649 new Barnet Council jobs?

It sounds amazing especially when you consider:

1. The increased spend on Agency & Consultants

According to local Blogger Mr Reasonable

“In 2012/13 Comensura billed £12.5 million, In 2013/14 it rose to £13.8 million and this year, 2014/15 it has jumped again to £15.5 million.”


2. The amount of outsourcing that has taken place over the last three years where the following Council services have been transferred to another employer.

1. Your Choice Barnet

2. Housing Options

3. NSL (parking)

4. Capita CSG: Finance, HR, Payroll, Estates, Property Services, Pensions, Revenue & Benefits,

5. Capita Re: Building Control, Environmental Health, Planning, Trading Standards & Licencing

6. Legal Services

7. Registrars & Nationality Services


9. Music Trust

10. Mortuary Services

3. Why the headline above?

Take a look at this report which was submitted to the Performance & Contract Monitoring Committee on 12 May 2015.


Please note the Total Established Position it states there are 3080.00 FTE

Then compare with staffing figures presented to Performance & Contract Monitoring Committee on 11 November 2014.


Please note the Total Established Position it states there are 2431.00 FTE

According to the Council’s own staffing data that means an increase of 649 FTE posts in the space on 6 months.

UNISON has been involved in a number of restructures over the last 9 months and staff have been made redundant. There are now staff at risk of redundancy working in children’s centres.

What is worrying it that we have not been informed of where these 649 jobs have been created!

Why we are on strike on 8 July

Why are we on strike?

Six years ago Barnet Council introduced a policy known as Future Shape which morphed into ‘easyCouncil’*.This imposed a series of tariffs on residents wishing to access a range of services. A basic service would be offered to residents at a fixed price, but ‘fast track’ services might be available if you paid extra.

This approach was quickly abandoned by the consultant driven One Barnet Programme, which led to the following Council Services being outsourced/privatised in the space of three years:

1. Social Care for Adults with disabilities to Your Choice Barnet

2. Housing Options to Barnet Homes

3. Parking Services to NSL

4. Revenues & Benefits, IT, HR & Payroll, Pensions, Health & Safety, Finance, Estates, Property Services, Procurement, Projects all now part of Capita CSG

5. Environmental Health, Planning, Building Control, Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Highways, Trading Standards & Licensing all now Capita RE

6. Legal Services

7. Registrars & Nationality Services


9. Music Trust

10. Public Health

11. Mortuary Services.

Over the past three years our members have seen hundreds of colleagues transferred to other employers. This has often meant redundancy as the new employer has moved jobs out of the borough and Greater London to places as far afield as Belfast, Carlisle, Coventry, Southampton and Darlington.

Now we are in the final phase for what remains of Council services.

Barnet has branded this final phase as the ‘Commissioning Council’.

Very few people know what Commissioning really means, but if you work for the Council we all know it means that we will no longer be working for the Council.

On 3 March 2015 Barnet Council agreed its next Five Commissioning Plans all of which are looking at ‘Alternative Delivery Models’, jargon for working for a different employer.

The Council Services now at risk of outsourcing are:

1. Early Years – 13 Children’s Centres

2. Library Services

3. Adults & Communities services

4. Street Scene Services e.g. Waste & Recycling, Street Cleansing, Parks and Transport

5. Education & Skills and School Meals services.

Speaking to the Council

Over the past six years Barnet UNISON has made numerous, well-documented attempts to speak to the Council. Our voice, however, has been drowned out by expensive consultants who appear to have been running the Council for all this time.

We exhausted the internal procedures to try and avoid having to register a dispute. We finally declared a formal dispute with the Council on 4 December 2014.

Despite this on 12 January 2015 Barnet Council made a decision to put Education & Skills and School Meals services out for sale.

Three big multinational contractors are now bidding to win a contract valued at almost £1bn.

We are still waiting for the Council to return to the negotiating table but time is marching on.

Our members want to work for the Council, they want to be directly accountable to the residents of Barnet.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will have to place the shareholders’ legal demands before local residents’ needs.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which  uses zero hours contracts.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will not pay the London Living Wage as a basic minimum.

