BREAKING NEWS: National UNISON backing 5 November demo

“We have just received the following statement from UNISON. Now lets build this demonstration, lets make so much noise Austerity will not be able to silence all of our voices about the brutal reality of austerity to our public services that all of us love. Solidarity see you all on the 5th November” John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON

UNISON is taking part in the UK demonstration for Libraries, Museums and Galleries in support of the thousands of our members working in them across the UK. Libraries, museums and workers providing the services have suffered damaging cuts since 2010 under the Coalition and Conservative governments’ ‘austerity’ regime. If this continues, they will be destroyed as a critical local service.

25% of library jobs have been lost in the last six years, nearly 350 libraries closed and over 170 handed over to “community groups” and volunteers and yet more cuts are being planned.

This is not just devastating to the 8000 library workers who have been deprived of their income and careers, but also a loss to the UK nations as a whole. Library cuts mean:

· Our communities are increasingly being denied the use of the skills, knowledge and experience of library workers.
· People across the country are losing free access to information, education and entertainment both printed and digital.
· Children’s literacy is being hampered as access to library books and librarians and other library professionals is reduced.
· Job seekers and young peoplelosing the opportunity to improve skills and search for jobs using the free information, training and use of ICT in Libraries
· Social isolation increased for many people who rely on libraries for human contact and interaction

Yet libraries and museums remain much used and loved public services. Nearly a third of all adults in the UK visited a library in the twelve months ending September 2015, rising to nearly 40% of women and around 50% of Black and ethnic minority people.**

UNISON supports the Demonstration on the 5th of November in support of ourlibrary and museum workers and a public service vital to our communitie

s. Please join us.

Heather Wakefield National Secretary Local Government, Police and Justice Section


Jeremy Corbyn pledge to end term time pay in schools

teaching assistants - pay

“I recently had the honour of meeting the Durham Teaching Assistants at the Durham Miners Gala this year. I fully support their campaign to stop the proposal to move them to term time pay, a decision which could plunge this valued workforce into poverty.
“The government must commit to providing the funding to employ teaching assistants every week of the year, recognising the crucial work these dedicated public servants do in our society.


“It is a simple fact that the vast majority of school workers employed on so-called term-time contracts are women, who are effectively paid for just ten months of the year. It is in my opinion unacceptable that Equal Pay legislation is being used as a tool to attack a largely female workforce.

“My friend and comrade Davy Hopper, General Secretary, Durham Miners’ Association, who passed away only last week said: “Education is one of the most important public services we have and frankly it is unbelievable that a Labour Authority is behaving in this way. They should immediately start renegotiating with the Teaching Assistants and sort out this mess. My solidarity is with the Teaching Assistants.”

Easington MP Grahame Morris “I whole-heartedly oppose the decision to substantially cut the income of low paid teaching assistants and I’m appalled that the council would threaten to dismiss and re-engage. The Government must now step up to the plate and commit to funding the wages of teaching assistants all year.”
“I give this commitment that I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with UNISON’s campaign agreed at their conference this year to end the imposition of term time pay and for school workers across the UK to be employed during every week of the year.”
Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of Labour Party

Jeremy supports Barnet UNISON Library strikers

please sign our petition

“I want to pass on my personal message of support and solidarity to Barnet UNISON Library workers. It is disgraceful that almost 50% of the workforce are facing the sack.

I would like to pay tribute to Unison members’ longstanding fight – in alliance with their local community – against an ideological council which seeks to outsource all of their council services.

“I want to be clear to UNISON members in Barnet that a Labour Government under my leadership will be promoting in-house services, and removing the requirement on councils to outsource services.”

Jeremy Corbyn Leader of Labour Party

Please sign our petition and share

please sign our petition

What is going on down Barnet Council Mill Depot?


“It will be impossible to complete the work in my allotted time as a consequence of having to drive all the way to and from Harrow depot. What this could mean is an increased likelihood of Waste & Recycling left uncollected. Whoever thought selling our depot without finding another suitable depot within the borough, clearly knows nothing about Waste & Recycling services. It will be a disaster for residents and a nightmare for the staff and at what cost to the council tax payer?”

(Street Scene worker)

On Tuesday 26 July 2016, Mill Hill depot staff visited Harrow Council depot as part of the plan to split the location of Barnet Council Street Scene services.

What are Street Scene services?

  • Waste & Recycling
  • Transport – Accessible transport for children and adults
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Street Cleansing
  • Highways

Over the past several months our local reps and the UNISON branch office have been bombarded by members complaining about the re-location proposals for Street Scene services. » Read more

Initial Response to Libraries Review Staff Consultation

UNISON Response to Accommodation Office Options Review (FBC)


Initial Response to Libraries Review Staff Consultation

28th July 2016


This is Barnet UNISON’s first response to the Council’s current Consultation with staff regarding the proposed restructure of the Library Service.  The Council has yet to provide UNISON or Library workers with accurate costings for the proposed posts. The Job Descriptions for the proposed posts in the new structure were also delayed in being supplied to UNISON. Additional responses focusing on these issues and the job selection process will follow at a later date as we consult further with our members.

UNISON remains fundamentally opposed to the Library Restructure which is driven by an ideological push to privatise regardless of the financial cost, or the price that library workers will pay in lost jobs or the lowering of the quality, accessibility and safety of the Service. » Read more

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