NJC Pay 2013/14 – Branch Consultation Begins on Final Offer

NJC Pay 2013/14 – Branch Consultation Begins on Final Offer

At its meeting on 7 May 2013, the UNISON NJC Committee agreed to hold a formal consultation under the Service Group Pay Consultation Procedures on the Employers’ 2013/14 final NJC pay offer which is attached.

UNISON’s NJC Committee’s Views on the offer

The UNISON NJC Committee’s view is that the employers’ below-inflation pay offer (to view click here) falls far below the aspirations in our 2013-14 pay claim and what our members deserve. It means a further pay cut for our members after a three-year pay freeze. However, the Committee also believes that it is the best offer achievable by negotiation and that only sustained, all-out strike action can achieve an improved pay offer.

UNISON Branches are being asked to consult members on that basis and the Committee will be meeting on Thursday 13 June 2013 to consider the results of the consultation.

The NJC Trade Unions

At the meeting of the NJC Trade Union Side also held 7 May, it was agreed that all three unions will consult their members on the basis that the offer is the best achievable by negotiation. GMB and UNITE are finalising their consultation arrangements but anticipate ending their consultations by the beginning of July.

The Trade Union Side also reaffirmed its view that the negotiators should not negotiate over Part 2 conditions. It was strongly felt that the Employers’ ‘offer’ letter had misconstrued the trade unions’ approach to bargaining over conditions. We had been prepared to discuss a new ‘green’ travel policy and sickness absence management and other issues such as carers’ leave. Sadly, the employers had made it clear that any new conditions would not be included in the Green Book, that cuts to other conditions would have to be made to pay for them and that councils in the NJC who had already cut conditions would not be required to comply with any agreed new ones!!!! It is clear that they are living in a fantasy land in which they cannot confront the reality of the NJC’s ‘bargain basement’ conditions.


It is vital that as many members as possible take part in the consultation on the 2013/14 offer. 

Our branch will be carrying out an online ballot look out for our GO LIVE ballot notifications

We will be discussing the Pay Offer at our branch meeting on 21 May.

Further information on the Pay Offer click here and here

Judicial Review National & Local Media round up

‘The law is an ass’ – campaigner Maria Nash will continue fight against One Barnet


High court rejects legal challenge to Barnet’s ‘easyCouncil’ plans


Barnet Council wins legal victory over outsourcing plans


 UPDATED: High Court victory for Barnet outsource plan


 Judge rejects One Barnet judicial review


 Barnet outsourcing campaigners appeal judge ruling


 High Court rejects judical review of One Barnet outsourcing programme by disabled pensioner


 Barnet Borough Council wins One Barnet judicial review


Barnet UNISON Press Release: “Judicial Review: “Victory, Victory how does 400 redundancies equal victory?”

30 April 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Yesterday was a very sad day in the employment history of Barnet Council. Lord Justice Underhill, sitting in the high court, ruled against a severely disabled Barnet resident, Maria Nash, who challenged the north London council’s proposed contract with Capita on the basis that it failed to consult before outsourcing.

John Burgess UNISON Branch Secretary said:

“I have seen numerous reports in the media and the word which I really take great exception to is the use of “Victory”. In particularly this line:  “This is a clear and complete victory for the council. We won and our opponents lost.” (Leader Barnet Council 29 April 2013)


For those unfamiliar with the human casualties arising from the One Barnet mass outsourcing programme, there are almost 1000 jobs affected by this decision. There are at least 400 local jobs at risk of redundancy in the next 12 months as a result of Capita’s plan to relocate jobs to Belfast, Carlisle, Southampton, Blackburn to name but a few locations.


Barnet Council deliberately chose not to include a clause in the tender to include a requirement from the winning contractor to bring jobs into our community. Only last week I had to sit in a Full Council meeting and listen to the Deputy Leader of Barnet Council say the following:

“In Quarter 2 2012/13, Barnet was ranked in second place in London for the total number of ‘high performing and low cost’ services” (Deputy Leader, Barnet Council April 2013)


Up and down the country some politicians are standing shoulder to shoulder with their communities fighting to keep jobs local. BUT here in Barnet our members are saying hard work and loyalty count for nothing. 

Our next task will be to enter into urgent negotiations with Capita to try and see if they will change their plans to ship hundreds of jobs out of our community and instead deliver services here in Barnet and so avoid hundreds of redundancies.”

***** Ends *****

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


1. Update on true cost of Capita NSCSO outsourcing click here

2. Details of jobs lost to the community here

3. Capita – Update on TUPE consultation – For details click here

4. 397 jobs “The true cost of One Barnet outsourcing” details click here

5. To view link to the Judgement here


Victory, Victory how does 400 redundancies equal victory?

“Today is a very sad day in the employment history of Barnet Council. Lord Justice Underhill, sitting in the high court, ruled against a severely disabled Barnet resident, Maria Nash, who challenged the north London council’s proposed contract with Capita on the basis that it failed to consult before outsourcing.

The result is that barring a successful Appeal the contract will be signed with Capita at some point in the not too distant future.

I have seen numerous reports in the media and the word which I take great exception to is the use of “Victory”. In particularly this line:

 “This is a clear and complete victory for the council. We won and our opponents lost.” (Leader Barnet Council 29 April 2013)

For those unfamiliar with the human casualties arsing from this mass outsourcing programme, there are 600 jobs all at risk with at least 400 local jobs at risk of redundancy in the next 12 months as a result of Capita’s plan to relocate jobs to Belfast, Carlisle, Southampton, Blackburn to name but a few locations.

Barnet Council deliberately chose not to include a clause in the tender to include a requirement from the winning contractor to bring jobs into our community. Only last week I had to sit in a Full Council meeting and listen to the Deputy Leader of Barnet Council say the following:

“In Quarter 2 2012/13, Barnet was ranked in second place in London for the total number of ‘high performing and low cost’ services” (Deputy Leader, Barnet Council April 2013)

Up and down the country some politicians are standing shoulder to shoulder with their communities fighting to keep jobs local. BUT here in Barnet our members are saying hard work and loyalty count for nothing.

Our next task will be enter into talks with Capita to try and see if they will reduce the hundreds of redundancies which have already been identified in their plans which won the contract.”

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