NSCSO One Barnet – UNISON respond to Measures letter

UNISON has been actively engaged in weekly Tripartite talks with representatives from Capita and the Council. I expect information to be provided to all NSCSO staff which will help provide some clarification on what will be happening after transfer to Capita.

It is important for all members in NSCSO to come along to the UNISON briefings.

Today UNISON submitted a response to the Measures letter submitted by Barnet Council which you can view here

Capita – Barnet UNISON respond to the Measures letter

UNISON has been actively engaged in weekly Tripartite talks with representatives from Capita and the Council. I expect information to be provided to all NSCSO staff which will help provide some clarification on what will be happening after transfer to Capita. It is important for all members in NSCSO to come along to the UNISON briefings. Today UNISON submitted a response to the Measures letter which you can view here.

UNISON response Adult Social Services consultation

UNISON response to Adults Consultation

UNISON notes the proposed restructure is not about saving money on staff costs but about “cost recycling”. In getting the balance right between “front line” staff and non “front line” staff it should be remembered staff delivering the service are the people making sure services happen, not staff overseeing processes for delivering the service. Sufficient resources for overseeing the work are necessary insofar as they make the “front” end work possible and efficient.

UNISON has already recommended an extended consultation period as the risks associated with getting the structure wrong are high and have direct implications for the quality of care provided to Adults needing support from Social Services. The lack of support within the staff group for this proposal means we continue to make that recommendation.

To view full report click here

Libraries Restructure – A Dispute looms closer

Today UNISON submitted registered a dispute at the local area JNCC with regards the Library restructure proposal. The dispute has been escalated to the People Management meeting on Monday 21 January 2013.

UNISON submitted an Alternative proposal that delivered savings but protected frontline services.

The consultation has achieved some success with the announcement that the council had reversed its decision to remove the Weekend Allowance payment however there are a number of serious concerns:

UNISON are continuing to oppose the cut of Librarian posts from 24.5 to 6.

UNISON has raised serious objections to the proposals to move Librarians out of Libraries and into North London Business Park. UNISON believes it undermines the quality of Library Service.

UNISON views this decision as the first stage of a future plan to deleting the remaining Librarian roles.

UNISON has a re-grading dispute on the following posts:                

1. Library Customer Care Services Managers. This post has been graded at scale points 32-35, UNISON have evaluated this post as scale points 34-37.

2. Library Customer Service Officers have been evaluated at scale points 21-24. UNISON has graded this post at scale points 24-27.

UNISON is seeking an urgent meeting to try and resolve this issue.

The selection process to see which library staff find a job in the new structure is underway. UNISON has objected to the early deadlines for submission of statements and the premature start of these assessments.

PLEASE NOTE: UNISON members working in Libraries are currently being balloted. If you have not yet responded please send in your ballot paper. The ballot closes on Friday 25 January.

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