Summer is over here in the Barnet Bunker

As a direct result of Osborne’s 8 July budget our branch and our members are facing a massive attack both in the workplace and within the public services they are trying to provide to Barnet residents.

Our branch is facing mass outsourcing/cuts to the following Council services:

1.    Libraries

2.    Children’s Centres

3.    Adult Social Services

4.    Street Scene services

5.    Education and School meals

In addition Barnet Group (includes Barnet Homes and Your Choice Barnet) are seeking permission from the Policy & Resources Committee on 2 September to create a new Legal Entity (a new company wholly owned by the Council). For staff it will mean no access to the Council pension scheme an end to national bargaining and grossly inferior terms and conditions

We are about to enter in negotiations with Barnet Council over a new Pay and Grading review for all council staff including schools. From previous discussions it will mean attacks to terms and conditions, and taking workers out of national pay bargaining. It has been described as ‘asset stripping’ by our reps.

And finally last week staff were informed the Council has to find another £30 million of cuts.

Keep checking our web site for the Barnet UNISON response to the above.


“Inappropriate, over the top, dire, painful, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, restrictive and unimaginative”

That is the view of participants stated in the recently published Council’s Library Consultation report*.

UNISON and Library user groups challenged the fairness of the consultation from the outset, viewing it as forcing responses   accepting the Councils options as being the only ones possible for the future of our Libraries. But even with this weighting the result is a resounding no to the Council.

The report finds:

95 % support for libraries being run directly by the Council

Little support for library closures.

Condemnation of the proposed minimum average size of 540 square feet for Libraries.

Widespread praise of the expertise and professionalism of Barnet’s library staff, and a strong sense that these qualities could never be adequately replaced through the use of

The quality of the library service would be negatively affected if any of the options are implemented volunteers

Criticism of the ‘open library’ model (unstaffed libraries)  on grounds that it would pose a security risk to users, stock and facilities; as well as diluting the overall quality of the service

The Council, if it has any claim to be a democratic body responsive to the wishes of residents, must now discard the current proposals for libraries and instead present the people of Barnet with a plan that will save our Libraries and develop on the already admirable service they provide.

* Barnet’s Future Library Service: Final Report of the Consultation Outcomes.

Report of Findings for Opinion Research Services July 2015.

IMPORTANT NEWS: Kids4Libraries march Saturday 12 September details here

Jeremy Corbyn sends message of solidarity to Barnet UNISON members

“I have been proud to support John Burgess and all the Barnet UNISON members in the campaign against outsourcing these vital services, I have been on every picket line with them so far, and wish them well in the Employment Tribunal that started today.

Barnet are on the front line of the savage cuts to Local Authority budgets that the conservatives are forcing on local councils, Barnet UNISON have been dealing  with the consequences of the government’s deep cuts to local government funding. We need to listen more to local government and prepare to revitalise local government under Labour from 2020.

“This government have centralised power while devolving the pain inflicted by cuts to local councils. It is the most deprived communities in the country that are bearing the brunt of the government’s economically flawed programme.


“We in the Labour movement must stand for strong, democratically accountable public services and support our councils in delivering them”

BREAKINGNEWS! Foxes & Trade Unionists are fighting back together

Foxes & Trade Unions have recently found themselves a target of the Tory government.

Barnet UNISON has had exclusive access to news of this ground breaking innovative campaign.

A secret recording of their soon to be released campaign song revealed:

“The Foxes & Trade Unionists will never be defeated!


The Foxes & Trade Unionists will never be defeated! …..”

PRESS RELEASE: UNISON v Capita over Barnet Contract

Employment Tribunal starts TODAY 27 July 2015

Barnet UNISON members may remember the following awful headlines:


UNISON call on Capita to reverse mass redundancies in Barnet

130 Capita CSG redundancies is far too many…….

Barnet UNISON represented members throughout the redundancy process after which UNISON submitted a claim against Capita. The legal process does take a long time, but finally the date of the hearing has been set.

The Tribunal will start on Monday 27 July 2015 at 10:00am at the Watford Employment Tribunal at the following address: Radius House, 51 Clarendon Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 1HP.

The case is due to last until Friday 7 August 2015.

For staff/members interested in this case Tribunal Hearings are open to the public

Massive change at Barnet Council

Massive change at Barnet Council

Change is something the workforce has had to endure for too long, the latest change concerns accommodation moves.