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which won’t allow their colleagues to belong to their Pension Scheme, and

Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will take jobs out of the borough.

That’s why 87% of our members working for the Council voted ‘Yes’ to taking strike action.

John Burgess

Branch Secretary



*easyCouncil is back: at a recent Full Council meeting on 14 April Conservative Councillors decided to adopt an easyCouncil approach to Planning Services. If you have the money you can fast track your request! 

Barnet UNISON confirm two day strike begins next week 30 April and 1 May 2015.

Barnet UNISON Press Release: 23 April 2015 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Barnet UNISON confirm two day strike begins next week 30 April and 1 May 2015.

Barnet UNISON members who still work for Barnet Council (excluding community schools) will begin two days of strike action on Thursday 30 April and Friday 1 May.

The dispute will involves coach escorts, drivers, social workers, occupational therapists, lschools catering staff, education welfare officers, library workers, children centre workers, street cleaning & refuse workers, all of whom have made it clear they want to remain employees of the Commissioning Council.

UNISON Branch Secretary John Burgess said: The Council are about to start confidential negotiations with Capita, Cambridge Education and EC Harris which are bidding to win a contract valued at almost £1bn.  Whist we are still waiting for the Council to return to the negotiating table time is marching on. Our members want to work for the Council, they want to be directly accountable to the residents of Barnet. Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will have to place the shareholders’ legal demands before local residents’ needs. Our members don’t want to work for an employer which  uses zero hours contracts. Our members don’t want to work for an employer which will not pay the London Living Wage as a basic minimum. Our members don’t want to work for an employer which won’t allow their colleagues to belong to their Pension Scheme, and our members don’t want to work for an employer which will take jobs out of the borough. That’s why 87% of our members working for the Council voted ‘Yes’ to taking strike action. One of our members has written and produced a music campaign video called “The easyCouncil Loco-motion” which pretty much sums up the mood of our members take a look here https://youtu.be/Wi0bdgofsmM

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


1. Six years ago Barnet Council introduced a policy known as Future Shape which morphed into ‘easyCouncil’*.This imposed a series of tariffs on residents wishing to access a range of services. A basic service would be offered to residents at a fixed price, but ‘fast track’ services might be available if you paid extra.

This approach was quickly abandoned by the consultant driven One Barnet Programme, which led to the following Council Services being outsourced/privatised in the space of three years:

1. Social Care for Adults with disabilities to Your Choice Barnet

2. Housing Options to Barnet Homes

3. Parking Services to NSL

4. Revenues & Benefits, IT, HR & Payroll, Pensions, Health & Safety, Finance, Estates, Property Services, Procurement, Projects all now part of Capita CSG

5. Environmental Health, Planning, Building Control, Hendon Cemetery & Crematorium, Highways, Trading Standards & Licensing all now Capita RE

6. Legal Services

7. Registrars & Nationality Services


9. Music Trust

10. Public Health

11. Mortuary Services.

Over the past three years our members have seen hundreds of colleagues transferred to other employers. This has often meant redundancy as the new employer has moved jobs out of the borough and Greater London to places as far afield as Belfast, Carlisle, Coventry, Southampton and Darlington.

Barnet has branded this final phase as the ‘Commissioning Council’.

On 3 March 2015 Barnet Council agreed its next Five Commissioning Plans all of which are looking at ‘Alternative Delivery Models’, jargon for working for a different employer.

The Council Services now at risk of outsourcing are:

1. Early Years – 13 Children’s Centres

2. Library Services

3. Adults & Communities services

4. Street Scene Services e.g. Waste & Recycling, Street Cleansing, Parks and Transport

5. Education & Skills and School Meals services.


2. Disappearing Council – short animation https://youtu.be/YQ5t63fSu-s


3. “The easyCouncil Loco-motion” https://youtu.be/Wi0bdgofsmM

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 81% of Barnet Council workforce to be outsourced!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 81% of Barnet Council workforce to be outsourced!

