Solidarity statement 4 John Burgess

Standing up against Bullies of People with Mental Health Issues

We know John made it public knowledge that he suffered a serious mental health breakdown last year. Whatever anyone may think about such a revelation surely it should not attract a vindictive attempt to undermine his mental health.

Unfortunately John has recently received an email seemingly calculated to undermine his mental health. We will not stand by in silence whilst someone in our movement is bullied in this way.

By signing this statement we are expressing our solidarity with John Burgess and our disgust at this opportunistic and calculated attack on someone recovering from a serious health condition.

Please go to this link to read a fuller story about this attack:

Name, Position,  Organisation or branch

  1. John McDonnell MP Shadow Chancellor
  2. Mark SERWOTKA PCS General Secretary
  3. ‪Ian Hodson President BFAWU ‬
  4. Petros Elia General Secretary United Voices of the World
  5. John Hendy QC
  6. Helen Davies Branch Chair Barnet UNISON and NEC.
  7. Hugh Jordan Libraries Convenor Barnet UNISON.
  8. Patrick Hunter Convenor Barnet Unison.
  9. Maggi Myland Barnet UNISON Retired member
  10. Chris Jobson Barnet UNISON Rep.
  11. Sid Ronayne Barnet UNISON Rep.
  12. Claire Locke Chair London Metropolitan University UNISON
  13. Claire Dixon Branch Secretary, UNISON Whittington Hospital branch
  14. John Harris Ex Chair UNISON Whittington Hospital branch
  15. Alex Lines Chair UNISON Whittington Hospital branch
  16. Jackie Taylor UNISON Whittington Hospital branch
  17. Sonya Howard Branch Secretary, UNISON Kensington & Chelsea, NEC
  18. Phoebe Watkins Branch Co-Chair Camden UNISON
  19. Hugo Pierre Schools Convenor Camden UNISON , NEC
  20. Amerit Rait Shop Steward UNISON Whittington Hospital branch
  21. Brian Debus Chair Hackney UNISON
  22. Alex Tarry Branch Secretary London Metropolitan University UNISON
  23. Tony Phillips Branch Secretary UNISON London Fire Authority
  24. Diana Swingler UNISON rep Homerton UNISON
  25. Tanya Murat Convenor Greenwich UNISON
  26. Sandy Nichol SOAS UNISON Branch Secretary
  27. Philip Lewis, Camden UNISON Vice Chair & Branch Health & Safety officer & Convenor supporting people directorate, UNISON Regional Health & Safety Comm. Vice Chair Unison NHSC
  28. Paula Peters DPAC activist, member of Mental Health Resistance Network and Equalities Officer SE London Unite Community
  29. Esther Rey Hounslow UNISON joint branch secretary
  30. Floyd Codlin, PCS Arms, PCS Culture GEC
  31. Tim O’Dell, Libraries shop steward, Lambeth
  32. Linda Burnip, DPAC co-founder and UNISON member
  33. Karen Raynor, Customer Support Assistant, Unison Steward for Bradford Libraries.
  34. Dave Honeybone, Doncaster District and Bassetlaw health steward.
  35. George Binette, Camden UNISON Branch Secretary & Chair, Camden TC
  36. Dean Ryan: Shop Steward Islington Unison.
  37. Sasha Simic, Shop Steward USDAW C133 Central Books branch.
  38. Ruth Cashman, Branch Secretary Lambeth UNISON.
  39. Brad Charteris, Psychotherapist.
  40. Gareth Lane BFAWU community organiser.
  41. Ben Sellers, Secretary, County Durham Trades Union Council.
