#Capita consultation only 2 weeks to go !

Dear Barnet resident.

I am writing to you as the Lead Barnet UNISON rep on behalf my members who work on the two #Capita contracts here in Barnet.

Barnet UNISON has campaigned for over a decade to oppose mass outsourcing to Capita. Sadly the outsourcing meant hundreds of redundancies as jobs were moved out of London. The issues with Capita were not just redundancies, service issues started to emerge across a large number of former Council services.

Barnet UNISON has been campaigning in the community for the past year to bring back services in-house following the collapse of Carillion and Capita’s dramatic share price fall last February 2018.

Following the serious fraud recently committed by a Capita employee the Council has reviewed both contracts and is in the process of bring back Finance and Strategic HR as from 1 April 2019.

However other Council services currently provided by Capita are now being reviewed to see if they should come back in-house.

Here are services currently provided by Capita

Phase 1 – Finance and Strategic HR (the focus of this TUPE consultation)

Phase 2 – Highways and Regeneration (review between Jan to Sept 2019)

Phase 3 – Barnet-based customised services – Estates, Social Care Direct, Safety, Health and Wellbeing , Strategic Planning, Procurement, Insight, Cemetery and Crematorium (review between Jan to Sept 2019)

Phase 4 – Revenues and Benefits, Customer Services, Information Services, Planning (Development Management) and Regulatory Services, transactional HR services (including pensions administration). Will form part of the Year 7 Contract Review of both contracts from September 2019 onwards.

Barnet UNISON is campaigning for all services provided by Capita to come back in-house.

I am encouraging all Barnet residents to take part in Barnet Councils Capita online consultation which you can access here https://engage.barnet.gov.uk/strategic-contract-review

The deadline to complete the consultation is Friday 15 February 2019.

It is really important that Barnet Council hears from residents about Capita.

There are 12 questions including some multiple choice and written responses.

In order to encourage and assist Barnet residents to complete the Capita online consultation I strongly recommend residents read this helpful guidance produced by Barnet Alliance for Public Services click on link below


I have attached a info graphic produced by Barnet Blogger Mr Reasonable showing how many millions Barnet Council have already paid Capita.

Please complete the survey and let others know.

Best wishes
John Burgess
Branch Secretary.


Barnet Council Capita consultation : Complete ASAP

To All Barnet UNISON members living in Barnet

I am writing to you as a member of Barnet UNISON and according to our postcode information a Barnet resident.

Barnet UNISON campaigned for over a decade to oppose mass outsourcing to Capita. Sadly the outsourcing meant hundreds of redundancies as jobs were moved out of London. The issues with Capita were not just redundancies, service issues started to emerge across a large number of former Council services.

Barnet UNISON has been campaigning in the community for the past year to bring back services in-house following the collapse of Carillion and Capita’s dramatic share price fall last February 2018.

Following the serious fraud recently committed by a Capita employee the Council has reviewed both contracts and is in the process of bring back Finance and Strategic HR as from 1 April 2019.

Other former Council services currently provided by Capita are now being reviewed to see if they should come back in-house.

Barnet UNISON is campaigning for services to come back in-house.

As a Barnet resident and UNISON member I am encouraging you to take part in Barnet Councils Capita online consultation which you can access.

The deadline to complete the consultation is Friday 15 February 2019. It is really important that Barnet Council hears from residents about Capita.

There are 12 questions including some multiple choice and written responses.

In order to encourage and assist Barnet residents to complete the Capita online consultation I strongly recommend residents read this helpful guidance produced by Barnet Alliance for Public Services here

****Important links******


  1. Barnet Council Capita consultation here.


  1. Helpful guidance here


Bet wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.



Update for Capita Staff in Finance and Strategic HR

Dear member

I am currently involved in TUPE transfer consultations for Finance and Strategic HR with Capita and Barnet Council.

***Please note: I have asked for meetings with Capita in relation to HR and Finance workers who currently provide a Traded Service for Schools. At this moment in time this group of workers are not included in this TUPE consultation. However I have had asked for legal advice from UNISON on this decision. Traded Service for Schools are identified in Phase Four groups of services we are being considered for insourcing.

I understand two meetings with staff with Barnet Council and Capita have been arranged on:

Staff briefings

Tuesday 22 January, 2.30 pm in the Boardroom Building 2, NLBP

Wednesday 23 January, 9.30 am in the Boardroom Building 2, NLBP

It would be useful if you can attend one of these meetings. However, as it was published at short notice I will be asking for other meeting dates to be made available for staff.

One to One meetings.

If any Barnet UNISON members wants a one to one meeting with Capita/Barnet Council and would like a UNISON rep to attend please contact the Barnet UNISON Office on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

Formal TUPE transfer meetings.

