7 things you can do to support Barnet Mental Health social worker strikers

What can supporters do?

  1. Visit our picket lines all week commencing 15-19 January between 8- 12.30 pm see details on our web site here


  1. Please sign Barnet UNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions. https://action.unison.org.uk/page/135744/action/1

  1. Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


  1. Request for your name to be added to the Barnet UNISON Mental Health Social Worker Strike Solidarity Wall https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2023/11/28/barnet-unison-mental-health-social-worker-strike-solidarity-wall/ by sending an email to contactus@barnetunison.org.uk requesting for your solidarity message to be added to the Solidarity Wall.


  1. If you are on social media, you can help by liking/sharing or commenting on our many posts. Here are our social media sites.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/barnet_unison

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarnetUNISON

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barnetunison/

  1. Please write by email or by letter to:

John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council John.Hooton@Barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW

Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council Cllr.B.Rawlings@barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.


  1. Make a donation to the Barnet UNISON Industrial Action Fund. Email the office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk for details.


Please let the branch know what you can do in solidarity for our Barnet UNISON strikers.


Barnet UNISON.


Come along to Solidarity Fundraiser for Mental Health social work strikers 12 Jan

I want to give a big thanks to UNISON Young Members – Greater London Region for organising a Strike Fundraiser for Barnet Mental Health Workers!” It is truly both humbling and inspiring that our UNISON Young Members are prepared to take the time to organise this event. (John Burgess Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON).


Please click on link to register.



Read about  details below.

Our comrades, the Mental Health Workers at Barnet Council, have been on strike over poor pay and dangerous working conditions that put the lives of the people they care for at risk. There were also new colleagues who wanted to join the strike but council management has blocked members from taking action. We commend our brave comrades and Unison Young Members – Greater London Region are hosting this fundraiser to support them whilst on strike.

Join us at Pelican House, 144 Cambridge Heath Road and expect some great music with live DJ’s, a raffle and some cheap food and drinks.Event kicks off at 6:30pm until 11pm. Let’s party and dance in solidarity with the brave strikers! 💃

Tickets are £7 advance and £10 at the door.

Striking workers go free! ALL funds going to directly to strike relief fund.

The event space has level access. There is a gender neutral accessible bathroom available for use directly next to the event space which does not require a radar key.

There is no parking at the event space, the nearest Blue Badge parking is on Parmiter Street, approximately 965 metres away, where there are 2 on street bays, with a 3hr maximum. We can open the gate to let a car through with advance notice, but it is not normally possible to park a car there for the duration of an event.

Hasta la victoria siempre!! ✊

Organised By UNISON Young Members – Greater London Region

Organiser of Strike Fundraiser for Barnet Mental Health Workers!


Yo Ho Ho: Join Barnet UNISON Festive Mental Health social worker picket line

Barnet UNISON Mental Health social workers begin a week of strike action on Monday 4 December.

Please see details of the location and times of our picket line.

What can supporters do?

1. Visit our picket lines all week commencing 4 December to 8 December

between 8- 12.30 pm (see attached graphic).

2. Please sign #BarnetUNISON email campaign to Barnet Council Chief Executive Please click on the link and follow the instructions. https://action.unison.org.uk/page/135744/action/1 Let us know when he replies.

Please send a solidarity message to our strikers by emailing our office at contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

3. If you are on social media, you can help by liking/sharing or commenting on our many posts. Here are our social media sites.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/barnet_unison

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarnetUNISON

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barnetunison/

4. Please write by email or by letter to:

John Hooton, Chief Executive of Barnet Council John.Hooton@Barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW

Cllr Barry Rawlings, Leader of Barnet Council Cllr.B.Rawlings@barnet.gov.uk

Address: London Borough of Barnet; 2 Bristol Avenue; London NW9 4EW.



Barnet UNISON.



  1. Open letter to Executive Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.


  1. Open letter to Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.


  1. Open letter to Cllr Barry Rawlings Leader of Barnet Council


Invitation to House of Commons debate on why social workers are voting to strike

Why are Barnet Council Mental Health social workers taking strike action?

Mental Health Social Workers in Barnet have taken 12 days of strike action and another 14 days are planned in the coming months. But Barnet isn’t the only local authority in which social workers are saying enough is enough. Earlier this year South Gloucestershire social workers became the first branch to successfully ballot for strike action with Barnet, Brighton, Swindon and Leeds social workers all having declared strike action in the following months. Similar issues are being raised by strikers across the country including high caseloads, under-staffing, unsafe services, and unfair pay policies.

13 years of austerity have resulted in huge cuts to local authority statutory services while the impact of covid has contributed to increases in referrals to social care that are forecast to continue for years to come. In such an environment and with no clear political priority being placed on fixing social care, this panel discussion considers topics like the role of social workers in championing better public services and fair pay for workers.

The session will be held on 5th December 2023 at 6.30pm in Committee Room 17, House of Commons.

The event is free, and all are welcome but please book your place by emailing contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

Co- Chairs: John McDonnell MP and Kerie Anne


  1. Kristiana Heapy
  2. Dan Smart
  3. Corinna Edwards-Colledge
  4. Nana Yabbey-Hagan.

Kerie Anne, Chair of UNISON National Social Care Forum, Branch Secretary, Tower Hamlets UNISON and Families social worker.

Corinna Edwards-Colledge is joint branch secretary of Brighton and Hove UNISON and has worked in local government for over 20 years.  She is also a campaigner and a writer, and is currently leading adult social workers in Brighton on their very first strike action over pay parity.

Kristiana Heapy Kristiana is the Unison team rep in Barnet’s Mental Health Social Work South Team which is currently undertaking strike action. Kristiana qualified as a social worker in 2022, prior to that she worked in the voluntary sector in a number of public policy, campaigning and service delivery roles. In her spare time Kristiana has held voluntary positions for charities focused on access to green space, equality and supporting people experiencing mental ill-health..

Dan Smart is Branch secretary, UNISON South Gloucestershire and an Adulst social worker.

Nana Yabbey-Hagan is a Qualified Social Worker for Children and Families of 10 years. Nana is currently a Team Manager for a Looked After Childrens Team, previously a Team Manager for a frontline Children Protection Team. In addition, Nana is a Practice Educator for Bachelor’s, Masters, Step Up Students/ASYE assessor for Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSW), University Lecturer and Co-Host of the Social Worker and The Mentor Podcast.

***Please note Barnet UNISON Mental Health Social Workers are taking a whole week of strike action starting Monday 4 December to Friday 8 December.

You are welcome to join our Festive Barnet UNISON Picket line details of location are below.



  1. Open letter to Executive Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.


  1. Open letter to Director of Adult Social Care – Mental Health social work dispute.


  1. Open letter to Cllr Barry Rawlings Leader of Barnet Council



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