Trolley Hospitals – coming to a community near you!

Dear Patient

Welcome to Trolley Hospital WDCT (aka We Don’t Care Trust).

First we want to thank to the Coalition Government for providing us with the opportunity to earn some “‘Lolly from our Trolley!”

The new regulations in particular Regulation 75 have provided WDCT with an opportunity to make lots of money (lolly) from our latest groundbreaking innovative services known as ‘Trolley Hospitals’

It is such a simple idea. We aim to cuts costs by simply treating patients on their trolleys in corridors, and where possible in the fresh air as it is clear from all the planned ward and or hospital closures queues in NHS hospitals are going to get longer and stretch out into the streets.

We at WDCT thought why not start treating patients on their trolleys whilst they are waiting for the NHS service, that way we will be helping the Coalition Government reduce the cost of the NHS. 

Obviously there will be a charge, after all NHS is no longer free any more.

We prefer cash, but we will be prepared to take your cash point or credit cards. All you have to do is give one of our care shirkers……ooops care workers your security number and we will pop down the cash point and take out the money, whilst you sit in the comfort of your trolley!

Sounds great and we can’t wait to get started.

We have noted that there are a number of hospitals and wards closing across London and we all know what that will mean…….QUEUES and they are going to get bigger and bigger…… so we know we are on to a winner here

Look out for ‘Trolley Hospital’ flyers we hope we will be treating you on a trolley in your community soon. For more details contact and we promise not to get back to you within 365 days.

Trolley Hospitals ‘We are after your Lolly!’

If you would be interested in treating patients on behalf of the Trolley Hospital WDCT, don’t worry you don’t need any qualifications, we will take anyone. Payment will be on commission, no salary or paid annual leave.

UNISON wins unfair dismissal claim for workers transferred from Barnet to Croydon or Lancing

UNISON Press Release 26/04/2013

UNISON wins unfair dismissal claim for workers transferred from Barnet to Croydon or Lancing

UNISON has won unfair dismissal claims* for six parking enforcement workers who were made redundant when the services they provided were sold off to a private company and their jobs relocated from Barnet to Croydon or Lancing.

When Barnet Council’s parking enforcement services were outsourced to NSL Limited in May 2012, the plan was for staff to work out of the company’s Croydon office.

An equality impact assessment revealed that many workers would not be able to travel to workplaces outside of Barnet due to caring responsibilities or medical and disability-related conditions that prevented them from driving or travelling long distances.

The council said that it would ask NSL to allow these people to work out of offices in Barnet. However, prior to the transfer, NSL decided to subcontract the postal and processing work that members of this claim were involved in, to offices in Lancing, near Brighton.

Following the transfer, the workers were made redundant after a month, as they were unable to move from Barnet to either Croydon or Lancing for the reasons above, and due to the cost and time involved with the lengthy journey.

Shantha David, UNISON legal officer, said:

“We are delighted that our members’ rightful case for unfair dismissal has been recognised. We are calling on NSL and RR Donnelly to pay our members what they are due following today’s remedy hearing and to avoid any further legal wrangling.

“The case should serve as a reminder to the growing number of employers considering outsourcing and relocating staff that they still have a responsibility to honour terms and conditions protected under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006.”  

John Burgess, UNISON branch secretary in Barnet, said:

“I am happy for our members as it has been a stressful time for them and for their families. This case reinforces the reason why it is even more important in this difficult economic climate for workers to join a union.”

*Paul Besagni & five others v NSL and RR Donnelly.



Information to all our members on Credit Union

About The Credit Union

The Credit Union is a not for profit co-operative dedicated to promoting saving and dealing with debt. Anyone living or working or studying in Barnet or Camden or City of London or Hackney or Haringey or Islington can now become a member of the credit union.

For more details click on link below

To Apply For Membership click on the link below


The real Benefits story – spread it


Here is the breakdown:

46% spent on State Pension

14% spent on Housing Benefit

8% spent on Disability Living Allowance

5 % spent on Pensions Credit

5% spent on Income Support

4% spent on incapacity benefit

3% spent on Attendance Allowance

3% spent on Council tax benefit

3% spent on job seeker allowance

2% spent on winter fuel payments

2% spent on Employment on Support Allowance

1% spent on Statutory Maternity Pay

1% spent on Carers allowance

3% on Others


Update on true cost of Capita NSCSO outsourcing

To view the latest postion in relation to the negotiations on the Capita NSCSO project view document here

There has already been a positive change as a result of discussions with the increase in revenues and benefits posts now remaining in the borough.

However this is just the begining, UNISON will be endeavouring to negotiate more jobs to remain within the borough and hope the Council will help support this aim.

For more details on the negotiations see here

“Your Choice was never Our Choice!” – A New Campaign is Launched

“Your Choice was never Our Choice!” – A New Campaign is Launched

Around 50 people came together last night to launch a campaign to bring Your Choice services back in-house. There was a mixture of service users, carers, workers and supporters. Everyone was clear the fight for workers’ pay and rights is directly linked to the fight for the rights of disabled people. After all if the workers are treated shamefully then what does that say about the way disabled people are viewed? Not worthy of having a skilled worker? People were clear the fight is not going to be easy, but neither is allowing Your Choice and the Council to get away with an outrageous attack on the terms and conditions of Your Choice workers who will be downgraded in pay or be made redundant, have weekend allowances removed and then have their salaries benchmarked against the private sector. UNISON estimates the cuts could amount to around a 20% cut in the pay of these already low-paid workers. The meeting agreed to support the Labour Party motion going to Full Council next week about bringing Your Choice back in-house and to encourage people to attend that meeting. It also agreed to have the next campaign meeting Thursday 25th April in the evening at the Greek Cypriot Centre to decide next steps.

Council Social Care Staff

The context of the Your Choice Campaign is one which is becoming all too familiar in the Council as jobs are cut and downgraded and people feel angry about the way the work they do is not being valued. Library workers are disputing their pay grade and added to this are social care staff in Adults and Communities Service. On a 60% turnout they have voted 95% in favour of requesting the branch seeks authorisation for an official ballot for industrial action to have the right pay reinstated for a critical post in the structure. These social work and OT staff are telling the branch in meeting after meeting they have had enough and are fed up with not being taken seriously.

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