Breaking News: Monthly sessions with Payroll starts February 2021.

Dear Members

Barnet UNISON has had too many cases of members contacting us about payroll issues.

It is really important that you get the correct pay for the work you have done.

One of the biggest issues is understanding the pay slips.

I am pleased to announce that Street Scene are introducing monthly sessions with Pay roll.

These sessions will be run by the Capita HR Payroll Team.

The first session will take place on 10 February in the Pacific Room between 12:00pm and 14:00pm by appointment only.

The sessions will be for individuals to speak directly to payroll via a private video call.

Appointments will be available in 15 minute slots.

How to book a session?

You can book a session in advance by:

  • Requesting via your supervisor
  • Provide them your details, and
  • Provide them with any information you can about the question or issue you want to discuss.

Your supervisor will then make your booking on your behalf and let you know the time.

Now is the time to make sure you take up this opportunity to get answers to some of the questions you have about your pay and your pay slip.

If you want a UNISON rep with you please let us know what time your session is booked in order we can sit down with you in the meeting.

Telephone 0208 359 2088 or email


John Burgess

Branch Secretary





UNISON – There For You – COVID-19 response fund

COVID-19 response fund

The COVID-19 response fund reopened on Monday 16 November, offering grants of up to £500 to help members whose household incomes have been affected in any of the following ways:

  • You and/or your partner are currently furloughed
  • You and/or your partner are currently receiving Statutory Sick Pay and are either shielding, self-isolating or off sick due to other COVID-related reasons
  • You and/or your partner have been made redundant or lost your job due to coronavirus
  • You and/or your partner’s employer have reduced your working hours, including loss of regular overtime (applicable also where partner is self-employed and loss of earnings can be proven)

Please note that applicants must be a UNISON member with savings of less than £2,500 and have paid at least two months’ subscriptions.

We want to make this fund go as far as possible and help as many members as we can. Therefore please only apply if you are in financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19.

Depending on your situation, help will be awarded as follows:

  • £350 living costs for applicants who are furloughed or have a salary reduction due to COVID
  • £500 loss of employment grant due to redundancy
  • Up to £500 housing costs grant – towards rent, mortgage, or council tax arrears that have accrued since March 2020

In addition to There for You funds, we are very grateful to have received generous grants from UNISON and CHSA (the COVID-19 Healthcare Support Appeal) which enable us to support members who are struggling at this time.

Apply now

You can also download an application form to print and post back to us. Details are on the form.

Nafsiyat Reflective Sessions

Nafsiyat Reflective Sessions by London Borough of Barnet

While 2020 has been a momentous year for many reasons, the death of George Floyd and subsequent Black Lives Matter movement has been seen by many as a turning point that has encouraged people to speak out, call out discrimination when they see it, and fight for a more equal and just society. Here in Barnet, the council has also made a series of commitments to ensure equalities and diversity are at the forefront of our decision making, for residents and for staff.

And we know that so many of you have a lot that you want to say, and share with colleagues. That’s why we have begun a new partnership with Nafsiyat, an organisation established in 1983 to ensure that the diverse religious, cultural and ethnic communities in London could access culturally appropriate psychotherapy and counselling services. It was the first therapy centre in the country to take account of the cultural background of the patient and therapist and recognise its importance.

So we are introducing, from next week, a series of ‘reflective sessions’. These will be group sessions for up to 10 people. Their aim is to allow staff to reflect, particularly on the Black Lives Matter movement and how it may have affected them, but also more widely on the society in which we live and discrimination that they may have faced. The sessions are open to staff from any ethnic, cultural or religious background and should be considered a ‘safe and confidential space’ to talk about anything.

Book your place on one of the session times below here. All sessions will be run on Zoom:

Monday 7th December 12:30-13:45

Friday 11th December 11:00-12:15

Friday 22nd January 11:00-12:15

Monday 25th January 12:30-13:45

Friday 19th February 11:00-12:15

Monday 22nd February 12:30-13:45

To book a session please click on the below link

Look after yourself this festive season

The lead up to Christmas and New Year can be challenging for us in so many ways and this year, perhaps more than ever. Sometimes we can all benefit from a bit of support to help look after ourselves so the festive season can be an enjoyable time.

Able Futures can give you advice, support and practical assistance at no cost and with no waiting lists.

So there is no cost to you, access support quickly and it is totally confidential…’s a no brainer, cope a bit better this festive season, get in touch with Able Futures.

Call Able Futures on 0800 321 3137

Able Futures has developed a Mental Health Advent Calendar including a daily tip you can use to help your mental wellbeing this festive season. To find out more click the below link.


You are not worthless, you are just worth less! It must be the Barnet Group!


The Barnet Group Board at a meeting on Monday the 23rd of November have awarded a 2% pay rise for workers in the Barnet Group who do not have Barnet Homes contracts or are on Minimum Wage or the London Living Wage.

This is less than the 2.75% pay rise awarded to Barnet Homes contracted staff or any other staff that work for Barnet Council.

If you are a frontline Care worker on Minimum Wage or the London Living Wage working for Barnet Group on behalf of Barnet Council – you will receive nothing 0%.

You got applause


The Barnet Group and Barnet Council pride themselves on being organisations that put Fairness and Equality First, at least that’s what we tell the Public we serve – so what about Barnet Group staff who are working through Lockdown providing essential services to the Public on behalf of Barnet Council?

Are some staff and the work they do worth less than others?


Ballot Paper- have you got it?

Have you received your ballot for UNISON’s General Secretary Election?

If not please phone the helpline: 0800 0 857 857

This helpline is open until 20th November only – please do not wait until the last minute.

In order to be sure your ballot paper reaches the deadline to be counted please post no later than 24th November.

Better still: VOTE NOW!

Barnet UNISON has nominated Paul Holmes to be General Secretary.

Find out why here:

All Members Zoom Meeting

Please join us at our all members UNISON zoom meeting. This will be an opportunity for you to give us any updates on your situation and to hear of any Council or service wide developments we are aware of.

Are there any (other) issues you think we should be taking up?

Compare your situation with those working in other settings or for other employers.

Time: Nov 11, 2020 06:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 6439 6764

Passcode: 028108

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