  42. Dave Auger Wolverhampton deputy branch sec
  43. Sara Wright, Middlesex University Branch, Branch Chair.
  44. Roger Hutt, Doncaster and Bassetlaw steward
  45. Alan Wylie, Unison member & campaigner
  46. Bob Ellard, DPAC
  47. Arthur Nicoll, Communications Officer – Dundee City Unison, Scottish LG Cttee
  48. John Sullivan parent of an adult daughter with learning difficulties , John has spent years fighting for along with her peers and her support staff.
  49. Andy Squires Doncaster and Bassetlaw Health Branch.
  50. Jenny Compton-Bishop Middlesex University Retired Member
  51. Caroline Powls Member Brent Unison
  52. Janette Evans secretary Barnet Branch Unite community , member Mental Health Resistance Network.
  53. Sid Ronayne Barnet UNISON steward.
  54. Adrian Kennett Hull Unison
  55. Jon Rogers, UNISON NEC.
  56. Candy Udwin PCS National Gallery.
  57. John McLoughlin Branch Secretary/SGE Tower Hamlets UNISON
  58. Dan Sartin Branch Secretary West Sussex UNISON
  59. Ron Cohen CWU member
  60. David Ball Steward Barnet UNISON
  61. Theresa Musgrove Broken Barnet Blog
  62. Derek Dishman blogger “Mr Mustard”
  63. A.M. Poppy Barnet Activist
  64. Dave Knight Retired Waltham Forest UNISON
  65. Sarah Littlewood Deputy Branch Secretary Hull LG Branch
  66. Janet Bryan NEC Branch Treasurer Convenor Bolton UNISON
  67. Paul Couchman Deputy Branch Secretary Surrey County UNISON
  68. Sherril Johnston NSL steward Barnet UNISON
  69. Rebecca Call Women’s Officer Wirral UNISON
  70. Ian Davies Community Member Scunthorpe
  71. Ian Thomas Health SGE UNISON Wales
  72. Tony Staunton UNITE member
  73. Raymie Kiernan NUJ member
  74. Mike Calvert Deputy Branch Secretary Islington UNISON
  75. Martin Clark FE college steward Glasgow City UNISON
  76. Mark Evans Branch Secretary Camarthenshire County UNISON
  77. Florence Hill Retired Branch Chair Bolton UNISON
  78. Jane Doolan Branch Secretary Islington UNISON
  79. Steve Day Branch secretary BFAWU
  80. Kevin Ward Labour Link officer Middlesex University UNISON
  81. Ben Jackson Branch secretary pc Manchester Community and Mental Health UNISON
  82. Barry Blinko retired member Westminster University
  83. Karen Reissmann member/ NEC pc Bolton Salford Trafford UNISON
  84. Liz James steward Barnet UNISON
  85. Stephen Wood Hillingdon UNISON
  86. Osman Ahmed Sade ULR rep UNISON
  87. Suzy Franklin honorary President Plymouth Trade Council 2017 – former UNISON Health branch secretary (Plymouth Derriford Hospital Health branch)  NEC southwest and staunch John Burgess supporter
  88. Keith Wilcox Hillingdon UNISON
  89. Raymundo Obedencio Barnet Green Party
  90. Philippa Whitecross
  91. Matt Ratcliffe Branch Secretary Hillingdon UNISON
  92. Sharon Benjamin Assistant Branch Secretary Hillingdon UNISON
  93. Jo Cardwell Vice Chair Islington UNISON
  94. Gary Padgett Lincolnshire County UNISON
  95. Lorna Solomon Branch Chair Homerton UNISON
  96. Megan Charlton Secretary Durham Teaching assistants UNISON
  97. Liz Wheatley Assistant Branch Secretary Camden UNISON
  98. Roger Lewis Assistant Branch Secretary pc Lambeth UNISON
  99. Shirley Franklin Chair Defend Whittington Hospital coalition
