Invitation to a UNISON meeting in Children’s Services

Look at what you are paying for your pension. Half the figure and you will see just how much more the Government wants you to pay towards your pension every month of your working life. This will come into effect from April 1st. If you do not want to be the April Fool then you should come to this meeting to hear what the proposals mean and what we mean to do about it.

We also want to give advice on Pilot Privatisation Schemes.

What does the union do for me?

We have represented and advised very many colleagues in Children’s Services. We want to do more and more effectively.

View invite here

UNISON membership in Housing begins to grow

Last week I attended a meeting with UNISON and non UNISON members to talk about the latest One Barnet project for Housing workers as earlier this month Cabinet has agreed to ‘fast track’ proposals to transfer Housing staff into Barnet Homes.

Ok, ok, Cabinet asked the One Barnet project to carry out an options appraisal and business case at the same time and come back early 2012 in order the transfer can take place by March 2012. Whilst One Barnet apologists will insist no decisions have been made, the staff are not convinced. They are understandably angry that their service is being given special treatment to transfer them out of the council. I was surprised about how strongly staff felt about not working for Barnet Homes. Many of those I have spoken to are convinced that there will be redundancies soon after transfer.

For those who still remain unconvinced that the decision has not already been made, I need to explain that the proposal which went to Cabinet last week was meant to go to an earlier Cabinet Committee. UNISON was given an embargoed copy of a report months ago, however a decision was made to withhold the report until a later Cabinet committee

Maybe I am an old cynic, but could the reason for the delay have something to do with giving staff and UNISON less time to respond to the proposal?

UNISON members in Housing want to remain council employees and those non union members expressed the same view. In the last few days I have been impressed as to the speed at which our new reps have started to recruit new members. We have a target and we are working towards it.

If you work in Housing and want to remain a Council employee then make contact with the local rep or contact the branch for advice on what you can do for the campaign.

More delays to DRS project?

On 14 September, the 5 private sector contractors were due to submit their proposals however there has been a delay. Last Friday staff working in DRS received sent an email at 5.30 pm explaining the latest position. The email does not give the reason for the delay, maybe the private sector companies were getting cold feet or simply finding the prospect of delivering regulatory service more complex than they first thought?

This project has been ‘dogged’ by rumour and speculation that a number of regulatory services that can’t be outsourced without making complex arrangements that the point of outsourcing would simply not make financial sense. However, as we know making financial sense has not stopped the One Barnet project, so far that is……..?

An example of the ‘commonsense blindness’ which continues to blight One Barnet projects is the Registrar Service. When Registrar Service was added to the DRS bundle, UNISON & our members in Registrars insisted the Council could not outsource this service. Even when the Council received a report from the Registrar General they continued to ignore our advice. Eventually after spending lots of money on legal advice the Council, finally had to admit they couldn’t outsource Registrar service.

UNISON believes that there are more regulatory services that can’t be outsourced, the Council refuses to share the legal advice they have been given and rumours persist that at some stage the contractors are going to admit it cannot be done or not without more expense!


One of the most common responses members have given after last week’s strike action has been that the ‘residents don’t know about ‘One Barnet’.

In response to this feedback Barnet UNISON branch are launching a community campaign on Monday 3 October which we have dubbed


We are asking all our members to make a pledge to turn up and deliver leaflets & newspapers to Barnet residents at a number of tube stations & over ground stations across Barnet on

Monday 3 October from 5.30 to 7pm

We want members to go to the following stations

·         Golders Green Station

·         Finchley Central

·         Arnos Grove

·         Mill Hill Broadway Station

·         Burnt Oak

·         Edgware

·         High Barnet

·         Hendon Central

·         Totteridge& Whetstone

Please contact the UNISON office on 0208 359 2088 or email  to inform us which station you will be going to. You can collect the newspapers & flyers from the UNISON office.

If you want to cover a station that is not listed above please contact the branch.

Volunteers in Barnet libraries – our members respond



In September 2010 consultation began on the Library Strategic Review.  In Barnet UNISON’s report submitted to the Cabinet meeting on 26 July 2011 we expressed concerns about the proposals to use volunteers in Barnet libraries.  At the end of August 2011 management presented the details of the proposed volunteer programme to the trade unions and to service managers the following week.  Since then Barnet UNISON has been consulting with its members on the proposals and the following questions and concerns have been raised.  These have been put forward to libraries senior management and we await a response.


