Join the original members of Lesbians & Gays Support Miners, Durham Miners Union, Barnet UNISON on #Kids4Libraries march

Barnet UNISON Press Release: 11 September 2015  

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Join the original members of Lesbians & Gays Support Miners, Durham Miners Union, Barnet UNISON on #Kids4Libraries march

Support #Kids4Libraries march 12 September

On a new civil rights battleground original members of Lesbians & Gays Support Miners, Durham Miners Union and Barnet UNISON are uniting with scores of children demanding their right to read:

Children’s March for Libraries

10.15 AM





Nicola Field and Jonathan Blake, two of the original members of LGSM which inspired the critically-acclaimed film, Pride, will be joining hundreds of school children and teenagers who are standing up for their right to professionally-run libraries this Saturday, carrying the iconic banner of the original struggle.  The march starts at East Finchley Library which is used in droves by kids and teens in increasing numbers but which is under threat of closure or de-professionalisation by the London Borough of Barnet.  Barnet is home to more children per capita than anywhere in the UK and has embarked on a self-described ‘stark’ plan to close or remove professional staff (68% cut in the staff) from as many as seven libraries, all with rapidly increasing growth of use by young people.

In advance of the crucial vote on libraries on 12th October at Hendon Town Hall at 7pm, the non-partisan, pro-literacy Save Barnet Libraries campaign has received over 10,000 signatures of support.

In addition to a major turnout of children, acclaimed members of the creative community are rallying to express their strength of feeling about this vital public service under attack.  Bafta-award winning actress Rebecca Front, novelist Alan Gibbons and award-winning performer and poet Joshua Seigal will also speak and then march with the children to Finchley Church End Library where they will be joined by a brass band and a big red bus (11.15am Church End Library, 24 Hendon Lane N3 1TR).  Footballer and author Dan Freedman will be amongst more speakers at Church End before the march continues to North Finchley Library.

Jeremy Corbyn said: ‘First I am want to add my apologies to the event and the huge admiration for Barnet UNISON. I want to send a message of support to John Burgess & the Save Barnet Libraries campaign for their tireless & inspirational community campaign to protect their local Library service. I would encourage everyone to join their Kids4Libraries this Saturday 12 September. Barnet Council are determined to outsource all of their services I salute Barnet UNISON & the community campaign for their ongoing fight to defend public services.’

Nicola Field comments about LGSM: ‘I saw workers’ rights and sexual liberation as parts of the same fight. Thatcher was out to smash the National Union of Mineworkers. She was also exploiting the Aids pandemic to demonise the increasingly confident gay movement. She, like Cameron now, wanted to create hatred and divisions in order to distract people from the cuts, privatisation and social deprivation. Today denying young people their right to read and study in a safe and non-judgemental setting is another uncaring assault on fairness and progress.’

Davey Hopper, General Secretary of the Durham Miners Association said: ‘I’m proud to bring our branch banner to march through Thatcher’s former constituency with Barnet UNISON a fighting trade union branch leading the way in the fight against austerity. As we fought the pit closures and the devastation that would have and has had on our own communities, their community campaign is fighting Library closures and proposed sacking of 68% of the staff. Solidarity to Barnet UNISON and solidarity to Save Barnet Libraries campaign.’

John Mc Donnell MP: ‘I send my support for this magnificent campaign that has brought UNISON and the local community together to protect vitally needed public services in Barnet. This campaign is an example of how to mobilise the whole community effectively in such a good cause.’

UNISON Branch Secretary John Burgess said: ‘The proposed sacking of 68 % of the workforce is clear evidence that current proposals will mean the end of a comprehensive public library service for the residents of Barnet. It is impossible to view these disgraceful proposals in isolation from what is going on across Council services across the UK. Councils have had their government funding cut by 40% since 2010, which is a deliberate attack on local democracy and public services. Our march is attempting to raise awareness within our community and wider afield of what is at stake. Our message to the Council is think again, Libraries are beacons within our communities which must be allowed to flourish.

