Just who is running the One Barnet Programme

There is a growing group of UNISON members who have an alternative theory as to what is really going on in Barnet Council. They believe that UNISON must strike back at the Galactic mass weapon aka One Barnet.

They are demanding the branch affiliate to the ‘Rebel Alliance Barnet’ (RAB) in what they see as the battle for Little Barnet.

‘Luke UNISON’, ‘Hans ‘off’ our Barnet’ along with the RAB believe Barnet residents are still not fully aware of the implications of the Mass privatisation secret weapon known as “One Barnet”. The reason for residents not understanding One Barnet is due they claim to the lack of transparency by ‘Emperor Outsourcing’ and his side kick ‘Darth Barnet.

RAB believe the Council has already been infiltrated by Storm Companies (aka Storm Troopers) aided by the ‘Sith’ aka as ‘The Consultants’. The Sith through mind control have convinced the council they have only one options, ‘One Barnet outsourcing’ the Storm Companies are intent on bidding for services and once obtained will systematically asset strip them.    

A clue to the rapacious appetite of the Storm Companies was recently revealed at a Conference last month by someone called Ed Milliband. RAB are not yet sure whether they have his support, but that is another story!

We are seeking allies.

Can you send messages of support to UNISON members strike back against the One Barnet programme and the Sith.

You can view RAB intergalactic message here

Please send messages of support to john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk



UNISON actuarial report warns of ‘death spiral’ to Pension Fund from mass outsourcing ‘One Barnet’ programme

Barnet UNISON Press Release:

1 September 2011




UNISON actuarial report warns of ‘death spiral’ to Pension Fund from mass outsourcing ‘One Barnet’ programme.


In wake of concerns about the Barnet Councils One Barnet mass outsourcing policy, UNISON commissioned a report on the ‘Potential impact of reduced active membership of the London borough of Barnet Pension Fund’


The report makes scary reading for residents, staff and councillors:


“The net cash flow position of the Fund could reduce from around £22.9 million (positive) in 2010 to between £16.9 million (positive) and £25.0 million (negative) in 2012. Opt outs as low as 40% could result in a move from the Fund being cash positive to cash negative.


The Fund had a deficit (i.e. the difference between the assets and the liabilities) of £190 million as at 31 March 2010, which was partly as a result of the wiping out of around £27 million of the Fund’s assets following the collapse of the Icelandic bank. The Council is currently paying around £10.7 million a year to clear this deficit


The combined impact of the lower assets and higher liabilities will increase the deficit and could almost double the Council’s deficit contributions to £19.7 million a year from 2013. This is ultimately a cost to the taxpayer.


“A significant shift in outsourcing policy by Barnet Council set against a backdrop of mass opt-outs expected as a result of Government’s proposals to increase member contributions in the LGPS from April 2012, could lead to a significantly reduced active membership of the Fund.”


At tonight’s Pension Fund Committee (Thursday 1 September), Agenda Item 9 reports the Council have £7 million less than they thought they had.


“The overall effect of the adjustments listed below is to decrease Fund assets by £7.0m (Agenda 9)


On 22 June 2011 Pension Fund Committee were informed Barnet Homes had not noticed the Bond for Connaught’s Plc had lapsed. The consequence is an unplanned £1.492 million bill to Barnet council taxpayers


The ‘One Barnet programme’ is not a new political ideology, it is a rehashed version of the ‘contracting out madness’ of the 1980’s which damaged public services and destroyed the lives of the a workforce abandoned to unscrupulous employers.


We have already had a warning of what could happen to our Pensions with outsourcing. Between 2000 and 2004 hundreds of council care workers were *TUPE transferred out of the council to Fremantle Trust and Housing 21, there are very few TUPED staff still contributing to the Fund.


Three years ago UNISON raised the risk to the Pension Fund, however until now the Council have fobbed off our concerns. That all changed at the Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting June 22 2011 a report entitled ‘One Barnet’ highlight report was produced. If you scroll down through the document, for the first time you see the Council acknowledges there is a risk.


Risk Number CP0010

Risk: The negative affect on the Pension Fund due to loss of payees

Consequences of risk: Potentially reduced pension fund thus raising the necessity to find finances from elsewhere”


The Council is playing high stake risks with our member’s pensions and council taxpayers future payments.


The Council need to recognise that ‘political dogma’ also known as One Barnet programme cannot continue to expose residents, services and staff to this high risk strategy and expect them to pick up the bill.


Barnet UNISON is asking for the One Barnet programme to be put on hold.


On Tuesday 13 September up to 400 UNISON members will be taking strike action as a result of a Trades Dispute UNISON has with the One Barnet programme. They have dubbed the action Barnet Independence Day.