Of particular concern are:


i)             The creation of roles for volunteers that cover key functions of employed library staff and grounds maintenance staff.

ii)            Lack of consultation over changes to terms and conditions of library staff.

iii)           The implementation and ongoing costs of the volunteer programme, along with lack of financial analysis of said programme.

iv)           Increased workload for an ever decreasing workforce that will be placed on them as a result of having to train and supervise volunteers along with potential for high turnover and lack of consistency of volunteers.

v)            Fears of staff that they will lose their jobs to volunteers.

vi)           Fears that the excellent standard of Barnet Library service will decrease as volunteers are used to provide the services provided by experienced, professional staff whose posts are to be deleted.

To read full report click here

Pension risks, now you see it, now you don’t!

Hi Andrew,

As section 151 officer, I am assuming that it your duty to inform members of any relevant risks and as such I want to bring to your attention  to the Pension risk identified at the previous Scrutiny Committee which has been omitted from the One Barnet Highlight report going to tomorrows Budget and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Committee Meeting


The Pension Risk Number CP0010‘The negative affect on the Pension Fund due to loss of payees if bulk transfers on One Barnet take place’

The actions to mitigate the risk were identified as follows:


“Meeting with Actuaries to greater understand the effect Meeting was held with the actuaries (Barnett Waddingham) to discuss the implications of the transfer of employees with either Admitted Body Status (ABS) or use of a Government Actuaries Department (GAD) Passport. Early discussions were held on the potential impact on both employee’s pensions and the affect on the Pension Fund. Key points discussed included the current Government consultation on the Fair Deal Policy: treatment of pensions on compulsory transfer of staff from the public sector, current trends by providers is to opt for ABS over GAD due to cost, the detail of ABS including the provision of a bond, related risks and open and closed schemes.

A paper will be going to the September Pensions Fund Committee on the position of the procurement Projects within the One Barnet Project, requesting approval for an ‘in principle’ decision on the corporate approach to managing the pension implications. Individual projects will still need to present their in individual specifications to the Pension Committee

 As you know the report was never presented to the Pension Fund Committee on 1 September 2011.

 As well as withdrawing the presentation from the Pension Fund Committee the Council has publicly criticised UNISON’s actuaries report whilst at the same time refused to share the report until 7 December 2011. I fail to understand how this refusal fits in with the ‘transparency agenda’ the Council publicly seeks to endorse.


As the above Pension risk was identified in a public document, please can you explain the reason it has been omitted without any evidence published to substantiate its removal?

I look forward to your comments on this matter.

Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


0208 359 2088

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Branch Secretary reports back to striking UNISON members

Dear Colleagues

I want to first of all I want to send a BIG BIG thank you to all of you who took part in the strike action on Tuesday. I know how hard it was for you to take strike action is never easy and in these economic times it is even harder. Over the last couple of weeks members have been subjected to a bombardment of communications which was clearly designed to try to influence you not to take strike action. You took the brave decision not to be intimidated and made your voice loud and clear. You took the message out on the streets of Barnet. Residents who had never heard of One Barnet, do now!


You delivered 7,500 newspapers and leaflets, any political party would be proud if they could do that in a day.


You can view some of the pictures of the day here and a couple of pictures attached


Here is a message from UNISON General Secretary to all our members who took strike action

“Dear John

As you take action today, I want you to know that I stand with you. As do our 1.4 million members

We’re beside you as you stand up to the Council. We’re beside you as you stand up to the reckless plans of that council that threaten to destroy the services you’ve worked so hard to build. These are services that are vital to Barnet, to the community you live and work in. To threaten these services is sheer madness.

There are around 400 of you taking action in Barnet, but there are 1.4 million of us in UNISON.

And I want you to remember today that you’re not alone in Barnet, we are with you every step of the way

Yours in solidarity

Dave Prentis”



Barnet UNISON members were not the only people to stage a walk out.

I attended the Full Council Meeting to listen to the debate about the One Barnet Programme. The debate was cut short. The Labour Councillors decided to register their protest by ‘walking out of the Council meeting.


“The Mayor unfortunately chose to cut short the Opposition-led debate on OneBarnet despite repeated protestations on the part of Labour councillors. She may argue that it was on the grounds that the Council meeting was running late. However, having just allowed the Administration-led debate to run for the full 30 minutes the decision was ill-judged, anti-democratic and partisan – something the Mayor should be at pains to avoid. The Conservative Administration seem determined to press ahead with the OneBarnet project regardless of any challenge and their high-handed and arrogant behaviour has to stop. Opportunities for open and democratic debate in the Council meetings have been progressively eroded over recent years and I and my fellow Labour Councillors believed it was time to draw a line. I made a clear statement  on behalf of the Labour councillors that the situation was absolutely unacceptable and we left the meeting.” (Alison Moore Councillor , Leader of the Labour Party)


I am concerned about the impact this is having on the morale of the workforce especially when morale is at an all time low.