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email:


The Council’s proposals include;

· Library staffing budget to be cut by up to 68%. It likely that even staffed libraries will not have enough workers available to maintain a sufficient level of service.

· Two or six Libraries to close

· Most remaining Libraries to be reduced in size. They could no longer house adequate book collections, or a sufficient number of computers for the public to use.  There will not be enough study space to meet the needs of students.

· Libraries will be privatised or run by a “Mutual”. There will be no guarantee they will be run for public good and not for profit.

· Libraries will be unstaffed for two thirds of their opening times.   Library users will have to rely on self-service machines and volunteers (if any can be found) for help. As a result of not having staff on site, children will be denied entry to the libraries for most of the day.

Barnet UNISON & Library Campaigners note that libraries are a vital source of reference and fiction material for the LGBT community, especially young LGBT people with teen fiction booming for this audience.  Removing access to books with either closure or expecting unpaid, untrained ‘staff’ to do the jobs of sacked professional librarians has raised concerns about a failure to provide a ‘comprehensive and efficient’ library service as required by the Libraries and Museums Act (1964) as well as failure to consider duties under the Equalities Act (2010).

The libraries Barnet has targeted for closure are experiencing an average of a 20% increase in use by children.  Barnet announced its plans following a 1% council tax cut prior to the election.

Earlier this year the Department for Culture Media and Sport reported that 70% of all children used a library last year.  Data from Nielsen for the publishing industry indicates that libraries are vital for both children and teens as they discover and explore books, despite the rise of social media.

Kids4Libraires march video

“We leave no members behind”

“We leave no members behind”

This is a commitment I am finding myself increasingly saying in meetings with members who work for a number of different employers. Whether it is our council housing repairs workers who work for Mears or members working for Capita, NSL, Barnet Council, Barnet Homes, Your Choice Barnet, Barnet College, we are all facing attacks both in the workplace but at home and in our communities as a direct result of austerity.

Austerity is responsible for our terms and conditions being attacked and that there have been no pay awards to address the increasing cost of living.

Austerity has made housing a major issue not just for our members in terms of cost but for our children who cannot afford to leave home.

What is clear, is that we cannot fight for each struggle alone, we need to support each other.

This Saturday 12 September we have organised Kids4Libraries march. The main march begins outside Church End Library and it is going to be big and it is going to be fun.

  • “In the Thick of it” actor Rebecca Front and children’s author Alan Gibbons will be on the march.
  • Durham Miners are coming to join the march
  • Lesbian and Gay Support the Miners are bringing their banner to the march.
  • London Metropolitan Band are leading the march.
  • Open Top Red Bus decorated and available for those who are unable to march.
  • Trade Union branches and community campaigns will be there.

However, more importantly it is about all Barnet UNISON members pulling together and in this case in support and solidarity for Library workers.

One of the proposals is to reduce staff by 65%!

I do not think it is right that we leave Library workers behind to fight this alone.

This is why our branch is calling on all of our members to spare a few hours this Saturday to come down and show solidarity for our fellow UNISON members.

Venue: Church End Library (5 minutes from Finchley Central Tube station).

Time: Assemble from 11 am.

See you there

John Burgess

Branch Secretary



Barnet LG Branch Nominates John Burgess for General Secretary

Barnet LG Branch Nominates John Burgess for General Secretary

Our Branch Executive Committee met on Monday to decide who we should nominate for General Secretary.

There was a brief discussion as members were clear about the candidates requesting our nomination. Ultimately people felt let down by the current leadership and desperate to see a change. Our branch is well aware of the work and leadership John has given to our branch and our campaigns and so we felt he is by far the best person for the job.

With that in mind, the committee agreed voted unanimously to nominate John Burgess.

Big thanks to UNISON branches for their support

Our members who still work for Barnet Council now face a critical moment as five outsourcing projects are due to make decision in the next five months.

The UNISON family has showed us tremendous solidarity through messages of support and donations.