These are formal meetings that I attend with Capita and Barnet Council. The next meeting is in 30 January after which they will be weekly until the staff transfer on 1 April 2019.


Capita and Barnet Council will be providing regular updates and some frequently asked questions. It is important that if you have any issues or concerns you raise them as soon as possible.

Key UNISON meetings for members

There are a couple of branch meetings at which Capita is on the agenda in order staff can ask questions. You can view the details of these meeting meetings on this link https://bit.ly/2DrdO1C

What about the other Capita Services?

The council confirmed further information on the approximate timescales to review the remaining services:

Phase 1 – Finance and Strategic HR (the focus of this TUPE consultation)

Phase 2 – Highways and Regeneration (review between Jan to Sept 2019)

Phase 3 – Barnet-based customised services – Estates, Social Care Direct,          Safety, Health and Wellbeing , Strategic Planning, Procurement, Insight,     Cemetery and Crematorium (review between Jan to Sept 2019)

Phase 4 – Revenues and Benefits, Customer Services, Information Services,      Planning (Development Management) and Regulatory Services,           transactional HR services (including pensions administration). Will form          part of the Year 7 Contract Review of both contracts from September 2019     onwards.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.




Start spreading the NEWS “we’re balloting soon” actually start 22 January!

Attention all Barnet UNISON School members:

UNISON on-line ballot will open on Tuesday 22nd January and close on Tuesday 5th Marcha 6 week ballot period.

The three questions on the on-line ballot are as follows:

  1. Do you believe that government funding cuts are having a negative effect on jobs, workloads, stress, pay and terms and conditions in your schools?
  2. Do you believe that UNISON should continue to campaign on school funding for jobs, pay and terms and conditions?
  3. Would you be prepared to take industrial action to secure more money for jobs, pay and terms and conditions in schools?

It is really important that as many Barnet UNISON School staff take part in the ballot. Unless there is a radical change in funding for schools then more and more cuts will be delivered. These cuts are hurting our members and the children.

It is really important that School Staff send a message to UNISON that if necessary they will take strike action to stop the School Budget cuts.


3 things for Barnet UNISON school staff members can do:

  1. Please make sure you have passed on your correct email address to the Barnet UNISON branch by emailing contactus@barnetunison.org.uk
  2. Speak to your fellow workers and check they are in a trade union. If they are not in a union they won’t be able to vote and that will mean one less message going to the Government. If they are not in a union ask them to join Barnet UNISON. They can sign up on line by googling “Join UNISON” https://join.unison.org.uk/
  3. Contact Barnet UNISON in order to request flyers/information about the ballot to circulate amongst your colleagues by phone on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk

UNISON Campaign web page https://bit.ly/2VDAv9I

Responses to our #Bingate questions

Unison Round Reorganisation Question – Received 5 October


  1. How many vehicles do we currently have available for the new round restructure?


All vehicles currently used for refuse and recycling collections will remain available for the new rounds. As highlighted in our meetings in October. This is 50 RCVs currently available within the fleet including hire vehicles.


  1. How many refuse rounds will there be in the new round restructure and what is the staffing numbers?


Initially 15 standard refuse rounds were set which included, Driver +2 loaders, 45 staff on each collection day, as highlighted in our meetings in October. Addition resources to balance rounds was expected. At present additional refuse collection rounds are operating on Monday and Tuesday to provide support to crews where problem roads/locations have been identified or round size is emerging as an issue limiting the ability to complete within working time.


  1. How many recycling rounds will there be in the new round restructure and what is the staffing numbers?


Initially 15 standard recycling rounds were set which included, Driver +2 loaders, 45 staff on each collection day, as highlighted in our meetings in October. Addition resources to balance rounds was expected. At present additional refuse collection rounds are operating on Monday and Tuesday to provide support to crews where problem roads/locations have been identified or round size is emerging as an issue limiting the ability to complete within working time.


  1. How many Trade rounds will there be in the new round restructure and what is the staffing numbers?


3 trade rounds, Driver +1 loader, 6 staff as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. How many green waste rounds will there be in the new round restructure and what is the staffing numbers?


4 garden waste rounds, Driver +2 loaders, 12 staff as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. Currently the Hazard vehicle round operates three days a week. Will it still be operating and what are the crew numbers?


The hazard vehicle (Impact Protection Vehicle (IPV)) will continue to operate 2 days per week. Driver IPV, Driver+1/2 RCV, as highlighted in our meetings in October.



  1. Impact Vehicle (IPV) currently operates three days a week what is the plan for this service?


As above.