Yesterday staff have received another communication about TUPE and Pensions. This letter refers to TUPE transfers going back 5 years. It is interesting the Council choose to only go back 5 years, because the mass transfers of Council staff took place between 2000- 2005


I want to take this opportunity to go over the ‘Council offer’, which has been imposed on staff last week through the use of quite extraordinary communications. 


“Is this a generous offer???”

1. All employees in services moving to a new employer will be able to continue their membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme uninterrupted and unchanged

2. Local union recognition will be protected for staff moving to external suppliers

3. Terms and conditions of staff transferred will be protected for at least one year after leaving the council’s employment

4. Any changes to terms and conditions after that first year will have to be negotiated with the appropriate trade union.


Now take a look at the real story they don’t want you to read and then compare it with the ‘Council Offer’


1. Fremantle

When Care staff were outsourced to Fremantle

They took their pensions with them (less than 20% of staff are now left in the scheme)

When Care staff were outsourced to Fremantle

Fremantle recognised UNISON

When Care staff were outsourced to Fremantle

Fremantle consulted with the UNISON over changes to terms & conditions

When Care staff were outsourced to Fremantle

Fremantle waited a couple of years before the destroyed the terms & conditions of our members


2. Greenwich Leisure

When staff were transferred to Greenwich Leisure

They took their pension with them (less than 1% left in the scheme)


When staff were transferred to Greenwich Leisure

Greenwich recognised UNISON


When staff were transferred to Greenwich Leisure

Greenwich Leisure consulted with UNISON over changes to terms & conditions after a couple of years. 


When staff were transferred to Greenwich Leisure

In the time since staff were transferred to Greenwich Leisure I can report there are now no staff left on council terms and conditions


3. Cleaning Contractors (there have been 2 TUPE transfers in 7 years!)


When cleaners were transferred the Cleaning Contractors

They took their pensions (less than 1% are left in the scheme)


When cleaners were transferred the Cleaning Contractors

The contractors recognised UNISON


When cleaners were transferred the Cleaning Contractors

Contractors consulted with UNISON


When cleaners were transferred the Cleaning Contractors

They waited over a year before attacking terms & conditions


4. Home Care workers


When home care workers were transferred to Housing 21

They took their pension with them (less than 20% left in the scheme)


When home care workers were transferred to Housing 21

They recognised UNISON


When home care workers were transferred to Housing 21

They consulted with UNISON when they attacked our members terms & conditions


5. Housing Repair workers


When housing repairs were transferred to Connaught’s

They took their pensions (there are less than 30% of them left in)


When housing repairs were transferred to Connaught’s

Connaught’s recognised UNISON


When housing repairs were transferred to Connaught’s

Connaught’s consulted with UNISON before attacking our members terms & conditions.


Our members working in housing repairs are now working for Lovells but are now facing their fourth TUPE in 6 years


UNISON response to the ‘Council Offer’


We told the Council the following:


1. Location: The number 1 concern for our members. If the contractor plans to deliver services outside of the borough all the other points in the council offer are subsequently meaningless if you are made redundant. UNISON said the services must be located within the borough. We have consistently been saying this since 2008.


2. Pension scheme. The Pension Scheme must be open to new starters


3. Protection: Protection should be for the life of the contract or in case of 10 year contracts a minimum of 5 years.

TUPE has been a concern for Barnet staff since the launch of Future Shape/easycouncil/One Barnet.

The most common question asked by staff in the last 3 years is


“How long does TUPE last?”

There is no real answer. It covers the moment you are transferred to the new employer. Most companies wait at least a year before they start on terms & conditions. In our local examples above that was the case. UNISON knows it, the Council knows it, which is why UNISON is saying the Council is being disingenuous when it states


“Terms and conditions of staff transferred will be protected for at least one year after leaving the council’s employment”


If the contractor can claim there is an economic and /or technical or organisational (aka ETO) reason for change they can consult on changes to terms & conditions, this is what happened to all the former council employees.


UNISON understands the risks to our members and services to residents. It is our role as a trade union to try and protect our member’s livelihoods. That is what Trade Unions do.

No self respecting Trade Union would do otherwise. Our branch has attempted over three years to enter into a genuine dialogue with the Council and that is still our position.

Up until the 6 September we were waiting for the full & final offer which we would submit to our members for consultation. However, things changed dramatically when the Council launched a pre-emptive attempt to undermine and spread confusion amongst our members by using what members have described as ‘bullying and intimidatory use of council communications.’


UNISON have consistently made it clear that we would suspend any action once we received a final offer.

 Best wishes

John Burgess

Branch Secretary.


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