  100. Theresa Rollinson Health SGE pc Doncaster and Bassetlaw UNISON
  101. Keith Martin Former chief accountant NALGO
  102. Jenny Leow Homerton UNISON
  103. Jordan Rivera Branch Secretary Homerton UNISON
  104. Jim Board Branch Secretary Doncaster UNISON
  105. Yunus Bakhsh formerly branch secretary Newcastle City Health UNISON; Northern region NEC and Health SGE 25 years a psychiatric nurse
  106. Sharon Campion Joint branch secretary/ SGE Sandwell UNISON
  107. John Woods Branch Chair Portsmouth City UNISON
  108. Tirza Waisel Adult social worker Chair Barnet Communities UNITE
  109. George Shaw Barnet Communities UNITE
  110. Phil Fletcher Barnet Communities UNITE; Friends of the Earth; Barnet Green Party
  111. Kathy Smith Bromley Unite rep
  112. Paul Gilroy Branch Secretary Newcastle City UNISON LG & UNISON NEC
  113. Max Watson, Unite the Union, SE London Community Branch (previously UNISON NEC, 2010-2015)
  114. Tracey Leith, Shetland Branch, Chair
  115. Jennie Haswell, Branch Health and Safety Officer, Wakefield District Branch of Unison
  116. Trish Fay member of County Durham Teaching Assistants Action Committee
  117. Louis Smyth Barnet Schools Officer – solidarity John
  118. Clara Paillard PCS President
  119. Professor Dexter Whitfield Director, European Services Strategy Unit
  120. Graham Eddy ex unison branch sec Northumberland lg and asst branch sec tower hamlets unison.
  121. Gemma Short, Workers’ Liberty. My solidarity.
  122. Ruth Nyman Barnet UNISON Retired member.
  123. Jonathan Dunning, UNISON NEC and Norfolk Branch Secretary. 
  124. Sandra Greenyer, Children’s Centre Manager
  125. Alphonsa M.K. Alby, Barnet social worker
  126. Hilary Price Barnet UNISON member.
  127. Tracey Lowe, Barnet UNISON Retired member.
  128. Tracy Cumberbatch, Underhill School and Children’s Centre.
  129. Izzi Azgadj
  130. Jan McLachlan.
  131. Steve North Branch Secretary, Salford City UNISON.
  132. Mary Beer-Cleasby, small business owner, BECTU member &Save Barnet Libraries.
  133. Andrew Travers, Joint Branch Secretary, Unison Medway Health.
  134. Vicky Perrin school steward Calderdale Branch, YH NEC member (pc)
  135. Craig Martin, schools convener, UNISON Dorset County.
  136. Eddie Rowley london met uni unison steward.
  137. David Summers London Met Unison Asst Branch Secretary. 
  138. John McDermott UNISON steward. Bradford.
  139. Vino Sangarapillai Camden Unison. 
  140. Polly Smith- chair Suffolk County UNISON ,nec (pc)
  141. Rena Neophytou, Barnet UNISON member.
  142. Nick Jackman, Barnet UNISON member
  143. Janet Mead, Barnet UNISON member.
  144. David Halls, Unison Birmingham Branch – retired member.
  145. Mark Dee Smith, Luton TUC.
  146. Sue Plain Southwark UNISON Branch Secretary.
  147. April Ashley UNISON Black members rep and Assistant Branch Secretary Southwark (pc).
  148. Bernie Gallagher, Bolton LG and NEC.
  149. Maddie Cooper UNISON.
  150. Fiona Monkman, Islington UNISON.
  151. David Mackintosh Unison rep for Assist Barnet homes
  152. Kieran Lynch Barnet UNISON Retired member
  153. David Lindsay, Lanchester, County Durham.
  154. Adam Driscoll Barnet UNISON member.