Barnet UNISON Press Release: 18 November 2014

Later this week the Environment & Adults Safeguarding Committee are due vote on decisions to begin the process of outsourcing Council staff working in Street Scene (refuse & recycling, street cleansing, parks etc) and Adult Social Care (social workers).

These decisions follow earlier Committee meetings which also recommended outsourcing.

The numbers of staff to be outsourced are as follows:

· Street Scene 478.42 posts.

· Adult Social Care 362.75 posts.

· Education & Catering 336 posts.

· Early Years Children’s Centres 170 posts.

· Library Service 150 posts.

Full details of Barnet Council Committee decisions can be found in our latest report here.

John Burgess UNISON Branch Secretary said: “We have already been through massive changes with a third of the Council staff outsourced under the One Barnet Programme (1371). BUT this latest set of proposals is going to hit staff particularly hard and will have a detrimental effect on the ability of Barnet Council to recruit new staff.

If all of the above services are outsourced the Council will have outsourced 2878 staff leaving behind a small cohort of 332 staff. Our branch has unfortunately had to deal with a lot of outsourcing in the past two years and in almost all cases it has meant cuts & redundancies for the staff transferring and led to the emergence of a two- tier workforce. In response to this shocking news we have organised a public meeting on 26 November at the Greek Cypriot Centre, North Finchley to discuss the implications for our members and council services.”


Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


Between January 2012 and October 2013 Barnet Council outsourced the following services:

Adult Social care, Parking services, Legal services, Customer Services, Estates, Finance, Human Resources and Payroll, IT Infrastructure and Support, Procurement, Revenues and Benefits, Commercial Services, Housing Options, Building Control, Planning Administration (Development Management),Strategic Planning and Regeneration, Transport, Highways Services, Land Charges, Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing, Cemetery and Crematorium, Barnet Registration and Nationality Service.

In September 2012 Barnet Council employed 3,200 staff (excluding maintained school staff)

In September 2014 Barnet Council employs 1829.71 staff (excluding maintained school staff)


1. 81% of Barnet staff facing outsourcing an Update on the “Disappearing Council”


2. Barnet libraries threatened with closure as council earmarks £2.8m cuts


3. 26 November 2014 public meeting http://www.barnetunison.me.uk/sites/default/files/26%20November%202014%20Public%20meeting.pdf


UNISON respond to Council may be forced to outsource additional services, warns leader”

“Council may be forced to outsource additional services, warns leader”

(Barnet Press 3 October 2013)

“THE leader of Barnet Council says that the authority will continue to outsource and make funding cuts if the government continues to slash local authority budgets after the 2015 general election.” More here

On Tuesday 1 October  UNISON attended a meeting to discuss the One Barnet Programme. Some of our members may be aware that the programme was split into Wave One & Wave Two. The meeting formalised the closing of Wave One with the caveat that there would be a lessons learnt report produced with an opportunity for the trade unions to contribute. We were informed that Wave Two has already started which includes CCTV service, Registars Services, Mortuary Service all of which will no doubt be outsourced at some point in time.

The latest big project for Wave Two is the Education Service or what used be known as the Local Education Authority (LEA). This service has had some pretty vicious cuts in the past but has now been lumped together with all the services that have remained in Education in readiness for the One Barnet treatment.

I reported back to the meeting that staff already believe it is simply a matter of time before they are outsourced. Many workers in our Education service are already aware that Capita won the contract to deliver LEA services on behalf of Staffordshire County Council late last year. More recently Capita won another big contract in Swindon to deliver the following services: administrative support and reception-based duties on behalf of the Children’s Integrated Service Localities teams, which includes education welfare, youth engagement, health visiting support, targeted mental health services and educational psychology.

So, the news headline will not be a shock to anyone working for the Council. The Commissioning model does not tolerate in house service delivery. It doesn’t matter whether the service is high performing, low cost, value for money, the ‘die has been cast’ and outsourcing is the ‘only game in town’.

