UNISON strikers to leave picket lines to help local charity Thursday

Barnet UNISON Press release: 07 February 2012



On Thursday 9 February hundreds of *UNISON members working for Barnet Council will be taking strike action.

A decision has been made that a team of UNISON strikers will leave the pickets lines to donate their labour to the Larches Community a local Charity in Edgware which provides services for adults with Learning Difficulties. Our members are committed public servants and have this to say

“We have withdrawn our labour from the Council but we have not withdrawn our commitment to our community which is why a team of UNISON strikers is heading off to donate their labour to help out a local charity providing services for adults with learning difficulties in Barnet!”

What is happening in Barnet is what is likely to happen across NHS services as Private Sector companies fight to win lucrative guaranteed contracts, all funded by the tax payer.

For many of our members this will be the fourth day of action in response to the One Barnet Project which seeks to transfer the majority of the staff out of the Council. The total cost of these projects will look to exceed £2Billion which is why the Big Private Sector Fat Cats are all lined up to try and win the contracts!

John Burgess Barnet UNISON Branch Secretary said

“Doing nothing is not an option for our members. I am proud of our members for taking what is always a difficult decision to go on strike. Furthermore their decision to want to go an help out a local charity demonstrates their commitment to their community. I am asking the Leader of the Council to donate all strike pay deductions to be donated to the Mayors Charities.

Barnet UNISON is asking for the One Barnet programme to be put on hold.



* Council services taking action will be in the following Trading Standards & Licensing, Land Charges, Planning & Development, Building Control & Structures, Environmental Health, Highways Strategy, Highways Network Management, Highways Traffic & Development, Highways Transport & Regeneration, Strategic Planning & Regeneration, Cemeteries & Crematoria; Parking Services, Revs & Bens, Social Care Direct




Contact: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or email: john.burgess@barnetunison.org.uk


Useful Links


1. UNISON strikers donate their Labor to local charity



2. List of Private Sector contractors involving in the bidding process


  • Capita Symonds
  • EC Harris and FM Conway
  • SERCO,
  • Capita,
  • BT,
  • HCL Axon
  • NSL



3. UNISON response to transfer of Housing workers out of the Council



4. UNISON response to transfer of social care staff out of the council



5. UNISON response to transfer of Parking staff to NSL




UNISON One Barnet Cartoons

Cartoonist Tim Saunders has produced some wonderful cartoon for our campaign here are the links

One Barnet FAT CATS


One Barnet PFI


One Barnet rats


One Barnet Strikers


One Barnet Strike notice


One Barnet Revs & Bens Call Centre


One Barnet Call Centre


One Barnet lab rats


One Barnet madness


One Barnet worker future


One Barnet shipping out our jobs


One Barnet stealing our jobs


One Barnet off shoring jobs off planet


One Barnet Commodities


Speed Decision-making




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