Book your Pensions Seminars now – Barnet UNISON

Barnet UNISON is proud to be able to offer a Pensions Seminar for UNISON members.

The seminar would include the following:

  • Understanding changes to Local Government Pension Scheme
  • Understanding Career Average Benefit – with an example
  • Tips for Good Housekeeping
  • Understanding and Checking Annual Benefit Statement
  • Opportunity for further consultation through 1 to 1 meeting
  • The above areas will answer members’ questions around the effect of Unified Reward on LG Pensions.
  • The seminar and Q & A will normally last up to 90 minutes.

If you would like to take up this offer for your workplace/school please contact the Barnet UNISON office, on 0208 359 2088 or email

Let us help: Barnet UNISON plea to School Support Staff

You are worth it.

You are entitled to be treated like any other member of staff in your school.

Everyone in a school contributes to a healthy education environment in which children can thrive.

I am making my plea out of frustration.

I have spent the last six months working through outstanding grading appeals and pay issues for Barnet Council workers, but not school staff.

In the last three months I have started on my list of School Support Staff who are in need of support and advice concerning their pay.

The difference in working environments is appalling and unfair. The rest of the Council workforce have been subject to cuts and mass outsourcing, but in relation to their pay and grading the application has been without pressure.

BUT, in schools it is oh so different.

Why must some Schools always refer to budget cuts and letting staff go?

Why do some Schools complain about not being involved when they were?

Why are School Support Staff left to feel that they are wrong to challenge the grade, in most cases they are losing money, and they don’t earn much money anyway.

I have never seen equivalent fear like it in a workplace, grown women and men with huge life experience are sometimes too scared to let the union fight their corner for fear of reprisals.

Barnet UNISON will not be going anywhere and will continue to offer our fullest support for all of our support staff.

If you work in a school and need our help please contact the branch on 0208 359 2088 or email


*** IMPORTANT Performance Reviews – Moderation period

The Performance Review is rapidly becoming the Number 1 issue for our members working for Barnet Council.

When the Council first started talking about the Unified Reward scheme they used this slide.

As you see the colour scheme has been replaced with new ratings. However, members are reporting that whereas they had previously been rated as Green they are now being rated as Satisfactory.

It appears that managers are rating Green as Satisfactory which is not what UNISON and the staff attending the briefings were expecting.


Between April and June moderation panels will be taking place to look at the ratings. This means your rating could still change. Lastly, you do not need to sign or agree your Performance Review.

Barnet UNISON is asking members to contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email if they are unhappy with their Performance Review.

“Outsourcingitus vaccine discovered” by Barnet UNISON

“I am so proud of our branch who have effectively been working round the clock for the last 9 years and to finally have discovered the antidote to this vicious and harmful virus will bring hope to others.  I know from bitter personal experience that “outsourcingitus” is very contagious and damaging to the health and wellbeing of members and to the services this virus feeds off. As many know we had a serious outbreak between 2012- 2014 where a large number of staff were affected as were residents. We intensified our efforts and at one point the branch nearly disappeared completely, incredibly we are still here despite all the odds; which I believe is all down to the dedicated and hardworking Unison reps. Finally I must point out that we are still in the early stages of creating a vaccine, but if anyone out there would like to take part in our trials please do not hesitate to contact the branch. Solidarity.” John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON.


URGENT: Performance Appraisals – UNISON advice


Performance Reviews–UNISON advice

Unlike previous years Performance Reviews have taken on a much more serious meaning as the Council has linked your performance to an annual payment.

This means that your Performance Rating will have an impact on your Pay. It is therefore important that all of our members fully understand Performance Reviews.

Did you have a Mid-Year review last year?

“One to one meetings should be held on a regular basis and should be scheduled throughout the year.  These provide the manager and employee with the opportunity to ensure progress is being made against priorities and to ensure that learning and development opportunities are being taken up. A written note of the main issues and decision taken during these meetings should be recorded on the One to One Meetings form.” (Performance Review Scheme Barnet Council.)

Preparing for your Performance Review.

Barnet Councils Performance Review Scheme states:

“Before you begin preparing for your Performance Review, you should make sure you have a copy of your job description, the coming years’ team or service plan, your objectives from last year and your PDP.”

If you are unhappy with your Performance Review please contact the Barnet UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email

You will need to provide:

  • A copy of your current performance review
  • A copy of last year’s performance appraisal
  • Supporting documentation e.g. emails.


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