* TUPE = Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations




Contact: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


Useful Links


1. ‘The potential impact of reduced active membership of the London borough of Barnet Pension Fund,’ (First Actuarial LLP)

To read summary click on link below


To read full report click on link below


2. Life not so easy for council facing £1.5m outsource bill


3. Barnet Council Pension Fund Committee papers 22 June 2011


4. Barnet Council Pension Fund Committee papers 1 September 2011


5. The ‘shrinking by outsourcing’ models – implications for staff


6. Directors Cut for Barnet Independence Day


7. Barnet UNISON One Barnet Cartoon Channel



Barnet UNISON One Barnet Cartoon Channel

To view previous episodes click on the following links

President Obama secret One Barnet dossier


Obama, Libya and One Barnet


Bill & Ben talk about Barnet Independence Day


President Obama takes an interest in Barnet



Summer reading for One Barnet councillors

Dear Councillors

I understand that August is the time for you all to take a break.

I am enclosing some potential summer holiday reading material.

It is a report published by the Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) entitled ‘Public Administration Committee – Twelfth Report  Government and IT- “A Recipe For Rip-Offs”:

The report was discussed on the BBC Today programme yesterday I was struck by the comment made by Conservative chair of the committee Bernard Jenkin MP speaking on the Today Programme


“The Government has said that it is overly reliant on an “oligopoly” of suppliers; some witnesses went further and described the situation as a ‘cartel.’ Whatever we call the situation it has led to an inexcusable situation that sees governments waste an obscene amount of public money.”


“Committee chairman, Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, said that according to some sources, the government had paid contractors between seven and 10 times more than the standard rate.”


“The last Labour government spent £16bn in IT projects in 2009.”


“It warned: “The lack of IT skills in government and over-reliance on contracting out is a fundamental problem which has been described as a ‘recipe for rip-offs’.”


“IT procurement has too often resulted in late, over-budget IT systems that are not fit for purpose.”

 UNISON is not alone in making the parallels with the One Barnet programme where Council services are being bundled together in order they are delivered by a big multinational organisations some of whom are likely to be providing services to government. I am sure expensive consultants were brought into advise politicians that contracts with the ‘big boys’ would deliver innovation, efficiency and improves services.; this independent report clearly proves otherwise. Paying ten times the going rate is inexcusable, but you have to ask yourself how did this happen and why was it not picked up? These companies knew what going on but appear to have no scruples about taking extortionate amounts of public money at a time when the public services are having to make massive cuts.

Enjoy the break 

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


Standing up for staff and public services

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Barnet UNISON response to One Barnet Framework report

Barnet Council has produced a report entitled One Barnet Framework which you can view here

We have produced a response the headlines are

Top Ten High Risks

1.    Failure to undertake Comprehensive Service Reviews

2.    Options Appraisals to date are fundamentally flawed

3.    Ignored government best practice

4.    Failed to carry out meaningful Oversight and Scrutiny reviews

5.   Failed to address major shortcomings in contract management

6.    Option appraisals pay scant regard to equalities

7.    Erratic approach to shared services and joint delivery

8.    Staff and trade unions have been excluded from the options appraisal process.

9.    Failure to respond over two years to a series of proposals from staff and trade unions

10. No evidence of an overall vision.

To view our Full report click here  

The Barnet One. There’s Only One Nicky Mahn!

Barnet UNISON received notice today that one of our dedicated reps has died. Nicky Mahn worked as an Assessment and Enablement Officer (AEO), formerly titled Community Care Officer. She never hesitated in her support for the union and other workers or hesitated in her support for workers in dispute. She had the biggest heart which meant rather than protect herself, she would want to protect others first. She was a rep for over 20 years.

There is a strong and understandable inclination for colleagues in trouble at work to want to keep it private and deal with it with minimum fuss and attention. However, sometimes a case can highlight a larger injustice and if a colleague agrees then we can turn their issue into a campaign to expose the injustice at hand and improve matters such that no other colleague has to go through the same. Nicky understood this and in 2017 agreed, along with her colleagues, that what she was being targeted for, needed to be campaigned about. In essence her case was the way in which colleagues generally were being told to pump out the work and accept allocations with scant regard for whether it was realistic to complete all the necessary recording of actions.

Nicky avoided being dismissed thanks to this campaign and her part in it.

There is an echo in this issue within the Mental Health strike today and of course Nicky supported this dispute as much as she could before she went off sick.
Much more could be said about Nicky but hopefully this conveys a snapshot of the essence of her and what her loss means to our movement.

Our condolences to her family and colleagues. Nicky Mahn RIP.

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