  1. Will there still be a Bin delivery and if so what are the staffing numbers?


The bin delivery vehicle will be retained. Driver only. as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. How many shunt vehicles will be available on a daily basis?


This will vary on daily basis as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. What rounds will be getting shunts?


This will vary on daily basis as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. What is the estimated down time for shunts?


Clarification on this question is needed


  1. How many spare vehicles do we have?


This will vary on daily basis as highlighted in our meetings in October


  1. What are number of locations per round?


Clarification on this question is needed.


  1. How many bins and size per location?


Unknown and variable each week/seasonality. Bin lift information being recorded. Barnet Homes bin audit nearing completion.


The audit of all Barnet Homes managed properties has been completed. Bin number by type and waste stream at each location are known.


  1. Please provide the mileage walked by loaders per round?


We do not hold this information


  1. How will flat refuse be collected?


As highlighted in our meetings in October refuse from flats contained within communal bins/1100l Euro bins is scheduled be collected on the normal rounds. A round that focusses of the collection of refuse from flats is in the process of being created and will be operational to support collections on Monday and Tuesday each week from Monday 17 November.

  1. How will flat recycling be collected?


As above.


  1. What are the days for each postal district?


See district/round maps previous circulated


  1. How are the locations with more than one collection day be collected?


The Council policy is for one collection of refuse to be provided per week. Further collections will be chargeable. Both Barnet Home and privately managed developments have been contacted to inform them of the enforcement of this policy and the options for ensuring waste is contained and collected. The majority of managing agents have made contact with the team and contracts will be established for paid additional collections.


  1. Will there be maps provided for each new round?


Maps were provided to crews and feedback has been positive. These have been amended in response to crew feedback and continue to be reproduced to reflect changes made to improve rounds.


  1. When will public be informed?


The communication plan for this service changes was delivered in full. As was set out in our meetings in October An additional postcard was delivered to all street level properties in the week prior to the changes going live and a wrap cover was distributed on the Barnet Times.


  1. When will staff be consulted and be informed about their round?


As was set out in our meetings in October staff have were informed about the round changes and engaged through being talked through the rounds and giving feedback. All staff had the opportunity to view the new rounds over a number of weeks and provide feedback.


Dialogue between frontline staff and supervisors/operational managers takes place daily. Feedback is used to make continual improvements to rounds. In addition, comments from round sheets are recorded and where action is necessary this is taken. Dedicated feedback meetings with frontline staff/representatives will be scheduled in December/January.


  1. What are the contingency plans in the event of failure to collect?


Qualified drivers from across the service have been identified to ensure cover for sickness and annual leave. Additional vehicles have been hired to ensure there is cover due to recent breakdowns. Additional support rounds have been organised for Monday and Tuesday, which have been shown to be the heaviest days of the week. Evening shifts have been arranged and will be employed on days when needed.


  1. What is the plan for the ever growing number of new developments to be incorporated into the new round?


The growth in the borough’s population and housing stock was a driver for the round reorganisation. Information on current and projected growth has been provided to the team and incorporated into the new rounds, as was highlighted in our meetings in October.


  1. Will agency staff still be used?


Agency staff will be used if needed however the new rounds should provide capacity within the existing staffing levels to cover work where agency cover would have typically needed to be brought in.


  1. What are the estimated travelling times for each round to and from depots to the prescribed five postal districts?


@ 06:30 Mon (EN5 2BD) Tue (N12 9EY) Wed (NW11 7JS) Thu (NW7 4PU) Fri (NW4 4BG)
Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance
Harrow HA3 8NT 18 to 28 8.1 20 to 30 8.3 20 to 35 8.3 12 to 20 4.9 14 to 22 5.6
Oakleigh Depot N11 1HJ 7 to 10 2.9 5 to 8 1.7 12 to 20 5.4 12 to 16 5.2 12 to 24 5.8



  1. What are the estimated tipping times from each area to Hendon or Edmonton?


@ 10:00 Mon (EN5 2BD) Tue (N12 9EY) Wed (NW11 7JS) Thu (NW7 4PU) Fri (NW4 4BG)
Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance Time Distance
Oakleigh Depot – Dry Recycling and Green Waste N11 1HJ 8 to 16 2.9 6 to 12 1.7 14 to 24 5.4 12 to 20 5.2 16 to 28 5.8
Edmonton – Dry recycling, green waste and residual waste N18 3AG 24 to 40 9.0 20 to 35 6.6 24 to 45 9.4 28 to 50 11.9 26 to 45 9.9
Hendon Rail Transfer Station – Dry recycling and Residual waste NW7 20 to 35 9.2 16 to 26 5.5 8 to 12 2.3 12 to 24 5.6 8 to 14 3.0


  1. Will black sacks be used, if so who will deliver them?


Black sacks are not issued by LBB. Some properties where there are access issues and/or lack of frontage are provided with sacks for both refuse and recycling. These are now delivered on request as opposed to regular ‘blanket’ drops.