Unified Pay: “Myths & Updates” – School staff please read


Unified Pay Update

New contracts

Last term Barnet Council employees received their new contracts. Most staff had no issues so they signed their contract. There were a smaller group of workers who had issues. For these staff UNISON advised that they did not need to sign until the appeal/issue had been resolved. In some cases some staff signed even though they had an outstanding issue. In which case once their appeal was resolved they received an updated contract.  It is important that members keep a copy of their new contracts somewhere secure.

School staff:

I have been informed that Barnet Council are about to issue new contracts for all their employees (excluding teachers) in schools

It is really important that if UNISON members do have any issues or concerns they contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email

On Monday and Tuesday we have Louis Smyth specifically to deal with UNISON school member issues and Nadia Joseph on Wednesday.


“If I don’t sign the contract I will be made redundant”

No, no no. This is not correct. If you feel any pressure or are uncertain what to do then please contact your local rep or the unison office.

Sick Pay Scheme

In the new contract there is mention of a potential change which could see some staff having pay deducted if they are off sick. It is important to note that this is an ‘if.’ UNISON are already in negotiations about a new sickness policy, until we have reached an agreement the current sickness scheme is in place. It is worth noting that the original Council proposals was to withdraw from the current sick pay scheme for example end the 6 months full pay, 6 months half pay if you were seriously ill

Nursery Nurse group appeal

In the negotiations with the council there was an agreement that discussion about the 3.4% would continue after implementation. I can report that I am in the process of putting together an appeal for the Nursery Nurses with the support of some of our members. A meeting whereby I will be giving feedback on what I am proposing is being held

52 Week Teaching Assistants group appeal

I am meeting with the Council negotiating team to discuss a proposal which I hope I will be able to discuss with members shortly.

Individual Appeals

I have a list of members who have individual appeals. It is very important that members provide the UNISON office with all documentation, and arrange for a 1:1 meeting with me in order that I can best able to provide you with support. I have been supporting non schools members for the last five months and this process has worked well.

*** If you have sent in an appeal and have not notified UNISON, we will not be able to help. It is very important that you notify the branch if you want the support.

Stage 1 appeals

These meetings are not meant to be stressful for members. They an opportunity for a discussion with the employer, employee and their UNISON rep. In the many other Stage 1 meetings for non-school staff, management have been very supportive of any of their staff who are facing a loss in pay. I have found that the approach taken for non-schools staff has been largely positive for staff. The solution to the loss in pay can often be resolved by exploring a number of different approaches.

I would hope that UNISON members working in schools would expect that they should have the same treatment.

This is why when UNISON members working in schools contact the branch for support, they will be offered a 1:1 meeting with me. I need to listen and then advise, before we go into the Stage 1 meeting.

Faith schools

A number of faith schools are adopting Unified Pay collective agreement. It is important that members make sure they keep our office informed if they have any issues or concerns.

It is really important that if UNISON members do have any issues or concerns they contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email

Saturday 25 March “Join the Durham Teaching Assistants in Durham”

The Durham TA Lions are calling on the grassroots movement to join them in solidarity in Durham on Saturday 25 March.

Their fight is our fight.

Barnet UNISON will not turn our backs on them.

We will not leave them behind, we look forward to renewing our previous solidarity experience with them at the Durham Miners Gala last year.

The Durham & Derby TAs and Kinsley 3 are disputes we must win.

These workers are showing the rest of us what you can do even in the face of such brutality.

Now it’s our turn.

We will be taking our banner to Durham

Solidarity “Lions of Durham”.


Join us – I Daniel Blake with Ken Loach

Fight Austerity


Barnet UNISON is proud to be able to screen ‘I Daniel Blake’ in our local community cinema the Phoenix in East Finchley on Tuesday 28 February.

We are absolutely delighted that our long-time supporter Ken Loach has agreed to join a Q & A with DPAC’s Paula Peters, who will be interviewed by Aditya Chakraborrty senior economics commentator for the Guardian.