We began our second phase of our campaign by launching news of our Kids4Libraries march on Saturday 12 September.

We have issued a social media campaign called Thunderclap on Twitter and Face Book and asked supporters to join by clicking on this link and signing up to support.

Here is a list of UNISON branches who have sent donations to our branch.

South Tyneside UNISON

Portsmouth UNISON

Mid Yorkshire Health UNISON

Southend UNISON


Kingston & Chelsea UNISON

Doncaster, District & B Health UNISON

Royal Devon UNISON

Rochdale UNISON

Stoke-on-Trent UNISON


West Midlands Fire UNISON

Burnley UNISON

Hert Community Healthcare UNISON

Tower Hamlets UNISON

Tunbridge Wells Borough UNISON

City of Edinburgh UNISON

Thurrock UNISON

Barking, Havering & Redbridge Health UNISON

Barking & Dagenham UNISON

North Yorkshire UNISON

Carmarthenshire County UNISON

Hillingdon UNISON

Norfolk County UNISON

North Somerset UNISON

Somerset County UNISON

Calderdale UNISON

Lothian Health UNISON

New Forest DC UNISON

Manchester UNISON

Wirral Health UNISON

Wiltshire UNISON

Charnwood Borough UNISON

Sandwell UNISON

Bath Health Care UNISON

Newcastle City UNISON

Stockport Metropolitan UNISON

Western Isles LG UNISON

East Lancashire Health UNISON

Scottish Healthcare UNISON

Hackney UNISON

West Sussex UNISON

Essex County UNISON

Barnsley UNISON

Tameside UNISON

Milton Keynes UNISON

Ashford Borough LG UNISON

Salford City UNISON (£50) & collection (£50)


Dudley Hospital Group UNISON

Falkirk UNISON

Swindon UNISON

North Tyneside UNISON


Redcar & Cleveland UNISON

Pembrokeshire UNISON

Aberdeen UNISON

Southampton District UNISON

Kirklees UNISON

Cardiff & Vale UNISON

Durham County UNISON

Mid Yorkshire Health UNISON

Bournemouth & Christchurch UNISON

Kensington & Chelsea UNISON

Gateshead LG UNISON

Wolverhampton UNISON

Orchard Health UNISON

Southwark UNISON

Hemerton UNISON

South Lanarkshire UNISON


Rotherham UNISON

York City UNISON

Croydon UNISON

Bolton Salford Trafford Mental Health UNISON

Southend UNISON

Hull City UNISON

Central Bristol Health UNISON

Knowsley UNISON

Portsmouth Trades Council

Cardiff County LG UNISON

Liverpool City UNISON

Sheffield Metropolitan UNISON

Cambridge City UNISON

Dundee City UNISON

Lothian Health UNISON


South Manchester Hospital UNISON

Surrey County UNISON

Dorset Health UNISON

Hounslow UNISON


FBU London Region

East Renfrewshire UNISON

St Helens & Knowsley Health UNISON

Southwest UNISON

Environment Agency UNISON

Winchester City UNISON

Northwick Park & St Marks UNISON

Greenpark Health UNISON

Hull & Lincoln Universities UNISON

Fenland District LG UNISON

Bolton Metro UNISON

Warwick District UNISON

South Somerset LG UNISON

Whittington Hospital Health UNISON



Hastings & Eastbourne UNISON

United Utilities UNISON

Cumbria County UNISON

Sefton Health UNISON

Oxfordshire County UNISON

Isle of Wight LG UNISON

Fareham Borough UNISON

Environment Agency Thames UNISON




Hillingdon UNISON

Cambridgeshire County UNISON


If you want to donate to ur campaign please email our branch at


Press Release: Support #Kids4Libraries march 12 September

Barnet UNISON Press Release: 2 September 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Support #Kids4Libraries march 12 September

On September 21st the Council will vote whether to accept one of three options for the future of Barnet Libraries. This will be an important decision for Barnet as libraries promote literacy and learning for all, provide access to information and enable people to engage as citizens in their local and wider communities.  But this vital contribution is threatened as the Council’s proposals appear to have been designed not to safeguard our libraries but to wreck them.