  1. Where access for large vehicles is prohibited how far are staff expected to pull bins from bin areas to vehicle?


Dynamic risk assessments need to be carried out by crew as required. Where there are concerns around collecting bins these need to be communicated to supervisors for a visit/assessment to be carried out and a solution found as was highlighted in our meetings in October.


  1. Have risk assessment’s been done for each new round?


As agreed at JNCC, route information sheets will be completed by each crew within first month of new service. Known issues on rounds will be prepopulated pre go live.


  1. Have Round Descriptions been completed for each new round?


As above.


  1. Will the Round Descriptions include the presence potential hazards and restrictions such as;
  • Parked Vehicles
  • Narrow Lanes
  • Steep Slopes
  • Pedestrian usage
  • Schools/Care Homes and other buildings that may present increase risk, hazards or restrictions
  • Poor Lighting or Visibility


As above.


  1. Will the Round Descriptions include the nearest locations of:
  • Public/Staff Accessible Toilets
  • Hospitals
  • Nearest refuelling point (in case of emergency)


As above.



  1. Have the rounds been walked and tested?


No. As was highlighted in our meetings in October, there is not logistical ability to do this, and is not industry standard.


  1. What is current overall capacity in tonnage for each existing refuse round per day?

90,710.64t residual household residual waste collected 2017/18

(all vehicles, all sources)

261 working days per year

90,710.64/261 = 347.55t per day across all vehicles


18 RCV x 10t average payload = 180t/360t capacity based on 1/2 tips daily


  1. What is the overall capacity expected in tonnage for each new refuse round per day?

15 RCV x 10t payload = 150t/300t capacity based on 1/2 tips daily


  1. What is current overall capacity in tonnage for each existing flat refuse round per day?


Included in above figures.


  1. What is the current overall capacity in tonnage for the existing food waste round per day?

4630.76t food waste collected 2017/18

4630.76/261 = 17.74t per day


  1. What is the current overall capacity in tonnage for RATS/FLASH collection rounds per day?


  1. What is the current overall tonnage for each existing recycling round per day?

31,480.22t Household dry recycling collected 2017/18

31,480.22/261 = 120.61t per day

16 RCV x 10t payload x 1 tip per day = 160t/320t capacity based on 1/2 tips daily


  1. What is the overall capacity expected tonnage for each new recycling round per day?

31,480.22t Household dry recycling collected 2017/18

31,480.22/261 = 120.61t per day

15 RCV x 10t payload x 1 tip per day = 150t/300t capacity based on 1/2 tips daily


  1. What is the current overall tonnage for the food waste collected by the recycling rounds per day?

4630.76t food waste collected 2017/18

4630.76/261 = 17.74t per day


  1. What is the current overall tonnage for each existing refuse restricted access round per day?

Contained in above figures.

  1. What is the current overall tonnage for each existing recycling restricted access round per day?

Contained in above figures for recycling.


  1. Currently we have restricted access rounds. How will the new round collection service address restricted access to locations?

A number of locations have proven challenging to access with the ‘standard’ RCVs in the fleet. As such these locations have been assessed and where necessary removed from rounds on to a separated restricted access ‘round’.


  1. What is the current overall tonnage of the Saturday green waste rounds?

14,743.58t garden waste collected 2017/18

Majority collected on Saturday rounds. Seasonal variation of tonnages across the year.

  1. Will the crews be alternated between refuse and recycling each week?

In the initial 5 weeks of the service it has been necessary to move drivers and loader between different rounds to both assist with familiarisation, better balance the local knowledge and challenge the productivity of rounds so they can be adjusted where needed.

Blackburn with Darwen Council: Why they ended the contract Capita

The following email was sent to all 63 Barnet Councillors 30 November 2018

“Dear Councillor

Please find attached Barnet UNISON Briefing Number 3 which provides an insight into a number of decisions made by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council at the following Executive Board Committee meetings.

To aid transparency I am including the link to the relevant reports referred to in our Briefing.

The Blackburn with Darwen story covers a 17 year relationship with Capita when local government was in a very different environment unlike today. Take a look at the which services start to come back and the reasons given for the final group of services to be brought back in-house.

Best wishes

John Burgess”

Branch Secretary.