See flyer and poster for details.Flyer


Useful links

Phoenix Cinema – East Finchley

Accessibility at Phoenix

I, Daniel Blake trailers

I, Daniel Blake – Official Trailer I HD I Sundance Selects

Ken Loach: life in austerity Britain is ‘consciously cruel’

barnet_idanielblake_28Feb2017_A5_2ppAditya Chakrabortty

Download our poster here


Farewell Anaclet Kofi – We miss you already

“We had sad news early this week with the announcement of the death of one of our reps: Anaclet Kofi. He was known as being quiet and unassuming yet this is to be contrasted with the fact that with the help of the branch he organised traffic wardens (old term – new term: civil enforcement officers) to take strike action opposing outsourcing, and he spoke on a number of times at UNISON conference addressing up to 2,000 people. All of this with English as a third language! Frances O’Grady (TUC General Secretary) said the pressure on wages is not from migrant workers but unorganised workers and Anaclet certainly understood this and he organised. He will be missed.”

Helen Davies Barnet UNISON Branch Chair

“Last week I learnt that we lost a good Barnet UNISON comrade Anaclet Kofi. I have spent a few hours combing through our vast photograph database to find some pictures of Anaclet. He was a very active rep in our branch and was part of the heroic team of reps who had to deal with the mass outsourcing here in Barnet dating back to 2008.

He also worked in Parking and personally expereinced a number of very serious incidents whilst carrying out his job yet he always seemed able to maintain a calmness and a smile.

Anaclet will be sorely missed, not just by his family, but by his former work colleagues, and those of us who had the good fortune to work with him in Barnet UNISON.

Anaclet attended a number of UNISON conferences, he was never daunted by the prospect of addressing 2,000 delegates in order that he could speak about what was happening here in Barnet.

Analcet did not need any union training to understand solidarity he had it naturally. He understood why we marched not just here in Barnet but on other demonstrations and rallies. He was an active part of Barnet UNISON mobilising and organising and representing members in what is a very difficult workplace.

Along with the many photographs I found a short video clip of Anaclet speaking about why he was taking part in the National Pension Strike which you can listen to here.

It is nice to hear his voice. This is the friendly and helpful Anaclet we will all remember.

It is his funeral on Saturday 28 January at 10 am at Islington and Camden Cemetery (East Finchley) 278, High Road, East Finchley. London N2 9AG

After the burial, a light refreshment will be offered from 14:00 till 19:30 at The Kings Cross Baptist Church, Vernon Square, Kings Cross, London WC1X 9EP

Anaclet Kofi RIP.”

John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.




6 December 2016


“Barnet UNISON oppose the Council plans for Libraries.

The Council may not plan to close any libraries in the short or mid-term but what is being proposed will reduce their quality, accessibility and  safety and to closures in the long term,

The Council are proposing to cut the staffing budget by 46%.

This means that around 30 library workers are now learning they will lose their jobs. These are men and women who have given years and sometimes decades of service to the people of Barnet.

This is poor reward to a workforce who have consistently achieved percentage scores in the high 90’s for good public satisfaction.

Such a cull of the library workers means that libraries will only be staffed for 30% of the opening times at the most.  The Council claiming that self-service machines and to a less extent volunteer are adequate replacements.


The Council are relying on technology to control access to libraries.

People will swipe their library cards through an automatic gate to gain access during these times.

But under 15 years olds unaccompanied by an adult won’t be able to do this. So young people access to our libraries are being severely curtailed.


Leaving libraries unstaffed will put those using them at risk.

Monitored CCTV with a response time of thirty minutes is not a sufficient replacement for having staff on site who can prevent incidents escalating and who can respond immediately to emergencies.


But not only are human assets of the libraries being lost, the physical space is too.

Barnet libraries are to lose between 15 to 90% of their space.  This means fewer items to borrow. Less space for computers and less space to host events such as story times or author events.


The people of Mill Hill, East Barnet, South Friern and Childs Hill will not even have the limited access library service available in the rest of the borough. Their libraries are to be handed over to voluntary groups, who will only be obliged to open for 15 hours a week.


The Council justify the wrecking of Barnet Library Service by a claimed need to save money.  The intention being to reduce the library budget by 1.6 million pounds by 2019/20.


