisation to make hundreds of Council workers redundant and is attacking the Council trade unions for campaigning to defend their members’ jobs. The Council is proposing to delete almost all agreed time off for trade union representatives to carry out their duties.

It is important that the trade union movement organises within its own community to support and build alliances with residents. We have seen that if residents learn about these cuts, they are prepared to act to defend them.

Barnet Trades Council is calling on all trade union branches across our borough to make a pledge to send their banners and members to the Barnet Spring march on Saturday 23 March. We are also extending our invitation to the wider trade union movement across London and  beyond. There is an alternative worth fighting for and the Trade Unions are very much part of it.

You can download flyer here

Why Barnet UNISON is supporting BarnetSpring March

Barnet UNISON has been involved in a five year campaign to oppose the mass outsourcing of Council services. The Council has refused to engage on alternatives to outsourcing.

Two years ago Barnet Council cut our Facility Time by 65% and added a further cut last year. Our branch has recently been presented with a proposal to cut the remaining facility time to a level by which the branch will be unable to represent our members. This is at a time of massive change for our members. Over 600 hundred workers are facing a transfer to Capita later this year and we have learnt most of the jobs are to be based out of London.

This is a direct attack on our union and the ability of our members to belong to a union.

Why the attack on Barnet UNISON?

We are guilty of doing our utmost to defend our members’ terms and conditions.

We are guilty of working with other local trade unions and the community our members serve to defend public services.

We are joining the community and other Trade Unions for the BarnetSpring March at a time of increasing austerity. Residents fear having a multi-national, Capita, take over the lion’s share of the   Council’s services with a 10 year contract and that this will have a detrimental impact on local democracy.

We will not be silenced and our voice will be stronger in the months to come.

If you support public services and oppose the Coalition Government’s Austerity policies, then there is no better place to be than with our  unions and community on the demonstration March 23rd: now known as the BarnetSpring.

Download our flyer here

UNISON wins landmark legal decisions for Barnet council workers

More than 150 Barnet Council workers are set to receive compensation, following a landmark decision, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, after a decision of the Employment Tribunal announced today (5 February).

The Employment Tribunal in Watford ruled that the council was in breach of changes to s 188 and regulation 13 of TUPE brought in by the Agency Workers’ Regulations by failing to provide UNISON with information on the number of agency workers employed by Barnet Council.

You can read the judgement here

UNISON asked for the information to protect council workers as part of a wider consultation over redundancies and the transfer of staff.

The Tribunal made protective awards of 60 days’ and compensation of 40 and 50 days’ pay in respect of two transfers and a redundancy exercise that took place last year.

The union welcomed today’s decision, as it is one of the first cases, brought under provisions introduced at the same time as the Agency Workers’ Regulations in October 2011. They require employers to provide information on the agency workers engaged during TUPE transfers and collective redundancy consultation.

The Judge in the case described Barnet’s refusal to provide information as “a relatively serious failure”. And UNISON said the decision, upholding the requirement to provide information on agency workers, has important ramifications for other unions, to help them negotiate more effectively and avoid redundancies.

Dave Prentis General Secretary of UNISON, said:

“Today’s landmark decision is an important step forward in protecting workers when they are under threat of redundancy or transfer. It must act as a warning to other councils that they must provide information on agency workers to unions or suffer the consequences.

“Across the country, councils are cutting and outsourcing services. Workers need to be protected from having their rights ridden over roughshod. Today’s decision is recognition of the difficulties that unions face when employers withhold information that could and should be given.”

John Burgess, Barnet UNISON Branch Secretary, said:

“We welcome this decision which recognises the hard work of our local reps who have consistently raised the issue of agency workers data over the last three and half years.”

Our reps repeatedly warned the Council about their responsibilities to provide the agency data at a time when staff are at ‘risk of redundancy’ and outsourcing. Barnet Council have become increasingly reliant on consultants and chose to ignore our attempts to resolve this matter locally.”

The Employment Tribunal found:

1. That the Respondent (Barnet Council) failed to comply with s 188 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 in respect of redundancies that took effect on 31 March 2012 by failing to provide information on agency workers;

2. The Respondent failed to comply with r 13 of TUPE 2006 in respect of transfers on 1 April and 1 May 2012 by failing to provide information on agency workers; and 3. The Tribunal has made protective awards of 60 days and compensation of 40 and 50 days respectively in respect of these breaches.


Save our NHS in Enfield & support other NHS campaigns

Yesterday Barnet UNISON attended a march to save the Barnet Chase Farm Hospital. This campaign has been ongoing for ten years but the announcement (privatisation or bankruptcy) last week about the future of hospital services in Enfield demands a response from residents, community groups, local politicians, trade unions.

The march ended at the hospital where a number of people entered and have now begun an occupation.

Survival fear for hospital trust if merger talks fail

BARNET and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust could be privatised or face bankruptcy if its merger with the Royal Free Hospital falls through, councillors have been warned.


Commons set for debate on plans for A&E closures

“parliamentary committee’s decision to hold a debate at the House of Commons next week on accident & emergency department closures.”


Demonstrators to march through Enfield in protest at proposed Chase Farm A&E and maternity closure


Across London residents and community campaigns are springing up.

Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign

Check out SaveLewsihamA&E their website here



Save Whittington Hospital Campaign are busy preparing to fight to save their local hospital please note meeting


They are having a public meeting on

Tuesday 12th February 2013

7.30 – 9.00 pm

Archway Methodist Hall, Archway Close, N19 3TD

Sign their petition here http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-the-sell-off-and-cuts-at-the-whittington-hospital/sign.html




“Agency Worker mystery – How many jobs are there?”

UNISON has for the last three years been chasing the Council about transparency about agency figures in order that staff at risk of redundancy are able to have an opportunity to find employment and avoid compulsory redundancy.

Every Friday those council staff art risk of redundancy receive a Redeployment Bulletin. At any one time there may be advertised up to 40 jobs. However, on average at least 50% of these jobs are often in schools.

The Council has a statutory duty when there is a risk of redundancy or a TUPE transfer to provide trade unions agency worker details.

This information is also provided at local industrial relations meetings otherwise known as Area Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committees (JNCC’s)

The last Agency worker list provided to the Trade Unions reported a total of 552.  This figure has been broken down into the following service areas:

·         Adult and Social Care – (85)

·         Chief Executive Services (84)

·         Children’s Services (89)

·         Commercial Assurance (32)

·         Corporate Governance (2)

·         Deputy Chief Executives Services (49)

·         Environment Planning & Regeneration (211)

UNISON has been informed this does not mean that there are 552 vacant posts which are all being filled by Agency workers. However UNISON has been trying to establish how many of these posts are covering actual permanent posts (including fixed term) which could be filled by a member of staff who is at risk of redundancy.

Any UNISON members at risk of redundancy who are concerned that they are not accessing internal job vacancies please contact the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

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