Cost of Living Crisis one off payment to lowest grades except in community schools.

Yesterday Barnet Council has announced in an email to all staff that it will be making a Cost-of-Living payment of £150 to all non-schools’ staff on grades A-E.

Whilst Barnet UNISON welcomes this payment for our lowest paid members, we are concerned that another group of low paid female members working in Barnet Council Community Schools will not be receiving this payment from the Council.

We have been informed that Barnet Council will be writing to all the Community schools to advise them of the payment.

Barnet UNISON has asked for Barnet Council to support Community Schools to enable them to make this much needed payment to their staff.



A shift of a care worker in Barnet: The London Living Wage is not enough!

Barnet UNISON is in negotiations with The Barnet Group (TBG) about improving Pay and Terms and Conditions of our members.

One of our members, a care worker put together a list of work she does each day.


The list is enormous but it’s a critical service. The impact on the quality of life of residents is determined by the skill and professionalism of the care worker.


Whilst politicians will queue up to say that care workers are central to the delivery of care in the community they still refuse to commit to dealing with the ‘elephant in the room’ which is Pay.


Care workers have been subjected to outsourcing which has seen the pay and terms and conditions sink.


Considering the care work workforce is largely female it could be said that  outsourcing of care work is an example of institutional misogyny within procurement and commissioning of care services.


Look at this list of tasks and ask yourself whether you think that care workers should be paid more.


As a Carers we do:

  1. Personal care
  2. Make bed and tidy up bathrooms and rooms.
  3. Put water in the jug.
  4. Give bedtime tea.
  5. Serve tea after personal care.
  6. Take all clothes, bed linens, towels to laundry to wash.
  7. Assist residents to go to the dining area.
  8. Support residents to walk with jimo frames. or in a wheelchair.
  9. Assist residents to sit on the chair.
  10. Serve breakfast and prepare tea and toast.
  11. Assist residents to go the toilet.
  12. Assist residents as required.
  13. Assist residents to go to the lounge or in their room.
  14. Make sure they have everything as needed.
  15. Take Covid Temperature and record.
  16. Clear dining area and set up for lunch time.
  17. Wash all dishes and serving pots and pans.
  18. Clear and sweeping floors.
  19. Medication administered.
  20. Assist and respond when is needed.
  21. Do daily logbook and record.
  22. Served 11 am tea or juices choices if residents.
  23. Change bed linen.
  24. Dealt with residents as different needs.
  25. Escort residents to their hospital appointment.
  26. Take samples of residents to GP.
  27. Support residents with hearing aids, glasses, dentures.
  28. Weigh residents regularly.
  29. Take BP regularly.
  30. Admin work monthly based filing all documents.
  31. Everyday take fridges temperatures and food temperatures.
  32. Daily logging and administration medication.
  33. Assist residents to go to toilet before lunch.
  34. Assists residents to sit on their chair to eat lunch.
  35. Bring food trolly from kitchen to dining area.
  36. Get ready to serve lunch.
  37. Served lunch and dealt with individual’s needs.
  38. Again scraped all dishes and take to the small kitchen to wash.
  39. Clear, sweep, collect and wash.
  40. Support and assist residents needs to go toilet, lounge, in their room.
  41. Empty bin and take to waste bin outside.
  42. Do daily logging book.
  43. Laundry to put way and hang in the wardrobe in the resident’s room.
  44. Teatime 3pm prepare tea and served tea and coffee and cakes.
  45. Take Covid Temperature.
  46. Do Menu for next lunch and supper ask individual what they would like to eat and explained to residents what is in the menu.
  47. Do shopping list for next day.
  48. Collect all cups and plates and wash them.
  49. Set up tables for suppers.
  50. Do daily logbook.
  51. Administration medications.
  52. We do behaviour chats, fluids records, bowels records, oral care records everyday morning and evening.
  53. Serve suppers bring trolly to the dining area.
  54. Do personal and oral care individuals.
  55. Scraped dishes and wash and clear dining area.
  56. After all personal care done take clothes and towels into laundry room and put them in the washing machines and clean kitchen.
  57. Medication administered.
  58. Serve bedtime’s tea.
  59. Put residents in beds.
  60. Empty dishwasher and put cutlery way.
  61. Collect all cups and mugs and put in washing.
  62. Do daily logbook.
  63. Check resident before finish shifts and handover.
  64. Go home.


64 reasons why £11.95 (London Living Wage) is not enough Pay for care workers.



RPI a massive 19.9% in October! We have two Waste & Recycling (Bin workers) pay issues

The graphic above was taken from the Government website The Office of National Statistics (ONS).

The almost vertical rise in RPI is plain for all to see. The graphic shows RPI over a 30-year period.

We are unprecedented times which is why our members are angry and determined to get a pay offer they believe provides them with some respect.

