“Already over worked and underpaid, would you work for free?

It’s hard to believe but Barnet UNISON has discovered that in some cases some of our members working in Barnet Academies are losing as much as 2, 3, or 4 weeks’ pay a year.

Barnet UNISON opposed the formation of Academies as we understood this was a backdoor privatisation of schools. At the time the branch was waging a long term campaign against the mass outsourcing One Barnet Programme which, amongst other things, brought #Capita to Barnet.

As secondary schools converted to academies they were very careful to present the privatisation of their School as different to that of other Council services. Familiar statements were made to staff that nothing would change, no one would notice any changes……

Unfortunately it appears that things have changed and not for the good.

Our schools staff members are often on part time and term time contracts. They often work a lot more hours than they get paid for. Goodwill is given because our members are committed to helping the pupils experience a good education.


  • Our members must pay bills.
  • Our members need to feed their families just like anyone else.
  • Our members can definitely NOT afford to be working for FREE.

This is why Barnet UNISON has written to all of our members working across the Barnet Academies to urgently complete the paperwork about their pay and send it back to the Barnet UNISON office in the business reply envelope provided.

If you have not received any paperwork from Barnet UNISON please contact the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

You can download the form we need back from our members by clicking the link below.

Barnet Schools Newsletter Autumn 2019 Final

Vote Now To Save Your Job In Your School

 Vote Now To Save Your Job

UNISON is conducting an online ballot of UNISON members working on Schools in England.

 Schools are facing cuts each year that directly impact on our members.

 This has to stop.

The online ballot asks only three questions.

1. Do you believe the government funding cuts are having a negative effect on jobs, workloads, stress, etc. 

2. Do you believe Unison should continue to campaign on school funding for jobs pay and terms and conditions.

3. Would you be prepared to take industrial action to secure more money for jobs, pay, and terms and conditions in schools.


It’s that simple. UNISON needs to hear from every single member working in a school.


Check that we have your current email address at unison.org.uk/myunison

We will send you an email when the ballot opens explaining how you can vote.

Visit unison.org.uk/speakupforschools to get more information on the issues and a link

to the online ballot.

To vote you will need your date of birth and your National Insurance number or UNISON membership number.

Please have your say – we need to know what you think.

Ballot closes 5 March 


Start spreading the NEWS “we’re balloting soon” actually start 22 January!

Attention all Barnet UNISON School members:

UNISON on-line ballot will open on Tuesday 22nd January and close on Tuesday 5th Marcha 6 week ballot period.

The three questions on the on-line ballot are as follows:

  1. Do you believe that government funding cuts are having a negative effect on jobs, workloads, stress, pay and terms and conditions in your schools?
  2. Do you believe that UNISON should continue to campaign on school funding for jobs, pay and terms and conditions?
  3. Would you be prepared to take industrial action to secure more money for jobs, pay and terms and conditions in schools?

It is really important that as many Barnet UNISON School staff take part in the ballot. Unless there is a radical change in funding for schools then more and more cuts will be delivered. These cuts are hurting our members and the children.

It is really important that School Staff send a message to UNISON that if necessary they will take strike action to stop the School Budget cuts.


3 things for Barnet UNISON school staff members can do:

  1. Please make sure you have passed on your correct email address to the Barnet UNISON branch by emailing contactus@barnetunison.org.uk
  2. Speak to your fellow workers and check they are in a trade union. If they are not in a union they won’t be able to vote and that will mean one less message going to the Government. If they are not in a union ask them to join Barnet UNISON. They can sign up on line by googling “Join UNISON” https://join.unison.org.uk/
  3. Contact Barnet UNISON in order to request flyers/information about the ballot to circulate amongst your colleagues by phone on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

UNISON Campaign web page https://bit.ly/2VDAv9I

UPDATE SCHOOLS: UNISON National on-line indicative ballot starts 22 January 2019

Start spreading the NEWS!

The online consultation opens on 22 January 2019 – check the UNISON website for all ballot updates. It’s just three simple questions and your answers will help us in our campaign and negotiations with employers and the government.

UNISON web site https://www.unison.org.uk/

To view UNISON School Flyer click on link below

UNISON School flyer Jan 19

3 things for Barnet UNISON school staff members can do:

1. Please make sure you have passed on your correct email address to the Barnet UNISON branch by emailing contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


2. Speak to your fellow workers and check they are in a trade union. If they are not in a union they won’t be able to vote and that will mean one less message going to the Government. If they are not in a union ask them to join Barnet UNISON. They can sign up on line by googling “Join UNISON” https://join.unison.org.uk/

3. Contact Barnet UNISON in order to request flyers/information about the ballot to circulate amongst your colleagues by phone on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


World Mental Health Day 10 October 2018

Digital support links below

Type of application Application What does it do? Cost Notes
Mental Health Wellbeing Headspace Simple to use meditation app, can help with many mental health issues (i.e. anxiety or insomnia) 10 day free basics course. In-app purchases afterwards. Suggested by LD team

Barnet Voice believe this is the best app

Chill Panda Measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your state of mind, including breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries. Being tested by the NHS. Free on the Apple store
Cove Allows users to create music to capture their mood and emotions. Users can store their music on a personal journal, or send them to others. Free from the Apple store
ieso ieso is an online course using instant messaging for people with mental health problems. This is a confidential service that puts people in touch with a therapist trained in cognitive behavioural therapy. Currently not available in Barnet (available in Camden and Enfield) LD team suggest we omit
Reasons2 Free app designed by Young People and Washington Mind to help improve mental health. Allows people build their own profile of Reasons2 feel better. Free from Apple store and Google play
Cypher This is an anonymous peer-to-peer social network, that allows people to:

·         anonymously share their thoughts and feelings

·         post comments, ‘hugs’, ‘hearts’, and ‘me2s’ on what others share

·         instant message others in their support network

·         use the “Get support” function to connect with other support organisations

·         pick a virtual pet who gets happier the more good you do

This is currently being tested by the NHS.