The Council’s proposals include;

Library staffing budget to be cut by up to 68%. It likely that even staffed libraries will not have enough workers available to maintain a sufficient level of service.

Two or six Libraries to close

Most remaining Libraries to be reduced in size. They could no longer house adequate book collections, or a sufficient number of computers for the public to use.  There will not be enough study space to meet the needs of students.

Libraries will be privatised or run by a “Mutual”. There will be no guarantee they will be run for public good and not for profit.

Libraries will be unstaffed for two thirds of their opening times.   Library users will have to rely on self-service machines and volunteers (if any can be found) for help. As a result of not having staff on site, children will be denied entry to the libraries for most of the day.

Adoption of any of the current options will be an act of vandalism, resulting in Barnet Libraries no longer being an inclusive, efficient and loved public service, as the accessibility and quality of the service will suffer.

This destructive plan has seen the emergence of a Save Barnet Libraries campaign which is made up of Barnet UNISON, residents and Library users.

Our next action is the Kids4Libraries march on the 12th September. More details can be found here

UNISON Branch Secretary John Burgess said: The current proposals would in effect have meant the end of a comprehensive public library service for the residents of Barnet. It is impossible to view these disgraceful proposals in isolation from what is going on across Council services across the UK. Councils have had their government funding cut by 40% since 2010, which is a deliberate attack on local democracy and public services. Our march is attempting to raise awareness within our community and wider afield of what is at stake. Our message to the Council is think again, Libraries are beacons within our communities which must be allowed to flourish.

“Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email:


Barnet UNISON launch Thunderclap in support of 12 September march.

Kids4Libraires march video

“Inappropriate, over the top, dire, painful, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, restrictive and unimaginative”

Barnet Council – Why is this happening to us?

Local authorities ‘cannot cope with further cuts’

Why is this happening to us?

The simple and straight forward answer to the above question is that Council services are being punished for the global financial crisis caused by the bankers.

On 8 July the Chancellor George Osborne published his budget which set out a vicious attack on public services and the staff who provide them. There is widespread consensus that by 2020 Councils will have had their budgets cut by 40%.

Think about that figure. No private company could survive such a cut in funding. Barnet Councils response to the austerity agenda is the ‘commissioning council’ which seeks to move staff out of the council into different employment models. Whilst expensive consultants will spin the commissioning model as a new way of working, the bottom line is that they are looking to find someone who will employ staff on cheaper terms and conditions and without access to the Council Pension Scheme.

What do we know?

I know from talking to our reps and speaking to members that everyone is exhausted, angry about the relentless attacks on staff almost on a weekly basis. Feedback we are getting from members is that more and more staff are leaving the Council, which is destabilising teams and adding to the already heavy workloads.

UNISON has raised this as a concern and linked it directly to the mass outsourcing agenda, which is not only having a negative impact on current staff but is a barrier for in house services trying to recruit new staff.

It is clear from our own direct experiences of outsourced contracts that the contractors offer inferior terms and conditions; and they are not offering new staff the opportunity to be part of the Council pension scheme.

So when the Council talks about risk, it is the staff that are taking on all of the risk.

We will be speaking with our local reps and members about our responses to the following major outsourcing decisions (see below).

1. The future of the Library Services will be decided on Monday 21 September Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee.

2. The future of the Education & Skills and School Meals will be decided on Wednesday 18 November at the Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee.

3. The future of our Children’s Centres will be decided on Wednesday 18 November 2015 Children’s, Education, Libraries & Safeguarding Committee.

4. The future of Adults and Communities will be decided on Thursday 12 November Adults and Safeguarding Committee.

5. The future of Street Scene Services will be decided on Monday 11 January 2016 at the Environment Committee.

Barnet UNISON branch meetings

9 September 12 noon in Oak Room, Building 4, NLBP

1 102 103 104 105 106 230