Barnet UNISON Press Release: “Judicial Review: “Victory, Victory how does 400 redundancies equal victory?”

30 April 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Yesterday was a very sad day in the employment history of Barnet Council. Lord Justice Underhill, sitting in the high court, ruled against a severely disabled Barnet resident, Maria Nash, who challenged the north London council’s proposed contract with Capita on the basis that it failed to consult before outsourcing.

John Burgess UNISON Branch Secretary said:

“I have seen numerous reports in the media and the word which I really take great exception to is the use of “Victory”. In particularly this line:  “This is a clear and complete victory for the council. We won and our opponents lost.” (Leader Barnet Council 29 April 2013)


For those unfamiliar with the human casualties arising from the One Barnet mass outsourcing programme, there are almost 1000 jobs affected by this decision. There are at least 400 local jobs at risk of redundancy in the next 12 months as a result of Capita’s plan to relocate jobs to Belfast, Carlisle, Southampton, Blackburn to name but a few locations.


Barnet Council deliberately chose not to include a clause in the tender to include a requirement from the winning contractor to bring jobs into our community. Only last week I had to sit in a Full Council meeting and listen to the Deputy Leader of Barnet Council say the following:

“In Quarter 2 2012/13, Barnet was ranked in second place in London for the total number of ‘high performing and low cost’ services” (Deputy Leader, Barnet Council April 2013)


Up and down the country some politicians are standing shoulder to shoulder with their communities fighting to keep jobs local. BUT here in Barnet our members are saying hard work and loyalty count for nothing. 

Our next task will be to enter into urgent negotiations with Capita to try and see if they will change their plans to ship hundreds of jobs out of our community and instead deliver services here in Barnet and so avoid hundreds of redundancies.”

***** Ends *****

Notes to Editors.

Contact details: John Burgess Barnet UNISON on 07738389569 or 0208 359 2088 or email:


1. Update on true cost of Capita NSCSO outsourcing click here

2. Details of jobs lost to the community here

3. Capita – Update on TUPE consultation – For details click here

4. 397 jobs “The true cost of One Barnet outsourcing” details click here

5. To view link to the Judgement here