How to support Ukraine

UNISON is working with the international trade union movement to mobilise support for those affected by the war in Ukraine – and branches and members can help too

No one can fail to be moved by the scenes of terrified civilians taking shelter underground or of the hundreds of thousands of women and children desperately trying to cross the border to safety, to an uncertain future as a refugee.

UNISON immediately condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine last week and has called for Russian troops to withdraw to allow meaningful peace talks to go ahead.

The union has reached out in solidarity to public service unions in Ukraine whose members are on the frontline trying to save lives as civilian casualties rise. Workers and ordinary people in both Ukraine and Russia are the victims of this war, not the perpetrators.

It has today agreed to donate £10,000 to an appeal by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

It is also talking to our European and international union federations, EPSU and PSI, about how we can practically support those unions and Ukrainian public service workers.

Europe is facing a major refugee crisis. As most European countries have opened their borders to refugees from Ukraine, the UK’s own government is shamefully still putting up significant administrative barriers to prevent refugees arriving in the UK.

And it is not just Ukrainians who are trying to get out. Thousands of migrant workers and students from around the world are caught up in the chaos and there have been disturbing reports of racial discrimination against them by border guards, which UNISON condemns.

How you can help

UNISON branches and members have been asking how they can help. The ITUC has launched an appeal to support the Ukrainian trade union movement and ordinary workers in Ukraine.

Click on link below to find out more

UNISON Official Ballot is on for “ASSIST” Workers to take Strike Action


UNISON is balloting the ASSIST workers this week the result of the ballot will be announced 16 March.

  • ASSIST provides this vital support to some 5,000 residents in Barnet and in Brent.
  • For the lack of £160,000 a year the service is on notice that it is to be outsourced. UNISON has agreed to back these workers and will ballot all of them for official strike action.
  • The Assist service, amongst other things, provides and maintains equipment to 5,000 mainly elderly residents of Barnet.

The most common of these items is the “lifeline” equipment which a resident would use if they fell. The resident would pull a cord or press a button on a pendant alarm which activates in the call centre and a decision is taken about whether someone from ASSIST needs to contact emergency services, a relative or go out themselves to emergencies. This support often makes the difference between someone being able to continue living at home or having to go into residential care.

During the Covid Pandemic the ASSIST service was rightly described as the “4th Emergency Service” by senior managers in The Barnet Group.

“Last Autumn we had the debacle of 74 care workers being given redundancy due to the closure of Apthorp Care Centre and now this! This service is so cheap to run and so valuable to thousands of residents of Barnet – it beggars belief that once again the lives of key workers are being thrown up in the air as soon as the crisis is over. We want Barnet Council and The Barnet Group which are essentially one and the same thing, to do the right thing and find a way forward which benefits residents and keeps a valued service in Barnet.” (Helen Davies, Branch Chair Barnet UNISON.)

“Keyworkers who were rightly praised by their managers are now rewarded for their hard work with outsourcing. At a time when Barnet Council are bringing services back in-house from Capita how can this valued service not been treated the same. If Human Resources, Finance, Recruitment, are needed back in-house why isn’t the ASSIST service being given the same treatment? I call upon Barnet Council to take back this service in-house and provide peace of mind for the 5,000 residents and the inspirational ASSIST workers who care so much about the service they provide.” (John Burgess Branch Secretary Barnet UNISON).

“The Assist workers have the full backing of Greater London UNISON for your dispute. You provide a vital service which enables vulnerable people to stay in their homes safe in the knowledge someone will respond quickly in an emergency. It’s a no brainer that your service benefits and supports the work of social care and the NHS. We want you to win and will support you all the way.” (Tracey Dalling Regional Secretary Greater London UNISON.)


Note to Editors: Contact details: Helen Davies Barnet UNISON on or 020 8359 2088 or email:


  1. For more details on the ASSIST service and Barnet UNISON response click on our link below Barnet UNISON Response to Barnet Homes ASSIST Proposal

Barnet UNISON Black Workers Self Organised Group.

Barnet Unison has now set up a Black Members Self-Organised Group (SOG).