0208 359 2088



To view flyer click on link below

Briefing Number 3 – Blackburn and Darwen


100% of Barnet UNISON Bin workers agree new round changes have failed Barnet residents. #Bingate

Earlier this week the Leader of Barnet Council made the following public apology


As a result of the apology Barnet UNISON initiated an emergency ballot of the views of our Bin worker members.

Barnet Bin workers were asked this question:

“Do you think the new round restructure is a success?”

100% of Barnet UNISON Bin workers balloted agreed the new round changes have failed Barnet residents.

Here are some of their comments:

“Simply the rounds are too big, with the addition of flats and restricted access and the result in not finishing within allocated time”

“Too big, too much work and too many Lorries in one road”

“Residents confused, rounds too big to complete, management gave us new rounds without even consulting with us”

“No leadership, no management, no consultation, no hope”

“Too much work, not put out in order for new structure too work, utter chaos”

Before 4th November 2018 all rounds were completed with very few complaints from residents

Since 4th November 2018 a large number of rounds are not being completed within allocated time, leaving bins uncollected, 1000’s of complaints from residents.

On Wednesday 28 November 2018, the Environment Committee were informed that as a result of the Bin changes the Council were paying between £15-20k in overtime per week simply to try and catch up with missed bin collections.

Could this have been avoided?  

Yes, Barnet UNISON had flagged up 49 questions provided by our Bin worker members on 5 October 2018, four weeks before the launch of the new service.

Read here https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/2018/10/05/waste-recycling-round-restructure-questions/

Barnet UNISON received no responses to these questions.

Barnet UNISON can only conclude that the Council were confident that our serious and fundamental questions (from the workforce) were already addressed in their proposed new Bin service.

For the last four weeks Barnet UNISON has listened to anecdotal feedback from our members and read the comments made by the public about #Bingate.

Something is fundamentally wrong with the Bin changes. The workforce are working long hours to try and catch up but it is simply not enough. There are only four weeks to Christmas a time where there is always an increase in refuse and recycling.

#Capita commence formal redundancy consultations in #Barnet



Yesterday, 22 November 2018 Capita formally commenced a 52 day consultation for the Capita Corporate Programmes team.

The proposal is cut the size of the workforce from 29 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) to 8 FTE which is a 72% cut in the workforce.

Please note: In 2013 when the Corporate Programmes Team transferred to Capita the team was 13.39 FTE. 

The staff to work in Barnet on LBB projects and programmes and work across the following teams/areas:

  • Capital
  • Transformation
  • Technology & Change
  • Customer Transformation Programme

Barnet Council have told Capita they have no requirement for a team of this size for 2019.

Barnet UNISON have raised concern that this proposal has clearly arisen as a result of closed door negotiations with Capita. The negotiations are as a result of the Councils decision to review both Capita contracts at a special Policy and Resources Committee on 19 July 2018 which:

RESOLVED – That the Committee:

  1. Agrees to review the council’s partnership with Capita, and authorises the Chief Executive to develop a Full Business Case.
  2. Agrees that the proposed strategic aims underpinning the Full Business Case should be to:
  3. a) Deliver high quality services;
  4. b) Secure best value for money for Barnet’s residents; and
  5. c) Strengthen the council’s strategic control of services.
  6. Notes the three options identified and considered in more detail in paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 and Tables 1 to 4.
  7. Agrees that option 2 – realigning the CSG and DRS contracts to bring back in house those services listed in Table 5 – is the proposed preferred option to be tested in the Full Business Case.
  8. Agrees that option 3 is fully tested and considered in the Full Business Case.
  9. Agrees that the Full Business Case should review the joint venture arrangement for the delivery of Development and Regulatory Services.
  10. Agrees that the Full Business Case should be considered by Policy & Resources Committee, for referral to Council for final decision.”

(Source: http://barnet.moderngov.co.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=692&MId=9725&Ver=4 )

Barnet UNISON has registered concern that this may be the first of a series of redundancy meetings for Capita employees working in other services provided by Capita as a result of negotiations with Barnet Council. We are also concerned that this could be viewed as an attempt to circumvent any TUPE transfers of staff back to the Council.


Restructures, Consultations, Outsourcing and Insourcing and Redundancies

Protecting Your Rights at Work.

2018 is shortly to end but not with a whimper.

Restructures and consultations are breaking out across Barnet Council and their Partners

Here are but a few which involve either redundancies, outsourcing, cuts to provision and increased workload:

  • Elections Team
  • Children Centres in Schools
  • Schools Budget cuts
  • #Capita Corporate Programmes Team
  • Early Years Standards Team
  • Council Management Team
  • Greenspaces Team

And there are more to come………….

Our advice to our members is very clear.

Do not face this alone.

Please make sure you contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email contactus@barnetunison.org.uk


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