7 March Barnet UNISON AGM – “Fighting Apartheid to Fighting Austerity”

Fighting Apartheid to Fighting Austerity

“I am deeply honoured to have as our grassroots speaker Paul Joseph. Paul born in South Africa, became a political activist in the anti-apartheid movement working closely with Nelson Mandela with whom he was good friends. We are all facing deeply troubling times both in the workplace and our homes and our communities. I strongly recommend our members to make time to attend our AGM and listen to Paul tell his story. Hopefully he will be able to give us some advice as to what we all can do and remain positive in these troubling times.” John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.

For more details about Paul please download our flyer here 2017.02.02 AGM leaflet


“Giving With One Hand And Taking With The Other”

Barnet Council Giving With One Hand And Taking With The Other

On January 23rd Barnet Council’s Adults and Safeguarding Committee voted to make cuts of £458,373 to Early Intervention and Prevention Services. These include ending the funding  to Inclusion Barnet (a local charity) to provide peer support planning and brokerage, which the Council claim will save £73, 261.5.

The Council’s reason for this is that there is lower level of use for this service than anticipated, and that this work can be done by Barnet Social workers.

This is despite  83% of those consulted, disagreeing with the move.

Yet this is the same Council that is giving Inclusion Barnet between £25, 000 and £35,000  a year to take over  the running of  East Barnet and South Friern Libraries, despite opposition to this voiced in consultations, petitions  and protests since 2014.

Barnet Council are  withdrawing funding to a  local charity with the necessary expertise. to provide a service well regarded by the public. Yet are giving this organisation, that has no experience of running libraries, funding to replace experienced and qualified library workers. Inclusion Barnet are losing funding to provide a service because of “low level of use” but the libraries the Charity will run will only be open 15 hours a week which will certainly reduce level of use.

There is little logic in this decision but reason is something not to be expected from an administration hell-bent on cutting services and reducing the quality of  life of  the people of Barnet.


One Day Without Us – 20th February #1DayWithoutUs

2017.02.02 One day without us flyer
Barnet UNISON is asking all of our members (and non-members) to wear the colours (purple and green) to show solidarity with our migrant colleagues and the fantastic work they do with us.

On 20th February we would like also teams and schools to spend some time together to collectively acknowledge our colleagues and show we value our colleagues who have come from other counties to build their lives with us.

Hashtag on Twitter is 

You can watch this short video explaining about One Day Without Us

Join us – I Daniel Blake with Ken Loach

Fight Austerity


Barnet UNISON is proud to be able to screen ‘I Daniel Blake’ in our local community cinema the Phoenix in East Finchley on Tuesday 28 February.

We are absolutely delighted that our long-time supporter Ken Loach has agreed to join a Q & A with DPAC’s Paula Peters, who will be interviewed by Aditya Chakraborrty senior economics commentator for the Guardian.

See flyer and poster for details.Flyer


Useful links

Phoenix Cinema – East Finchley


Accessibility at Phoenix http://phoenixcinema.co.uk/PhoenixCinema.dll/Page?PageID=3&SubListID=1&SubPageID=1

I, Daniel Blake trailers


I, Daniel Blake – Official Trailer I HD I Sundance Selects


Ken Loach: life in austerity Britain is ‘consciously cruel’


barnet_idanielblake_28Feb2017_A5_2ppAditya Chakrabortty https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/19/lives-torn-apart-assets-labour-privatisation-north-london-haringey

Download our poster here


Barnet UNISON sends solidarity & donations to grassroots members in struggle

Last week at our branch executive meeting our reps had a report on a number of grassroots struggles taking place across the UK.

I am proud to say that there was no hesitation in wanting to send solidarity messages and donations to these grassroots campaigns. Our branch has been in ongoing struggles for over a decade. We have had tremendous acts of support and solidarity from UNISON reps and members not just in the London region but right across our union. We have learnt the importance of solidarity.

I can say from experience just how valuable it is to be able to read out messages of solidarity from other grassroots members to members on picket lines. It imbues a feeling of confidence that is badly needed when you are under attack.

Here are the campaigns we sent solidarity and or sent donations.

  • Kinsley 3 campaign
  • Derby TAs
  • Durham TA’s
  • Glasgow UNISON members: IT workers and Janitors
  • Kirklees Social Workers
  • Aslef, RMT, TSSA workers
  • PCS members working at the Employment and Human Rights Office


John Burgess

Branch Secretary


Barnet UNISON social media channels – have a look

Stand up to RacismIt has always been important to us that we are able to communicate with our members. Technology is changing so much it can be difficult to keep up. We know a good proportion of our members are reading news on their phones which is why we are trying to ensure we keep our news up to date.

We do use all forms of communications, its never either or in Barnet it’s let do what we can.

We hold UNISON meetings, 1:1’s, produce leaflets, send out our weekly eNEWS email, regularly update our website, text messaging, Facebook and Twitter, produce videos on our You Tube account and upload our pictures on Flickr.

Have a look.

Website: https://www.barnetunison.me.uk/wp/

Twitter: @barnet_unison

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarnetUNISON/

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/user/branchsec

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/cameraroll

Join the “National Save our NHS demonstration – 4 March”

“The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with faith to fight for it.”
(Nye Bevan)Barnet UNISON loves our NHS and sends solidarity to all NHS workers.

Our branch will be marching and we are encouraging our community to join us.

The NHS is in a serious crisis and NEEDS our support.

Our branch in its own small way is hosting an event on

Saturday 25 February called “Sing your Heart out 4 the NHS”

It will start off with some NHS workers explaining about the attacks the NHS are facing and why we must join the national NHS demonstration on 4 March

Details on our flyer here http://bit.ly/2iooKiL

Several of our Barnet UNISON members will be singing in solidarity for the NHS & all of the staff.

The singers will be supported by the Hit n Run band.

It looks like it will be a great night out so why not join us in solidarity for the NHS.

Saturday 25 February 2017, 8pm to 12am

Venue: Midland Hotel, 29 Station Road,

Hendon, London NW4 4PN



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