The Group will be holding its official Launch on
March 16th 2022 1.00-2.30pm
Click here to join the meeting

Members eligible to attend the group are those who identify as ‘Black’ according to the political definition:
UNISON has its own definition of ‘Black’. It is a political term which embraces the shared history of nations which have experienced colonialism, the transatlantic slave trade and who continue to experience inequalities in modern day life due to the colour of their skin. The term ‘Black’ rose out of the Anti-racist activism in Britain in  the 70s and 80s. It was championed by those such as Diane Abbott, Keith Vaz, Bernie Grant and Paul Boateng and is used to unite people of African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean Communities.
It is an agreed term being used across UNISON.

UNISON’s guide to defining Black
The importance of a Black Members SOG is to:

  1. Encourage the development of Black members into active members and activists


  1. Promote and encourage collective working in the branch on race equality issues


  1. Promote the Recruitment of Black members


  1. Empower Black members


  1. Develop a greater understanding of trade unions and the history of Black trade unionism


  1. Provide opportunity for training, improving confidence of Black members


  1. Inform Branch bargaining agenda with employers


  1. Help Branch and employers focus on race issues facing Black members


  1. Promote representation of Black members as activists and in Branch positions


  1. Inform the use and promotion of the union’s Race Discrimination Claims Protocol and best practice in Branch

The Black Members SOG will be giving a presentation to Barnet Black Staff Resource Action Group (BRAG) at their meeting in April.
This will provide information regarding the SOG as well as general information regarding Barnet Unison.

If you identify as Black and would like to receive information about the group’s activities please contact

We look forward to your support in developing this important resource in Barnet.

Street Scene Pension Surgery Tuesday 22 February 2022

Barnet UNISON have negotiated the provision of a Pension Surgery for staff working in Street Scene on Tuesday 22 February 2022.

The surgery will take place in the depot online in a room booked in the main office.

Jakub UNISON Street Scene Convenor will be available to accompany members.

You will receive an email and a memo from your supervisor as to how to book a meeting.

Surgeries will be from:

6- 7.30 am

11 to 1 pm

For further assistance please email Barnet UNISON on or leave a message on 0208 359 2088


The Barnet Group Negotiations

Barnet UNISON and GMB have been in talks with The Barnet Group over the last year to address the issues of unequal pay within The Group (more than 8 different sets of terms and conditions for people doing similar work). Barnet UNISON believes there may be Equal Pay issues when comparing a largely female workforce in The Barnet Group to the Council workforce where there is a largely male manual section of the workforce.

We want all Barnet Group workers to be on the same pay, terms and conditions as the Council workforce. The Barnet Group is wholly owned by the Council and performs as well as the Council and carries out the vast majority of its work on behalf of the Council, yet you are paid second class rates of terms and conditions.

The Barnet Group has reiterated its stance that it could not afford to pay those terms and conditions. Nonetheless both parties have been engaged in a discussion as to what can be done to improve the terms and conditions for the workforce.

A 2-step approach has been agreed. First to improve the offer of the TBG flex contract and then to offer this to TUPE’d staff. No one would be forced onto a TBG flex contract.

The areas The Barnet Group presented for discussion were:

  1. Annual Leave
  2. Sick pay arrangements
  3. Maternity/ Paternity and Adoption leave arrangements
  4. Death in Service benefits

We wanted to discuss:

  1. Annual Leave
  2. Sick pay arrangements
  3. Pension
  4. Overtime payments and shift enhancements
  5. Maternity/ Paternity and Adoption leave arrangements

Throughout the negotiations we requested information. We were particularly interested in the cost of the agency spend as we believe if the offer is attractive enough then there is a potential for the increase in the wage bill to be offset by the decrease in agency spend.

The Barnet Group is keen to implement the proposals if possible on the 1st April 2022. Both parties have committed to further negotiations to address the concerns of the TUPE staff once these proposals have been implemented.

Once we have exhausted this round of negotiations we will consult with all of our members to take the next steps. At this moment we anticipate this will happen late February. Please attend the AGM and all Branch meetings in order to be best informed and to make a decision.

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