It is only right to point out Streetscene services have remained in-house. This weekend sees the return of the Recycling services from May Gurney. However a straw poll of members working down the deport would reveal that no one believes that this services will be still in-house once Mill Hill Depot is sold by December 2016

UNISON does not support ideological adherence to One Barnet outsourcing and will continue to support our members and public services in Barnet.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ‘Capitaville’-Capita to takeover more Barnet Council services.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ‘Capitaville’-Capita to takeover more Barnet Council services.

Today staff were told at a series of briefings that Capita Symonds is the preferred bidder to deliver a whole range of Council Regulatory services to Barnet residents and businesses.

 The services to be handed over to Capita include the following:

Trading Standards & Licensing, Land Charges, Planning & Development, Building Control & Structures, Environmental Health, Highways Strategy, Highways Network Management, Highways Traffic & Development, Highways Transport & Regeneration, Strategic Planning & Regeneration, Hendon Cemetery & Crematoria

Barnet Council has a number of statutory responsibilities to monitor the private sector in order to ensure the health and safety of their residents. The recent high- profile national public-health scandal about the use of Horsemeat in processed foods emphasises that private companies do not adequately monitor their own activities, leaving the public at risk. If Barnet Council is allowed to privatise these services, it will set a dangerous precedent for other councils.

Barnet Council has been promoting itself as an innovator for the future of public services by adopting the Commissioning Council model. In the last 12 months the Council has overseen a significant number of services outsourced to other providers. The full list of services are here.

John Burgess UNISON Branch Secretary said: “Barnet Council is making a huge mistake in handing over these critical services to the private sector. It is not just about the risks this brings but what it means in term of democratic accountability. Next year we have the local elections in May 2014. What options will there be for the electorate if all the council spend is tied up into complex contracts? As for all the remaining staff the message is stark: no matter how loyal you are, no matter how hard you work political dogma is dictating all services are to be outsourced. Today a number of our members have chosen to wear black armbands/ black clothing as a sign of the demise of the public sector ethos in Barnet Council.”

***** Ends *****

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


1. What is One Barnet watch this short animation http://ning.it/Qp5Adx

2. UNISON report on One Barnet DRS contract http://ning.it/11OQWlQ

3. UNISON financial report on One Barnet DRS contract http://ning.it/12mocvO

4. One hundred PLUS reasons why One Barnet is high risk and bad for residents and services http://ning.it/NAyJLY

5. 397 jobs “The true cost of One Barnet outsourcing” http://ning.it/11OSuMT






Barnet UNISON Press Release: STOP the Privatisation of our Regulatory Services

Barnet UNISON Press Release: 15 February 2013 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: STOP the Privatisation of our Regulatory Services

Barnet UNISON is backing Avaaz petition which is states: 

“We are concerned that Barnet Council is about to hand over its Regulatory Services (in particular the Environmental Health and Trading Standards services) to a private company. Councils have statutory responsibilities to monitor the private sector in order to ensure the health and safety of their residents. The current high- profile national public-health scandal about processed foods emphasises that private companies do not adequately monitor their own activities, leaving the public at risk. If Barnet Council is allowed to privatise these services, it will set a dangerous precedent for other councils. We call for an immediate stop to the privatisation of council Regulatory Services throughout the country.”


John Burgess, Branch Secretary said: The recent national scandal concerning meat processing is threatening to expose a catalogue of failures by food manufacturers to monitor their own suppliers. The lack of robust regulation & monitoring of a critical service strikes a chord with our own concerns about our council’s determination via the One Barnet Programme to outsource key critical regulatory services, such as Environmental Health & Trading Standards . We are asking our members and their families, residents to sign this petition. Furthermore we asking all citizens of the UK to sign the petition in order to stop the privatisation of regulatory services now before it is too late.

***** Ends *****

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


1. Barnet Council leader not worried by One Barnet outsourcing court case


2. Barnet’s ‘easyCouncil’ faces judicial review over outsourcing


3. Fear and loathing in Barnet


4. UNISON report on Environmental Health Services Summary report ; Full survey report Statistical report

5. UNISON report on Trading Standards Summary report; Full survey report ;Statistical report


Barnet Council is implementing a policy known as the One Barnet Programme, sometimes referred to as the ‘Commissioning Council’. This mass privatisation policy is designed for the Council to divest itself of responsibility to deliver services to its residents.

