GOOD NEWS: Nursery Nurse Grading Appeal success

Barnet UNISON is proud to announce that the Nursery Nurse Group Appeal whoch htook place on Thursday 18 May , 2017 under Unified Pay was a success.

The following message has been sent out to schools today 22 May 2017.

“Dear All,

Thank you for attending the Stage 2 Appeal held on 18th May 2017 for the roles of:

JE0444 – School – Early Years Educator (Nursery Nurse)

JE0581-Early Years Educator – Level 3

We can confirm that both appeals were successful and that the new grade for both posts will be Grade G.

We shall send revised contracts to all affected employees within 10 working days.

Kind Regards,

Unified Reward Team”

I want to first thank the work of Elaine and Beverley our long standing Nursery Nurse reps who were fantastic at the appeal hearing.

I also want to thank all of the Nursery Nurse members for helping provide the much need evidence to help win the Appeal.

The lesson is clear, we need active reps and members in all of our schools.

Now work begins on other Group Appeals.


John Burgess

Branch Secretary


GOOD NEWS: Update on proposed sacking of “Barnet Two”

Defend the “Barnet Two” update

Today I can confirm that the proposal to sack our only two welfare rights advisors has been suspended.

I will be going in to talks with our members next week.

I want to thank all the council workers who have sent messages of support including solidarity messages from the community and of course BAFTA winner Ken Loach and Ian Hodson President National President Bakers and Allied Food Workers Union BFAWU.

The lesson must be if you don’t challenge decisions then you will never know if you could have made a difference.

I am proud of the “Barnet Two” who despite the incredible stress and pressure they are under have managed to stay positive and focussed. I can see why both of them are excellent Welfare Advisors and why they are a credit to the Council.

Updates will follow.

John Burgess


Background links here.

“I am bloody angry”– The Cruellest Cut to Welfare Rights advisors




“Conscious Brutality”

These are the words Ken Loach uses to describe the proposed cuts to our last 2 Welfare Rights Advisors.

Shockingly this proposed cut is not about saving money! One of the biggest user groups of the service are those with Mental Health problems.

Of course it’s great that famous people are joining in to break the taboo of talking about Mental ill-health but what is the point if we just then kick these people in the face by removing access to an important service!

In-house, out-house? The Fate of Street Scene

No 2 Outsourcing

Barnet UNISON welcomes the proposal going to the Environment Committee Thursday 11th May at 6.30pm:

“That Environment Committee approves option E as set out in section 1.15 to 1.29 for the Street Scene Delivery Unit services including; recycling and waste, street cleansing, and green spaces maintenance (Lots 1-3) to revert to a full In–House service

That Environment Committee note and agree to the timescale, to revert to a full In–House service as set out in section 1.27, and agree that the Streetscene ADM project has concluded and that an implementation project will now commence”

Please join us in Hendon Town Hall on this historic occasion of watching an in-house model being proposed to our local councillors.

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