Injuries at work – your rights explained

Injuries at work – your rights explained

Gerard Stilliard, head of personal injury claims at Thompsons Solicitors, outlines how you can access legal support if you have been injured at work.

The best employers recognise that proper health and safety is vital and take steps to ensure they keep their employees as safe as possible in the workplace.

At Thompsons, we see first-hand the devastating impact on workers and their families when health and safety is compromised – usually when management is under pressure to cut costs. That is why, as a proud partner of UNISON, we work with your union to actively promote the benefits of union membership and support you and your families with legal claims.

Your employer’s ‘duty of care’

Your employer owes you a duty of care, to protect your health, safety and welfare while at work. This include providing a safe work environment. They should:

  • Follow health and safety legislation
  • Conduct adequate risk assessments
  • Provide you with health and safety training
  • Supply sufficient PPE
  • Ensure equipment is in safe working order and regularly maintained
  • Reduce risk as much as reasonably possible.

If your employer has failed in their duty of care, and you have been injured at work as a result, you may be able to bring a compensation claim.

Making a compensation claim

The law requires employers to avoid risks entirely if this is possible and, if not, to minimise the risk of injury at work to the lowest level ‘reasonably practicable’.

Where employers fail in their obligation to protect you, UNISON and Thompsons will support your injury claim all the way to trial if necessary, but most cases settle well before they reach the doors of the court.

Giving you the best chance of success

To ensure your compensation claim for an accident at work is as strong as possible, you should try to:

  • Report the accident and your injuries to your employer
  • Record the accident in your workplace accident book
  • Take photographs of the place where the accident happened
  • Photograph any visible injuries
  • Find out the names and contact details for any witnesses
  • Keep a record of any visits to the doctors and treatments received, including receipts for any injury-related expenses.

The UNISON Legal Service gives you access to independent specialist legal advice from lawyers who are experts in their field. Using the union legal service is not only free, ensuring you receive 100% of any compensation awarded, it also increases the chances of your claim succeeding, because your lawyers can work with your local and national union representatives. You won’t get that level of compensation or support from any other law firm.

Here’s how our specialist teams can help

You can contact our experts for free advice and representation on:


Members’ families are also covered for:

  • Personal injury away from work, on holiday or on the roads
  • Special terms for medical negligence and wills.


Accessing support from Thompsons Solicitors

Thompsons Solicitors has been standing with unions and fighting for workers’ rights for more than 100 years.

Since we started in 1921, we have always refused to act for employers or insurers, only ever acting for the injured and mistreated. Every year, we secure millions of pounds in compensation for union members injured or mistreated by their employer.

For more information, visit Thompsons Solicitors’ website or call us directly on 0800 0 224 224.

UNISON submit National Council and School Pay offer alongside GMB and Unite

“UNISON is campaigning for a decent NJC pay increase for 2023, which will affect members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We are asking for a pay increase of RPI + 2%. 

The Treasury’s annual forecast for RPI for 2023 is currently 10.7%, so the increase we are asking for would amount to 12.7%. 

This would ensure that council and school workers are able to afford basic necessities without having to go from the front line to the breadline.”

For more details, please click link to UNISON National website below


Insourcing win at Barnet council

Insourcing win at Barnet council

Over 300 staff in a variety of services like trading standards, environmental health and other regulatory services, will now be transferred back in-house

Staff at Barnet council are due to be transferred back to council employment thanks to a decade-long campaign by UNISON.

The 330 affected workers are currently employed by outsourcing multinational conglomerate, Capita, and are being brought back in house after the council was used as a test case for the outsourcing of local government services.

The staff who work under a joint venture called ‘Capita Re’ in a variety of areas like trading standards, environmental health, planning highways and other regulatory services, will be TUPE transferred back in house on 1 April this year.

In 2012, much of the service provision at the council was outsourced to Capita on decade-long contracts by the Conservative-controlled council, with the intervening 10 years marred by several controversies including a multi-million-pound fraud and contracts running vastly over budget.

Barnet’s UNISON branch has campaigned for services to be brought back in-house since the contracts were initially handed to Capita and there have already been major in-sourcing successes at the council.

In May last year, Labour won control of the council after 20 years of Conservative leadership and, though the contracts had already been due to end next year, the new council has fast-tracked plans by six months to bring some services back in house.

John Burgess, Barnet local government branch secretary, said: “This is good news for staff, good news for residents and good news for the services. I welcome the decision and look forward to welcoming back all the services back into Barnet Council where they all belong.

“For a decade, our branch has campaigned for local government services at Barnet to be brought back in-house and, while we are happy that this latest has been fast tracked, there are still many issues to address for our members who are being TUPE’d.

“These include workplace inequalities such as staff being paid differently for the same role. Barnet UNISON is already seeking discussions with the council about harmonisation of the terms and conditions of the TUPE’d workforce.

“During the worst cost of living crisis in 75 years it is imperative that our branch does it best to look after the interests of our members transferring back into the council.”


***Updated: Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers strike starts Monday 17 October 2022.

Update: Agency staff will not be used to break our strike please read our updated Press Release here

More BREAKING NEWS! Barnet UNISON Repairs Dispute

3 simple actions supporters can do for our #BarnetStrikers

UNISON President Andrea Egan


Dear Supporter

If you are shocked at the treatment of our member who was injured at work and refused sick pay during the worst cost of living crisis in 75 years, then you can help our campaign

We have three requests

1. Sign this email statement.

Barnet Trades Council have set up an email which will be sent to the three key decision makers:

Barry Rawlings Leader of Barnet Council

John Hooton Chief Executive of Barnet Council

Tim Mulvenna Chief Executive The Barnet Group

Click on the link below and follow the instructions

2. Visit our social media sites and leave messages of support


3. Send message of support to Barnet UNISON at


For more information about the background to our dispute check our the following articles on our web site


1. Breaking News: Barnet UNISON obtain ground-breaking support from UNISONs National Industrial Action Committee (IAC).

2. Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers 100 % vote for all out strike action

3. Breaking News: Official Strike ballot begins for Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers

4. Barnet Responsive Repairs workers referred to UNISON’s Industrial Action Committee

5. Barnet Council Repairs Operatives 100% turnout and 100% vote for strike action.

6. Barnet Council’s Company Refuse to Show Compassion for Injured Worker


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