NJC Pay Dispute 2014 – UNISON’s response to the employer scaremongering.

3 July 2014

Dear UNISON Member

NJC Pay Dispute 2014 – UNISON’s response to the employer scaremongering.

This briefing outlines UNISON’s response to the letters or briefings that you will doubtless be receiving from your council’s Chief Executive or Leader in response to our notice of strike action in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on 10 July.

Your employer is entitled to communicate with you about the strike – but they may try to convince you to come into work on 10th July and not take part in what is a day of lawful industrial action across England Wales and Northern Ireland. Don’t let them put the frighteners on you.

All local authorities have been encouraged to apply pressure on you not to take part by the Local Government Association – the body that has:


  • made the insulting 1% pay offer
  • overseen a 20% reduction in the real value of your pay since 2010
  • published a guide for your council on how to rip up your terms and conditions
  • …and refused further talks on a fair pay settlement or even to go to ACAS for arbitration – they think you’re not worth going to ACAS for


The employer’s offer: The employers have offered just 1% to 90% of the workforce on NJC scale point 11 and above. Those on scale points 5 – 10 have been offered just enough to keep them barely above the National Minimum Wage – the lowest possible legal pay rate. That’s how little the workforce is valued. It’s a scandal.

To view full rebuttal click here