Within the next few months approximately 2,000 staff will be moving into smaller accommodation and with that brings significant challenges for the workforce and service delivery.

In order to gauge how members felt about the moves UNISON conducted a survey. We shared the raw data with the Council in advance of the final report because of the urgency of concerns as staff moves dates are imminent.

There is still a lot of work to do, which is why UNISON is seeking meetings with the relevant employers in order to address the concerns raised by the workforce.

UNISON meetings will be arranged for all of our members to discuss the moves and listen to feedback about the new accommodation.

To view the full report click here

Outsourcing update: Barnet Council

21 July 2015

Barnet Council has five commissioning outsourcing projects which will have a direct impact on the majority of the council workforce:

1. Educations & Skills and School Meals

2. Adults and Communities

3. Early Years – Children’s Centres

4. Street Scene & related services

5. Libraries

Barnet UNISON has put together an initial timetable for all the outsourcing decisions for all five outsourcing projects using links from the Barnet Council Committees website.

The timetable for key decisions extends from September 2015 to January 2016.

This timetable will need to be updated as developments emerge.

Timetable for Outsourcing decisions


The Council must publish committee reports five working days before the date of the committee meeting. This provides an opportunity for the public to read the report and submit questions, which need to be submitted to the Council two working days before the relevant committee meeting.

“Refer up to Council”.

This means councillors can discuss a committee report but at the same time formally refer it up to a Full Council meeting at which all 63 councillors will have a vote on the decision.

Dates of Full Council meetings:

· 20 October 2015

· 8 December 2015

· 26 January 2016

· 1 March 2016

· 4 April 2016

Below is a chronological list of in house council services & dates of council committee meetings where decisions are being made as to who will be the future provider.

1. Barnet Group – New Legal Entity

The future employment rights of new staff working for Barnet Homes & Your Choice Barnet will be decided at Policy & Resources Committee on Wednesday 2 September

“To approve the business case for the creation of a new legal entity within The Barnet Group with new company terms and conditions including a new pay and grading model, pension scheme and a flexible benefits solution.” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 20 October 2015

2. Mental Health Services

The future of Mental Health Services will be decided at the Adults and Safeguarding Committee Monday 16 September 2015

“Committee to receive the Mental Health Community Model Full Business Case.” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 20 October 2015

3. Library Services

The future of the Library Services will be decided on Monday 21 September Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee:

“To approve the future shape of library provision in Barnet” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 20 October 2015

4. Education & School Meals

The future of the Education & Skills and School Meals will be decided on Wednesday 18 November at the Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee:

“Selection of partner for the creation of a joint venture to deliver education services in Barnet” See here

Then a decision will go to the following Committees:

· Policy and Resources Committee, Tuesday 1st December, 2015 7.00 pm

· Council, Tuesday 8th December, 2015 7.00 pm

5. Children’s Centres

The future of our Children’s Centres will be decided on Wednesday 18 November 2015 Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee:

“To consider options for the future delivery of early years services in Barnet.” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 8 December 2015

6. Adults & Communities

The future of Adults and Communities will be decided on Thursday 12 November Adults and Safeguarding Committee:

“Committee to receive a report on Adult Social Care ADM project, including consultation and early findings/SOC.” see here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 8 December 2015

and again on Tuesday 19 January 2016 Adults and Safeguarding Committee will decide:

“Committee to receive a report on Adult Social Care ADM project OBC” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 26 January 2016

7. Street Scene & related services

The future of Street Scene Services will be decided on Monday 11 January 2016 at the Environment Committee:

Alternative Delivery Model: OBC To agree the outline business case for the alternative delivery of Street Scene and related services.” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 26 January 2016

UPDATE: Barnet Group – New Legal Entity consultation begins

Barnet Group – New Legal Entity consultation begins

21 July 2015.

Today Barnet Homes began consultation on the future employment rights of new staff working for Barnet Homes & Your Choice Barnet.

The proposal will be submitted to Policy & Resources Committee on Wednesday 2 September where councillors will be asked to:

“To approve the business case for the creation of a new legal entity within The Barnet Group with new company terms and conditions including a new pay and grading model, pension scheme and a flexible benefits solution.” See here

This decision could be referred up to Council meeting on 20 October 2015

Members can view the consultation proposal here and the terms & conditions here

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