BreakingNEWS: Update bin workers overtime claim

Update: 12 May 2021

In our meeting with the Chief Executive we submitted a new proposal in which we believe will ensure that our members working in Waste & Recycling are paid the fair rate of time and half for working on a Saturday.

We repeated the facts that other Council workers in Libraries, Social Services and the Registrar Service all have local agreements why are the Council refusing the same for Waste & Recycling workers.

Barnet UNISON made it clear that if we don’t have an agreement we are ready to ballot our members.

The Chief Executive said they would need a few days to consider our proposal and we have agreed to a final meeting early next week.

There will be further updates early next week.




Update: Barnet UNISON Bin workers overtime dispute

On Wednesday 12 May at 4 pm Barnet UNISON is meeting with the Chief Executive to try to get the Council to do the right thing and end the unfairness and pay workers the right rate of pay for working overtime.

We have produced our flyer in a number of languages

2021.04.22 W&R Overtime Dispute A5 leaflet Romanian

2021.04.22 W&R Overtime Dispute A5 leaflet portuguese

2021.04.22 W&R Overtime Dispute A5 leaflet Polish

2021.04.22 W&R Overtime Dispute A5 leaflet Hungarian

2021.04.22 W&R Overtime Dispute A5 leaflet english

If we are unable to reach an agreement our internal strike ballot will commence the following day.

For further information you can ring the branch office on 0208 359 2088 or email

You can follow us on Twitter here: @barnet_unison

And on Facebook here:





We Are Barnet rally Weds 19 May 2021


Support #WeAreBarnet frontline workers by registering to join our second public rally on Weds 19 May 2021 6.30 to 7.30 pm

#WeAreBarnet #EqualityAndJustice

Press release: “We Are Barnet” – Pay like Barnet!












“If we’re good enough for Barnet residents, we’re good enough for Barnet terms and conditions”A Barnet Group Worker

“I have rarely discovered such a deeply embedded scale of inequalities and exploitation in a local authority arms length company. This a damning indictment on the London Borough of Barnet who have colluded with this model for nearly a decade.” Dexter Whitfield, Director, European Services Strategy Unit

“It might be the London Living Wage but it’s not the London Living standard, is it?”A Barnet Group Worker on hearing they are to be moved from being paid the National minimum wage to the London Living Wage (£8.72/ hr to £10.85/ hr)

The Barnet Group workers are all on different terms and conditions often for the exact same job. This creates divisions and inequalities. Very few of the workers are on terms and conditions which resemble the Council terms and conditions and although the Council terms and conditions are hardly generous they are better in all areas than the terms and conditions most of the workers in The Barnet Group have. It means the Council can choose to pay inferior terms and conditions if it wants to.

Barnet Group staff worked through the COVID pandemic putting themselves and the lives of their families at risk. A number of them became ill with COVID as a result. They are care workers, support workers and housing workers.

The Barnet Group is a subsidiary wholly owned by Barnet Council. It now employs over 1,000 workers and is almost as big as the Council itself. All of the jobs and services done by The Barnet Group were all once carried out by the Council directly.

‘The embedded inequalities of Terms and Conditions and Pay across The Barnet Group cannot be tolerated any further.  

Barnet Group staff have been providing frontline services to the Public all the way through the Pandemic with little or no reward or recognition for the vital work and services we provide to Barnet residents on behalf of the Council – all we are asking is to be treated with the same respect as our colleagues who work directly for the Council – it really isn’t too much to ask!’  Patrick Hunter, Barnet UNISON convenor for Barnet Homes

“The Barnet Group is ridiculously complicated for work colleagues to understand. Frankly they do not understand how they can be doing the same job but be paid differently and I think we only need to understand one thing – it’s wrong. The high death rate in the UK from COVID is largely due to the socio-economic inequalities in the UK. We have had nearly one continuous year of lockdown. We all suffer when people are not paid enough to live on and thrive. This is why our campaign is about reversing that race to the bottom in pay, terms and conditions.” Helen Davies, Barnet UNISON Branch Chair


Note to Editors: Contact details: Helen Davies Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:


To View Dexter Whitfields report summitted to Chief Executive of The Barnet Group please click on the UNISON link below

Barnet UNISON TBG Pay Claim

“We Are Barnet” Campaign explained

We Are Barnet” explainer flyer

“We Are Barnet – Pay like Barnet” petition






Invite to Barnet UNISON AGM with Ken and Hilda, Debbie and Anju

Dear Barnet UNISON member

I am pleased to invite you to the Barnet UNISON Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 4 March 4-6pm

The last 12 months have been the most traumatic for many of our members both in the workplace and in their homes.

Our branch has tried its best to support as many of our members as possible and will continue to do so.

I am proud to introduce our first speaker Hilda Palmer who last year was recognised as “Most Influential person in health & safety for 2020”

Hilda work on health & safety is inspirational and she has helped out branch immensely during the COVID pandemic.

I am sure you will want to hear what Hilda has to say about safety in the Covid workplace.

Our second speaker is the legendary Ken Loach. Our branch has been working with Ken for nearly two decades we have screened several of his films and Ken has been a big supporter of our members facing mass outsourcing.

Ken is joining us to talk about the brutal inequality in the workplace that has caused untold damage to the life chances of so many.

He will introduce a clip from his most recent film “Sorry We Missed You” and discuss what lessons we can learn and what actions we as a branch must take to tackle inequalities in the workplace.

Our last two speakers are our very own Barnet UNISON reps Debbie & Anju both of whom work for The Barnet Group and organisation owned by Barnet Council. I’m really excited about what they have to say.

Our AGM is a really important meeting it decides what we as a branch are going to do for the next 12 months which is why we want all of our members to join us.

Due to COVID our AGM has to be online.

We need you to register to attend the meeting.

All you need to do is click on the Barnet UNISON link below to confirm you are coming to the meeting.

On the day before the AGM you will receive an email with the link to join the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you at our AGM.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary



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