Pay cuts don’t pay the bills – Join 10 July strike

“We have learnt on the eve of the strike that the government is making it clear that all public sector workers will have to endure a further four years of pay cuts. Our members have had to take a 20% cut in pay on the back of the ongoing ‘cost of living’ crisis. Our members cannot afford to take a further cut of up to 20%. Pay cuts won’t pay the rent or the mortgage, pay cuts don’t pay the food bill, pay cuts don’t pay the heating and water bills. When the Council asks for the council tax bills will they accept no payment for the next four years?


The coming strike on Thursday, is part of a national campaign which is as much about fair funding for local government as it is about fair pay for local government workers. The future for local government funding is perched at the edge of a financial precipice. It is important for staff, residents, services users, parents & carers to take the opportunity on Thursday 10 July to make their voice heard loud and clear for fair funding for locally delivered public services.”

John Burgess UNISON Branch Secretary