The first One Barnet project known as New Support Customer Services Organisation (NSCSO) will be for back office services such a Finance, Revenues & Benefits, Estates, IT, HR & Payroll etc, it is estimated to be worth up to £750 million.

It involves approximately 620 council workers. There is a high probability that the winning bidder will not deliver these services from Barnet so there is a high risk of significant redundancies at the moment of transfer.

This contract was awarded to either Capita at the Barnet Council Cabinet Resources Committee on Thursday 6 December 2012.

The second One Barnet project is known as Development & Regulatory Services (DRS) which includes the following services:

Trading Standards & Licensing, Land Charges, Planning & Development, Building Control & Structures, Environmental Health, Highways Strategy, Highways Network Management, Highways Traffic & Development, Highways Transport & Regeneration, Strategic Planning & Regeneration, Cemeteries & Crematoria.

This contract, worth up to £275 million pounds, will be awarded to Capita Symonds or EC Harris at the Barnet Council Cabinet Resources Committee on 8 January 2013.

This involves approximately 300 council workers

Both contracts are for ten years with an option to extend for a further five years.

UNISON’s position

Over the past four years UNISON has published over 40 detailed reports on the Future Shape/EasyCouncil/One Barnet mass privatisation programme.

Our message has remained clear.


Provide a level playing field and follow good practice and include a fully funded in house service improvement model to run alongside the procurement process.


Our proposal: In-house model

There are a number of examples of where Councils have followed this approach to good effect. Most recently Edinburgh City Council considered the potential for using private contractors to deliver a wide range of its services. It embarked on separate procurement processes for 3 blocks of services utilising the Competitive Dialogue process in an attempt to obtain the best offers available from the market. At the same time in-house teams were asked to work on service improvement plans or Public Sector Comparators, so that when it came to the award of contract, the Council could be sure that the services it was purchasing would genuinely optimise its use of scarce resources. In the end the Public Sector Comparators proved to be more attractive than any of the external offers and no contracts were awarded.

For a fuller explanation click here

Barnet UNISON has produced a list entitled “100 PLUS reasons why One Barnet is high risk and bad for residents and services” which you can view here

What are YOU eating????????

What are YOU eating????????

First it was horsemeat instead of beef, then it was pork instead of beef, then it was donkey instead of beef, then they started accusing other countries outside the UK , then they realised it could be happening inside the UK!

This story is going to grow and grow. No doubt there will be a public inquiry, MP’s will be asked to resign, and private companies will be summoned to explain themselves to a Parliamentary Select Committee.

It is blatantly obvious that there is little or no scrutiny of the meat/food processing for public consumption and the consequences of this are being played out in the national media.

After carrying out a study entitled ‘The Damage’ into the impact of the Cuts on vital council services UNISON wrote to councillors across the UK

The first two reports are available to read online below:  

1. Environmental health:

Summary report

Full survey report

Statistical report

2. Trading standards:

Summary report

Full survey report

Statistical report

Barnet ‘Commissioning/EasyCouncil’ as part of the One Barnet Programme is about to hand over its Regulatory Services, including Environmental Health & Trading Standards over to the private sector.

The above UNISON reports reinforce Barnet UNISON’s view that outsourcing of regulatory services to the private sector is simply wrong and a could have a critical impact on the health and well being of the residents of London Borough of Barnet. 

Three simple things for you to help our campaign.