Early next week UNISON and GMB are going into another round of talks to try and reach an agreement on two pay claims made on behalf of bin workers

At a mass meeting in the depot this morning our members are clear they want a better offer.

Our members worked throughout Covid and feel their contribution to the delivering services 52 weeks a year to Barnet residents is not recognised by their employer.

Warms words will not pay the rent, the food bills or the escalating energy costs.

Barnet UNISON will be reminding the employer that our members working in Waste & Recycling (Bin workers) had a 91% turnout in the National Pay consultation and almost of the Votes were to REJECT the offer and move to strike action.

See voting figures here

The next round of talks will take place on Monday 28 November 2022.

More later.





Barnet Council: London Living Wage is NOW £11.95

Barnet Council includes the London Living Wage as a contract clause for some of the contractors that deliver services on behalf of Barnet Council e.g. Norse (cleaning contractor) ISS (catering in schools), Blue Nine (security services).


“The new Living Wage rates were announced on Thursday 22nd September 2022.  Employers should implement the rise as soon as possible but by the latest 14th May 2023.”

Our members working for Norse, ISS, Blue Nine are currently earning £11.05 an hour.

The new rate is £11.95 and hour.

The worst Cost-of-Living Crisis in 75 years is having a disproportionate impact on the lowest paid which is why Barnet UNISON has called on Barnet Council to ask their contractors to update the London Living Wage for their staff before Christmas.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows RPI was 19.9% at the end of October (see graph below).


Breaking NEWS: HGV Retention payments update

There have been two meetings between Street Scene management UNISON and GMB regards a retention payment for HGV drivers.

Street Scene Management have proposed a 10% retention payment which will be made for a six-month period from 01 October 2022 through to 31 March 2023.

UNISON and GMB proposed a 20% retention payment for a 12-month period.

As we were unable to reach an agreement a meeting is being arranged for Trade Union representatives and Street Scene Management Team representatives to meet with the Corporate Management Team (Chief Executive) to discuss the Trade Unions proposal.


Branch Meeting on National Pay for next year (2023)

National Pay 2023 consultation is starting soon.  

Join the discussion about next year’s pay claim with two great speakers

Glen Williams Chair of UNISON’s Local Government Service Group Executive

Amerit Rait UNISON Vice President and Greater London NEC rep and NHS worker.

Time: 8 December 2022 6 pm.

Join Zoom Meeting







Dear Branch Secretary



We have received a number of queries about the impact of the backdated pay award on members in receipt of Universal Credit.


UNISON’s position is that all backpay from 1 April 2022 is money owed to local authority and other employees covered by the NJC, and should be paid to them as soon as possible. However, where requested, we ask employers to engage sympathetically with employees who are in receipt of Universal Credit if they need to arrange for back-pay to be staggered. This should only be done if requested by the employee and will be to minimise any future reduction of Universal Credit payments. Such arrangements may vary from individual to individual and paying the back-pay over a couple of months should only be implemented at the request of an employee.


This guidance covers two key areas:


  • What should members do if their Universal Credit payments fall or stop as a result of the backpay? This guidance gives initial advice and signposts helpful links.
  • Does the size of the backpay mean some members would be better off asking for their backpay to be staggered? Our advice is that this is generally not the case and that branches should ensure all backpay is paid as soon as possible. In circumstances where two members of the same household are in receipt of Universal Credit and EACH receive full back pay, the individuals concerned should use the online benefits calculator at to check how they are affected. They may wish to consider whether they need to request that the employer staggers back pay for one or both employees.


Universal Credit and backpay  


Some UNISON members covered by the 2022 NJC pay settlement for England, Wales and Northern Ireland will also be in receipt of Universal Credit.


The 2022 NJC pay award will result in a reduction in the amount of Universal Credit received as earnings will rise. This is because Universal Credit is reduced by 55p for every extra £1 someone earns (after income tax and national insurance).


The 2022/23 pay award is for a consolidated pay increase of £1,925 on all NJC pay points. The pay rise will not be paid as a one-off lump sum, as it is consolidated into basic pay it will be spread across twelve months. Please remember that pay is pro-rata for part-time/term time only employees.


The 2022 NJC pay settlement is backdated to April 2022 which means that employers will also be making a one-off payment of back pay. It is expected that the backpay is likely to be be paid in either November or December, depending on the arrangements made by each employer.


This means that the amount of take-home pay will be significantly higher in the month in which back-pay is paid.


As Universal Credit is based on individual members’ own personal circumstances, UNISON does not know exactly how individual members may be affected.


The backpay will be included in the Universal Credit award calculation made by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in the relevant assessment period for that individual and it will reduce the amount of UC received in the following month. For example, if backpay is included in the November calculation, the UC payment in December will be affected. (The assessment period begins on one day in the month and ends a month later – for example 27th of the month to 26th of the following month.)


All members on Universal Credit will see a reduction in their UC in the month following the period that includes their one-off back pay because their earnings have increased. If members see their payment stop altogether then those members need to renew their UC claims immediately.