Yet the Council originally allocated over 6 and a half million pounds to restructure the library service. Recently we have learned that over 14 million pounds are to be spent on library procurements in the next financial year. This is a lot of money to be spent on reducing the assets, efficiency, accessibility and safety of a service.


These changes will lead to a decline in use.


Why would you use a library that won’t have the books you want, where no help will be available, not enough computers available, where there will be no room to sit and study and where you will feel unsafe?


Barnet UNISON hope that this decline will not be used as an excuse by the present administration to close libraries a few years from now.

Instead we ask that the Council withdraw the plans for restructure and to engage in real consultation with library staff at all levels, and the people of Barnet on how to provide a Library service fit for the 21st Century.”




Unified Pay round up – please read


Dear Barnet UNISON members

As we are nearing the completion of Job Evaluation Appeals for Council workers (non-schools), I thought it important to provide an update on progress.

I had originally thought we would get through all of the outstanding issues including schools before Christmas break. This is not going to happen.

However I do expect all outstanding issues for Council workers (non-schools), will be completed early in the New Year.

As a consequence of not completing the Appeals for Council workers (non-schools), we are only starting now to look at the Schools staff Appeals.

I would like to recap on the two types of Appeals:

Group Appeals 

This is an appeal for a job where there are a number of post holders such as Teaching Assistant, ICT technician, Nursery Nurse, School Business Manager. The impact of a Group Appeal directly impacts on all post holders in that role.

Individual Appeals

These are appeals for unique post holders, that is where there is only one person holding that particular job (it could be a job share).

Grounds for Appeal

I know there has been confusion as to what to put down as grounds for appeal, some members have been specific and others have ticked all the boxes. I want to assure UNISON members this will not disadvantage you, because it will be at the Stage 1 meeting where we establish what the issue is. In terms of feedback so far, fewer than 20% of the meetings I am having are actual true appeals. Often there are other issues which need other solutions.

 Stage 1 meetings in schools

At these meetings there will be someone from UNISON, the member, a Barnet Council HR representative and the Head (or other senior manager in the school). At this meeting we will discuss the issue and the possible solutions. I have already requested a number of Stage 1 meetings to be arranged.

Stage 2 meetings

This is a meeting with the member accompanied by UNISON at which we jointly present our case to an Appeal Panel (consisting of a member of HR and a union rep) for an appeal against the grade.

*** Please note it is very important that UNISON members do not go to any formal Stage 1 or Stage 2 meetings without their UNISON rep present. All Stage 1 & 2 meetings will, if possible take place in the school.

52 weeks Teaching Assistants

A meeting is being convened to discuss the 3.4% loss after which I will report on the agreed way forward.

Nursery Nurses

A meeting is being convened to discuss the 3.4% loss after which I will report on the agreed way forward.


John Burgess

Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON


Unified Pay Update 18 October 2016

Unison strike NLBP 02 web ready

Unified Pay Update 18 October 2016

To: All Barnet UNISON members employed directly by Barnet Council (including schools) only.

Contact details: Members can contact the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email

Collective issues

For example where there are number of workers with the same job description all raising the same issue for example Nursery Nurses, TA’s on 52 week contracts, Coach Escorts. Meal Time Supervisors. » Read more

“Unsafe & Unsustainable” – Mental Health Service proposals

At the end of consultation UNISON has submitted a report on behalf of our members which recommends the following:

  1. Reverse the proposed deletion of social work posts.
  2. Reverse the proposed deletion of Principle Practitioner posts.
  3. Enter into urgent negotiations with Trade Unions to address the recruitment & retention crisis for Approved Mental Health Practitioners (AMPH).
  4. Any decision to restructure Mental Health Services must be submitted to General Functions Committee.

A copy of the full report will be sent to our members in Mental Health. Interestingly the restructure also repeats a pattern in the rest of Adults and Communities which is to delete Social Worker roles in favour of radically increasing the numbers of Assessment and Enablement Officers to do the same work but for less pay! We think this is highly risky.

You can read the full report here 2016-10-12-unison-response





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