1. Please sign our Avaaz Petition – Stop the privatisation of Regulatory Services


2. Please sign our London Borough of Barnet Petition – Stop the privatisation of Regulatory Services http://petitions.barnet.gov.uk/NoOutSourcingDRS/

3.  Please join the Barnet Spring March click here for details

Update list of Barnet Council services down for outsourcing

In response to the Leader of Barnet Council services playing down the number of services on the Sunday Politics Show

View programme here http://youtu.be/O2enS9eT9sw

Please see list of council services either already transferred out or about to be transferred out

1.    Residential/ Supporting Living/ Day care services for adults with disabilities

2.    Council Housing Services

3.    Parking Service

4.    Legal Services Department

5.    Audit Service – the majority of the service is provided by the consultancy Pricewaterhouse & Cooper

6.    Services which are shortly to come off the Payroll

7.    Information Technology 

8.    Human Resources & Payroll

9.    Pensions

10. Health & Safety

11. Financial Services

12. Customer Services (Call Centre) which includes Social Care Direct Team             based in Adult Social Care.

13. Estates,

14. Property Services

15. ·Revenues & Benefits

16. Corporate Programmes (Project management)

17. Procurement

18. Electoral Registration

19. Trading Standards & Licensing,

20. Land Charges,

21. Planning & Development,

22. Building Control & Structures,

23. Environmental Health,

24. Highways Strategy

25. Highways Network Management,

26. Highways Traffic & Development,

27. Highways Transport & Regeneration,

28. Strategic Planning & Regeneration,

29. Hendon Cemetery & Crematoria.

30. Priority Intervention Team

31. Music Service

32. Public Health Service

33. . …………

“The Commissioning Council- It’s what it says on the Tin!”

“The Commissioning Council- It’s what it says on the Tin!”

There has been a lot of talk about what is Commissioning Council means. What it really means is the Council moves to a strategic commissioning role and away from delivering services.  

In the last 12 months we have seen the following services leave the council

·         Residential/ Supporting Living/ Day care services for adults with disabilities

·         Council Housing Services

·         Parking Service

·         Legal Services Department

·         Audit Service – the majority of the service is provided by the consultancy Pricewaterhouse & Cooper

The next big tranche of Council services are New Support Customer Services Organisation (NSCSO)

Which involves the following services

·         Information Technology 

·         Human Resources & Payroll

·         Pensions

·         Health & Safety

·         Financial Services

·         Customer Services (Call Centre) which includes Social Care Direct Team             based in Adult Social Care.

·         Estates, Property Services

·         Revenues & Benefits

·         Corporate Programmes (Project management)

·         Procurement

·         Electoral Registration

These Council services are closely followed by Development and Regulatory Services (DRS):

·         Trading Standards & Licensing,

·         Land Charges,

·         Planning & Development,

·         Building Control & Structures,

·         Environmental Health,

·         Highways Strategy, Highways Network Management, Highways Traffic & Development, Highways Transport & Regeneration,

·         Strategic Planning & Regeneration,

·         Hendon Cemetery & Crematoria.

·         Priority Intervention Team

Music Service is going out early 2013.

Public Health Service – This critical responsibility was recently handed to Local Authorities. The staff have only recently arrived in the Council for the NHS only to hear Barnet have decided to transfer them out of Council control. 


The next stage of One Barnet is called Wave Two

1. Street Scene Services.

The decision to keep these services in-house was agreed at a Cabinet briefing at the ‘eleventh’ hour. Brent Council had announced in their executive meeting that they were going to carry out a joint procurement of Street Scenes with Barnet Council. The recycling service is being brought back in-house next year because the council will gain all of the financial benefits. The decision to bring this service back in-house was always the plan even if they had gone ahead with the joint privatisation with Brent.

2. Registrars Service

At the Cabinet Resources Committee on 17 December councillors are going to consider service delivery options for this service.

Incredibly they are now looking at Children’s social work.

Have you noticed a theme emerging?

When services are being reviewed, the question being asked is not if we (Barnet Council) can do them better ourselves but WHO can deliver them instead of the Council.

This is what a Commissioning Council looks like.

This is why the Council is breaking up the staffing structure and issuing redundancies.

This is why in-house staff are being referred to as delivery units!

The key message Council staff are getting is that the Council does not want them and are desperately seeking other organisations to take them on. What we have seen with the NSCSO project has reinforced this view and it seems the Council are unconcerned about the numbers of redundancies it brings. 

1 11 12 13 14 15 16