Free from Apple store and Google play
EleFriends Online community developed by Mind. Moderated from 10am until midnight. Free from Apple store and Google play
RCPsych Mental Health App Provides information about key mental health disorders and links to relevant videos and podcasts Free from Apple store and Google play
Five Ways to Wellbeing App gives user ability to set wellbeing activities to complete throughout the week and reflect on progress. Free on google play
Wrap – Wellness Recovery Plan WRAP involves listing your personal resources (Wellness Tools) and using these to create Action Plans, to use in specific situations. Developed by a group of people who have lived experience of mental health difficulties. £4.99 on Apple Store and £3.03 on google play.
Happier Apple Watch app that is like your personal mindfulness coach – use it to lit your mood, take a quick mediation pause, or capture the small happy moments that you find in your day. Free on apple store and google play
Diary Mood Tracker Mood diary, that allows you to keep a track of your moods through icons and notes. This can help you understand your habits better. Free on apple store and google play
Depression and Anxiety SilverCloud Eight-week course to help people manage stress, anxiety and depression. Users work through a series of topics selected by therapists to address specific needs. Only available via an NHS referral or some non-NHS organisations, such as universities.
Stress & Anxiety Companion Helps people to handle stress and anxiety from a mobile app. Includes breathing exercises, relaxing music and games. Free on the Apple store
Catch it Helps people manage feelings such as anxiety and depression. The app records the user’s mood in three steps:

·         “Catch it” records and rates their mood

·         “Check it” asks them to take a moment to reflect on what they are thinking

·         “Change it” asks them to think of a better way of dealing with that problem

Free on Apple store and Google Play
Big White Wall Online community for people who are stressed, anxious or feeling low. There is also round-the-clock support from trained professionals. Users can talk anonymously to other members and take part in group or one-to-one therapy. Not available in Barnet. Individuals can sign up for £9.99 a month.
FearFighter Online course for people who struggle with phobias, panic or anxiety. Teaches you how to confront and change the thoughts that cause panic and anxiety. This teaches users to control their fears by gradually being exposed to situations that trigger them. Unclear if offered for free in Barnet. Privately, users can sign up for between £99 and £179. LD team suggest we remove this
Calm Harm An app designed to help people resist or manage the urge to self-harm. Based on the principles of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) – a type of talking therapy. Encourages users to distract themselves from urges to self-harm and manage their “emotional mind” in a more positive way. Free from the Apple store
Mental Health Recovery Guide If you suffer from depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, and if you are a mental health outpatient, or a newly discharged psychiatric in-patient, this app will help you get well and stay well. Free on apple store and google play
WellMind Free NHS mental health and wellbeing app that helps with stress, anxiety and depression. Includes advice, tips and tools. Free on apple store and google play
What’s Up? Utilises Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) methods to help you cope with depression, anxiety, anger and stress. Free on apple store and google play
SAM: Self-help for Anxiety Management App to help you understand and manage anxiety. You can monitor your anxious thoughts and behaviour over time. Includes self-help exercises, private reflection and the “social cloud”, which enables you to share your experiences on the SAM community while protecting your identity. Free on apple store and google play
Mood Tools – Depression Aid Designed to alleviate negative moods. The app includes a thought diary, activities, a suicide safety plan and depression tests. Free on google play
Fear Tools – Anxiety Kit Designed to combat anxiety. Especially useful for those suffering from Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Phobias and Social Anxiety Disorder. The app includes a thought diary, an exposure programme to overcome fears and a breathing tool. Free on google play
Anxious Minds This app includes a support group, online peer support sessions, advice and tips and blogs written by anxiety sufferers. Free on google play
Talking Point Online community for anyone affected by dementia. The app is a space for people to ask questions and share experiences about any aspect of dementia. Free website
Recovery Record – Eating Disorder App App for managing your journey to recovery from eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Intended for people with general eating, weight and shape concerns. This is based on CBT. You can keep a record of your meals, and link this with your treatemend team. Free on apple store and google play


“Heart-breaking and infuriating”: Outsourcing hurts workers












“John, I didn’t realise what it meant to be outsourced, I remember you warning us about it and calling for strike action. I know now and I absolutely hate working for them.”

I’ve had to represent many outsourced workers here in Barnet. The other day I had a long and upsetting conversation with a member. She reminded me of one of the many campaign meetings I had held with Barnet Council members before services were outsourced. In all of the meetings I would keep repeating the message that in spite of what senior managers were saying, workers would notice a difference if outsourced.

It doesn’t help to say I told you so, because our member need support from us.

It should serve as a warning to any workers under the threat of outsourcing such as Knowsley or the Four Health branches Bradford, Calderdale and Huddersfield, Leeds and Mid Yorkshire Health who are about to be balloted or the 600 hospital caterers, cleaners, porters other staff at three hospitals in Lancashire are planning to strike for 48-hours later this month over plans to transfer their jobs from an NHS trust to a private company it plans to set up as a wholly owned subsidiary. The proposed action on 23 and 24 May follows an 89% vote for strike action in a ballot which saw 73% of eligible members cast a vote.


I send solidarity greetings and this warning, if you don’t fight you have already lost, if you fight, you may win and avoid what will inevitably follow with outsourcing, which will be an attack on your pay and terms and conditions.

John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON











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