Breaking News: Barnet UNISON obtain ground-breaking support from UNISONs National Industrial Action Committee (IAC).

Barnet UNISON is pleased to announce that strike notice for continuous strike action has been sent to the employer by UNISON today Friday 30 September 2022.

Our strike action commences on Monday 17 October 2022.

The IAC was informed that this is the first time UNISON has ever authorised continuous strike action for any UNISON dispute in the history of UNISON.

What this means is that when our members walk out on Monday 17 October 2022, they are staying out. This is not a rolling one, two, three days of strike action this is all out strike action.

This dispute involves UNISON members working for the Barnet Council Housing Repair service. The dispute has been ongoing for the last four months but despite the efforts of Barnet UNISON the employer seems intent on forcing a dispute.

“I am deeply humbled by the act of solidarity from all of the members of the National IAC. Our dispute is very simple it’s about solidarity for a work colleague who was injured at work. Members of IAC understood why we have asked for continuous action and I want to thank them on behalf of our members and reps for their support. Our campaign is already capturing widespread support from across the Labour movement. Everyone who reads about this dispute is equally shocked and appalled that an employer would seek to defend the indefensible. Our members are ready for this strike. The employer still has time to resolve this dispute the means to end it has been provided by Barnet UNISON it is all down to them now.”

John Burgess Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.


Note to Editors: Contact details: Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:



Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers 100 % vote for all out strike action

Breaking News: Official Strike ballot begins for Barnet Council Housing Repairs workers


Barnet Responsive Repairs workers referred to UNISON’s Industrial Action Committee


Barnet Council Repairs Operatives 100% turnout and 100% vote for strike action.


Barnet Council’s Company Refuse to Show Compassion for Injured Worker

89% of Barnet UNISON members vote to Reject National Pay offer

Barnet UNISON members were recently balloted on the National Pay offer as part of UNISON’s national consultation on pay for Council and School support staff.

Barnet UNISON reps had taken the decision to recommend that our members should reject the offer.

The response from our members has been dramatic and reflects the grassroots organisational strength of Barnet UNISON.

The results confirm that our members did listen to their rep’s view on the National Pay offer and voted overwhelmingly to reject the offer.

Barnet UNISON delivered a 55% turnout of members voting across our members working for Barnet Council and Barnet Schools.

We are pleased to report the following turnouts across some sections of our membership:

  1. 92% of Waste & Recycling members voted
  2. 71% Street cleaning members voted
  3. 80% Highways members voted
  4. 70% Grounds Maintenance members voted
  5. 64% Passenger Transport members voted
  6. 78% Workshop members voted
  7. 68% Library members voted
  8. 67% of Adult Social care members voted
  9. 50% Commissioning members voted
  10. 50% of school staff members voted
  11. 67% BELS members voted
  12. 66% in Early Help Family Services voted

The message from Barnet UNISON members that they recognise the need for a National Pay Award which delivers a Pay Rise not a Pay Cut.

Barnet UNISON produced the largest number of REJECT votes of any UNISON branch in London.

Our results have been sent on to UNISON where all the votes across UNISON will be counted.

Please note Unite and GMB National Pay ballots are still live until into the middle of October.


Barnet UNISON will report back to our members once all three trade unions have decided what action needs to be taken.

In the meantime, Barnet UNISON is already in Pay & Grading negotiations which will have an impact on all our members working for the London Borough of Barnet. We will be providing updates on negotiations in due course.

Any questions or queries please leave a message on our voicemail on 0208 359 2088 or email


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