UNISON respond to Capita proposal to move jobs out of the community

25 June 2013

Dear Kelly  

Re: Response to your Measures letter dated 24 May 2013.

Thank you for your Final Measures letter which outlines the significant Measures to be implemented after TUPE transfer. This response also refers to previous Measures letters dated 7 January and 25 March 2013 (see enclosed).

As per the TUPE Regulations whilst some information has been provided to the Trade Union during the pre TUPE consultation, it is simply not possible for UNISON as per the requirements under the TUPE Regulations to be in a position to be able appraise the suitability of the Capita Business Case solution without detailed financial and commercial data.

In the absence of the above information it is still UNISON’s view that whilst you are seeking to relocate services out of the borough we think you should look at keeping services in Barnet.

To view full response click here