How do members renew their UC claims?


Universal Credit payments do not start again automatically. If members’ UC payments stop, they must start up their claim again. They should do this as soon as they can, to be sure they do not miss out. Branches should advise members to look out for any changes to their UC payment, and if it falls to zero, they should advise them as follows:


  • If your claim does close because of the increased and backdated award you will see a message on your Universal Credit Journal telling you about this.
  • If your Universal Credit payments stop because you have had additional pay, the UC payments will not automatically start again. You must start up your claim again. You should do this as soon as you can to make sure you do not miss out.
  • To reclaim, log into your Universal Credit Journal and follow the advice about how to ‘Reclaim’. You will have to answer a few simple questions.
  • If you have problems re-starting your claim, you should contact your Work Coach in the first instance.
  • Further help can be obtained from Jobcentre Plus staff.
  • An overview of Universal Credit can be found at or you can call the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644.


Staggered payment and the ‘surplus earnings rule’


The Universal Credit rules state:

‘If you earn more than £2,500 over the amount you can earn before you receive no Universal Credit payment, you are said to have surplus earnings. These surplus earnings will be taken into account in the next monthly assessment period. This may reduce the amount of Universal Credit you receive, or perhaps mean that you don’t get any Universal Credit payment that month.’

We have been asked whether members can avoid or minimize the reductions in their Universal Credit payments, by asking their employer to spread the backpay owed to them over several months.


Universal Credit is calculated using household income so it is possible that two members of the same household will each receive back pay in the same month.


UNISON’s advice is that if only one member of the household will get the NJC back pay then members should not need to make this request. At an individual level, the amount of backpay will not be so large that payment of it in one month will make things worse than they would be if the backpay were staggered.


If, however two members of the same household who are in receipt of Universal Credit are going to receive the backdated pay award, the member/s should be advised to check how they might be affected by completing UNISON’s online benefits calculator at


To find out what the impact might be they can change their monthly income amount on the calculator to reflect the month in which they will receive the backdated payment to see what impact this will have on their Universal Credit in the following month.


For reference: The 2022 NJC pay settlement gives members £1,925 (based on full time hours) over the year. So, the extra pay for an individual, including backpay, will definitely be less than £2,500 over the amount that would reduce Universal Credit to Zero.


If backpay is included in the November pay packet, a member will receive 8 months’ worth of pay – a maximum £1,284 if working full-time hours. This amounts to £2,568 if there are two members of the same household who both work full-time.


If backpay is included in the December pay packet, a member will receive 9 months’ worth of pay – maximum £1,443.75 if working full-time hours. This amounts to £2,887.50 if there are two members of the same household who both work full-time.


Please remember that these amounts will be subject to the normal deductions (tax, National Insurance, pensions so the net increase will be lower).


In many cases the backpayment of the NJC pay rise will not bring employees over the earnings limit that would reduce Universal Credit payments to zero. Households where two earners will both get back pay and who currently receive LESS than £300 per month in Universal Credit should particularly be advised to check. Remember you can use UNISON’s online benefits calculator at (If you have any queries about the results please email


If it seems that having the backpayment staggered over a couple of months would prevent the Universal Credit threshold being passed, then please ask your employer to stagger backpay.


Please remember: As Universal Credit is based on a number of variables it is worth seeking advice if you are concerned about the impact of the pay rise on your Universal Credit payment and entitlement.

 With kind regards

Helen Reynolds                  Sean Fox

Regional Head of Local Government      Chair of Regional Local Government Committee

Breaking News: National Pay Award has been agreed.

On Tuesday 1 November 2022 the National Pay Award for 2022 has been formally signed off by UNISON and GMB.


  • An increase of £2,229 on all grades
  • A permanent increase in Annual Leave from 1 April 2023.

Barnet UNISON has been in talks with Barnet Council to find out when the new pay will be in our members pockets.

We can report that Barnet Council are working to try and ensure that the new pay arrangements will be in place for the November payroll.

We are expecting confirmation next week from Barnet Council to confirm the new pay will be in the November pay slips.

There are three things for members to check when they are paid at the end of this month.

  1. Check your basic pay. If the new pay has been implemented, then your basic pay should be higher than last month.


  1. The new pay award applies from 1 April 2022. On your pay slip you should have a backdated payment from 1 April 2022.


  1. If you have been working overtime from 1 April 2022, you are owed money. We have asked that the Council provide the backdating difference of all overtime you have worked since 1 April 2022.

*** School Support staff.

Please note that your school may not use Barnet Council payroll. Please contact your school to find out when they will be paying you the new rates and back dating.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Barnet UNISON office at or leave a voicemail message on 0208 359 2088.

More details of the new rates of pay will be posted on our web site later this week.


Background links:

Council workers accept deal that will give lowest-paid 10.5%


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